[Fencommits] fenserve: split into several modules

Benja Fallenstein benja.fallenstein at gmail.com
Fri May 25 17:13:21 EEST 2007

Fri May 25 17:12:36 EEST 2007  Benja Fallenstein <benja.fallenstein at gmail.com>
  * split into several modules
diff -rN -u old-fenserve/fendata/Main.hs new-fenserve/fendata/Main.hs
--- old-fenserve/fendata/Main.hs	2007-05-25 17:13:21.000000000 +0300
+++ new-fenserve/fendata/Main.hs	2007-05-25 17:13:21.000000000 +0300
@@ -1,202 +1,24 @@
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
 import HTML
+import Potions
+import PotionTypes
+import UI
+import Utils
 import HAppS hiding (Body, getPath)
 import Control.Monad.State
 import Data.Generics (Typeable, Data, everywhere, mkT)
 import Data.Binary hiding (get,put)
-import Data.List (intersperse)
 import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust)
 import Data.Map (Map)
 import qualified Data.Map as Map
 import Data.Set (Set)
 import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import Data.Char (toUpper, toLower)
 import qualified System.IO.Unsafe
 import qualified Control.Exception
-header = HTML "<head><style>a.editLink { text-decoration: none; color: inherit} \
-         \button {\
-         \    cursor: pointer; background: none; border: none; \
-         \    font: inherit; margin: 0; padding: 0 } \
-         \.potion, .editPotion {\
-         \    border: dashed black 1px; padding: 2px; \
-         \    margin: 2px; line-height: 90% } \
-         \span.editPotion:hover { background: #eee } \
-         \span.editPotion:hover span.editPotion:hover { background: #ddd } \
-         \span.editPotion:hover span.editPotion:hover span.editPotion:hover { background: #ccc } \
-         \span.editPotion:hover span.editPotion:hover span.editPotion:hover { background: #bbb } \
-         \span.editPotion:hover span.editPotion:hover span.editPotion:hover span.editPotion:hover { background: #aaa } \
-         \.footer { font-size: small; font-style:italic; color: #888; \
-         \          padding-top: 2em; clear: both; text-align: justify } \
-         \.logo {border: 2px solid #eee; margin: 0.5em; float: left} \
-         \.header {border: 1px solid white; margin-bottom: 2em; clear: both} \
-         \h1 {border-bottom: 1px solid black} \
-         \body {margin-left: 100px; margin-right: 100px} \
-         \.content {float: right; width: 80% } \
-         \.sidebar {float: left; width: 15%; font-size: small } \
-         \h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-family: sans-serif } \
-         \</style><title>Fendata demo</title></head>"
-type Id = Int
-data Item = Item { itemFields :: Map String String, itemCategories :: Set String }
-    deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data)
-data Type = Type { typeQuestion :: String }
-    deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Eq, Ord)
-catType name = Type ("which " ++ name ++ "?")
-string = Type "which text?"
-action = Type "Do what?"
-data Fun = Fun [Type] [HTML] Exp
-         | FieldFun String String
-         | CatFun String
-         | AddItemFun String [String]
-    deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Eq, Ord)
-readFun :: MyState -> String -> Fun
-readFun s n | ((r,""):_) <- reads n = r
-            | otherwise = statePotions s Map.! n
-funType (Fun _ _ exp) = expType exp
-funType (FieldFun _ _) = string
-funType (CatFun cat) = catType cat
-funType (AddItemFun _ _) = action
-funTypes (Fun ts _ _) = ts
-funTypes (FieldFun cat _) = [catType cat]
-funTypes (CatFun _) = []
-funTypes (AddItemFun _ fs) = map (const string) fs
-funParts (Fun _ ps _) = ps
-funParts (FieldFun _ name) = map toHTML ["the "++name++" of ", ""]
-funParts (CatFun cat) = map toHTML ["all the " ++ cat ++ "s in the system"]
-funParts (AddItemFun cat fs) = map toHTML $
-                               ["Add a new "++cat++" with "] ++
-                               [" as the "++f++", and " | f <- init fs] ++
-                               [" as the "++last fs++"."]
