[Fencommits] fenfire-hs: refactor

Benja Fallenstein benja.fallenstein at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 18:21:35 EET 2007

Wed Feb 28 18:21:07 EET 2007  Benja Fallenstein <benja.fallenstein at gmail.com>
  * refactor
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/Fenfire.fhs new-fenfire-hs/Fenfire.fhs
--- old-fenfire-hs/Fenfire.fhs	2007-02-28 18:21:34.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/Fenfire.fhs	2007-02-28 18:21:34.000000000 +0200
@@ -167,6 +167,11 @@
     nearest | r > 0     = len-1 - min (len `div` 2) (maxCenter ?vs)
             | otherwise = 0 - min (len `div` 2) (maxCenter ?vs)
     len = (length $ conns n dir)
+modifyGraph :: Graph -> Path -> Endo FenState
+modifyGraph graph' path' state = 
+    state { fsGraph=graph', fsPath=path', fsGraphModified=True,
+            fsUndo=(fsGraph state, fsPath state):fsUndo state, fsRedo=[]}
 type URIMaker = (String, IORef Integer)
@@ -182,12 +187,13 @@
             return $ URI (base ++ ":_" ++ show i)
 newNode :: (?vs :: ViewSettings, ?uriMaker :: URIMaker) => 
-           Dir -> Node -> EndoM IO (Graph, Rotation)
-newNode dir prop (graph, Rotation node _) = do
+           Dir -> EndoM IO FenState
+newNode dir state@(FenState { fsGraph = graph, fsProperty = prop,
+                              fsPath = Path node _ }) = do
     node' <- newURI
-    let ?graph = insert (triple dir (node, prop, node'))
+    let graph' = insert (triple dir (node, prop, node'))
                $ insert (node', rdfs_label, PlainLiteral "") graph
-     in return (?graph, fromPath (Path node' [Conn prop (rev dir) node]))
+     in return $ modifyGraph graph' (Path node' [Conn prop (rev dir) node]) state
 connect :: (?vs :: ViewSettings) => Dir -> Endo FenState
 connect _ state | Set.null (fsMark state) = state
@@ -195,10 +201,7 @@
     let nodes = Set.toList (fsMark state); prop = fsProperty state in
     let ?graph = foldr (\n -> insert $ triple dir (fsNode state, prop, n))
                        (fsGraph state) nodes in
-    state { fsPath = (Path (fsNode state) [Conn prop dir (head nodes)]),
-            fsGraph = ?graph, fsMark = Set.empty, fsGraphModified = True,
-            fsUndo = (fsGraph state, fsPath state):fsUndo state,
-            fsRedo = [] }
+    modifyGraph ?graph (Path (fsNode state) [Conn prop dir (head nodes)]) state
 disconnect :: (?vs :: ViewSettings) => Dir -> Endo FenState
 disconnect dir state = let ?graph = fsGraph state in
@@ -211,9 +214,7 @@
                               xdir <- [Neg,Pos], ydir <- [-1,1]]
                 triples = pathToTriples path
                 graph' = foldr delete (fsGraph state) triples
-             in state { fsGraph=graph', fsPath=path', fsGraphModified=True,
-                        fsUndo=(fsGraph state, fsPath state):fsUndo state,
-                        fsRedo=[]}
+             in modifyGraph graph' path' state
 type Mark = Set Node
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/Fenfire.hs new-fenfire-hs/Fenfire.hs
--- old-fenfire-hs/Fenfire.hs	2007-02-28 18:21:34.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/Fenfire.hs	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
--- GENERATED file. Edit the ORIGINAL Fenfire.fhs instead.
-{-# LINE 1 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fth #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fallow-overlapping-instances -fimplicit-params #-}
-                         module Fenfire where
-{-# LINE 1 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import qualified FunctorSugar
-{-# LINE 22 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import qualified Cache
-{-# LINE 23 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import Cairo hiding (rotate, Path)
-{-# LINE 24 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import Vobs
-{-# LINE 25 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import Utils
-{-# LINE 26 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import RDF
-{-# LINE 28 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import qualified Raptor (filenameToTriples, uriToTriples,
-                         triplesToFilename, filenameToURI, Identifier(..))
