[Fencommits] fenserve: HTML can be edited with holes now

Benja Fallenstein benja.fallenstein at gmail.com
Mon May 21 15:20:25 EEST 2007

Mon May 21 15:16:23 EEST 2007  Benja Fallenstein <benja.fallenstein at gmail.com>
  * HTML can be edited with holes now
diff -rN -u old-fenserve/fendata/Main.hs new-fenserve/fendata/Main.hs
--- old-fenserve/fendata/Main.hs	2007-05-21 15:20:23.000000000 +0300
+++ new-fenserve/fendata/Main.hs	2007-05-21 15:20:23.000000000 +0300
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 data Exp = Call String [Maybe Exp]
          | Var Int
          | Forall Int Exp Exp
-         | HTML [Exp]
+         | HTML [Maybe Exp]
          | Str String
     deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data)
@@ -86,6 +86,11 @@
                      "<a href='edit?exp=" ++ quote (show $ f $ Var (-1))
                   ++ "&amp;old=" ++ quote (show old) 
                   ++ "&amp;type=" ++ quote (show t) ++ "'>" ++ s ++ "</a>"
+renderMaybeExp (Just exp) cx ty = renderExp' exp cx ty
+renderMaybeExp Nothing cx ty = editLink cx (Var 0) ty $ surround
+                             $ "<b style='color: maroon'>[" ++ typeQuestion ty
+                            ++ "]</b>"
 renderExp :: (?state :: MyState, ?link :: Bool) => Exp -> (Exp -> Exp) -> Type -> String
 renderExp exp@(Call fname args) cx ty = f (funTypes fun) (funParts fun) args 0 where
@@ -93,20 +98,21 @@
     cx' n e = cx $ Call fname $ take n args ++ [Just e] ++ drop (n+1) args
     f []     [x]    _      n = editLink cx exp ty x
     f (t:ts) (x:xs) (y:ys) n = 
-        editLink cx exp ty x ++ maybe (editLink (cx' n) (Var 0) t $ surround $ "<b style='color: maroon'>[" ++ typeQuestion t ++ "]</b>") (\exp' -> renderExp' exp' (cx' n) t) y ++ f ts xs ys (n+1)
+        editLink cx exp ty x ++ renderMaybeExp y (cx' n) t ++ f ts xs ys (n+1)
 renderExp exp@(Var i) cx ty = editLink cx exp ty (renderVar i)
 renderExp (Forall i exp body) cx _ = "For each of " ++ renderExp' exp (\e -> cx $ Forall i e body) (expType exp)
                              ++ " (call it '" ++ renderVar i ++ "'):\n"
                              ++ "<blockquote>\n" ++ renderExp body (\e -> cx $ Forall i exp e) string
                              ++ "</blockquote>"
 renderExp (Str s) cx _ = "<small>" ++ quoteP s ++ "</small>"
-renderExp exp@(HTML exps) cx _ = "<p>" ++ concatMap (\i -> renderExp' (exps!!i) (\e -> cx $ HTML $ take i exps ++ [e] ++ drop (i+1) exps) string) [0..length exps-1] ++ if ?link then "<p>" ++ editLink cx exp string "[edit]" else ""
+renderExp exp@(HTML exps) cx _ = "<p>" ++ concatMap (\(xs,x,xs') -> renderMaybeExp x (\e -> cx (HTML (xs ++ [Just e] ++ xs'))) string) (slices exps) ++ if ?link then "<p>" ++ editLink cx exp string "[edit]" else ""
 renderExp' e@(Str _) cx ty = renderExp e cx ty
 renderExp' e cx ty = surround (renderExp e cx ty)
 surround s = "<span style='border: dashed black 1px; padding: 2px; margin: 2px; line-height: 90%;'>" ++ s ++ "</span>"
+slices xs = map (\i -> (take i xs, xs !! i, drop (i+1) xs)) [0..length xs-1]
 quote = concatMap quoteChar
 quoteBr = concatMap (\c -> case c of '\n' -> "<br>"; _ -> quoteChar c)
@@ -121,7 +127,7 @@
 isComplete (Call _ args)  = all (maybe False isComplete) args
 isComplete (Forall _ exp body) = isComplete exp && isComplete body
 isComplete (Var _)        = True
-isComplete (HTML exps)    = all isComplete exps
+isComplete (HTML exps)    = all (maybe False isComplete) exps
 isComplete (Str _)        = True
 type Env = Map Int Value
@@ -138,7 +144,7 @@
                                         runExp (Map.insert v x env) body
                                     return $ concat rs
 runExp env (Var i) = return $ env Map.! i
-runExp env (HTML exps) = do rs <- mapM (runExp env) exps
+runExp env (HTML exps) = do rs <- mapM (\(Just e) -> runExp env e) exps
