[Fencommits] fenserve: link items to logs

Benja Fallenstein benja.fallenstein at gmail.com
Tue May 1 23:00:05 EEST 2007

Tue May  1 22:59:56 EEST 2007  Benja Fallenstein <benja.fallenstein at gmail.com>
  * link items to logs
diff -rN -u old-fenserve/notetaker/Main.hs new-fenserve/notetaker/Main.hs
--- old-fenserve/notetaker/Main.hs	2007-05-01 23:00:05.000000000 +0300
+++ new-fenserve/notetaker/Main.hs	2007-05-01 23:00:05.000000000 +0300
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
 instance Binary Line where
-data Note = Note String Bool [Note] deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show)
+data Note = Note String Bool [Line] [Note] deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show)
-style = "<style type='text/css'>li, p.logline { margin-bottom: 0.3em; margin-top: 0.3em }</style>"
+style = "<style type='text/css'>li, p.logline { margin-bottom: 0.3em; margin-top: 0.3em }\nspan.loglink { color: #aaa; font-size: small }\nspan.loglink a { color: #aaa }</style>"
 form nick = "<p><form id='myform' action='/?nick="++nick++"' method='post'>\
             \    Nick: <input name='nick' type='text' size=8 \
@@ -46,34 +46,37 @@
     (lines :: [Line]) <- get
     let r = executeAll lines; p = getPage path r; v = if p == [] then 0 else -1
     case getPath p r of
-      Just (Note title _ notes) ->
+      Just (Note title _ _ notes) ->
         respond $ style ++ "<h2>" ++ renderPath p ++ " " ++ title ++ "</h2>"
                ++ renderNotes p nick notes ++ views v nick ++ form nick
       Nothing -> respond $ "Path not found: " ++ renderPath path
 -- get the path of the closest ancestor that is its own page
 getPage p note = last $ filter isOwnPage $ inits p where
-    isOwnPage q = case getPath q note of Just (Note _ o _) -> o; _ -> False
+    isOwnPage q = case getPath q note of Just (Note _ o _ _) -> o; _ -> False
 getPath [] note = Just note
-getPath (i:is) (Note _ _ cs) | i >= 0 && i < length cs = getPath is (cs !! i)
-                             | otherwise = Nothing
+getPath (i:is) (Note _ _ _ cs) | i >= 0 && i < length cs = getPath is (cs !! i)
+                               | otherwise = Nothing
 renderNotes p nick notes = 
     "<ol>" ++ concat [renderNote (p++[i]) (notes !! i) 
                      | i <- [0..length notes - 1]] ++ "</ol>" where
-    renderNote p (Note title False cs) = "<li>" ++ title ++ renderNotes p nick cs
-    renderNote p (Note title True cs) =
+    link p = " <span class='loglink'>(<a href='/log/"++renderPath p++"'>log</a>)</span>"
+    renderNote p (Note title False _ cs) = "<li>" ++ title ++ renderNotes p nick cs ++ link p
+    renderNote p (Note title True _ cs) =
          "<li>" ++ title ++ " (<a href='/item/"
       ++ renderPath p ++ "?nick=" ++ nick ++ "'><i>"
       ++ countable (length cs) "child" "ren" ++ "</i></a>, "
       ++ countable (gather ((+1) . sum) 1 cs - 1) "descendant" "s" ++ ", "
-      ++ countable (gather ((+1) . maximum) 0 cs) "level" "s" ++ ")"
+      ++ countable (gather ((+1) . maximum) 0 cs) "level" "s" ++ ")" ++ link p
       where countable 1 s _ = "1 " ++ s
             countable n s pl = printf "%s %s%s" (show n) s pl
             gather _  leaf [] = leaf
-            gather op leaf cs = op $ map (\(Note _ _ x) -> gather op leaf x) cs
+            gather op leaf cs = op $ map (\(Note _ _ _ x) -> gather op leaf x) cs
 readPath :: String -> Path
 readPath s = readPath' s 0 (\p _ -> p)
@@ -98,34 +101,35 @@
     where f s = format (quote s)
-executeAll = foldl (\n (Line _ _ b) -> execute b n) (Note "HOME" True [])
+executeAll = foldl (flip execute) (Note "HOME" True [] [])
            . processReverts [] . reverse where
     processReverts ls' (Line _ _ (Revert n) : ls) = processReverts ls' (drop n ls)
     processReverts ls' (l : ls) = processReverts (l:ls') ls
     processReverts ls' [] = ls'
-execute (Body _) = id
-execute body = case body of 
-        Add p l       -> on p $ \(Note t o cs) -> [Note t o (cs++[Note l False []])]
-        Edit p l      -> on p $ \(Note _ o cs) -> [Note l o cs]
+execute (Line _ _ (Body _)) = id