-{-# LINE 31 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-{-# LINE 32 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import qualified Data.Set as Set
-{-# LINE 33 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
-{-# LINE 34 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import Data.List (intersperse)
-{-# LINE 35 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import qualified Data.List
-{-# LINE 36 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import Data.Set (Set)
-{-# LINE 37 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import Data.IORef
-{-# LINE 38 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, fromJust, isJust, isNothing,
-                   catMaybes)
-{-# LINE 39 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import Data.Monoid (Monoid(mempty, mconcat), Dual(Dual), getDual)
-{-# LINE 41 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import Control.Applicative
-{-# LINE 42 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import qualified Control.Exception
-{-# LINE 43 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import Control.Monad (when, guard, mplus, msum, liftM, join)
-{-# LINE 44 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, runReaderT, local, ask, asks)
-{-# LINE 45 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import Control.Monad.State (StateT, get, gets, modify, put,
-                            execStateT)
-{-# LINE 46 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import Control.Monad.Trans (lift, liftIO)
-{-# LINE 47 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import Control.Monad.Writer (Writer, execWriter, tell)
-{-# LINE 49 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import GtkFixes
-{-# LINE 50 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (Color, get, disconnect, fill,
-                               actionNew, widgetGetStyle, styleGetForeground, styleGetBackground,
-                               styleGetLight, styleGetMiddle, styleGetDark, styleGetText,
-                               styleGetBase, styleGetAntiAliasing)
-{-# LINE 58 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView as New
-{-# LINE 60 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import qualified Network.URI
-{-# LINE 62 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import System.Directory (canonicalizePath)
-{-# LINE 63 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName)
-{-# LINE 64 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import System.Mem.StableName
-{-# LINE 65 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-import System.Random (randomRIO)
-{-# LINE 67 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-data ViewSettings = ViewSettings{hiddenProps :: [Node],
-                                 maxCenter :: Int}
-{-# LINE 68 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-data FenState = FenState{fsGraph :: Graph, fsPath :: Path,
-                         fsMark :: Mark, fsFilePath :: FilePath, fsGraphModified :: Bool,
-                         fsHasFocus :: Bool, fsView :: Int, fsProperty :: Node,
-                         fsProperties :: Set Node, fsUndo :: [(Graph, Path)],
-                         fsRedo :: [(Graph, Path)]}
-{-# LINE 74 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-fsNode :: FenState -> Node
-{-# LINE 75 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-fsNode (FenState{fsPath = Path node _}) = node
-{-# LINE 77 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-fsRotation ::
-             (?vs :: ViewSettings, ?graph :: Graph) => FenState -> Rotation
-{-# LINE 78 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-fsRotation = fromPath . fsPath
-{-# LINE 80 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-type Views = [(String, View FenState Node)]
-{-# LINE 82 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-data Rotation = Rotation Node Int
-              deriving (Eq, Show)
-{-# LINE 84 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-fromPath ::
-           (?vs :: ViewSettings, ?graph :: Graph) => Path -> Rotation
-{-# LINE 85 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-fromPath path@(Path node (Conn _ dir _ : _))
-  = fromMaybe (Rotation node 0) $
-      do let {-# LINE 86 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-             c = conns node dir
-         i <- Data.List.elemIndex path c
-         return $ Rotation node (i - min (length c `div` 2) (maxCenter ?vs))
-{-# LINE 89 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-fromPath (Path node []) = Rotation node 0
-{-# LINE 91 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-toPath ::
-         (?vs :: ViewSettings, ?graph :: Graph) =>
-         Rotation -> Dir -> Maybe Path
-{-# LINE 93 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-toPath (Rotation node r) dir
-  = let {-# LINE 93 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        c = conns node dir
-      in c !? (min (length c `div` 2) (maxCenter ?vs) + r)
-{-# LINE 96 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-toPath' rot@(Rotation node _)
-  = head $
-      catMaybes [toPath rot Pos, toPath rot Neg, Just $ Path node []]
-{-# LINE 99 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-connsCache :: Cache.Cache (StableName Graph, (Node, Dir)) [Path]