-for :: [a] -> (a -> b) -> [b]
-for = flip map
-concatFor :: [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]
-concatFor = flip concatMap
-getPotions :: MyState -> [Exp]
-getPotions s = map f (Map.toList $ statePotions s)
-            ++ [Concat []]
-            ++ concatFor (Map.toList $ stateSchema s) (\(cat,fs) ->
-                   Call (show $ CatFun cat) []
-                 : Forall (catType cat) 0 Nothing Nothing
-                 : map (\f -> Call (show $ FieldFun cat f) [Nothing]) fs) where
-    f (n, Fun ts _ _) = Call n (replicate (length ts) Nothing)
-data Exp = Call String [Maybe Exp]
-         | Var Int
-         | Forall Type Int (Maybe Exp) (Maybe Exp)
-         | Concat [Maybe Exp]
-         | Str String
-    deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Eq, Ord)
-expType (Call fun _) = funType $ readFun ?state fun
-expType (Var _) = error "no type inference yet"
-expType (Forall _ _ _ _) = string
-expType (Concat _) = string
-expType (Str _) = string
-editLink :: (?link :: Bool, ?name :: Maybe String, ?root :: String, 
-             ToHTML a) => (Exp -> Exp) -> Exp -> Type -> a -> HTML
-editLink f old t s | not ?link = toHTML s | otherwise =
-  flip (tag "a") s [("class", "editLink"), ("href",
-      ?root++"edit?exp="++(escape' $ show $ f $ Var (-1))++"&old="++(escape' $ show old)++"&type="++show t
-    ++maybe "" ("&name="++) ?name)]
-renderMaybeExp (Just exp) cx ty = renderExp exp cx ty
-renderMaybeExp Nothing cx ty = editLink cx (Var 0) ty $ bold $
-                               "[" +++ typeQuestion ty +++ "]"
-renderMaybeExp' (Just exp) cx ty = renderExp' exp cx ty
-renderMaybeExp' Nothing cx ty = editLink cx (Var 0) ty $ surroundSpan $ bold $
-                                "[" +++ typeQuestion ty +++ "]"
-renderExp :: (?state :: MyState, ?link :: Bool, ?name :: Maybe String, 
-              ?root :: String) => Exp -> (Exp -> Exp) -> Type -> HTML
-renderExp exp@(Call fname args) cx ty = f (funTypes fun) (funParts fun) args 0 where
-    fun = readFun ?state fname
-    cx' n e = cx $ Call fname $ take n args ++ [Just e] ++ drop (n+1) args
-    f []     [x]    _      n = editLink cx exp ty x
-    f (t:ts) (x:xs) (y:ys) n = 
-        editLink cx exp ty x +++ renderMaybeExp' y (cx' n) t +++ f ts xs ys (n+1)
-renderExp exp@(Var i) cx ty = editLink cx exp ty (renderVar i)
-renderExp e0@(Forall t i exp body) cx _ = editLink cx e0 string "For each of " +++ renderMaybeExp' exp (\e -> cx $ Forall t i (Just e) body) t
-                            +++ editLink cx e0 string (" (call it '" +++ renderVar i +++ "'):\n")
-                            +++ tag' "blockquote" (renderMaybeExp body (\e -> cx $ Forall t i exp (Just e)) string)
-renderExp (Str s) cx _ = tag "small" [] $ quoteP s
-renderExp exp@(Concat exps) cx _ = para $ catMap (\(xs,x,xs') -> renderMaybeExp' x (\e -> cx (Concat (xs ++ [Just e] ++ xs'))) string) (slices exps) +++ if ?link then para $ editLink cx exp string "[edit]" else toHTML ""
-renderExp' e@(Str _) cx ty = renderExp e cx ty
-renderExp' e cx ty = surroundSpan (renderExp e cx ty)
-surroundSpan s = tag "span" [("class", if ?link then "editPotion" else "potion")] s
-slices xs = map (\i -> (take i xs, xs !! i, drop (i+1) xs)) [0..length xs-1]
-renderVar i = ital [toEnum (fromEnum 'a' + i) :: Char]
-isComplete :: Exp -> Bool
-isComplete (Call _ args)  = all (maybe False isComplete) args
-isComplete (Forall _ _ exp body) = all (maybe False isComplete) [exp, body]
-isComplete (Var _)        = True
-isComplete (Concat exps)    = all (maybe False isComplete) exps
-isComplete (Str _)        = True
-type Env = Map Int Value
-type Value = String
