[Fencommits] fenserve: a monad for renderExp

Benja Fallenstein benja.fallenstein at gmail.com
Wed Jun 13 21:20:06 EEST 2007

Wed Jun 13 21:19:30 EEST 2007  Benja Fallenstein <benja.fallenstein at gmail.com>
  * a monad for renderExp
diff -rN -u old-fenserve/fendata/HTML.hs new-fenserve/fendata/HTML.hs
--- old-fenserve/fendata/HTML.hs	2007-06-13 21:20:04.000000000 +0300
+++ new-fenserve/fendata/HTML.hs	2007-06-13 21:20:04.000000000 +0300
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 import Data.Generics (Typeable, Data)
 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Data.Monoid
 newtype HTML = HTML String deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
@@ -55,6 +56,10 @@
 instance ToString String where toString = id
 instance Show a => ToString a where toString = show
+instance Monoid HTML where
+    mempty = HTML ""
+    mappend = (&)
 quoteBr = HTML . concatMap (\c -> case c of '\n' -> "<br>"; _ -> quoteChar c)
 quoteP = HTML . concatMap (\c -> case c of '\n' -> "<p>"; _ -> quoteChar c)
diff -rN -u old-fenserve/fendata/Main.hs new-fenserve/fendata/Main.hs
--- old-fenserve/fendata/Main.hs	2007-06-13 21:20:04.000000000 +0300
+++ new-fenserve/fendata/Main.hs	2007-06-13 21:20:04.000000000 +0300
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
     case evaluate (html content) of
         Right s -> s; Left e -> "Internal server error: " ++ show e
-runPost path target m = h (path :: [String]) POST $ seeOther $ \() () ->
-    case evaluate (target, execState m ?state) of
+runPost path m = h (path :: [String]) POST $ seeOther $ \() () ->
+    case evaluate (runState m ?state) of
         Right (uri,state') -> put state' >> respond (uri, uri)
         Left e -> respond ("", "Internal server error: " ++ show e)
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
           , para $ textarea "csv" 10 80 ""
           , submit "Submit" ) )
-  , runPost ["import"] "/table" $ do
+  , runPost ["import"] $ do
         cat <- new_category $ lookE "catName"
         let fieldNames : rows = parseCSV $ lookE "csv"
         fields <- forM fieldNames $ \n -> new_field n cat $ Single InlineType
@@ -85,11 +85,12 @@
             item <- new_item $ Set.singleton cat
             forM_ (zip fields r) $ \(field, value) ->
                 modify $ u_value item field [InlineValue $ toHTML value]
+        return "/table"
   , page ["table"] "Table"
       ( h2 "Table of all data in the database (if any)"
       , catFor (Map.elems $ dbCategories ?db) $ \(Category cat name fs) ->
-          ( h3 ("Category ", name)
-          , renderValues $ runExp [] $ Exp $ TableView (Exp $ AllItems cat) $
-                map (\f -> (fieldName $ getField f, Exp $ GetField f (Exp $ Var 0))) fs))
+          ( h3 ("Category: ", name)
+          , renderValues $ runExp [] $ I $ TableView (I $ AllItems cat) $
+                map (\f -> I (fieldName $ getField f, GetField f (I $ Var 0))) fs))
diff -rN -u old-fenserve/fendata/Potions.hs new-fenserve/fendata/Potions.hs
--- old-fenserve/fendata/Potions.hs	2007-06-13 21:20:04.000000000 +0300
+++ new-fenserve/fendata/Potions.hs	2007-06-13 21:20:04.000000000 +0300
@@ -8,10 +8,13 @@
 import Utils
 import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, ask, local)
+import Control.Monad.State (StateT, get, put)
+import Control.Monad.Writer (Writer, tell)
 import Data.Int (Int64)
 import Data.List (sort)
-import Data.Generics (Typeable, everything, mkQ, extQ, gmapQr)
+import Data.Generics (Typeable, Typeable1, everything, mkQ, extQ, gmapQr)
 import Data.Map (Map)
 import qualified Data.Map as Map
@@ -84,6 +87,41 @@
 renderValue (ItemValue _ i) = "Item " & show i -- XXX
 renderValues vs = commaList $ map renderValue $ vs
+newtype Cx a = Cx (a, a -> Exp)
+type CxExp = Exp' Cx
+type RenderExp = ReaderT [(String,Type)] (StateT Int (Writer HTML))
+ren :: ToHTML a => a -> RenderExp ()
+ren x = tell (toHTML x)
+varType :: Int -> RenderExp Type
+varType i = fmap (snd . (!! i)) ask
+renderVar :: Int -> RenderExp ()
+renderVar i = fmap (!! i) ask >>= \(name,_) -> ren ("'", ital name, "'")
+mintVar :: Type -> (Int -> RenderExp a) -> RenderExp a
+mintVar t f = do var <- get; put (var + 1); local (("v"++show var,t):) (f var)
+renderExp' :: (?db :: DB) => Exp -> RenderExp ()
+renderExp' (Var i) = do varType i -> ty; ren (renderType ty, " "); renderVar i
+--renderExp' (Call fun exps) = ...
+renderExp' (Literal vals) = ren $ renderValues vals
+renderExp' (GetField field (I exp)) =
+    ren ("the ", fieldName $ getField field, " of ") >> renderExp' exp
+renderExp' (AllItems cat) =
+    ren ("all the ", plural $ catName $ getCategory cat, " in the database")
+renderExp' (Sort (I e1) (I e2) order) =
+    renderExp' e1 >> ren " sorted by " >> renderExp' e2 >> ren (", ", f order)
+    where f Ascending = "ascending"; f Descending = "descending"
