[Fencommits] fenfire-hs: namespace support; files are now saved as turtle

Benja Fallenstein benja.fallenstein at gmail.com
Sun Feb 18 12:26:51 EET 2007

Sun Feb 18 12:25:24 EET 2007  Benja Fallenstein <benja.fallenstein at gmail.com>
  * namespace support; files are now saved as turtle
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/Fenfire.fhs new-fenfire-hs/Fenfire.fhs
--- old-fenfire-hs/Fenfire.fhs	2007-02-18 12:26:50.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/Fenfire.fhs	2007-02-18 12:26:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -114,17 +114,19 @@
 getText :: Graph -> Node -> Maybe String
 getText g n = fmap f $ getOne g n rdfs_label Pos where 
     f (PlainLiteral s) = s; f _ = error "getText argh"
+getTextOrURI :: Graph -> Node -> String
+getTextOrURI g n = fromMaybe (showNode (getNamespaces g) n) (getText g n)
 setText :: Graph -> Node -> String -> Graph
 setText g n t = update (n, rdfs_label, PlainLiteral t) g
 nodeView :: Graph -> Node -> Vob Node
-nodeView g n = useFgColor $ multiline False 20 s
-    where s = maybe (show n) id (getText g n)
+nodeView g n = useFgColor $ multiline False 20 $ getTextOrURI g n
 propView :: Graph -> Node -> Vob Node
 propView g n = (useFadeColor $ fill extents)
-             & (pad 5 $ useFgColor $ label $ maybe (show n) id (getText g n))
+             & (pad 5 $ useFgColor $ label $ getTextOrURI g n)
@@ -264,7 +266,7 @@
     selected = fmap (\(_,Rotation _ n _) -> n) $ 
                    getConn (fsRotation state) Pos
     f sc n = keyVob n $ useFgColor $ pad 5 $ scaleVob sc $
-                 multiline True 70 $ maybe (show n) id (getText graph n)
+                 multiline True 70 $ getTextOrURI graph n
     cursor = flip (maybe mempty) selected $ \n -> 
                  showAtKey n $ keyVob (PlainLiteral "CURSOR") $ rectBox mempty
     space = changeSize (const (0, 20)) mempty
@@ -363,11 +365,11 @@
         f (Raptor.Uri s) = URI s
         f (Raptor.Literal s) = PlainLiteral s
         f (Raptor.Blank s) = URI $ "blank:" ++ s
-    raptorTriples <- if Data.List.isPrefixOf "http:" fileName
+    (raptorTriples, namespaces) <- if Data.List.isPrefixOf "http:" fileName
         then Raptor.uriToTriples fileName Nothing
         else Raptor.filenameToTriples fileName (Just "fakebase:/")
     triples <- return $ map convert raptorTriples
-    return $ listToGraph triples
+    return $ foldr (uncurry addNamespace) (listToGraph triples) namespaces
 saveGraph :: Graph -> FilePath -> IO ()
 saveGraph graph fileName = do
@@ -376,7 +378,8 @@
         f (URI s) = Raptor.Uri s
         f (PlainLiteral s) = Raptor.Literal s
         triples = graphToList graph
-    Raptor.triplesToFilename (map convert triples) fileName
+        namespaces = Map.toAscList $ getNamespaces graph
+    Raptor.triplesToFilename (map convert triples) namespaces fileName
     putStrLn $ "Saved: " ++ fileName
 openFile :: (?vs :: ViewSettings) => Rotation -> FilePath -> 
@@ -506,14 +509,14 @@
         "open"  -> confirmSave modified $ do 
             (rot',fp') <- liftIO $ openFile rot filepath
             put $ newState rot' fp' focus
-        "loadURI" -> case node of URI uri -> do g <- liftIO $ loadGraph uri
-                                                let ts = graphToList g
-                                                    g' = foldr insertVirtual
-                                                             graph ts
-                                                    r' = Rotation g' node r
-                                                    s' = state {fsRotation=r'}
-                                                put s'
-                                  _       -> unhandledEvent
+        "loadURI" -> case node of 
+                         URI uri -> do 
+                             g <- liftIO $ loadGraph uri
+                             let g' = mergeGraphs graph g
+                                 r' = Rotation g' node r