-runExp :: Env -> Exp -> StateT MyState [] Value
-runExp env (Call fname args) = do 
-    state <- get; let fn = readFun state fname
-    vals <- mapM (runExp env . fromJust) args
-    runFun fn vals
-runExp env (Forall _ v (Just exp) (Just body)) = do 
-    state <- get; let xs = evalStateT (runExp env exp) state
-    rs <- forM xs $ \x -> runExp (Map.insert v x env) body
-    return $ concat rs
-runExp env (Var i) = return $ fromMaybe ("0") $
-                         Map.lookup i env
-runExp env (Concat exps) = do rs <- mapM (\(Just e) -> runExp env e) exps
-                              return $ concat rs
-runExp _   (Str s) = return s
-runFun (Fun _ _ body) args =
-    runExp (Map.fromList [(i, args!!i) | i <- [0..length args-1]]) body
-runFun (FieldFun cat name) [item] = do
-    state <- get
-    return $ itemFields (stateItems state Map.! read item) Map.! name
-runFun (CatFun cat) [] = do
-    state <- get
-    msum [return $ show n | (n, Item _ cs) <- Map.toList (stateItems state), cat `Set.member` cs]
-runFun (AddItemFun cat fields) vals = do
-    s <- get; let items = stateItems s
-    let catFs = stateSchema s Map.! cat
-        m = Map.fromList $ [(f,"") | f <- catFs] ++ zip fields vals
-        item = Item m (Set.singleton cat)
-    put s { stateItems = Map.insert (nextId items) item items }
-    return "Done."
-nextId :: Map Id a -> Id
-nextId m = if Map.null m then 0 else fst (Map.findMax m) + 1
-data MyState = MyState { stateItems :: Map Id Item,
-                     stateSchema :: Map String [String],
-                     statePotions :: Map String Fun,
-                     stateSidebarPages :: [Exp] }
-             deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data)
 instance Binary MyState where
 instance StartState MyState where
@@ -263,8 +85,8 @@
     Just name = lookM req "field" 
     returnTo = fromMaybe ("item/"++item) (lookM req "returnTo")
-addCategory (c:cs) s = ("table",
-    s { stateSchema = Map.insert (toLower c : cs) [] $ stateSchema s})
+addCategory name s = ("table",
+    s { stateSchema = Map.insert (uncapitalize name) [] $ stateSchema s})
 expand s (Call n args) = case readFun s n of 
     Fun _ _ body -> Just 
@@ -362,10 +184,6 @@
                     +++ para (submit "Save") +++ hidden "exp" (show exp)), s)
     where Just exp = fmap read $ lookM msg "exp"
-escape' = concatMap escapeMore . escape where
-  escapeMore '[' = "%5b"; escapeMore ']' = "%5d"; 
-      escapeMore '&' = "%26"; escapeMore c = [c]
 editTemplate :: Request -> MyState -> (String, MyState)
 editTemplate msg s = 
     ("potion?exp=" ++ escape' (show (subst (-1) new exp))
@@ -409,15 +227,6 @@
     s' = s { stateSidebarPages = stateSidebarPages s ++ [read exp] }
     Just exp = lookM msg "exp"
-commaList :: ToHTML a => [a] -> HTML
-commaList [] = toHTML ""
-commaList [x] = toHTML x
-commaList xs = cat (intersperse (toHTML ", ") $ map toHTML $ init xs) 
-           +++ " and " +++ last xs
-capitalize (c:cs) = toUpper c : cs
-capitalize "" = ""
 showTable :: () -> MyState -> (HTML, MyState)
 showTable () s = (
     let ?root="" in makePage s "List of items in the database" "" $
@@ -437,11 +246,6 @@
                    . mdotted . for (Map.keys $ stateSchema s) $ \cat ->
                        button' "cat" cat $ bold ("[New "+++cat+++"]")
-mdot = style "margin-left: 0.5em; margin-right: 0.5em; font-weight: bold" $
-           HTML "&#xb7;"
-mdotted = cat . intersperse (" "+++mdot+++" ")
 showItem :: String -> Request -> MyState -> (HTML, MyState)
 showItem item req s = let Item fields cats = stateItems s Map.! read item in (
     let ?root = "../" in makePage s "Item editor" "" $
@@ -483,30 +287,6 @@
