[Fencommits] fenserve: more progress

Benja Fallenstein benja.fallenstein at gmail.com
Tue May 15 21:34:24 EEST 2007

Tue May 15 21:34:06 EEST 2007  Benja Fallenstein <benja.fallenstein at gmail.com>
  * more progress
diff -rN -u old-fenserve/fendata/Main.hs new-fenserve/fendata/Main.hs
--- old-fenserve/fendata/Main.hs	2007-05-15 21:34:24.000000000 +0300
+++ new-fenserve/fendata/Main.hs	2007-05-15 21:34:24.000000000 +0300
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 import HAppS hiding (Body, getPath)
 import Control.Monad.State
-import Data.Generics (Typeable)
+import Data.Generics (Typeable, Data, everywhere, mkT)
 import Data.Binary hiding (get,put)
 import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
 import Data.Map (Map)
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
 type Id = Int
 data Item = Item { itemFields :: Map String String, itemCategories :: Set String }
-    deriving (Read, Show, Typeable)
+    deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data)
 data Type = Type { typeQuestion :: String }
-    deriving (Read, Show, Typeable)
+    deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data)
 catType name = Type ("which " ++ name ++ "?")
 string = Type "which string?"
@@ -25,29 +25,53 @@
          | FieldFun String String
          | CatFun String
          | AddItemFun String [String]
-    deriving (Read, Show, Typeable)
+    deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data)
+readFun :: MyState -> String -> Fun
+readFun s n | ((r,""):_) <- reads n = r
+            | otherwise = statePotions s Map.! n
 funTypes (Fun ts _ _) = ts
 funTypes (FieldFun cat _) = [catType cat]
-funTypes (CatFun _)         = []
+funTypes (CatFun _) = []
 funParts (Fun _ ps _) = ps
 funParts (FieldFun _ name) = ["the "++name++" of ", ""]
 funParts (CatFun cat) = ["all " ++ cat ++ "s"]
-data Exp = Call Fun [Maybe Exp]
+data Exp = Call String [Maybe Exp]
          | Var Int
          | Forall Int Exp Exp
          | HTML [Exp]
          | Str String
-    deriving (Read, Show, Typeable)
+    deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data)
-renderExp :: Exp -> String
-renderExp (Call fun args) = f (funTypes fun) (funParts fun) args where
+renderExp :: (?state :: MyState) => Exp -> String
+renderExp (Call fname args) = f (funTypes fun) (funParts fun) args where
+    fun = readFun ?state fname
     f []     [x]    _      = x
     f (t:ts) (x:xs) (y:ys) = 
-        x ++ maybe ("[" ++ typeQuestion t ++ "]") renderExp y ++ f ts xs ys
-renderExp (Var i) = "<i>" ++ [toEnum (fromEnum 'a' + i)] ++ "</i>"
+        x ++ maybe ("[" ++ typeQuestion t ++ "]") renderExp' y ++ f ts xs ys
+renderExp (Var i) = renderVar i
+renderExp (Forall i exp body) = "For " ++ renderExp' exp
+                             ++ " " ++ renderVar i ++ ":\n"
+                             ++ "<blockquote>\n" ++ renderExp body
+                             ++ "</blockquote>"
+renderExp (Str s) = "\"" ++ quote s ++ "\""
+renderExp (HTML exps) = concatMap (\e -> "<p>" ++ renderExp' e ++ "\n") exps
+renderExp' e@(Str _) = renderExp e
+renderExp' e = "<span style='border: dashed black 1px; padding: 2px; margin: 2px'>" ++ renderExp e ++ "</span>"
+quote "" = ""
+quote ('<':cs) = "&lt;" ++ quote cs
+quote ('"':cs) = "&quot;" ++ quote cs
+quote ('\'':cs) = "&apos;" ++ quote cs
+quote ('&':cs) = "&amp;" ++ quote cs
+quote (c:cs) = c : quote cs
+renderVar i = "<i>" ++ [toEnum (fromEnum 'a' + i)] ++ "</i>"
 isComplete :: Exp -> Bool
 isComplete (Call _ args)  = all (maybe False isComplete) args
@@ -60,8 +84,10 @@
 type Value = String
 runExp :: Env -> Exp -> StateT MyState [] Value
-runExp env (Call fn args) = do vals <- mapM (runExp env . fromJust) args
-                               runFun fn vals
+runExp env (Call fname args) = do 
+    state <- get; let fn = readFun state fname
+    vals <- mapM (runExp env . fromJust) args
+    runFun fn vals
 runExp env (Forall v exp body) = do state <- get
                                     let xs = evalStateT (runExp env exp) state
                                     rs <- forM xs $ \x ->
@@ -94,7 +120,7 @@
 data MyState = MyState { stateItems :: Map Id Item,
                      stateSchema :: Map String [String],