-{-# LINE 100 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-connsCache = Cache.newCache 10000
-{-# LINE 102 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-dc_date = URI "dc:date"
-{-# LINE 104 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-conns ::
-        (?vs :: ViewSettings, ?graph :: Graph) => Node -> Dir -> [Path]
-{-# LINE 105 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-conns node dir
-  = Cache.cached (Cache.byAddress ?graph, (node, dir)) connsCache
-      result
-  where {-# LINE 107 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        result
-          = map (\ (prop, node') -> Path node [Conn prop dir node']) sorted
-        {-# LINE 108 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        sorted = Data.List.sortBy cmp' list
-        {-# LINE 109 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        list
-          = [(p, n) | (p, s) <- Map.toList $ getConns ?graph node dir,
-             not (p `elem` hiddenProps ?vs), n <- Set.toList s]
-        {-# LINE 111 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        cmp n1 n2 | p n1 && p n2 = compare (f n1) (f n2)
-          where {-# LINE 112 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-                p n = hasConn ?graph n dc_date Pos
-                {-# LINE 112 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-                f n = getOne ?graph n dc_date Pos
-        {-# LINE 113 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        cmp n1 n2 = compare (getText n1) (getText n2)
-        {-# LINE 114 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        cmp' (p1, n1) (p2, n2) = catOrds (cmp p1 p2) (cmp n1 n2)
-        {-# LINE 115 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        catOrds (EQ) o = o
-        {-# LINE 115 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        catOrds o _ = o
-{-# LINE 117 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-rotate ::
-         (?vs :: ViewSettings, ?graph :: Graph) =>
-         Rotation -> Int -> Maybe Rotation
-{-# LINE 119 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-rotate (Rotation n r) dir
-  = let {-# LINE 119 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        rot = Rotation n (r + dir)
-      in
-      do guard $ any isJust [toPath rot d | d <- [Pos, Neg]]
-         return rot
-{-# LINE 122 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-move ::
-       (?vs :: ViewSettings, ?graph :: Graph) =>
-       Rotation -> Dir -> Maybe Rotation
-{-# LINE 124 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-move rot dir
-  = do path <- toPath rot dir
-       return $ fromPath (rev path)
-{-# LINE 127 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-getText :: (?graph :: Graph) => Node -> Maybe String
-{-# LINE 128 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-getText n = fmap f $ getOne ?graph n rdfs_label Pos
-  where {-# LINE 129 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        f (PlainLiteral s) = s
-        {-# LINE 129 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        f _ = error "getText argh"
-{-# LINE 131 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-getTextOrURI :: (?graph :: Graph) => Node -> String
-{-# LINE 132 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-getTextOrURI n
-  = fromMaybe (showNode (graphNamespaces ?graph) n) (getText n)
-{-# LINE 134 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-setText :: Node -> String -> Endo Graph
-{-# LINE 135 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-setText n t = update (n, rdfs_label, PlainLiteral t)
-{-# LINE 137 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-nodeView :: (?graph :: Graph) => Node -> Vob Node
-{-# LINE 138 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-nodeView n = useFgColor $ multiline False 20 $ getTextOrURI n
-{-# LINE 140 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-propView :: (?graph :: Graph) => Node -> Vob Node
-{-# LINE 141 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-propView n
-  = (useFadeColor $ fill extents) &
-      (pad 5 $ useFgColor $ label $ getTextOrURI n)
-{-# LINE 146 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-presentationView :: (?vs :: ViewSettings) => View FenState Node
-{-# LINE 147 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-presentationView state = let ?graph = fsGraph state in result
-  where  
-        {-# LINE 148 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        result :: (?graph :: Graph) => Vob Node
-        {-# LINE 149 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        result = cursor & vob
-          where {-# LINE 150 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-                node = fsNode state
-                {-# LINE 151 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-                children = map getPos (conns node Pos)
-                {-# LINE 152 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-                selected = fmap (getSide Pos) (toPath (fsRotation state) Pos)
-                {-# LINE 153 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-                f sc n
-                  = keyVob n $ useFgColor $ pad 5 $ scaleVob sc $ multiline True 70 $