+renderExp' (Filter ty (I e1) (I e2)) = mintVar (Single ty) $ \var -> do
+    ren ("those ", renderType (Multiple ty), " ")
+    renderVar var; ren " "; renderExp' e1; ren " such that "; renderExp' e2
 renderExp exp = zipHTML (map toHTML $ template exp) $ gmapQr (++) [] f exp where
@@ -102,7 +140,7 @@
          ++ " in the database"]
     template (Sort _ _ order) = ["", " sorted by ", ", " ++ f order]
         where f Ascending = "ascending"; f Descending = "descending"
-    template (Filter _ _) = ["those of ", " such that ", ""]
+    template (Filter ty _ _) = ["those of ", " such that ", ""]
     template (NumOp op _ _) = ["", " " ++ f op ++ " " , ""]
         where f Add = "+"; f Subtract = "-"; f Mul = "*"; f Div = "/"
     template (CmpOp op _ _) = ["", " " ++ f op ++ " " , ""]
@@ -122,11 +160,11 @@
 runExp :: (?db :: DB, ?time :: Int64, ?funs :: Map FunId Fun) => 
-          [Values] -> Exp -> Values
-runExp env = runExp' env . unExp
+          [Values] -> (I Exp) -> Values
+runExp env = runExp' env . unI
 runExp' env (Var i) = env !! i
-runExp' env (Call fun exps) = runExp (map (runExp env) exps) body where
+runExp' env (Call fun exps) = runExp' (map (runExp env) exps) body where
     Fun _ _ body = ?funs Map.! fun
 runExp' env (Literal val) = val
 runExp' env (GetField field exp) = do
@@ -137,7 +175,7 @@
     sortKeys = map (\v -> runExp ([v]:env) sortKeyExp) values
     sorted = map snd $ sort $ zip sortKeys values
     f = case order of Ascending -> id; Descending -> reverse
-runExp' env (Filter exp filterExp) = filter f $ runExp env exp where
+runExp' env (Filter _ exp filterExp) = filter f $ runExp env exp where
     f v = case runExp ([v]:env) filterExp of 
               [BooleanValue True] -> True; [BooleanValue False] -> False
 runExp' env (NumOp op e1 e2) = do
@@ -158,7 +196,7 @@
   where t = toUTCTime (TOD (fromIntegral ?time) 0)
 runExp' env (TableView exp columns) = return $ BlockValue $
     tag "table" [P "border" "1"]
-      ( tag "tr" [] $ catFor columns $ tag "th" [] . fst
+      ( tag "tr" [] $ catFor columns $ tag "th" [] . fst . unI
       , catFor (runExp env exp) $ \item -> tag "tr" [] $
-            catFor columns $ \(_,exp') ->
-                tag "td" [] $ renderValues $ runExp ([item]:env) exp' )
+            catFor columns $ \(I (_,exp')) ->
+                tag "td" [] $ renderValues $ runExp' ([item]:env) exp' )
diff -rN -u old-fenserve/fendata/Types.hs new-fenserve/fendata/Types.hs
--- old-fenserve/fendata/Types.hs	2007-06-13 21:20:04.000000000 +0300
+++ new-fenserve/fendata/Types.hs	2007-06-13 21:20:04.000000000 +0300
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -fno-monomorphism-restriction #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -fno-monomorphism-restriction -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
 module Types where
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader)
 import Control.Monad.State
-import Data.Generics (Typeable, Data)
+import Data.Generics --	(Typeable, Typeable1, Data)
 import Data.Map (Map)
 import qualified Data.Map as Map
 import Data.Set (Set)
@@ -143,21 +143,29 @@
 data CmpOp = Lt | Le | Eq | Ge | Gt
     deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Eq, Ord)
-data Exp' e = Var Int
-            | Call FunId [e]
+data Typeable1 f => Exp' f = Var Int
+            | Call FunId [f (Exp' f)]
             | Literal Values
-            | GetField FieldId e
+            | GetField FieldId (f (Exp' f))
             | AllItems CategoryId
-            | Sort e e Order
-            | Filter e e
-            | NumOp NumOp e e | CmpOp CmpOp e e
-            | Sum e | Product e | Count e
-            | IfThenElse e e e
+            | Sort (f (Exp' f)) (f (Exp' f)) Order
+            | Filter BaseType (f (Exp' f)) (f (Exp' f))
+            | NumOp NumOp (f (Exp' f)) (f (Exp' f)) 
+            | CmpOp CmpOp (f (Exp' f)) (f (Exp' f))
+            | Sum (f (Exp' f)) | Product (f (Exp' f)) | Count (f (Exp' f))
+            | IfThenElse (f (Exp' f)) (f (Exp' f)) (f (Exp' f))
             | Today
-            | TableView e [(String, e)]
+            | TableView (f (Exp' f)) [f (String, Exp' f)]
-            | Question Type | Focus e
-    deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Eq, Ord)
+            | Question Type | Focus (f (Exp' f))
+    deriving (Read, Show, Data, Eq, Ord)
+newtype I a = I a deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Eq, Ord)
+unI (I x) = x
-newtype Exp = Exp { unExp :: Exp' Exp }
-    deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Eq, Ord)
+instance Typeable1 f => Typeable (Exp' f) where
+    typeOf (_ :: Exp' f) =
+        mkTyConApp (mkTyCon "Exp'") [typeOf1 (undefined::f (Exp' f))]
+type Exp = Exp' I

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