                      statePotions :: Map String Fun }
-             deriving (Read, Show, Typeable)
+             deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data)
 instance Binary MyState where
@@ -114,15 +140,15 @@
                      (Set.fromList ["post"]))
         (Map.fromList [
-            ("list", Fun [] ["List of all posts"] potion)
-          , ("addPostForm", Fun [] ["foo"] addPostForm)
-          , ("addPost", addPost)
+            ("list", Fun [] ["A list of all posts"] potion)
+          , ("addPostForm", Fun [] ["Form for adding posts"] addPostForm)
+          , ("addPost", Fun [string,string,string] ["Add a new post with title ", ", author ", ", and body ", "."] addPost)
-potion = Forall 0 (Call (CatFun "post") []) $
-    HTML [Str "<h2>", Call (FieldFun "post" "title") v, Str "</h2>\n",
-          Str "<p>Author: ", Call (FieldFun "post" "author") v,
-          Str "<p>", Call (FieldFun "post" "body") v,
+potion = Forall 0 (Call (show $ CatFun "post") []) $
+    HTML [Str "<h2>", Call (show $ FieldFun "post" "title") v, Str "</h2>\n",
+          Str "<p>Author: ", Call (show $ FieldFun "post" "author") v,
+          Str "<p>", Call (show $ FieldFun "post" "body") v,
           Str "<hr>"]
     where v = [Just $ Var 0]
@@ -135,8 +161,8 @@
                    \<input type=submit>\n\
-addPost = Fun [string, string, string] ["","","",""] $
-    Call (AddItemFun "post" ["title","author","body"]) [Just (Var i) | i <- [0..2]]
+addPost = 
+    Call (show $ AddItemFun "post" ["title","author","body"]) [Just (Var i) | i <- [0..2]]
 view = do
     (state :: MyState) <- get
@@ -162,9 +188,11 @@
 instance FromMessage String where
     fromMessageM m = lookM m "name" 
-instance FromMessage [Value] where
+instance FromMessage (Exp, [Value]) where
     fromMessageM m = do let n = maybe 0 read (lookM m "count")
-                        forM [1..n] $ \i -> lookM m ("arg" ++ show i)
+                        vals <- forM [1..n] $ \i -> lookM m ("arg" ++ show i)
+                        exp <- lookM m "exp"
+                        return (read exp, vals)
 addField cat name = do
     state <- get
@@ -177,19 +205,35 @@
     put $ state { stateSchema = Map.insert cat [] $ stateSchema state}
+expand s (Call n args) = Just result where
+    Fun _ _ body = readFun s n
+    result = foldr (\i e -> subst i (args !! i) e) body [0..length args-1]
+expand _ _ = Nothing
+subst :: Int -> Maybe Exp -> Exp -> Exp
+subst i repl e = everywhere (mkT f) e where
+    f :: Maybe Exp -> Maybe Exp
+    f (Just (Var j)) | j == i = repl
+    f x = x
 main = stdHTTP [ debugFilter
-               , h (Prefix ["potion"]) GET $ ok $ \[p] args -> do
+               , h (Prefix ["potion"]) GET $ ok $ \() (exp,args) -> do
                      s <- get
-                     let fun = statePotions s Map.! p
-                     respond $ head $ evalStateT (runFun fun args) s
-               , h (Prefix ["potion"]) POST $ ok $ \[p] args -> do
+                     let env = Map.fromList $ zip [0..length args-1] args
+                         lnk = case expand s exp of
+                             Just e -> " [<a href='?exp="++quote (show e)++"'>"
+                                    ++ "expand definition</a>]"
+                             Nothing -> ""
+                     respond $ let ?state=s in renderExp exp ++ lnk ++ "<hr>\n"
+                            ++ (head $ evalStateT (runExp env exp) s)
+               , h (Prefix ["potion"]) POST $ ok $ \() (exp,args) -> do
                      s <- get
-                     let fun = statePotions s Map.! p
-                         (r,s') = case runStateT (runFun fun args) s of
+                     let env = Map.fromList $ zip [0..length args-1] args
+                         (r,s') = case runStateT (runExp env exp) s of
                              [result] -> result
                              xs -> ("Wrong number of results: "++show xs, s)
                      put s'
-                     respond r
+                     respond $ let ?state=s in renderExp exp ++ "<hr>\n" ++ r
                , h () GET  $ ok $ \() () -> view
                , h ["addfield"] POST $ ok $ \() (cid,name) -> addField cid name

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