                             return $ concat rs
 runExp _   (Str s) = return s
@@ -190,21 +196,21 @@
 potion = Forall 0 (Call (show $ CatFun "post") []) $
-    HTML [Str "<h2>", Call (show $ FieldFun "post" "title") v, Str "</h2>\n",
-          Str "<p>Author: ", Call (show $ FieldFun "post" "author") v,
-          Str "<p>", Call (show $ FieldFun "post" "body") v,
-          Str "<hr>"]
+    HTML (map Just [Str "<h2>", Call (show $ FieldFun "post" "title") v, Str "</h2>",
+                    Str "\n<p>Author: ", Call (show $ FieldFun "post" "author") v,
+                    Str "\n<p>", Call (show $ FieldFun "post" "body") v,
+                    Str "\n<hr>"])
     where v = [Just $ Var 0]
-addPostForm = HTML [Str "<h2>Add entry</h2>\n\
-                        \<form action=/potion/addPost method=post>\n\
-                        \<input type=hidden name=count value=3>\n\
-                        \Title: <input name=arg1><br>\n\
-                        \Author: <input name=arg2><br>\n\
-                        \Body:<br><textarea name=arg3></textarea>\n\
-                        \<input type=submit>\n\
-                        \</form>"
-              ]
+addPostForm = HTML $ map Just [Str "<h2>Add entry</h2>\n\
+                                   \<form action=/potion/addPost method=post>\n\
+                                   \<input type=hidden name=count value=3>\n\
+                                   \Title: <input name=arg1><br>\n\
+                                   \Author: <input name=arg2><br>\n\
+                                   \Body:<br><textarea name=arg3></textarea>\n\
+                                   \<input type=submit>\n\
+                                   \</form>"
+                              ]
 addPost = 
     Call (show $ AddItemFun "post" ["title","author","body"]) [Just (Var i) | i <- [0..2]]
@@ -227,7 +233,8 @@
            ++ concatMap category (Map.toList $ stateSchema state) 
     respond $ header ++ (concatFor (getPotions state) $ \exp ->
-        "<p>" ++ let ?state = state; ?link=True in renderExp exp id string ++ "\n")
+         "<p><a href='potion?exp=" ++ (quote $ escape $ show exp) ++ "'>"
+      ++ let ?state = state; ?link=False in renderExp' exp id string ++ "</a>\n")
 instance FromMessage (String,String) where
     fromMessageM m = do cat <- lookM m "category"; name <- lookM m "name" 
@@ -325,7 +332,7 @@
      \  <p><input type='submit' value='Submit'>\
      \  <input type='hidden' name='exp' value='"++show exp++"'>\
      \  <input type='hidden' name='old' value='"++show old++"'>\
-     \</form>", s) where f i (Str s : xs) = s ++ f i xs
+     \</form>", s) where f i (Just (Str s) : xs) = s ++ f i xs
                          f i (_:xs) = "$" ++ show i ++ f (i+1) xs
                          f _ [] = ""
 edit (exp,old,ty) s = let ?state = s; ?link = False in
@@ -356,15 +363,14 @@
   Just exp = fmap read $ lookM msg "exp"
   Just (HTML olds) = fmap read $ lookM msg "old"
   Just tmp = lookM msg "template"
-  exps = filter (\e -> case e of Str _ -> False; _ -> True) olds
+  exps = filter (\e -> case e of Just (Str _) -> False; _ -> True) olds
   new = HTML $ f tmp
   f ('$':c:cs)
-      | i < length exps = Str "" : (exps !! i) : f cs
-      | otherwise = Str "" : Var 0 : f cs
+      | i < length exps = Just (Str "") : (exps !! i) : f cs
+      | otherwise = Just (Str "") : Nothing : f cs
       where i = read [c] - 1
-  f ('$':cs) = Str "" : (Var 0) : f cs
-  f (c:cs) = (Str (c:r):rs) where (Str r:rs) = f cs
-  f "" = [Str ""]
+  f (c:cs) = (Just (Str (c:r)):rs) where (Just (Str r):rs) = f cs
+  f "" = [Just (Str "")]
 addPotion :: Request -> MyState -> (String, MyState)
 addPotion msg s = ("/", s { statePotions = newPotions }) where

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