[POTKU] Potku 2.0 New versions with independent isotope efficiencies

Laitinen, Mikko mikko.i.laitinen at jyu.fi
Fri Dec 21 10:04:07 EET 2018

Dear Potku users, It's holiday time and presents for everyone!

Potku 2.0 is now updated with several bug fixes from the original September 2018  launch.
Potku pages are:
and the quick start manual is directly from:

New setup packages are here (Linux, Win, Mac):
(unpack the zip, and windows users just click the potku.exe icon, mac users most likely need to start the same file from the command line..)
The actual running of new version should now work better for old (2013) potku users also, one problem was the possibly existing "potku.ini" file, which is nowadays "potku2.ini"

What has been done, short notes:

Potku 2.0  -  21st of December 2018

    Bug corrected downloads for Windows (7-10), Mac (High Sierra ++), Linux (Ubuntu, at least) are here.
        No installation is needed, old Potku versions are not affected. (was due to same named .ini file, previously)
        Mac version might need to be started from the command line, not from the icon.
        Example efficiency files are also provided, mac versions filename extension might need to be changed a bit.
    Corrected bugs - and need to know 'bugs':
        potku.ini file is now potku2.ini file - previous users of 2013 version of potku had difficulties starting the new potku previously.
        Carbon foil handling was messed in the previous Potku 2 release (nm was given but ug/cm2 was used in the old code). Now only nm and g/cm3  units are requested from the user.
        Timing foil can only deal single foil layer, and it is dealt as carbon (by erd_depth.exe). this apply to the measurement side of the Potku. For MCERD side, multiple layers in timing foil(s) should be handeld ok.  This affected to the ToF-calibration as well as depth profile calculations
        Isotopes can now have independent efficiencies corrected.  eg. 1H.eff  for Hydrogen and 2H.eff  for Deuterium.
        Multiple minor bugs

For your information, note the carbon foil exclusions for the measurement side and long filename -note or "No dots in the filename":
TODO after December 2018:

last change: 21-Dec-2018 Mikko Laitinen

- gsto binary cannot handle compounds eg. al2O3  but only Si, C at the timing foil
- foil info, is only thickness and it is "carbon by default", what ever foil info says ->MCERD side can handle multiple foil layers, slab data-analysis cannot (21.12.2018)
- file paths (esp. cut files, since they are in deepest part of the request structure) cannot be too long (keep under 256), otherwise the binaries won't work
- there can be no dots in the file paths before the dot in request name (.potku)! e.g. composition changes cut handling shows weird names in labels
- in MCERD, experimental(or simulated?) binning does thigns wrong when plotting simulation and exp profile to same energy-plot !!! default 0.1 binning seem to work ok..?

- also ratio tool gives relatively often NaN??
- ANNOYING: in recoil composition, when pressing right mouse button in one point on the distribution, the zeem level jumps to full zoom.-> should not change the zoom conditions
- in recoil distribution, if Y value for point is given by user to "0" = zero,  the position cannot be changed anymore, or the point deleted ->now only undo works..

- Fluence calculation using (time + beam charge + current  or  beam charge + charge)
- recoil atom distribution initial (calculation) based on the target composition
- sample name and description modifying and showing to user
- renaming of the request
- renaming of the sample
- one cannot calculate spectra using cutfiles made from the same element or isotope (now can be different isotopes but "cut1" and "cut2" cannot be compared for same element)
	- depth profiles are not accurate, if there are multiple selections of the same element
	  this is because the output files of erd_depth lose the information of what cut file they were generated from.

Give us feedback of the Potku, write to the list or directly to me.



Mikko Laitinen, Researcher
University of Jyväskylä
Department of Physics
Postal address: University of Jyväskylä,
Department of Physics, P.O. Box 35,
40014, Finland
Street address: Survontie 9, Ylistönrinne, Jyväskylä

Office: +358 40 8054 113
Personal: +358 400 99 48 36
Telefax: +358 14 617 411
E-mail address: mikko.i.laitinen at jyu.fi

What was necessary, was done by yesterday;
We're currently working on the impossible;
For miracles, we ask for a 24 hours notice ... :)

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