[Fencommits] fenserve: move rendering code back to Rendering module, now that I've got rid of the mututal dependency by passing the list of potion primitives in the implicit parameter

Benja Fallenstein benja.fallenstein at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 20:26:20 EEST 2007

Wed Jun 20 20:26:11 EEST 2007  Benja Fallenstein <benja.fallenstein at gmail.com>
  * move rendering code back to Rendering module, now that I've got rid of the mututal dependency by passing the list of potion primitives in the implicit parameter
diff -rN -u old-fenserve/fendata/Potions.hs new-fenserve/fendata/Potions.hs
--- old-fenserve/fendata/Potions.hs	2007-06-20 20:26:20.000000000 +0300
+++ new-fenserve/fendata/Potions.hs	2007-06-20 20:26:20.000000000 +0300
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
     deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Eq, Ord)
 mint ty (f, exec) = (I $ mintVar ty $ \var -> ren (f var), exec)
 runExp :: (?imp :: Imp) => [Values] -> Exp -> Values
@@ -40,69 +39,6 @@
     f (Potion _ g) = snd (g $ fromJust $ cast arg) env
-varType :: (?imp :: Imp) => Int -> RenderExp [(Bool, HTML)]
-varType i = ask >>= renderOne . renderType . snd . (!! i) . envVars
-varName :: (?imp :: Imp) => Int -> RenderExp [(Bool, HTML)]
-varName i = asks ((!! i) . envVars) >>= \(name,_) -> ren ("'", ital name, "'")
-mintVar :: Type -> (Int -> RenderExp a) -> RenderExp a
-mintVar t f = do var <- get; put (var + 1)
-                 local (\e -> e {envVars=(n var,t):envVars e}) (f var) where
-    n i = (if i<26 then "" else n (i `div` 26))
-       ++ [toEnum $ fromEnum 'a' + i `mod` 26]
-focusPath :: [Int] -> GenericT
-focusPath []     = mkT Focus
-focusPath (p:ps) = snd . f 0 where
-    f i = gfoldl k (\x -> (i,x))
-    k :: Data a => (Int, a -> b) -> a -> (Int, b)
-    k (i,c) x = if typeOf x /= typeOf (undefined :: Exp) then fmap c (f i x)
-                    else (i+1, c $ if i==p then focusPath ps x else x)
-data E = E Int Exp
-instance RenderOne E where
-    renderOne (E i e) = do
-        path <- asks envPath; let path' = path ++ [i]
-        l <- local (\env -> env { envPath = path' }) (renderExp' e)
-        exp <- liftM (focusPath path') (asks envWhole)
-        return [(True, tag "span" [P "class" "potion"] $ joinPieces exp l)]
-instance RenderOne (RenderExp [(Bool, HTML)]) where renderOne m = m
-instance RenderOne Type where renderOne = renderOne . renderType
-instance RenderOne Values where renderOne = renderOne . renderValues
-instance ToHTML a => RenderOne a where
-    renderOne x = asks envPath >>= \p -> return [(False, toHTML x)]
-instance Ren () where ren () = return []
-instance (RenderOne x, Ren xs, Tuple x xs t) => Ren t where
-    ren t | (x,xs) <- tsplit1 t = liftM2 (++) (renderOne x) (ren xs)
-renderExp :: (?imp :: Imp) => Exp -> HTML
-renderExp exp = tag "span" [P "class" "potion"] $ joinPieces (Focus exp)
-              $ flip evalState 0 $ runReaderT (renderExp' exp) $ Env [] [] exp
-joinPieces :: (?imp :: Imp) => Exp -> [(Bool,HTML)] -> HTML
-joinPieces exp ((False,h):(False,i):xs) = joinPieces exp ((False,h&i):xs)
-joinPieces exp ((True,h):xs)            = h & joinPieces exp xs
-joinPieces exp ((False,h):xs) = (& joinPieces exp xs) $ flip (tag "a") h
-  [ P "class" "editLink"
-  , P "href" $ "/potion/" ++ showExp exp ]
-joinPieces exp [] = HTML ""
-renderExp' :: (?imp :: Imp) => Exp -> RenderExp [(Bool, HTML)]
-renderExp' (Question ty) = ren ( "[which ", renderType ty, "?]" )
-renderExp' (Focus exp) = do h <- liftM2 joinPieces (asks envWhole) $ renderExp' exp
-                            return [(True, tag "span" [P "class" "focus"] h)]
-renderExp' exp@(Exp n arg) = f (getPotion n) where