+                                 s' = state {fsRotation=r'}
+                             put s'
+                         _ -> unhandledEvent
         "revert" | filepath /= "" -> confirmRevert modified $ do
             g' <- liftIO $ loadGraph filepath
             put $ newState (findStartRotation g') filepath focus
@@ -577,8 +580,7 @@
     menu <- menuNew
     flip mapM (fsPropertyList state) $ \prop -> do
-        let text = getText graph prop
-        item <- menuItemNewWithLabel $ fromMaybe (show prop) text
+        item <- menuItemNewWithLabel $ getTextOrURI graph prop
         onActivateLeaf item $ do 
             modifyIORef stateRef $ \state' -> state' {fsProperty=prop}
             updateCanvas False
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/Makefile new-fenfire-hs/Makefile
--- old-fenfire-hs/Makefile	2007-02-18 12:26:50.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/Makefile	2007-02-18 12:26:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
 run-%: %
 	./dist/build/$</$< $(ARGS)
-run-project: fenfire ../fenfire-project/project.nt darcs.nt
-	./dist/build/fenfire/fenfire ../fenfire-project/project.nt darcs.nt $(ARGS)
+run-project: fenfire ../fenfire-project/project.turtle darcs.nt
+	./dist/build/fenfire/fenfire ../fenfire-project/project.turtle darcs.nt $(ARGS)
 darcs.nt: darcs2rdf _darcs/inventory
 	darcs changes --xml | ./dist/build/darcs2rdf/darcs2rdf "http://antti-juhani.kaijanaho.fi/darcs/fenfire-hs/" > darcs.nt
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/Raptor.chs new-fenfire-hs/Raptor.chs
--- old-fenfire-hs/Raptor.chs	2007-02-18 12:26:50.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/Raptor.chs	2007-02-18 12:26:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -59,6 +59,11 @@
 unStatement :: Statement -> Ptr Statement
 unStatement (Statement ptr) = ptr
+{#pointer *raptor_namespace as Namespace newtype#}
+unNamespace :: Namespace -> Ptr Namespace
+unNamespace (Namespace ptr) = ptr
 {#pointer *parser as Parser newtype#}
 {#pointer *serializer as Serializer newtype#}
@@ -96,6 +101,15 @@
 getObject :: Statement -> IO Identifier
 getObject (Statement s) = mkIdentifier ({#get statement->object#} s)
                                        ({#get statement->object_type#} s)
+getNamespace :: Namespace -> IO (String, String)
+getNamespace ns = do
+    prefixC <- {#call raptor_namespace_get_prefix#} ns
+    prefixS <- peekCString (castPtr prefixC)
+    uri <- {#call raptor_namespace_get_uri#} ns
+    uriC <- {#call uri_as_string#} (castPtr uri)
+    uriS <- peekCString (castPtr uriC)
+    return (prefixS, uriS)
 withURI :: String -> (Ptr URI -> IO a) -> IO a
 withURI string = bracket (withCString string $ {# call new_uri #} . castPtr)
@@ -126,13 +140,18 @@
 withObject = withIdentifier {# set statement->object #}
                             {# set statement->object_type #}
-type Handler a = Ptr a -> Statement -> IO ()
+type StatementHandler a = Ptr a -> Statement -> IO ()
 foreign import ccall "wrapper"
-   mkHandler :: (Handler a) -> IO (FunPtr (Handler a))
+   mkHandler :: (StatementHandler a) -> IO (FunPtr (StatementHandler a))
+type NamespaceHandler a = Ptr a -> Namespace -> IO ()
+foreign import ccall "wrapper"
+   mkNamespaceHandler :: (NamespaceHandler a) -> IO (FunPtr (NamespaceHandler a))
 foreign import ccall "raptor.h raptor_init" initRaptor :: IO ()
 foreign import ccall "raptor.h raptor_new_parser" new_parser :: Ptr CChar -> IO (Ptr Parser)
-foreign import ccall "raptor.h raptor_set_statement_handler" set_statement_handler :: Ptr Parser -> Ptr a -> FunPtr (Handler a) -> IO () 
+foreign import ccall "raptor.h raptor_set_statement_handler" set_statement_handler :: Ptr Parser -> Ptr a -> FunPtr (StatementHandler a) -> IO () 
+foreign import ccall "raptor.h raptor_set_namespace_handler" set_namespace_handler :: Ptr Parser -> Ptr a -> FunPtr (NamespaceHandler a) -> IO () 
 foreign import ccall "raptor.h raptor_uri_filename_to_uri_string" uri_filename_to_uri_string :: CString -> IO CString
