[POTKU] Slab-analysis bug for beam vs cut files

Laitinen, Mikko mikko.i.laitinen at jyu.fi
Fri Aug 21 12:55:49 EEST 2020

Dear Users of Potku,

- There is a bug that currently "forgets" the beam, after the cut file is determined as RBS element (ie. the scattered beam is used for depth profile). In principle this can be changed just by renaming the RBS cut file from the data folder but we try to get this fixed within a week. 

- Mac users also experience startup issues. this is known issue and we are working on it.

- Data import for (Jyväskylä DAQ based- ) ".event" -files has also a new bug, which is also under a correction.

These bugs have been appeared to the "already working code" due to refactoring of the code to separate codes called front end (visible screen with buttons, data and graphs) and the back end (physics calculations and data processing). 
This refactoring has been done already during the spring time 2020 when new www-based, OS-independent, and open data enabling ePotku code has been developed together with the existing "tabletop" Potku. We apologies for these inconveniences, but continue the development with active phase. If encountering problems, please continue to report those to us so that we can correct the issues.

best regards from Jyväskylä,


Mikko Laitinen, Researcher
University of Jyväskylä
Department of Physics
Postal address: University of Jyväskylä,
Department of Physics, P.O. Box 35,
40014, Finland
Street address: Survontie 9 D, Ylistönrinne, Jyväskylä

Office: +358 40 8054 113
Personal: +358 400 99 48 36
Telefax: +358 14 617 411
E-mail address: mikko.i.laitinen at jyu.fi

What was necessary, was done by yesterday;
We're currently working on the impossible;
For miracles, we ask for a 24 hours notice ... :)

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