-    f (Potion _ f) = let (r,_) = f (fromMaybe (error "renderExp") $ cast arg) in ren r
 potions =
   [ Potion "var" $ \(I i) ->
       ( ( varType i, " ", varName i )
diff -rN -u old-fenserve/fendata/Rendering.hs new-fenserve/fendata/Rendering.hs
--- old-fenserve/fendata/Rendering.hs	2007-06-20 20:26:20.000000000 +0300
+++ new-fenserve/fendata/Rendering.hs	2007-06-20 20:26:20.000000000 +0300
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
 module Rendering where
 import HTML
+import Syntax
 import Types
 import TupleUtils
 import Utils
 import Control.Monad
 import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, ask, asks, local, runReaderT)
-import Control.Monad.State (StateT, get, put, runStateT)
-import Control.Monad.Writer (Writer, tell, execWriter)
+import Control.Monad.State (StateT, get, put, evalState)
 import Data.Generics
 import Data.Int
@@ -48,3 +48,64 @@
 renderValues vs = commaList $ map renderValue $ vs
+varType :: (?imp :: Imp) => Int -> RenderExp [(Bool, HTML)]
+varType i = ask >>= renderOne . renderType . snd . (!! i) . envVars
+varName :: (?imp :: Imp) => Int -> RenderExp [(Bool, HTML)]
+varName i = asks ((!! i) . envVars) >>= \(name,_) -> ren ("'", ital name, "'")
+mintVar :: Type -> (Int -> RenderExp a) -> RenderExp a
+mintVar t f = do var <- get; put (var + 1)
+                 local (\e -> e {envVars=(n var,t):envVars e}) (f var) where
+    n i = (if i<26 then "" else n (i `div` 26))
+       ++ [toEnum $ fromEnum 'a' + i `mod` 26]
+focusPath :: [Int] -> GenericT
+focusPath []     = mkT Focus
+focusPath (p:ps) = snd . f 0 where
+    f i = gfoldl k (\x -> (i,x))
+    k :: Data a => (Int, a -> b) -> a -> (Int, b)
+    k (i,c) x = if typeOf x /= typeOf (undefined :: Exp) then fmap c (f i x)
+                    else (i+1, c $ if i==p then focusPath ps x else x)
+data E = E Int Exp
+instance RenderOne E where
+    renderOne (E i e) = do
+        path <- asks envPath; let path' = path ++ [i]
+        l <- local (\env -> env { envPath = path' }) (renderExp' e)
+        exp <- liftM (focusPath path') (asks envWhole)
+        return [(True, tag "span" [P "class" "potion"] $ joinPieces exp l)]
+instance RenderOne (RenderExp [(Bool, HTML)]) where renderOne m = m
+instance RenderOne Type where renderOne = renderOne . renderType
+instance RenderOne Values where renderOne = renderOne . renderValues
+instance ToHTML a => RenderOne a where
+    renderOne x = asks envPath >>= \p -> return [(False, toHTML x)]
+instance Ren () where ren () = return []
+instance (RenderOne x, Ren xs, Tuple x xs t) => Ren t where
+    ren t | (x,xs) <- tsplit1 t = liftM2 (++) (renderOne x) (ren xs)
+renderExp :: (?imp :: Imp) => Exp -> HTML
+renderExp exp = tag "span" [P "class" "potion"] $ joinPieces (Focus exp)
+              $ flip evalState 0 $ runReaderT (renderExp' exp) $ Env [] [] exp
+joinPieces :: (?imp :: Imp) => Exp -> [(Bool,HTML)] -> HTML
+joinPieces exp ((False,h):(False,i):xs) = joinPieces exp ((False,h&i):xs)
+joinPieces exp ((True,h):xs)            = h & joinPieces exp xs
+joinPieces exp ((False,h):xs) = (& joinPieces exp xs) $ flip (tag "a") h
+  [ P "class" "editLink"
+  , P "href" $ "/potion/" ++ showExp exp ]
+joinPieces exp [] = HTML ""
+renderExp' :: (?imp :: Imp) => Exp -> RenderExp [(Bool, HTML)]
+renderExp' (Question ty) = ren ( "[which ", renderType ty, "?]" )
+renderExp' (Focus exp) = do h <- liftM2 joinPieces (asks envWhole) $ renderExp' exp
+                            return [(True, tag "span" [P "class" "focus"] h)]
+renderExp' exp@(Exp n arg) = f (getPotion n) where
+    f (Potion _ f) = let (r,_) = f (fromMaybe (error "renderExp") $ cast arg) in ren r

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