[Fencommits] fenserve: respond to POST with 303 See Other to the relevant resource

Tuukka Hastrup Tuukka.Hastrup at iki.fi
Wed May 9 21:25:29 EEST 2007

Wed May  9 21:22:03 EEST 2007  Tuukka Hastrup <Tuukka.Hastrup at iki.fi>
  * respond to POST with 303 See Other to the relevant resource
diff -rN -u old-fenserve/notetaker/Main.hs new-fenserve/notetaker/Main.hs
--- old-fenserve/notetaker/Main.hs	2007-05-09 21:25:29.000000000 +0300
+++ new-fenserve/notetaker/Main.hs	2007-05-09 21:25:29.000000000 +0300
@@ -197,15 +197,18 @@
 renderTime t0 = printf "%02u:%02u" (ctHour t) (ctMin t)
     where t = toUTCTime (TOD (fromIntegral t0) 0)
-bodyView (Body _) nick = renderLog nick True
-bodyView (Add p _) nick = page p nick
-bodyView (Edit p _) nick = page p nick
-bodyView (Move _ q) nick = page q nick
-bodyView (DeleteOne p) nick = page p nick
-bodyView (Delete p) nick = page p nick
-bodyView (MakeOwnPage p) nick = page p nick
-bodyView (Unpage p) nick = page p nick
-bodyView (Revert n) nick = page [] nick
+viewURI (Body _) nick = ("/lastlog?nick=" ++ nick, "lastlog" )
+viewURI (Add p _) nick = pageURI p nick
+viewURI (Edit p _) nick = pageURI p nick
+viewURI (Move _ q) nick = pageURI q nick
+viewURI (DeleteOne p) nick = pageURI p nick
+viewURI (Delete p) nick = pageURI p nick
+viewURI (MakeOwnPage p) nick = pageURI p nick
+viewURI (Unpage p) nick = pageURI p nick
+viewURI (Revert n) nick = pageURI [] nick
+pageURI p nick = ("/item/" ++ renderPath p ++ "?nick=" ++ nick, 
+                  "item " ++ renderPath p)
 export path notes = concatMap f [0..length notes-1] where
     f i | Note title own _ cs <- notes !! i =
@@ -224,15 +227,18 @@
                      respond $ plain $ export (readPath p) notes
                , h ["dump"] GET $ ok $ \() () -> get >>= respond . plain . show
                , h [""]    GET  $ ok $ \() nick -> page [] nick
-               , h ()      POST $ ok $ \() (nick,line) -> do
+               , h ()      POST $ seeOther $ \() (nick,line) -> do
+                     let respondRedirect uri anchor = respond
+                             (uri, "<a href='"++uri++"'>"++anchor++"</a>")
                      if line == ":ll" then
-                         renderLog nick True
+                         respondRedirect ("/lastlog?nick="++nick) "lastlog"
                        else if line == ":m" || ":m " `isPrefixOf` line then
-                         page (readPath (drop 2 line)) nick
+                         uncurry respondRedirect $
+                             pageURI (readPath (drop 2 line)) nick
                        else do
                          time <- getTime; let body = readBody line
                          modify (++[Line time (quote nick) body])
-                         bodyView body nick
+                         uncurry respondRedirect $ viewURI body nick
                , h () POST $ ok $ \() () -> respond "Huh."
                , h (Prefix ["item"]) GET $ ok $ \[p] n -> page (readPath p) n

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