     s' = s { stateItems = Map.delete id $ stateItems s }
     Just id = fmap read $ lookM msg "item"
-makePage state title sidebar body =
-    --(tag "title" [] title +++) .
-    tag "body" [] $
-    tag "div" [("class", "header")]
-      (etag "img" [("src", "http://iki.fi/tuukka/tmp/lantern-photo-75.jpeg"),
-                   ("class", "logo")] +++
-       h1 ("Fendata | " +++ title)) +++
-    tag "div" [("class", "main")] (
-        tag "div" [("class", "sidebar")] (
-            para "Welcome to Fendata!" +++ sidebar +++ hr +++
-            catFor (stateSidebarPages state) (\exp ->
-                let ?state=state; ?link=False; ?name=Nothing
-                 in para $ bold $ link (?root++"potion?exp="++escape' (show exp)) $
-                    renderExp exp id string) +++ hr +++
-            link (?root++"table") "List of items in the database") +++
-        tag "div" [("class", "content")] body) +++
-    tag "div" [("class", "footer")]
-        ("Fendata (c) 2007 by Benja Fallenstein and Tuukka Hastrup. " +++
-         link "http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=244815014&size=sq" "Logo" +++
-         " (c) 2006 by " +++ link "http://www.flickr.com/photos/44458147@N00/"
-         "The G-tastic 7" +++ ". All content is licensed under the " +++
-         link "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/" 
-         "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license" +++ ".")
 main = stdHTTP [ debugFilter
                , h ["potion"] GET $ ok $ \() -> run $ 
                    \(exp,args,name) s -> let ?root = "" in potionGet exp args name s
diff -rN -u old-fenserve/fendata/PotionTypes.hs new-fenserve/fendata/PotionTypes.hs
--- old-fenserve/fendata/PotionTypes.hs	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenserve/fendata/PotionTypes.hs	2007-05-25 17:13:21.000000000 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
+module PotionTypes where
+import HTML
+import Data.Generics (Typeable, Data)
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+data Type = Type { typeQuestion :: String }
+    deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Eq, Ord)
+data Fun = Fun [Type] [HTML] Exp
+         | FieldFun String String
+         | CatFun String
+         | AddItemFun String [String]
+    deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Eq, Ord)
+data Exp = Call String [Maybe Exp]
+         | Var Int
+         | Forall Type Int (Maybe Exp) (Maybe Exp)
+         | Concat [Maybe Exp]
+         | Str String
+    deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Eq, Ord)
+type Env = Map Int Value
+type Value = String
+type Id = Int
+data Item = Item { itemFields :: Map String String, itemCategories :: Set String }
+    deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data)
+nextId :: Map Id a -> Id
+nextId m = if Map.null m then 0 else fst (Map.findMax m) + 1
+data MyState = MyState { stateItems :: Map Id Item,
+                     stateSchema :: Map String [String],
+                     statePotions :: Map String Fun,
+                     stateSidebarPages :: [Exp] }
+             deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data)
diff -rN -u old-fenserve/fendata/Potions.hs new-fenserve/fendata/Potions.hs
--- old-fenserve/fendata/Potions.hs	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenserve/fendata/Potions.hs	2007-05-25 17:13:21.000000000 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
+module Potions where
+import HTML
+import PotionTypes
+import Utils
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust)
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+catType name = Type ("which " ++ name ++ "?")
