From jaakko.julin at Thu Jun 20 16:19:38 2024 From: jaakko.julin at (Julin, Jaakko) Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 13:19:38 +0000 Subject: [POTKU] Potku 2.3.0 released Message-ID: <> Dear Potku users, Potku 2.3.0 has been released today and is available from GitHub. There were some last minute issues due to NumPy 2.0.0 being released, but I hope the latest version works... If not, let me know. Download from here: List of changes: Some larger changes have been happening, but mostly under the hood: - Electronic stopping data is obtained using JIBAL (this was previously only for MCERD), replacing the legacy "total stopping" (*.tot) files - Masses (AME2020) and isotopic abundances (CIAAW averages) are also obtained from JIBAL. Some abundances have changed and there was a bug in the calculation of average masses (in Python code, did not affect depth profile calculation, but did affect simulations slightly). - The extremely buggy and totally incomprehensible "tof_list" code, responsible for applying detection efficiency correction and ToF-calibration to list-mode events, has been rewritten from scratch. The successor is now called "tofe_list" and it does exactly the same thing as tof_list did before, but is hopefully less buggy and easier to maintain. You may notice less text output in the command line window (this will disappear at some point), but log files will be written in the "Depth_files" directory whenever you compute depth profiles and error messages are shown in the user interface if this program is misbehaving. - Depth profiles should be computed faster, as parallel processing is now used to calculate the depths of the individual recoil events. - Sample and measurement names now accept spaces and other characters besides A-Z. Use this power carefully and report bugs if you find them. - Elements up to 118 (Og) are now named in the periodic table according to IUPAC names. Elements up to 92 (U) are supported (and SRIM 2013 stopping data is included). macOS users: - Disk image (DMG) packaging is being planned, meanwhile remember to run "xattr -d -r potku" to remove the quarantine from potku directory. Run potku with ./potku from the terminal from the directory. - The GitHub releases are now by default compiled for Apple silicon (M1 or later), if you have an Intel processor you need to download the source codes of Potku (or complain loudly enough to me). There are also a couple of usability improvements and bugfixes. Not all known bugs have been fixed due to lack of time. Please report any new bugs (since 2.2.5) directly to me, since I am probably responsible for them. The latest Potku uses the latest Python and all Python packages have been updated too, so there may be small bugs hiding in the corners. I would be happy to hear if you *don't* have any problems or complaints, too :) Happy solstice! Jaakko -- Jaakko Julin, PhD Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä Tel. +358 50 478 6328