 foreign import ccall "raptor.h raptor_new_uri" new_uri :: Ptr CChar -> IO (Ptr URI)
 foreign import ccall "raptor.h raptor_uri_copy" uri_copy :: Ptr URI -> IO (Ptr URI)
@@ -149,14 +168,20 @@
 -- | Serialize the given triples into a file with the given filename
-triplesToFilename :: [Triple] -> String -> IO ()
-triplesToFilename triples filename = do 
+triplesToFilename :: [Triple] -> [(String, String)] -> String -> IO ()
+triplesToFilename triples namespaces filename = do 
-  serializer <- withCString "ntriples" {# call new_serializer #}
+  serializer <- withCString "turtle" {# call new_serializer #}
   when (unSerializer serializer == nullPtr) $ fail "serializer is null"
   withCString filename $ {# call serialize_start_to_filename #} serializer
+  flip mapM_ namespaces $ \(prefixS, uriS) -> do
+      withCString prefixS $ \prefixC -> withCString uriS $ \uriC -> do
+          uri <- new_uri uriC
+          {# call raptor_serialize_set_namespace #} serializer uri $ castPtr prefixC
+          {# call free_uri #} uri
   allocaBytes {# sizeof statement #} $ \ptr -> do
     let t = Statement ptr
@@ -171,7 +196,7 @@
 -- | Parse a file with the given filename into triples
-filenameToTriples :: String -> Maybe String -> IO [Triple]
+filenameToTriples :: String -> Maybe String -> IO ([Triple], [(String, String)])
 filenameToTriples filename baseURI = do
   let suffix = reverse $ takeWhile (/= '.') $ reverse filename
       parsertype = case suffix of "turtle" -> "turtle"
@@ -193,9 +218,9 @@
   {# call free_memory #} (castPtr uri_str)
   {# call finish #}
-  readIORef result
+  return result
-uriToTriples :: String -> Maybe String -> IO [Triple]
+uriToTriples :: String -> Maybe String -> IO ([Triple], [(String, String)])
 uriToTriples uri baseURI = do
@@ -208,12 +233,13 @@
   {# call free_uri #} base_uri
   {# call finish #}
-  readIORef result
+  return result
 parse :: (Ptr Parser -> Ptr URI -> Ptr URI -> IO ()) -> String ->
-         Ptr URI -> Ptr URI -> IO (IORef [Triple])
+         Ptr URI -> Ptr URI -> IO ([Triple], [(String, String)])
 parse fn parsertype uri base_uri = do
-  result <- newIORef []
+  triples <- newIORef []
+  namespaces <- newIORef []
   rdf_parser <- withCString parsertype new_parser 
   when (rdf_parser == nullPtr) $ fail "parser is null"
@@ -221,20 +247,26 @@
     s <- getSubject triple
     p <- getPredicate triple
     o <- getObject triple
-    modifyIORef result ((s,p,o):)
+    modifyIORef triples ((s,p,o):)
+  nsHandler <- mkNamespaceHandler $ \_user_data ns -> do
+    (prefix, uri') <- getNamespace ns
+    modifyIORef namespaces ((prefix, uri'):)
   set_statement_handler rdf_parser nullPtr handler
+  set_namespace_handler rdf_parser nullPtr nsHandler
   fn rdf_parser uri base_uri
   {# call free_parser #} (Parser rdf_parser)
   freeHaskellFunPtr handler
-  return result
+  t <- readIORef triples; n <- readIORef namespaces
+  return (t, n)
 -- The following print_triple and filenameToStdout are an incomplete and 
 -- improved translation of raptor examples/rdfprint.c:
-print_triple :: Ptr CFile -> Handler a
+print_triple :: Ptr CFile -> StatementHandler a
 print_triple outfile _user_data s = do print_statement_as_ntriples s outfile
                                        fputc (castCharToCChar '\n') outfile
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/RDF.hs new-fenfire-hs/RDF.hs
--- old-fenfire-hs/RDF.hs	2007-02-18 12:26:50.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/RDF.hs	2007-02-18 12:26:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@
 data Dir  = Pos | Neg                           deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
 instance Show Node where
-    show (URI uri)        = showURI [("rdfs", rdfs)] uri
-    show (PlainLiteral s) = "\"" ++ s ++ "\""
+    show = showNode defaultNamespaces
 type Triple = (Node, Node, Node)
 type Side   = Map Node (Map Node (Set Node))
