[Fencommits] fenserve: refactor potion rendering by returning a list instead of using a writer monad

Benja Fallenstein benja.fallenstein at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 18:18:56 EEST 2007

Wed Jun 20 18:18:44 EEST 2007  Benja Fallenstein <benja.fallenstein at gmail.com>
  * refactor potion rendering by returning a list instead of using a writer monad
diff -rN -u old-fenserve/fendata/Potions.hs new-fenserve/fendata/Potions.hs
--- old-fenserve/fendata/Potions.hs	2007-06-20 18:18:56.000000000 +0300
+++ new-fenserve/fendata/Potions.hs	2007-06-20 18:18:56.000000000 +0300
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 import Rendering
 import Control.Monad.Fix
-import Control.Monad.Reader (local, runReaderT)
+import Control.Monad.Reader (local, runReaderT, ask, asks)
 import Control.Monad.State
 import Control.Monad.Writer (execWriter)
@@ -96,27 +96,62 @@
 getPotion name = case filter (\(Potion n _) -> n == name) potions of
                      (p:_) -> p; [] -> error $ "Potion not found: " ++ name
+varType :: (?db :: DB, ?time :: Int64) => Int -> RenderExp [(Bool, HTML)]
+varType i = ask >>= renderOne . renderType . snd . (!! i) . envVars
+varName :: (?db :: DB, ?time :: Int64) => Int -> RenderExp [(Bool, HTML)]
+varName i = asks ((!! i) . envVars) >>= \(name,_) -> ren ("'", ital name, "'")
+mintVar :: Type -> (Int -> RenderExp a) -> RenderExp a
+mintVar t f = do var <- get; put (var + 1)
+                 local (\e -> e {envVars=(n var,t):envVars e}) (f var) where
+    n i = (if i<26 then "" else n (i `div` 26))
+       ++ [toEnum $ fromEnum 'a' + i `mod` 26]
+focusPath :: [Int] -> GenericT
+focusPath []     = mkT Focus
+focusPath (p:ps) = snd . f 0 where
+    f i = gfoldl k (\x -> (i,x))
+    k :: Data a => (Int, a -> b) -> a -> (Int, b)
+    k (i,c) x = if typeOf x /= typeOf (undefined :: Exp) then fmap c (f i x)
+                    else (i+1, c $ if i==p then focusPath ps x else x)
 data E = E Int Exp
 instance RenderOne E where
-     renderOne (E i e) = 
-         local (\env -> env { envPath = envPath env ++ [i] }) (renderExp' e)
+    renderOne (E i e) = do
+        path <- asks envPath; let path' = path ++ [i]
+        l <- local (\env -> env { envPath = path' }) (renderExp' e)
+        exp <- liftM (focusPath path') (asks envWhole)
+        return [(True, tag "span" [P "class" "potion"] $ joinPieces exp l)]
+instance RenderOne (RenderExp [(Bool, HTML)]) where renderOne m = m
+instance RenderOne Type where renderOne = renderOne . renderType
+instance RenderOne Values where renderOne = renderOne . renderValues
+instance ToHTML a => RenderOne a where
+    renderOne x = asks envPath >>= \p -> return [(False, toHTML x)]
+instance Ren () where ren () = return []
+instance (RenderOne x, Ren xs, Tuple x xs t) => Ren t where
+    ren t | (x,xs) <- tsplit1 t = liftM2 (++) (renderOne x) (ren xs)
 renderExp :: (?db :: DB, ?time :: Int64) => Exp -> HTML
-renderExp exp = potion $ fst $ f [] (HTML "") $ execWriter $ flip runStateT 0 $ runReaderT (renderExp' exp) $ Env [] [] exp where
-    potion = tag "span" [P "class" "potion"]
-    lnk p = tag "a"
-      [ P "class" "editLink"
-      , P "href" $ "/potion/" ++ showExp (focusPath p exp) ]
-    f p h ((q,i):(r,j):xs) | q == r = f p h ((q,i&j):xs)
-    f p h ((q,i):xs) | p == q           = f p (h & lnk p i) xs
-                     | p `isPrefixOf` q = let (i',xs') = f q (HTML "") ((q,i):xs)
-                                           in f p (h & potion i') xs'
-    f p h xs = (h,xs)