-                      getTextOrURI n
-                {-# LINE 155 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-                cursor
-                  = flip (maybe mempty) selected $
-                      \ n ->
-                        showAtKey n $ keyVob (PlainLiteral "CURSOR") $ rectBox mempty
-                {-# LINE 157 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-                space = changeSize (const (0, 20)) mempty
-                {-# LINE 158 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-                vob
-                  = pad 30 $ vbox $ intersperse space $ f 3 node : map (f 2) children
-{-# LINE 162 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-tryMove ::
-          (?vs :: ViewSettings, ?graph :: Graph) =>
-          Rotation -> Dir -> Maybe Rotation
-{-# LINE 164 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-tryMove rot@(Rotation n r) dir = maybe rot' Just (move rot dir)
-  where {-# LINE 165 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        rot'
-          | r == nearest = Nothing
-          | otherwise = Just $ Rotation n nearest
-        {-# LINE 167 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        nearest
-          | r > 0 = len - 1 - min (len `div` 2) (maxCenter ?vs)
-          | otherwise = 0 - min (len `div` 2) (maxCenter ?vs)
-        {-# LINE 169 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        len = (length $ conns n dir)
-{-# LINE 171 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-type URIMaker = (String, IORef Integer)
-{-# LINE 173 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-newURIMaker :: IO URIMaker
-{-# LINE 174 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-  = do rand <- sequence [randomRIO (0, 63) | _ <- [1 .. 27 :: Int]]
-       let {-# LINE 175 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-           chars = ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['0' .. '9'] ++ "+-"
-       ref <- newIORef 1
-       return ("urn:urn-5:" ++ map (chars !!) rand, ref)
-{-# LINE 179 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-newURI :: (?uriMaker :: URIMaker) => IO Node
-{-# LINE 180 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-  = do let {-# LINE 180 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-           (base, ref) = ?uriMaker
-       i <- readIORef ref
-       writeIORef ref (i + 1)
-       return $ URI (base ++ ":_" ++ show i)
-{-# LINE 184 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-newNode ::
-          (?vs :: ViewSettings, ?uriMaker :: URIMaker) =>
-          Dir -> Node -> EndoM IO (Graph, Rotation)
-{-# LINE 186 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-newNode dir prop (graph, Rotation node _)
-  = do node' <- newURI
-       let ?graph =
-             insert (triple dir (node, prop, node')) $
-               insert (node', rdfs_label, PlainLiteral "") graph
-         in
-         return (?graph, fromPath (Path node' [Conn prop (rev dir) node]))
-{-# LINE 192 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-connect :: (?vs :: ViewSettings) => Dir -> Endo FenState
-{-# LINE 193 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-connect _ state | Set.null (fsMark state) = state
-{-# LINE 194 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-connect dir state
-  = let {-# LINE 195 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        nodes = Set.toList (fsMark state)
-        {-# LINE 195 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        prop = fsProperty state
-      in
-      let ?graph =
-            foldr (\ n -> insert $ triple dir (fsNode state, prop, n))
-              (fsGraph state)
-              nodes
-        in
-        state{fsPath = (Path (fsNode state) [Conn prop dir (head nodes)]),
-              fsGraph = ?graph, fsMark = Set.empty, fsGraphModified = True,
-              fsUndo = (fsGraph state, fsPath state) : fsUndo state, fsRedo = []}
-{-# LINE 203 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-disconnect :: (?vs :: ViewSettings) => Dir -> Endo FenState
-{-# LINE 204 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-disconnect dir state
-  = let ?graph = fsGraph state in
-      let {-# LINE 205 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-          rot = fsRotation state
-        in
-        case toPath rot dir of
-            Nothing -> state
-            Just path -> let {-# LINE 209 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-                             path'
-                               = fromMaybe (Path (fsNode state) []) $
-                                   msum
-                                     [flip toPath xdir =<< rotate rot ydir | xdir <- [Neg, Pos],
-                                      ydir <- [- 1, 1]]
-                             {-# LINE 212 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-                             triples = pathToTriples path
-                             {-# LINE 213 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-                             graph' = foldr delete (fsGraph state) triples
-                           in
-                           state{fsGraph = graph', fsPath = path', fsGraphModified = True,
