[f(k)] VL: Intensive course on calorimeter physics
Mäntysaari Heikki
heikki.mantysaari at jyu.fi
Thu Aug 16 15:56:39 EEST 2012
Mielenkiintoinen kurssi tarjolla heti lukuvuoden alussa hiukkas- ja ydinfyysikoille, kts. viesti alla.
Lähettäjä: Räsänen Sami
Aihe: Intensive course on calorimeter physics
Dear all,
Gabor David from PHENIX experiment, at RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion
Collider) in Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), will give an intensive
course on electromagnetic calorimeters and physics analysis with them. His
lectures take place Monday 10.9. - Wednesday 19.9. This is an opportunity
to study the subject with a world class expert who has dedicated his
career for building calorimeters and making data analysis from the results
- and also teaching the next generation.
The plan is that a student can enter the course after studying either
particle physics OR nuclear physics I. Due to that, two introductory
lectures are given by me in previous week, 6.-7.9., to give a flavor of
relativistic heavy ion physics mainly to students that do not have a
particle physics background.
The course consists of basic of calorimeters technical aspects, physics
goals and exercises with real data. The latter means that some programming
is involved but with the assumption is that the participant is not
familiar with particle physics data analysis tools.
Please spread word around your students, friends and Isobaari. I and the
course assistant, Norbert Novitzky, are happy to provide more details,
you'll find us from office FL309. Norbert has conducted photon research in
PHENIX experiment with Gabor and will defend his PhD thesis on the topic.
We would be very happy to get a feeling on background of students that
enter the course.
Korppi: FYSH460: Photon Analysis Using Electromagnetic Calorimeters (3 cr)
Gabor will also give a Department Colloquium on Friday 14th September.
Best regards,
-Sami Räsänen
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