[f(k)] Fw: Reminder: colloquium tomorrow!
Antero Voutilainen
aevoutiv at student.jyu.fi
Thu Oct 6 17:58:13 EEST 2022
Heipä hei fyysikkokerholaiset ja muut opiskelijat! Hello physicist' club members and other students!
eng. below.
Olemme aloittaneet yhteistyön fysiikan laitoksen kollokvion järjestäjien kanssa, ja tästedes ilmoitukset kollokviosta tulee jäsenistön listalle sekä muille fysiikan kandi-/maisteriopiskelijoille. Tässä ensimmäinen ilmoitus huomisesta kollokviosta, jossa Kerttuli Helariutta tulee kertomaan Helsingin kiihdytinlaboratoriosta ja siellä tehtävästä tutkimuksesta!
Mikä kollokvio? Lisää tietoa nettisivuiltamme:
Lukkoon lyötyjä aikatauluja:
We have started cooperation with the organizers of the physics department's colloquium, and from now on, announcements about the colloquium will be sent to the membership list and to other bachelor's/master's students in physics. Here is the first announcement about tomorrow's colloquium, where Kerttuli Helariutta will talk about the Helsinki Accelerator Laboratory and the research being done there!
What colloquium? More information on our website:
Locked schedules:
Terveisin / Regards,
Antero Voutilainen
F(k), puheenjohtaja / chairman
------ Forwarded Message --------
From: Moore, Iain <iain.d.moore at jyu.fi>
Date: 6.10.2022 14.24.54
Subject: Reminder: colloquium tomorrow!
To: jyflstaff at korppi.jyu.fi <jyflstaff at korppi.jyu.fi>
Welcome to the University of Jyväskylä physics colloquium.
Tomorrow: at 10 am in FYS1 and Zoom [https://jyufi.zoom.us/j/66703175507] (passcode 890524):
Kerttuli Helariutta, University of Helsinki
Helsinki Accelerator Laboratory
Join a lecture hall tour to Helsinki Accelerator laboratory, the laboratory for experimental and computational materials physics! In the tour you will get acquainted with the experimental facilities of the laboratory, as well as get a taste of the activities around them - ion beam analyses, positron annihilation spectrometry and thin film fabrication.
Coffee will be served in the lobby. You can also join via Zoom. Zoomers will unfortunately have to prepare their own coffee. We will do our best to make sure that everyone is capable of listening to the talk and asking questions. However, we ask for some patience in case of small technical glitches.
The confirmed near-future colloquium talks are
4.11. Bas Hensen (Leiden) Can quantum entanglement be created through gravity (tentative)
11.11. Milica Todorovic (Turku) Computational materials engineering with active learning
2.12. Ferrucio Renzoni (UCL) Atomic magnetometry
Do you wish to suggest further topics for the colloquium? You can do so at Café JYFL [https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/ap/w-59584e83/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fjyu.sharepoint.com%2F%3Aw%3A%2Fr%2Fsites%2FCafJYFLDepartmentofPhysics%2FJaetut%2520asiakirjat%2FGeneral%2FPhysics%2520colloquium%2520ideas.docx%3Fd%3Dw888a107ea28543c7a9bc331f12a99995%26csf%3D1%26web%3D1%26e%3Dr5iubT&data=05%7C01%7C%7C2d26b2656c8146717f4a08daa78d60b8%7Ce9662d58caa44bc1b138c8b1acab5a11%7C1%7C0%7C638006522896956387%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=Ii3su047D8EM%2BdD5k38B57IKXZo%2FIok8aq96bbLragA%3D&reserved=0]. There are still many open slots (and budget) for the fall, so suggestions are welcome.
Iain Moore
Department of Physics
PB 35 (YFL)
Office Tel: +358 40 805 4103
Mobile Tel: +358 40 589 1929
Fax: +358 14 617 411
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