-                                 fsUndo = (fsGraph state, fsPath state) : fsUndo state, fsRedo = []}
-{-# LINE 219 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-type Mark = Set Node
-{-# LINE 221 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-toggleMark :: Node -> Endo Mark
-{-# LINE 222 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-toggleMark n mark
-  | n `Set.member` mark = Set.delete n mark
-  | otherwise = Set.insert n mark
-{-# LINE 225 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-newGraph :: (?uriMaker :: URIMaker) => IO (Graph, Path)
-{-# LINE 226 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-  = do home <- newURI
-       let {-# LINE 228 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-           graph = listToGraph [(home, rdfs_label, PlainLiteral "")]
-       return (graph, Path home [])
-{-# LINE 231 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-findStartPath :: (?vs :: ViewSettings) => Node -> Graph -> Path
-{-# LINE 232 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-findStartPath self g = let ?graph = g in result
-  where  
-        {-# LINE 233 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        result :: (?graph :: Graph) => Path
-        {-# LINE 234 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        result = head $ catMaybes $ startNode : topic : triples
-          where {-# LINE 236 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-                startNode = fmap getRot' $ getTriple self ffv_startNode
-                {-# LINE 237 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-                topic = fmap getRot' $ getTriple self foaf_primaryTopic
-                {-# LINE 238 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-                triples = map (Just . getRot) $ graphToList g
-                {-# LINE 240 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-                getTriple s p = fmap (\ o -> (s, p, o)) $ getOne g s p Pos
-                {-# LINE 241 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-                getRot (s, p, o) = Path s [Conn p Pos o]
-                {-# LINE 242 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-                getRot' (s, p, o) = Path o [Conn p Neg s]
-                {-# LINE 244 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-                ffv_startNode = URI "http://fenfire.org/rdf-v/2003/05/ff#startNode"
-                {-# LINE 245 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-                foaf_primaryTopic = URI "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/primaryTopic"
-{-# LINE 247 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-containsInfoTriples ::
-                      (?vs :: ViewSettings) => Node -> Graph -> [Triple]
-{-# LINE 248 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-containsInfoTriples s g = [(s, p, o) | o <- os, o /= s]
-  where {-# LINE 249 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        p = URI "ex:containsInformationAbout"
-        {-# LINE 250 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        triples = graphToList g
-        {-# LINE 251 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        [subjects, objects] = for [subject, object] $ \ f -> map f triples
-        {-# LINE 252 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        os
-          = Set.toAscList $ foldr Set.delete (Set.fromList subjects) objects
-{-# LINE 254 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-loadGraph :: FilePath -> IO Graph
-{-# LINE 255 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-loadGraph fileName
-  = do let {-# LINE 258 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-           convert (s, p, o) = (f s, f p, f o)
-           {-# LINE 259 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-           f (Raptor.Uri s) = URI s
-           {-# LINE 260 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-           f (Raptor.Literal s) = PlainLiteral s
-           {-# LINE 261 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-           f (Raptor.Blank s) = URI $ "blank:" ++ s
-       (raptorTriples, namespaces) <- if
-                                        Data.List.isPrefixOf "http:" fileName then
-                                        Raptor.uriToTriples fileName Nothing else
-                                        Raptor.filenameToTriples fileName Nothing
-       triples <- return $ map convert raptorTriples
-       return $
-         foldr (uncurry addNamespace) (listToGraph triples) namespaces
-{-# LINE 268 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-saveGraph :: Graph -> FilePath -> IO ()
-{-# LINE 269 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-saveGraph graph fileName
-  = do uri <- liftM (fromJust . Network.URI.parseURI)
-                (Raptor.filenameToURI fileName)
-       let {-# LINE 273 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-           convert (s, p, o) = (f s, f p, f o)
-           {-# LINE 274 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-           f (URI s)
-             = Raptor.Uri $ fromMaybe s $
-                 do u <- Network.URI.parseURI s
-                    return $ show $ Network.URI.relativeFrom u uri