+string = Type "which text?"
+action = Type "Do what?"
+readFun :: MyState -> String -> Fun
+readFun s n | ((r,""):_) <- reads n = r
+            | otherwise = statePotions s Map.! n
+funType (Fun _ _ exp) = expType exp
+funType (FieldFun _ _) = string
+funType (CatFun cat) = catType cat
+funType (AddItemFun _ _) = action
+funTypes (Fun ts _ _) = ts
+funTypes (FieldFun cat _) = [catType cat]
+funTypes (CatFun _) = []
+funTypes (AddItemFun _ fs) = map (const string) fs
+funParts (Fun _ ps _) = ps
+funParts (FieldFun _ name) = map toHTML ["the "++name++" of ", ""]
+funParts (CatFun cat) = map toHTML ["all the " ++ cat ++ "s in the system"]
+funParts (AddItemFun cat fs) = map toHTML $
+                               ["Add a new "++cat++" with "] ++
+                               [" as the "++f++", and " | f <- init fs] ++
+                               [" as the "++last fs++"."]
+for :: [a] -> (a -> b) -> [b]
+for = flip map
+concatFor :: [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]
+concatFor = flip concatMap
+getPotions :: MyState -> [Exp]
+getPotions s = map f (Map.toList $ statePotions s)
+            ++ [Concat []]
+            ++ concatFor (Map.toList $ stateSchema s) (\(cat,fs) ->
+                   Call (show $ CatFun cat) []
+                 : Forall (catType cat) 0 Nothing Nothing
+                 : map (\f -> Call (show $ FieldFun cat f) [Nothing]) fs) where
+    f (n, Fun ts _ _) = Call n (replicate (length ts) Nothing)
+expType (Call fun _) = funType $ readFun ?state fun
+expType (Var _) = error "no type inference yet"
+expType (Forall _ _ _ _) = string
+expType (Concat _) = string
+expType (Str _) = string
+editLink :: (?link :: Bool, ?name :: Maybe String, ?root :: String, 
+             ToHTML a) => (Exp -> Exp) -> Exp -> Type -> a -> HTML
+editLink f old t s | not ?link = toHTML s | otherwise =
+  flip (tag "a") s [("class", "editLink"), ("href",
+      ?root++"edit?exp="++(escape' $ show $ f $ Var (-1))++"&old="++(escape' $ show old)++"&type="++show t
+    ++maybe "" ("&name="++) ?name)]
+renderMaybeExp (Just exp) cx ty = renderExp exp cx ty
+renderMaybeExp Nothing cx ty = editLink cx (Var 0) ty $ bold $
+                               "[" +++ typeQuestion ty +++ "]"
+renderMaybeExp' (Just exp) cx ty = renderExp' exp cx ty
+renderMaybeExp' Nothing cx ty = editLink cx (Var 0) ty $ surroundSpan $ bold $
+                                "[" +++ typeQuestion ty +++ "]"
+renderExp :: (?state :: MyState, ?link :: Bool, ?name :: Maybe String, 
+              ?root :: String) => Exp -> (Exp -> Exp) -> Type -> HTML
+renderExp exp@(Call fname args) cx ty = f (funTypes fun) (funParts fun) args 0 where
+    fun = readFun ?state fname
+    cx' n e = cx $ Call fname $ take n args ++ [Just e] ++ drop (n+1) args
+    f []     [x]    _      n = editLink cx exp ty x
