[Fencommits] fenfire-hs: A presentation view

Benja Fallenstein benja.fallenstein at gmail.com
Thu Feb 15 15:54:22 EET 2007

Thu Feb 15 14:37:33 EET 2007  Benja Fallenstein <benja.fallenstein at gmail.com>
  * A presentation view
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs-1/Fenfire.fhs new-fenfire-hs-1/Fenfire.fhs
--- old-fenfire-hs-1/Fenfire.fhs	2007-02-15 15:54:22.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs-1/Fenfire.fhs	2007-02-15 15:54:22.000000000 +0200
@@ -32,11 +32,12 @@
 import qualified Data.Map as Map
 import qualified Data.Set as Set
 import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
+import Data.List (intersperse)
 import qualified Data.List
 import Data.Set (Set)
 import Data.IORef
 import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust, isNothing, catMaybes)
-import Data.Monoid(Monoid(mconcat), Dual(Dual), getDual)
+import Data.Monoid(Monoid(mempty, mconcat), Dual(Dual), getDual)
 import Control.Applicative
 import Control.Monad (when, guard, msum)
@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@
 data ViewSettings = ViewSettings { hiddenProps :: [Node] }
 data FenState = FenState { fsRotation :: Rotation, fsMark :: Mark,
                            fsFilePath :: FilePath, fsGraphModified :: Bool,
-                           fsHasFocus :: Bool }
+                           fsHasFocus :: Bool, fsView :: Int }
 data Rotation = Rotation Graph Node Int         deriving (Eq, Show)
@@ -248,6 +249,21 @@
+presentationView :: (?vs :: ViewSettings) => View FenState Node
+presentationView state = cursor & vob where
+    Rotation graph node _ = fsRotation state
+    children = map snd (conns graph node Pos)
+    selected = fmap (\(_,Rotation _ n _) -> n) $ 
+                   getConn (fsRotation state) Pos
+    f sc n = keyVob n $ useFgColor $ pad 5 $ scaleVob sc $
+                 multiline True 70 $ maybe (show n) id (getText graph n)
+    cursor = flip (maybe mempty) selected $ \n -> 
+                 showAtKey n $ keyVob (PlainLiteral "CURSOR") $ rectBox mempty
+    space = changeSize (const (0, 20)) mempty
+    vob = pad 30 $ vbox $ intersperse space $ f 3 node : map (f 2) children
 tryMove :: (?vs :: ViewSettings) => Rotation -> Dir -> Maybe Rotation
 tryMove rot@(Rotation g n r) dir = maybe rot' Just (move rot dir) where
     rot' | r == nearest = Nothing
@@ -396,7 +412,8 @@
 checkSuffix s | Data.List.isSuffixOf ".nt" s = s
               | otherwise                    = s ++ ".nt"
-confirmSave :: (?vs :: ViewSettings, ?pw :: Window, ?uriMaker :: URIMaker) => 
+confirmSave :: (?vs :: ViewSettings, ?pw :: Window,
+                ?views :: [View FenState Node], ?uriMaker :: URIMaker) => 
                Bool -> HandlerAction FenState -> 
                HandlerAction FenState
 confirmSave False action = action
@@ -427,9 +444,10 @@
                      _              -> return ()
 newState :: Rotation -> FilePath -> Bool -> FenState
-newState rot fp focus = FenState rot Set.empty fp False focus
+newState rot fp focus = FenState rot Set.empty fp False focus 0
 handleEvent :: (?vs :: ViewSettings, ?pw :: Window,
+                ?views :: [View FenState Node],
                 ?uriMaker :: URIMaker) => Handler Event FenState
 handleEvent (Key { eventModifier=_mods, eventKeyName=key }) = do
     state <- get; let rot = fsRotation state; fileName = fsFilePath state
@@ -438,6 +456,7 @@
         x | x == "Down"  || x == "comma" -> handleAction "down"
         x | x == "Left"  || x == "j"     -> handleAction "left"
         x | x == "Right" || x == "l"     -> handleAction "right"
+        "v" -> handleAction "chgview"
         "O" -> handleAction "open"
         "S" -> do (fp',saved) <- liftIO $ saveFile rot fileName False
                   let modified' = fsGraphModified state && not saved
@@ -445,13 +464,14 @@
         _   -> unhandledEvent
 handleEvent _ = unhandledEvent
-handleAction :: (?vs :: ViewSettings, ?pw :: Window, 
+handleAction :: (?vs :: ViewSettings, ?pw :: Window,
+                 ?views :: [View FenState Node],
                  ?uriMaker :: URIMaker) => Handler String FenState
 handleAction action = do
-    FenState { fsRotation = rot@(Rotation graph node _), fsMark = mark, 
-               fsFilePath = filepath, fsGraphModified = modified,
-               fsHasFocus=focus
-             } <- get
+    state@(FenState { fsRotation = rot@(Rotation graph node _), fsMark = mark, 
+                      fsFilePath = filepath, fsGraphModified = modified,
+                      fsHasFocus=focus
+                    }) <- get
     let m f x = maybeDo (f rot x) putRotation
         b f x = maybeDo (f rot x) $ \rot' -> do 
                     putRotation rot'
@@ -485,6 +505,9 @@