-data Graph  = Graph Side Side (Set Triple) deriving (Show, Eq)
+type Namespaces = Map String String
+data Graph  = Graph Namespaces Side Side (Set Triple) deriving (Show, Eq)
 instance Hashable Node where
     hash (URI s) = hash s
@@ -50,10 +50,15 @@
 rdfs_label   = URI "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label"
 rdfs_seeAlso = URI "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#seeAlso"
-showURI ((short, long):xs) uri | take (length long) uri == long =
-                                     short ++ ":" ++ drop (length long) uri
-                               | otherwise = showURI xs uri
-showURI [] uri = "<" ++ uri ++ ">"
+defaultNamespaces = Map.fromList [("rdfs", rdfs)]
+showNode :: Namespaces -> Node -> String
+showNode ns (URI uri) = f (Map.toAscList ns) where
+    f ((short, long):xs) | take (length long) uri == long =
+                               short ++ ":" ++ drop (length long) uri
+                         | otherwise = f xs
+    f [] = "<" ++ uri ++ ">"
+showNode _  (PlainLiteral lit) = show lit
 subject :: Triple -> Node
 subject (s,_,_) = s
@@ -65,8 +70,8 @@
 object (_,_,o) = o
 graphSide :: Dir -> Graph -> Side
-graphSide Neg (Graph s _ _) = s
-graphSide Pos (Graph _ s _) = s
+graphSide Neg (Graph _ s _ _) = s
+graphSide Pos (Graph _ _ s _) = s
 hasConn :: Graph -> Node -> Node -> Dir -> Bool
 hasConn g node prop dir = isJust $ do m <- Map.lookup node (graphSide dir g)
@@ -83,40 +88,47 @@
 getConns :: Graph -> Node -> Dir -> Map Node (Set Node)
 getConns g node dir = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty node $ graphSide dir g
+getNamespaces :: Graph -> Namespaces
+getNamespaces (Graph ns _ _ _) = ns
 emptyGraph :: Graph
-emptyGraph = Graph (Map.empty) (Map.empty) Set.empty
+emptyGraph = Graph defaultNamespaces (Map.empty) (Map.empty) Set.empty
 listToGraph :: [Triple] -> Graph
 listToGraph = foldr insert emptyGraph
 graphToList :: Graph -> [Triple]
-graphToList (Graph _ _ triples) = Set.toAscList triples
+graphToList (Graph _ _ _ triples) = Set.toAscList triples
 mergeGraphs :: Op Graph
-mergeGraphs g1 g2 = foldr insertVirtual g1 (graphToList g2)
+mergeGraphs real virtual = foldr insertVirtual real (graphToList virtual)
-insert :: Triple -> Graph -> Graph
-insert t (Graph neg pos triples) =
-    insertVirtual t (Graph neg pos $ Set.insert t triples)
-insertVirtual :: Triple -> Graph -> Graph
-insertVirtual (s,p,o) (Graph neg pos triples) =
-    Graph (ins o p s neg) (ins s p o pos) triples where
+insert :: Triple -> Endo Graph
+insert t (Graph ns neg pos triples) =
+    insertVirtual t (Graph ns neg pos $ Set.insert t triples)
+insertVirtual :: Triple -> Endo Graph
+insertVirtual (s,p,o) (Graph ns neg pos triples) =
+    Graph ns (ins o p s neg) (ins s p o pos) triples where
     ins a b c = Map.alter (Just . Map.alter (Just . Set.insert c . fromMaybe Set.empty) b . fromMaybe Map.empty) a   -- Gack!!! Need to make more readable
-delete :: Triple -> Graph -> Graph
-delete (s,p,o) (Graph neg pos triples) = 
-    Graph (del o p s neg) (del s p o pos) $ Set.delete (s,p,o) triples where
+delete :: Triple -> Endo Graph
+delete (s,p,o) (Graph ns neg pos triples) = 
+    Graph ns (del o p s neg) (del s p o pos) $ Set.delete (s,p,o) triples where
     del a b c = Map.adjust (Map.adjust (Set.delete c) b) a
-deleteAll :: Node -> Node -> Graph -> Graph
+deleteAll :: Node -> Node -> Endo Graph
 deleteAll s p g = dels s p os g where
     dels s' p' (o':os') g' = dels s' p' os' (delete (s',p',o') g')
     dels _  _  []       g' = g'
     os = Set.toList $ getAll g s p Pos
-update :: Triple -> Graph -> Graph
+update :: Triple -> Endo Graph
 update (s,p,o) g = insert (s,p,o) $ deleteAll s p g
+addNamespace :: String -> String -> Endo Graph
+addNamespace prefix uri (Graph ns neg pos ts) =
+    Graph (Map.insert prefix uri ns) neg pos ts
 triple :: Dir -> (Node,Node,Node) -> Triple
 triple Pos (s,p,o) = (s,p,o)

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