[f(k)] Hakuilmoitus: Vaisala Giant Leap Summer Internship Program – Apply now!

Heikki Mäntysaari heikki.mantysaari at jyu.fi
Thu Jan 17 10:24:23 EET 2013


Välitänpä tällaisen hakuilmoituksen, saattanee kiinnostaa JYFLin

Heikki Mäntysaari
Sihteeri, f(k)


Interested in a summer internship, but don't want to settle for just
anything? Then look no further – Vaisala Giant Leap Internship Program
is the one for you.


Challenging but rewarding, Vaisala Giant Leap offers interns meaningful
assignments on real-life challenges that have genuine business
relevance. The program is designed for 3+ year students in a university
or polytechnic with a variety of skills, qualities and educational
backgrounds. This year’s projects deal with supply chain sustainability,
next-generation optical gas sensors, dynamic calibration, and software
and service offering development, for example. 


So – come as you are, just as long as you're curious. Go to
www.vaisala.com/giantleap for more details on project contents,
requirements and instructions on how to apply, and like us on Facebook
www.facebook.com/VaisalaGiantLeap to make sure you’re in the Giant Leap


Be sure to send in your application by February 10th, we're looking
forward to hearing from you!


Vaisala Giant Leap Team


Ps. Check out this video on Youtube  to find out about Sakari’s
experiences about Giant Leap! Sakari joined Vaisala last summer through
Giant Leap internship and now works as a procurement analyst. 


Mari Kattilamäki | Human Resources Consultant
Vaisala Oyj, Human Resources, Finland 
Mobile +358 40 450 4916 | Other numbers +358 50 572 4372
Email mari.kattilamaki at vaisala.com | www.vaisala.com
Follow us on: Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | LinkedIn

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