[f(k)] Kollokvio: 24.02.2017

Joonas Ojala joonas.k.ojala at student.jyu.fi
Tue Feb 21 12:31:26 EET 2017


Fyysikkokerhoa pyydettiin informoimaan kerholaisia tulevalla kollokviolla.
Tulkaa kuuntelemaan Fys1  24.02 klo 10:00




Ao. kollokvio voisi olla sopiva myös fyysikkokerholaisille?   T.  Rauno

Welcome to the physics colloquium on Friday the 24th February 2017 at 10 am
in FYS1:

*Tapio Mappes, *

Department of Biological and Environmental Science, University of Jyväskylä

*Radiation effects in the wild – two replicates caused by nuclear accidents*

Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear accidents provide unique opportunities to
explore the eco-evolutionary impacts

of chronic exposure to low-dose radioactive contaminants on wild
populations of animals.

Here I will show the latest results of studies conducted in these
contaminated ecosystems,

and suggest the possible ecological, physiological and genetic mechanisms
which may modify

the radiation effects on the most vulnerable organs like brains, heart, eye
lenses, and sperm.
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