+    f (t:ts) (x:xs) (y:ys) n = 
+        editLink cx exp ty x +++ renderMaybeExp' y (cx' n) t +++ f ts xs ys (n+1)
+renderExp exp@(Var i) cx ty = editLink cx exp ty (renderVar i)
+renderExp e0@(Forall t i exp body) cx _ = editLink cx e0 string "For each of " +++ renderMaybeExp' exp (\e -> cx $ Forall t i (Just e) body) t
+                            +++ editLink cx e0 string (" (call it '" +++ renderVar i +++ "'):\n")
+                            +++ tag' "blockquote" (renderMaybeExp body (\e -> cx $ Forall t i exp (Just e)) string)
+renderExp (Str s) cx _ = tag "small" [] $ quoteP s
+renderExp exp@(Concat exps) cx _ = para $ catMap (\(xs,x,xs') -> renderMaybeExp' x (\e -> cx (Concat (xs ++ [Just e] ++ xs'))) string) (slices exps) +++ if ?link then para $ editLink cx exp string "[edit]" else toHTML ""
+renderExp' e@(Str _) cx ty = renderExp e cx ty
+renderExp' e cx ty = surroundSpan (renderExp e cx ty)
+surroundSpan s = tag "span" [("class", if ?link then "editPotion" else "potion")] s
+slices xs = map (\i -> (take i xs, xs !! i, drop (i+1) xs)) [0..length xs-1]
+renderVar i = ital [toEnum (fromEnum 'a' + i) :: Char]
+isComplete :: Exp -> Bool
+isComplete (Call _ args)  = all (maybe False isComplete) args
+isComplete (Forall _ _ exp body) = all (maybe False isComplete) [exp, body]
+isComplete (Var _)        = True
+isComplete (Concat exps)    = all (maybe False isComplete) exps
+isComplete (Str _)        = True
+runExp :: Env -> Exp -> StateT MyState [] Value
+runExp env (Call fname args) = do 
+    state <- get; let fn = readFun state fname
+    vals <- mapM (runExp env . fromJust) args
+    runFun fn vals
+runExp env (Forall _ v (Just exp) (Just body)) = do 
+    state <- get; let xs = evalStateT (runExp env exp) state
+    rs <- forM xs $ \x -> runExp (Map.insert v x env) body
+    return $ concat rs
+runExp env (Var i) = return $ fromMaybe ("0") $
+                         Map.lookup i env
+runExp env (Concat exps) = do rs <- mapM (\(Just e) -> runExp env e) exps
+                              return $ concat rs
+runExp _   (Str s) = return s
+runFun (Fun _ _ body) args =
+    runExp (Map.fromList [(i, args!!i) | i <- [0..length args-1]]) body
+runFun (FieldFun cat name) [item] = do
+    state <- get
+    return $ itemFields (stateItems state Map.! read item) Map.! name
+runFun (CatFun cat) [] = do
+    state <- get
+    msum [return $ show n | (n, Item _ cs) <- Map.toList (stateItems state), cat `Set.member` cs]
+runFun (AddItemFun cat fields) vals = do
+    s <- get; let items = stateItems s
+    let catFs = stateSchema s Map.! cat
+        m = Map.fromList $ [(f,"") | f <- catFs] ++ zip fields vals
+        item = Item m (Set.singleton cat)
+    put s { stateItems = Map.insert (nextId items) item items }
+    return "Done."
