[Fencommits] fenfire-hs: add GtkFixes module with code yet to be released in gtk2hs

Tuukka Hastrup Tuukka.Hastrup at iki.fi
Thu Feb 15 12:01:12 EET 2007

Thu Feb 15 12:01:00 EET 2007  Tuukka Hastrup <Tuukka.Hastrup at iki.fi>
  * add GtkFixes module with code yet to be released in gtk2hs
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/fenfire.cabal new-fenfire-hs/fenfire.cabal
--- old-fenfire-hs/fenfire.cabal	2007-02-15 12:01:09.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/fenfire.cabal	2007-02-15 12:01:09.000000000 +0200
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 Category:       User Interfaces
 Stability:      alpha
 Homepage:       http://fenfire.org/
-Build-Depends:  base, HaXml, gtk, mtl, unix, cairo, harp, template-haskell
+Build-Depends:  base, HaXml, gtk, mtl, unix, cairo, harp, template-haskell, glib
 Data-Files:     data/logo.svg data/logo48.png
 Executable:     fenfire
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/Fenfire.fhs new-fenfire-hs/Fenfire.fhs
--- old-fenfire-hs/Fenfire.fhs	2007-02-15 12:01:09.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/Fenfire.fhs	2007-02-15 12:01:09.000000000 +0200
@@ -45,7 +45,14 @@
 import Control.Monad.Trans (lift, liftIO)
 import Control.Monad.Writer (Writer, execWriter, tell)
-import Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (Color, get, disconnect, fill)
+import GtkFixes
+import Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (Color, get, disconnect, fill,
+-- GtkFixes overrides:
+                               widgetGetStyle,
+                               styleGetForeground, styleGetBackground, 
+                               styleGetLight, styleGetMiddle, styleGetDark,
+                               styleGetText, styleGetBase, 
+                               styleGetAntiAliasing)
 import qualified Control.Exception
 import System.Directory (canonicalizePath)
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/GtkFixes.hs new-fenfire-hs/GtkFixes.hs
--- old-fenfire-hs/GtkFixes.hs	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/GtkFixes.hs	2007-02-15 12:01:09.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+module GtkFixes where
+-- Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Benja Fallenstein, Tuukka Hastrup
+-- This file is part of Fenfire.
+-- Fenfire is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+-- (at your option) any later version.
+-- Fenfire is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+-- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+-- Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General
+-- Public License along with Fenfire; if not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+-- MA  02111-1307  USA
+import Foreign (Ptr, FunPtr, Storable(pokeByteOff, peekByteOff), allocaBytes,
+                nullPtr, castPtr, freeHaskellFunPtr)
+import Foreign.C (CString, castCharToCChar, withCString, peekCString, CFile,
+                  CSize, CInt, CUChar, CChar)
+import Foreign.ForeignPtr (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr)
+import System.Posix.IO (stdOutput)
+import System.Posix.Types (Fd)
+import System.Environment (getArgs)
+import Control.Monad (when, liftM)
+import Data.IORef (modifyIORef, readIORef, newIORef)
+import Control.Exception (bracket)
+import System.Glib.GObject
+import System.Glib.FFI
+import Graphics.UI.Gtk
+import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Types
+-- from Widget.hs generated from Benja's style patch to gtk2hs:
+widgetGetStyle :: WidgetClass widget => widget -> IO Style
+widgetGetStyle widget = do
+  (\(Widget arg1) -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->
+    gtk_widget_ensure_style argPtr1) (toWidget widget)
+  makeNewGObject mkStyle $ (\(Widget arg1) -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->
+    gtk_widget_get_style argPtr1) (toWidget widget)
+foreign import ccall safe " gtk_widget_ensure_style"
+  gtk_widget_ensure_style :: ((Ptr Widget) -> (IO ()))
+foreign import ccall safe " gtk_widget_get_style"
+  gtk_widget_get_style :: ((Ptr Widget) -> (IO (Ptr Style)))
+-- from Structs.hs generated from Benja's style patch to gtk2hs:
+styleGetForeground :: StateType -> Style -> IO Color
+styleGetForeground ty st = withForeignPtr (unStyle st) $ \stPtr -> do
+  peek $ advancePtr ((\hsc_ptr -> hsc_ptr `plusPtr` 12) stPtr) (fromEnum ty)
+styleGetBackground :: StateType -> Style -> IO Color
+styleGetBackground ty st = withForeignPtr (unStyle st) $ \stPtr ->
+  peek $ advancePtr ((\hsc_ptr -> hsc_ptr `plusPtr` 72) stPtr) (fromEnum ty)
+styleGetLight :: StateType -> Style -> IO Color
+styleGetLight ty st = withForeignPtr (unStyle st) $ \stPtr ->
+  peek $ advancePtr ((\hsc_ptr -> hsc_ptr `plusPtr` 132) stPtr) (fromEnum ty)
+styleGetMiddle :: StateType -> Style -> IO Color
+styleGetMiddle ty st = withForeignPtr (unStyle st) $ \stPtr ->
+  peek $ advancePtr ((\hsc_ptr -> hsc_ptr `plusPtr` 252) stPtr) (fromEnum ty)
+styleGetDark :: StateType -> Style -> IO Color
+styleGetDark ty st = withForeignPtr (unStyle st) $ \stPtr ->
+  peek $ advancePtr ((\hsc_ptr -> hsc_ptr `plusPtr` 192) stPtr) (fromEnum ty)
+styleGetText :: StateType -> Style -> IO Color
+styleGetText ty st = withForeignPtr (unStyle st) $ \stPtr ->
+  peek $ advancePtr ((\hsc_ptr -> hsc_ptr `plusPtr` 312) stPtr) (fromEnum ty)
+styleGetBase :: StateType -> Style -> IO Color
+styleGetBase ty st = withForeignPtr (unStyle st) $ \stPtr ->
+  peek $ advancePtr ((\hsc_ptr -> hsc_ptr `plusPtr` 372) stPtr) (fromEnum ty)
+styleGetAntiAliasing :: StateType -> Style -> IO Color
+styleGetAntiAliasing ty st = withForeignPtr (unStyle st) $ \stPtr ->
+  peek $ advancePtr ((\hsc_ptr -> hsc_ptr `plusPtr` 432) stPtr) (fromEnum ty)

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