[f(k)] Colloquium by Wendland, Fri 29.4. at 10 in FYS1

Kari J. Eskola kari.eskola at phys.jyu.fi
Fri Apr 29 09:10:52 EEST 2011

Good morning everybody,

remember: the JYFL Colloquium soon today, at 10 in FYS1.


On 28.4.2011 15:12, Kari J. Eskola wrote:
> Dear all,
> welcome to this week's JYFL Colloquium, Fri 29 April, at 10:15 in 
> FYS1, and coffee at 10:00.
> Speaker: Lauri Wendland, Helsinki Institute of Physics
> Title: Status of Higgs Boson Searches in the CMS Experiment at the 
> Abstract:
> The breaking of the electroweak symmetry is the last unconfirmed part 
> of the standard model of particle physics, which describes elementary 
> particles and their interactions. The spontaneous breaking of the 
> electroweak symmetry is assumed to account for the generation of 
> masses of different particles through the Higgs mechanism. The Higgs 
> mechanism requires, however, the existence of one or more Higgs 
> bosons, which so far have not been experimentally discovered. Since 
> the mass of the Higgs boson is limited by theoretical constraints 
> below the TeV energy scale, the LHC and its general-purpose detectors, 
> including the CMS experiment [1], are, for the first time, in a 
> position to either confirm or exclude the existence of the Higgs boson.
> The current status of efforts for finding the Higgs boson at the CMS 
> experiment is discussed for both the standard model (SM) and the 
> minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), the currently most 
> prominent theory to extend the standard model to a more general 
> theory. Results of the following four different Higgs boson searches 
> are presented [2-5]:
> . SM Higgs boson search in
>     H  -->  W^+ W^-  -->  (l^+ nu_l) (l^- nu_l),
> . MSSM heavy neutral Higgs boson search in
>     H/A -->  tau^+ tau^-  -->  (e^± nu_e nu_tau ) (?^? nu_? nu_? ) or 
> (tau^±_hadr nu_? )(l^? nu_l nu_tau ),
> . MSSM light charged Higgs bosons search in
>       t tbar --> (b H^±) (bbar W^?)  -->  (b tau^± nu_tau )(bbar l^? 
> nu_l) -->  (b tau^±_hadr nu_tau nu_tau )(bbar l^?nu_l), and
> . doubly charged Higgs boson search in Higgs triplet models via
>     Z/gamma --> ?^++ ?^-- --> (l^+l^+) (l^-l^-)  and W^± --> ?^++ ?^- 
> --> (l^+l^+)(l^- nu_l),
> where l = e or ? and tau_hadr denotes hadronic tau decays. The results 
> are based on the 36 pb^-1 of data collected in 2010. No excess of 
> events has been observed over the SM backgrounds, but sensitivity is 
> found to be good enough to experimentally narrow down the existing 
> mass limits in some of the analyzed decay channels. Therefore, the 
> data to be collected during 2011 has already the potential to show 
> first hints of the elusive Higgs boson or to exclude its existence 
> over a large area of parameter space.
> References
> [1] The CMS Collaboration, "The CMS Experiment at the CERN LHC", JINST 
> 3:S08004 (2008)
> [2] The CMS Collaboration, "Measurement of W+W- Production and Search 
> for the Higgs Boson in pp Collisions at ps=7 TeV", Phys. Lett. B 699 
> (2011) 25-47, arXiv:1102.5429
> [3] The CMS Collaboration, "Search for Neutral MSSM Higgs Bosons 
> Decaying to Tau Pairs in pp Collisions at ps=7 TeV", submitted to 
> Phys.Rev.Lett., arXiv:1104.1619
> [4] The CMS Collaboration, "Search for the charged Higgs boson in the 
> etau and mutau dilepton channels of top quark pair decays", 
> CMS-PAS-HIG-11-002
> [5] The CMS Collaboration, "Search four doubly charged Higgs to 
> charged leptons", CMS-PAS-HIG-11-001
> See you all there!
>     Kari Eskola and Ilari Maasilta

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