+execute line@(Line _ _ body) = case body of 
+        Add p l       -> on p $ \(Note t o ls cs) -> [Note t o ls (cs++[Note l False [line] []])]
+        Edit p l      -> on p $ \(Note _ o ls cs) -> [Note l o (ls++[line]) cs]
         Move p q      -> move p q
-        DeleteOne p   -> on p $ \(Note _ _ cs) -> cs
-        Delete p      -> on p $ \(Note _ _ cs) -> []
-        MakeOwnPage p -> on p $ \(Note t _ cs) -> [Note t True cs]
-        Unpage p      -> on p $ \(Note t _ cs) -> [Note t False cs]
+        DeleteOne p   -> on p $ \(Note _ _ _ cs) -> cs
+        Delete p      -> on p $ \(Note _ _ _ cs) -> []
+        MakeOwnPage p -> on p $ \(Note t _ ls cs) -> [Note t True (ls++[line]) cs]
+        Unpage p      -> on p $ \(Note t _ ls cs) -> [Note t False (ls++[line]) cs]
         Revert n      -> error "execute called on Revert"
     on is f note = head $ on' is f note
     on' []     f note        = f note
-    on' (i:is) f (Note t o cs) | i < 0 || i >= length cs = [Note t o cs]
-                               | otherwise =
-          [Note t o (take i cs ++ on' is f (cs !! i) ++ drop (i+1) cs)]
+    on' (i:is) f (Note t o ls cs) | i < 0 || i >= length cs = [Note t o ls cs]
+                                  | otherwise =
+          [Note t o ls (take i cs ++ on' is f (cs !! i) ++ drop (i+1) cs)]
     move p q root = case getPath p root of
         Nothing -> root
-        Just n  -> (on p $ \(Note _ _ cs) -> []) $
-                   (on q $ \(Note t o cs) -> [Note t o (cs++[n])]) $ root
+        Just (Note nt no nls ncs) -> let n = Note nt no (nls++[line]) ncs in
+            (on p $ \(Note _ _ _  _)  -> []) $
+            (on q $ \(Note t o ls cs) -> [Note t o ls (cs++[n])]) $ root
 getNick m = case lookM m "nick" of Nothing -> "(anon)"; Just "" -> "(anon)"
                                    Just x  -> x
@@ -139,10 +143,20 @@
 renderLog nick lastlog = do 
     lines <- if not lastlog then get 
                  else get >>= return . reverse . take 15 . reverse
-    respond $ style ++ flip concatMap lines (\(Line time nick body) -> 
-                     "<p class='logline'>" ++ renderTime time ++ " " 
-                  ++ renderBody nick body)
+    respond $ style ++ flip concatMap lines renderLine
            ++ views (if lastlog then 2 else 1) nick ++ form nick 
+itemLog nick path = do
+    lines <- get; respond $ case getPath path (executeAll lines) of
+        Nothing -> "Path not found: " ++ renderPath path
+        Just (Note _ _ ls _) -> style ++ concatMap renderLine' ls 
+                             ++ views (-1) (nick :: String)
+    where renderLine' l@(Line t _ _) =
+              renderLine l ++ " (<a href='/log#"++show t++"'>context</a>)"
+renderLine (Line time nick body) =
+    "<p class='logline' id='"++show time++"'>" 
+ ++ renderTime time ++ " " ++ renderBody nick body
 renderBody :: String -> Body -> String
 renderBody nick (Body s) = printf "&lt;<b>%s</b>&gt; %s" nick s
@@ -175,7 +189,7 @@
 bodyView (Revert n) nick = page [] nick
 export path notes = concatMap f [0..length notes-1] where
-    f i | Note title own cs <- notes !! i =
+    f i | Note title own _ cs <- notes !! i =
         ":add " ++ renderPath path ++ " " ++ unquote (unformat title) ++ "\n"
      ++ (if own then ":page " ++ renderPath (path++[i]) ++ "\n" else "")
      ++ export (path++[i]) cs where
@@ -184,9 +198,10 @@
 main = stdHTTP [ debugFilter
                , h ["log"] GET  $ ok $ \() nick -> renderLog nick False
+               , h (Prefix ["log"]) GET $ ok $ \[p] nick -> itemLog nick (readPath p)
                , h ["lastlog"] GET $ ok $ \() nick -> renderLog nick True
                , h (Prefix ["export"]) GET $ ok $ \[p] () -> do
-                     lines <- get; let (Note _ _ notes) = executeAll lines
+                     lines <- get; let (Note _ _ _ notes) = executeAll lines
                      respond $ plain $ export (readPath p) notes
                , h ["dump"] GET $ ok $ \() () -> get >>= respond . plain . show
                , h [""]    GET  $ ok $ \() nick -> page [] nick

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