diff -rN -u old-fenserve/fendata/UI.hs new-fenserve/fendata/UI.hs
--- old-fenserve/fendata/UI.hs	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenserve/fendata/UI.hs	2007-05-25 17:13:21.000000000 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
+module UI where
+import HTML
+import Potions
+import PotionTypes
+import Utils
+header = HTML "<head><style>a.editLink { text-decoration: none; color: inherit} \
+         \button {\
+         \    cursor: pointer; background: none; border: none; \
+         \    font: inherit; margin: 0; padding: 0 } \
+         \.potion, .editPotion {\
+         \    border: dashed black 1px; padding: 2px; \
+         \    margin: 2px; line-height: 90% } \
+         \span.editPotion:hover { background: #eee } \
+         \span.editPotion:hover span.editPotion:hover { background: #ddd } \
+         \span.editPotion:hover span.editPotion:hover span.editPotion:hover { background: #ccc } \
+         \span.editPotion:hover span.editPotion:hover span.editPotion:hover { background: #bbb } \
+         \span.editPotion:hover span.editPotion:hover span.editPotion:hover span.editPotion:hover { background: #aaa } \
+         \.footer { font-size: small; font-style:italic; color: #888; \
+         \          padding-top: 2em; clear: both; text-align: justify } \
+         \.logo {border: 2px solid #eee; margin: 0.5em; float: left} \
+         \.header {border: 1px solid white; margin-bottom: 2em; clear: both} \
+         \h1 {border-bottom: 1px solid black} \
+         \body {margin-left: 100px; margin-right: 100px} \
+         \.content {float: right; width: 80% } \
+         \.sidebar {float: left; width: 15%; font-size: small } \
+         \h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-family: sans-serif } \
+         \</style><title>Fendata demo</title></head>"
+makePage state title sidebar body =
+    --(tag "title" [] title +++) .
+    tag "body" [] $
+    tag "div" [("class", "header")]
+      (etag "img" [("src", "http://iki.fi/tuukka/tmp/lantern-photo-75.jpeg"),
+                   ("class", "logo")] +++
+       h1 ("Fendata | " +++ title)) +++
+    tag "div" [("class", "main")] (
+        tag "div" [("class", "sidebar")] (
+            para "Welcome to Fendata!" +++ sidebar +++ hr +++
+            catFor (stateSidebarPages state) (\exp ->
+                let ?state=state; ?link=False; ?name=Nothing
+                 in para $ bold $ link (?root++"potion?exp="++escape' (show exp)) $
+                    renderExp exp id string) +++ hr +++
+            link (?root++"table") "List of items in the database") +++
+        tag "div" [("class", "content")] body) +++
+    tag "div" [("class", "footer")]
+        ("Fendata (c) 2007 by Benja Fallenstein and Tuukka Hastrup. " +++
+         link "http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=244815014&size=sq" "Logo" +++
+         " (c) 2006 by " +++ link "http://www.flickr.com/photos/44458147@N00/"
+         "The G-tastic 7" +++ ". All content is licensed under the " +++
+         link "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/" 
+         "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license" +++ ".")
diff -rN -u old-fenserve/fendata/Utils.hs new-fenserve/fendata/Utils.hs
--- old-fenserve/fendata/Utils.hs	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenserve/fendata/Utils.hs	2007-05-25 17:13:21.000000000 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+module Utils where
+import HAppS
+import HTML
+import Data.Char (toUpper, toLower)
+import Data.List (intersperse)
+escape' = concatMap escapeMore . escape where
+  escapeMore '[' = "%5b"; escapeMore ']' = "%5d"; 
+      escapeMore '&' = "%26"; escapeMore c = [c]
+commaList :: ToHTML a => [a] -> HTML
+commaList [] = toHTML ""
+commaList [x] = toHTML x
+commaList xs = cat (intersperse (toHTML ", ") $ map toHTML $ init xs) 
+           +++ " and " +++ last xs
+capitalize (c:cs) = toUpper c : cs
+capitalize "" = ""
+uncapitalize (c:cs) = toLower c : cs
+uncapitalize "" = ""
+mdot = style "margin-left: 0.5em; margin-right: 0.5em; font-weight: bold" $
+           HTML "&#xb7;"
+mdotted = cat . intersperse (" "+++mdot+++" ")

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