[POTKU] MacOs and Windows builds updated for Potku

Laitinen, Mikko mikko.i.laitinen at jyu.fi
Mon Sep 20 09:09:21 EEST 2021

Dear Potku users,

for the MacOS users, the previous ready build update was from the last December but now there's a new mac compiled version available dated 07092021:
And also for windows users.

I recommend everyone to download and unzip the newest versions, those have many new improvements - at least compared to the "before summer 2021"-versions. Of course one can keep the older version in their existing folder also as these are independent bundles  with just .exe files without the need to install anything (even though they use the same request.ini files).

Please, if you note some peculiarities or something to improve, give feedback directly to me.
Now there's a high possibility that those are taken care of in a rapid manner, as at the moment I have 3 students working with the Potku code.

all the best,


Mikko Laitinen, PhD, Docent
Academy Research Fellow
Department of Physics, Accelerator Laboratory
Postal address: University of Jyväskylä,
Department of Physics, P.O. Box 35, FI-40014, Finland
Street address: Survontie 9 D, Ylistönrinne, Jyväskylä
Work phone: +358 40 8054 113
E-mail address: mikko.i.laitinen at jyu.fi

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