[Linkki] Tiedote välitettäväksi opiskelijoille

Mauri Leppänen mauri at cs.jyu.fi
Thu Jan 22 14:38:35 EET 2009

Tiedote kevään uusista opintojaksoista


Tietojenkäsittelytieteiden laitos järjestää tänä keväänä kaksi uutta
kurssia, joita ei ole mainittu opinto-oppaassa. Nämä ovat ”Tietokannat ja
tiedon louhinta” ja ”Software product line engineering and management”.
Edellisestä opintojaksosta kuvaus, ajat ja paikat ovatkin jo Korpissa
tusID=0&course=65245> &course=65245 ), jälkimmäisestä opintojaksosta tiedot
ovat tulossa sinne lähipäivinä. Niitä odotellessa voitte tutustua kurssiin
alla olevan kuvauksen avulla. Molemmat kurssit täydentävät erinomaisella
tavalla laitoksen opetustarjontaa erityisesti järjestelmän kehittämisen
alueelta. Käyttäkää hyödyksenne.


t. Mauri Leppänen


Software product line engineering and management

“Software has become the key asset for competitive products in practically
all industries. Thus, competitiveness in software development has become a
concern for companies. There are two primary strategies to deal with this
concern: increasing the competitiveness internally through methods such as
large-scale reuse of existing software assets or externally by outsourcing
software development activities to third party vendors. Additionally,
companies may choose to enact both strategies in parallel. 


Software product line engineering is an industrially validated methodology
for developing software products and software-intensive systems faster, at
lower costs, and with better quality and higher end-user satisfaction. It
enables strategic use of requirements, features, pieces of software code,
test cases, and numerous other software assets across the products in a
software product line. It also facilitates the design of human-computer
interfaces and highly usable software products and helps make the products
within a product line look and feel similar. As a result, it has gained
increasing global attention during this decade. It has been leveraged widely
in business-to-business settings (e.g., designing and selling product suites
that enable entire enterprise architectures) and business-to-consumer
settings (e.g., office products, platforms for cellular phones). 


Software product line engineering differs from single-system engineering in
two primary ways:

1.	It requires two distinct development processes: domain engineering
and application engineering. Domain engineering defines and realizes the
commonality and variability of a software product line, thus establishing a
common software platform for developing high-quality applications rapidly
within the line. Application engineering derives specific applications by
strategically reusing the platform and by exploiting the variability built
into the platform.
2.	It needs to explicitly define and manage variability. During domain
engineering, variability is introduced into all domain artifacts such as
requirements, architectural models, components, and test cases. It is
exploited during application engineering in order to derive applications
tailored to the needs of different customers.


Because multiple products that share similar features should be considered
in software product line engineering, the complexity of software product
line engineering is high compared to single software product engineering.
This course enables the students understand the key concepts of software
product line engineering, apply them in industrial settings, and conduct
graduate and post-graduate level research in the area of software product
line engineering.


The course will be conducted through lectures and seminars (app. 40 hours)
and a final exam.”




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