             modify $ \s -> s { fsFilePath = fp', fsGraphModified = modified' }
         "quit"  -> do confirmSave modified $ liftIO mainQuit
         "about" -> liftIO $ makeAboutDialog >>= widgetShow
+        "chgview" -> do put $ state { fsView = (fsView state + 1) `mod` 
+                                               (length ?views) }
+                        setInterp True
         _       -> unhandledEvent
   where putRotation rot = do modify $ \state -> state { fsRotation=rot, 
                                                         fsGraphModified=True }
@@ -588,26 +611,19 @@
     uriMaker <- newURIMaker
     let ?vs = ViewSettings { hiddenProps=[rdfs_label] }
-        ?uriMaker = uriMaker in do
+        ?uriMaker = uriMaker in let
+        ?views = [vanishingView 20 30 
+                     (Color 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.7) (Color 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7)
+                     (Color 0.93 0.93 1 1)   (Color 0.93 0.93 0.93 1),
+                  presentationView] in do
     -- initial state:
     args <- initGUI
-    window <- windowNew
-    style <- widgetGetStyle window
-    bgColor <- styleGetBackground StateSelected style
-    blurBgColor <- styleGetBackground StateActive style
-    focusColor <- styleGetBase StateSelected style
-    blurColor <- styleGetBase StateActive style
-    textColor <- styleGetText StateSelected style
-    blurTextColor <- styleGetText StateActive style
     let view = vanishingView 20 30 
-                   (fromGtkColor bgColor) (fromGtkColor blurBgColor)
-                   (fromGtkColor focusColor)   (fromGtkColor blurColor)
-                   (fromGtkColor textColor)   (fromGtkColor blurTextColor)
+                   (Color 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.7) (Color 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7)
+                   (Color 0.93 0.93 1 1)   (Color 0.93 0.93 0.93 1)
     stateRef <- case args of 
         [] -> do 
@@ -725,15 +741,15 @@
     panedAdd1 paned canvasFrame
     panedAdd2 paned textViewFrame
-    vbox <- vBoxNew False 0
-    boxPackStart vbox menubar PackNatural 0
-    boxPackStart vbox toolbar PackNatural 0
-    boxPackStart vbox paned PackGrow 0
-    containerSetFocusChain vbox [toWidget paned]
+    vBox <- vBoxNew False 0
+    boxPackStart vBox menubar PackNatural 0
+    boxPackStart vBox toolbar PackNatural 0
+    boxPackStart vBox paned PackGrow 0
+    containerSetFocusChain vBox [toWidget paned]
     set paned [ panedPosition := 380, panedChildResize textViewFrame := False ]
-    set window [ containerChild := vbox ]
+    set window [ containerChild := vBox ]
     -- start:
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs-1/Vobs.fhs new-fenfire-hs-1/Vobs.fhs
--- old-fenfire-hs-1/Vobs.fhs	2007-02-15 15:54:21.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs-1/Vobs.fhs	2007-02-15 15:54:22.000000000 +0200
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 import Data.Map (Map, keys, fromList, toList, insert, empty)
 import qualified Data.Map as Map
 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
-import Data.Monoid (Monoid(mempty, mappend))
+import Data.Monoid (Monoid(mempty, mappend, mconcat))
 import Control.Monad (when)
 import Control.Monad.State
@@ -151,13 +151,28 @@
     renderVob = \cx -> 
         maybeDo (maybeReturn =<< (Map.lookup key $ rcScene cx)) $ \rect ->
             renderVob vob $ cx { rcRect = rect } }
+showAtKey :: Ord k => k -> Endo (Vob k)
+showAtKey key vob = vob {
+    vobScene = \cx -> let mrect = maybeReturn =<< Map.lookup key (rcScene cx)
+                          mcx = fmap (\rect' -> cx { rcRect=rect' }) mrect
+                          msc = liftM (vobScene vob) mcx
+                      in Map.mapWithKey (\k _ -> msc >>= (Map.! k)) 
+                                        (vobScene vob cx),
+    renderVob = \cx -> 
+        maybeDo (maybeReturn =<< (Map.lookup key $ rcScene cx)) $ \rect ->
+            renderVob vob $ cx { rcRect = rect } }
 rectBox :: Ord k => Endo (Vob k)
 rectBox vob = useBgColor (fill extents) & clip extents vob & 
               useFgColor (stroke extents)
+vbox :: Ord k => [Vob k] -> Vob k
+vbox vobs = mconcat [translate #0 #y $ ownSize v | (v,y) <- zip vobs ys] where
+    ys = scanl (+) 0 $ map defaultHeight $ init vobs
 pangoContext :: PangoContext
 pangoContext = unsafePerformIO $ do
     context <- cairoCreateContext Nothing
@@ -232,6 +247,10 @@
 pad :: Ord k => Double -> Endo (Vob k)
 pad pixels = pad2 pixels pixels
+scaleVob :: Ord k => Double -> Endo (Vob k)
+scaleVob sc vob = scale #sc $ vob { defaultSize = (sc*w, sc*h) } where
+    (w,h) = defaultSize vob
 class Interpolate a where

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