+renderExp exp = tag "span" [P "class" "potion"] $ joinPieces (Focus exp)
+              $ flip evalState 0 $ runReaderT (renderExp' exp) $ Env [] [] exp
+joinPieces :: (?db :: DB, ?time :: Int64) => Exp -> [(Bool,HTML)] -> HTML
+joinPieces exp ((False,h):(False,i):xs) = joinPieces exp ((False,h&i):xs)
+joinPieces exp ((True,h):xs)            = h & joinPieces exp xs
+joinPieces exp ((False,h):xs) = (& joinPieces exp xs) $ flip (tag "a") h
+  [ P "class" "editLink"
+  , P "href" $ "/potion/" ++ showExp exp ]
+joinPieces exp [] = HTML ""
-renderExp' :: (?db :: DB, ?time :: Int64) => Exp -> RenderExp ()
+renderExp' :: (?db :: DB, ?time :: Int64) => Exp -> RenderExp [(Bool, HTML)]
 renderExp' (Question ty) = ren ( "[which ", renderType ty, "?]" )
 renderExp' (Focus exp) = ren ( I $ E 0 exp )
 renderExp' exp@(Exp n arg) = f (getPotion n) where
diff -rN -u old-fenserve/fendata/Rendering.hs new-fenserve/fendata/Rendering.hs
--- old-fenserve/fendata/Rendering.hs	2007-06-20 18:18:56.000000000 +0300
+++ new-fenserve/fendata/Rendering.hs	2007-06-20 18:18:56.000000000 +0300
@@ -48,38 +48,3 @@
 renderValues vs = commaList $ map renderValue $ vs
-varType :: (?db :: DB, ?time :: Int64) => Int -> RenderExp ()
-varType i = ask >>= renderOne . renderType . snd . (!! i) . envVars 
-varName :: (?db :: DB, ?time :: Int64) => Int -> RenderExp ()
-varName i = asks ((!! i) . envVars) >>= \(name,_) -> ren ("'", ital name, "'")
-mintVar :: Type -> (Int -> RenderExp a) -> RenderExp a
-mintVar t f = do var <- get; put (var + 1)
-                 local (\e -> e {envVars=(n var,t):envVars e}) (f var) where
-    n i = (if i<26 then "" else n (i `div` 26))
-       ++ [toEnum $ fromEnum 'a' + i `mod` 26]
-focusPath :: [Int] -> GenericT
-focusPath []     = mkT Focus
-focusPath (p:ps) = snd . f 0 where
-    f i = gfoldl k (\x -> (i,x))
-    k :: Data a => (Int, a -> b) -> a -> (Int, b)
-    k (i,c) x = if typeOf x /= typeOf (undefined :: Exp) then fmap c (f i x)
-                    else (i+1, c $ if i==p then focusPath ps x else x)
-expWithFocus :: RenderExp Exp
-expWithFocus = ask >>= \env -> return $ focusPath (envPath env) (envWhole env)
-instance RenderOne (RenderExp a) where renderOne m = m >> return ()
-instance RenderOne Type where renderOne = renderOne . renderType
-instance RenderOne Values where renderOne = renderOne . renderValues
-instance ToHTML a => RenderOne a where
-    renderOne x = asks envPath >>= \p -> tell [(p, toHTML x)]
-instance Ren () where ren () = return ()
-instance (RenderOne x, Ren xs, Tuple x xs t) => Ren t where
-    ren t | (x,xs) <- tsplit1 t = renderOne x >> ren xs
diff -rN -u old-fenserve/fendata/Types.hs new-fenserve/fendata/Types.hs
--- old-fenserve/fendata/Types.hs	2007-06-20 18:18:56.000000000 +0300
+++ new-fenserve/fendata/Types.hs	2007-06-20 18:18:56.000000000 +0300
@@ -135,14 +135,16 @@
 -- Potions
-class RenderOne a where renderOne :: (?db :: DB, ?time :: Int64) => a -> RenderExp ()
-class Ren a where ren :: (?db :: DB, ?time :: Int64) => a -> RenderExp ()
 data Env = Env { envVars :: [(String,Type)], envPath :: [Int], envWhole :: Exp }
-type RenderExp = ReaderT Env :$$: StateT Int :$$: Writer [([Int], HTML)]
+type RenderExp = ReaderT Env :$$: State Int
+class RenderOne a where
+    renderOne :: (?db :: DB, ?time :: Int64) => a -> RenderExp [(Bool, HTML)]
+class Ren a where
+    ren :: (?db :: DB, ?time :: Int64) => a -> RenderExp [(Bool, HTML)]
 data SExp = SExp String [SExp]

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