-           {-# LINE 277 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-           f (PlainLiteral s) = Raptor.Literal s
-           {-# LINE 278 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-           triples = graphToList graph
-           {-# LINE 279 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-           namespaces = Map.toAscList $ graphNamespaces graph
-       Raptor.triplesToFilename (map convert triples) namespaces fileName
-       putStrLn $ "Saved: " ++ fileName
-{-# LINE 283 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-newState :: Graph -> Path -> FilePath -> Bool -> FenState
-{-# LINE 284 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-newState graph path fp focus
-  = FenState graph path Set.empty fp False focus 0 rdfs_seeAlso ps []
-      []
-  where {-# LINE 286 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        ps
-          = Set.insert rdfs_seeAlso $ Set.fromList $ map predicate $ filter f
-              $ graphToList graph
-        {-# LINE 288 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        f (_, _, URI _) = True
-        {-# LINE 289 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        f _ = False
-{-# LINE 291 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-stateReplaceNode :: Node -> Node -> Endo FenState
-{-# LINE 292 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-stateReplaceNode m n s@(FenState{fsPath = Path node cs})
-  = FenState{fsGraph = replaceNode m n (fsGraph s),
-             fsPath =
-               Path (f node) (map (\ (Conn p d n') -> Conn (f p) d (f n')) cs),
-             fsMark =
-               if m `Set.member` fsMark s then
-                 Set.insert n $ Set.delete m $ fsMark s else fsMark s,
-             fsProperty = f (fsProperty s),
-             fsProperties = Set.map f (fsProperties s), fsGraphModified = True,
-             fsFilePath = fsFilePath s, fsHasFocus = fsHasFocus s,
-             fsView = fsView s, fsUndo = (fsGraph s, fsPath s) : fsUndo s,
-             fsRedo = []}
-  where {-# LINE 301 "Fenfire.fhs" #-}
-        f x = if x == m then n else x
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/Main.hs new-fenfire-hs/Main.hs
--- old-fenfire-hs/Main.hs	2007-02-28 18:21:34.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/Main.hs	2007-02-28 18:21:34.000000000 +0200
@@ -169,15 +169,14 @@
 handleAction action = do
     state@(FenState { fsGraph = graph, fsPath = path, fsMark = mark, 
                       fsFilePath = filepath, fsGraphModified = modified,
-                      fsHasFocus=focus, fsProperty=prop
+                      fsHasFocus=focus
                     }) <- get
     let ?graph = graph in do
     let rot@(Rotation node _) = fsRotation state
         b f x = maybeDo (f rot x) $ \rot' -> do 
                     putRotation rot'
                     modify $ \s -> s { fsGraphModified = modified }
-        n f x = do (graph', rot') <- liftIO (f x prop (graph, rot))
-                   putGraph graph'; putRotation rot'
+        n f x = do state' <- liftIO (f x state); put state'; setInterp True
         o f x = do put (f x state); setInterp True
     case action of
         "up"    -> b rotate (-1)    ; "down"  -> b rotate 1
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/VanishingView.fhs new-fenfire-hs/VanishingView.fhs
--- old-fenfire-hs/VanishingView.fhs	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/VanishingView.fhs	2007-02-28 18:21:34.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+module VanishingView where
+-- Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Benja Fallenstein, Tuukka Hastrup
+-- This file is part of Fenfire.
+-- Fenfire is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+-- (at your option) any later version.
+-- Fenfire is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+-- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+-- Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General
+-- Public License along with Fenfire; if not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+-- MA  02111-1307  USA
+import Utils
+import Cairo hiding (Path, rotate)
+import Vobs
+import RDF
+import Fenfire
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Control.Monad.Writer
+import Data.Monoid
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+vanishingView :: (?vs :: ViewSettings) => Int -> Int -> Color -> Color -> 
+                                          Color -> Color -> 
+                                          Color -> Color -> FenState -> Vob Node
+vanishingView depth maxnodes bgColor blurBgColor focusColor blurColor 
+              textColor blurTextColor
+              state@(FenState {fsGraph=graph, fsPath=path, fsMark=mark,
+                               fsHasFocus=focus}) =
+    let ?graph = graph in result where
+    startRotation :: (?graph :: Graph) => Rotation
+    startRotation = fsRotation state
+    result :: (?graph :: Graph) => Vob Node
+    result = runVanishing depth maxnodes view where
+    -- place the center of the view and all subtrees in both directions
+    view = do placeNode (if focus then Just (bgColor, focusColor, textColor) 
+                             else Just (blurBgColor, blurColor, blurTextColor))
+                  startRotation
+              let Rotation n _ = startRotation in visitNode n
+              forM_ [Pos, Neg] $ \dir -> do
+                  placeConns startRotation dir True
+    -- place all subtrees in xdir
+    placeConns rotation xdir placeFirst = withDepthIncreased 1 $ do
+        when placeFirst $ placeConn rotation xdir
+        forM_ [-1, 1] $ \ydir -> do
+            placeConns' rotation xdir ydir
+    -- place rest of the subtrees in (xdir, ydir)
+    placeConns' rotation xdir ydir = withDepthIncreased 1 $
+        maybeDo (rotate rotation ydir) $ \rotation' -> do
+            withAngleChanged (fromIntegral ydir * mul xdir pi / 14) $ do
+                placeConn rotation' xdir
+                placeConns' rotation' xdir ydir
+    -- place one subtree
+    placeConn rotation@(Rotation n1 _) dir = withDepthIncreased 1 $
+        maybeDo (toPath rotation dir) $ \path'@(Path _ [Conn prop _ n2]) -> do
+            let rotation' = fromPath (rev path')
+            scale' <- getScale
+            withCenterMoved dir (280 * (scale'**3)) $ do
+                ifUnvisited n2 $ placeNode Nothing rotation'
+                let (nl,nr) = if dir==Pos then (n1,n2) else (n2,n1)
+                addVob $ between (center @@ nl) (center @@ nr) $ ownSize $
+                    centerVob $ scale #scale' $ propView prop
+                addVob $ useFgColor $ stroke $
+                    line (center @@ nl) (center @@ nr)
+                ifUnvisited n2 $ visitNode n2 >> do
+                    placeConns rotation' dir True
+                    withDepthIncreased 3 $
+                        placeConns rotation' (rev dir) False
+    -- place one node view
+    placeNode cols (Rotation node _) = do
+        scale' <- getScale
+        let f vob = case bg of Nothing -> vob
+                               Just c  -> setFgColor fg $ 
+                                          setBgColor c vob
+            markColor = if node `Set.member` mark then Just (Color 1 0 0 1)
+                            else Nothing
+            bg = combine (fmap (\(_,b,_) -> b) cols) markColor
+            fg = maybe (Color 0 0 0 1) (\(_,_,c) -> c) cols
+            combine Nothing c = c
+            combine c Nothing = c
+            combine (Just c1) (Just c2) = Just $ interpolate 0.5 c1 c2
+            g vob = case cols of Nothing    -> vob
+                                 Just (a,_,_) -> frame a & vob
+                where (w,h) = defaultSize vob
+                      frame c = withColor #c $ fill $ 
+                                    moveTo (point #(0-10) #(0-10)) &
+                                    lineTo (point #(w+10) #(0-10)) &
+                                    lineTo (point #(w+10) #(h+10)) &
+                                    lineTo (point #(0-10) #(h+10)) &
+                                    closePath
+        placeVob $ ownSize $ scale #scale' $ keyVob node $ g $ 
+            f (useBgColor (fill extents) & pad 5 (nodeView node)) &
+            useFgColor (stroke extents)
+    getScale :: VV Double
+    getScale = do d <- asks vvDepth; return (0.97 ** fromIntegral d)
+data VVState = VVState { vvDepth :: Int, vvMaxDepth :: Int, vvMaxNodes :: Int,
+                         vvX :: Double, vvY :: Double, vvAngle :: Double }
+type VV a = ReaderT VVState (BreadthT (StateT (Set Node) 
+                                          (Writer (Dual (Vob Node))))) a
+runVanishing :: Int -> Int -> VV () -> Vob Node
+runVanishing maxdepth maxnodes vv = comb (0,0) $ \cx -> 
+    let (w,h) = rcSize cx 
+    in getDual $ execWriter $ flip execStateT Set.empty $ execBreadthT $
+           runReaderT vv $ VVState 0 maxdepth maxnodes (w/2) (h/2) 0
+-- |Execute the passed action with the recursion depth increased by
+-- the given amount of steps, if it is still smaller than the maximum
+-- recursion depth.
+withDepthIncreased :: Int -> VV () -> VV ()
+withDepthIncreased n m = do
+    state <- ask; let state' = state { vvDepth = vvDepth state + n }
+    if vvDepth state' >= vvMaxDepth state' then return () else
+        lift $ scheduleBreadthT $ flip runReaderT state' $ do
+            visited <- get
+            when (Set.size visited <= (4 * vvMaxNodes state') `div` 3) m
+visitNode :: Node -> VV ()
+visitNode n = modify (Set.insert n)
+ifUnvisited :: Node -> VV () -> VV ()
+ifUnvisited n m = do visited <- get
+                     when (not $ n `Set.member` visited) m
+addVob :: Vob Node -> VV ()
+addVob vob = do d <- asks vvDepth; md <- asks vvMaxDepth
+                mn <- asks vvMaxNodes; visited <- get
+                let x = (fromIntegral (md - d) / fromIntegral (md+2))
+                    vob' = if Set.size visited >= mn then invisibleVob vob
+                                                     else fade x vob
+                tell (Dual vob')
+placeVob :: Vob Node -> VV ()
+placeVob vob = do
+    state <- ask
+    addVob $ translate #(vvX state) #(vvY state) $ centerVob vob
+withCenterMoved :: Dir -> Double -> VV () -> VV ()
+withCenterMoved dir distance = local f where
+    distance' = mul dir distance
+    f s = s { vvX = vvX s + distance' * cos (vvAngle s),
+              vvY = vvY s + distance' * sin (vvAngle s) }
+withAngleChanged :: Double -> VV () -> VV ()
+withAngleChanged delta = local $ \s -> s { vvAngle = vvAngle s + delta }

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