[Fencommits] fenfire-hs: integrate the haskell-src-exts code into the fenfire-hs repository

Benja Fallenstein benja.fallenstein at gmail.com
Mon Feb 12 19:32:19 EET 2007

Mon Feb 12 19:27:43 EET 2007  Benja Fallenstein <benja.fallenstein at gmail.com>
  * integrate the haskell-src-exts code into the fenfire-hs repository
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/fenfire.cabal new-fenfire-hs/fenfire.cabal
--- old-fenfire-hs/fenfire.cabal	2007-02-12 19:32:17.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/fenfire.cabal	2007-02-12 19:32:17.000000000 +0200
@@ -6,14 +6,13 @@
 Synopsis:       Notetaking system
 Stability:      alpha
 Homepage:       http://fenfire.org/
-Build-Depends:  base, HaXml, haskell-src-exts, purefun, gtk, mtl, unix, cairo,
-                harp
+Build-Depends:  base, HaXml, gtk, mtl, unix, cairo, harp, template-haskell
 Data-Files:     data/logo.svg data/logo48.png
 Extra-Source-Files: README
 Executable:     fenfire
 Main-Is:        Fenfire.hs
-Other-Modules:  Fenfire, Vobs, RDF, Cache, Cairo, Utils, Raptor
+Other-Modules:  Fenfire, Vobs, RDF, Cache, Cairo, Utils, Raptor, FunctorSugar
 GHC-Options:    -fglasgow-exts -hide-package haskell98 -Wall 
                 -fno-warn-unused-imports -fno-warn-missing-signatures
                 -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-deprecations -main-is Fenfire.main
@@ -21,7 +20,7 @@
 Executable:     functortest
 Main-Is:        FunctorTest.hs
-Other-Modules:  FunctorTest
+Other-Modules:  FunctorTest, FunctorSugar
 GHC-Options:    -fglasgow-exts -hide-package haskell98 -Wall 
                 -fno-warn-unused-imports -fno-warn-missing-signatures
                 -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-deprecations 
@@ -29,14 +28,14 @@
 Executable:     vobtest
 Main-Is:        VobTest.hs
-Other-Modules:  VobTest, Vobs, Cairo, Utils
+Other-Modules:  VobTest, Vobs, Cairo, Utils, FunctorSugar
 GHC-Options:    -fglasgow-exts -hide-package haskell98 -Wall 
                 -fno-warn-unused-imports -fno-warn-missing-signatures
                 -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-deprecations -main-is VobTest.main
 Executable:     darcs2rdf
 Main-Is:        Darcs2RDF.hs
-Other-Modules:  Darcs2RDF
+Other-Modules:  Darcs2RDF, FunctorSugar
 GHC-Options:    -fglasgow-exts -hide-package haskell98 -Wall 
                 -fno-warn-unused-imports -fno-warn-missing-signatures
                 -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-deprecations 
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/FunctorSugar.hs new-fenfire-hs/FunctorSugar.hs
--- old-fenfire-hs/FunctorSugar.hs	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/FunctorSugar.hs	2007-02-12 19:32:17.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fth #-} 
+module FunctorSugar where
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Writer
+import Data.Maybe
+import Language.Haskell.TH
+import System.IO.Unsafe
+functorCall :: Functor f => f a -> a
+functorCall x = error "Eeene meene miste es rappelt in der kiste"
+fzip :: Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f (a,b)
+fzip a b = pure (\x y -> (x,y)) <*> a <*> b
+fcurry :: Applicative f => (f (a,b) -> c) -> f a -> f b -> c
+fcurry f x y = f (fzip x y)
+functorSugar :: ExpQ -> ExpQ
+functorSugar expQ = do exp <- expQ
+                       (exp', calls) <- runWriterT (traverse exp)
+                       appsE ([mkFMap $ length calls,
+                               lamE (map (varP . fst) calls) $ return exp']
+                            ++ map (return . snd) calls) 
+mkFMap :: Int -> ExpQ
+mkFMap 0 = [| pure |]
+mkFMap 1 = [| fmap |]
+mkFMap n = [| \f -> $(repeatFn (n-1) [| fcurry |]) 
+                        (fmap ($(repeatFn (n-1) [| uncurry |]) f)) |]
+    where repeatFn :: Int -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
+          repeatFn 1 e = e
+          repeatFn n e = [| $e . $(repeatFn (n-1) e) |]
+callExpr :: Exp
+callExpr = unsafePerformIO $ runQ [| FunctorSugar.functorCall |]
+type Binds = [(Name, Exp)]
+type Traverse a = a -> WriterT Binds Q a
+traverse :: Traverse Exp
+traverse e = case e of
+    VarE name -> return (VarE name)
+    ConE name -> return (ConE name)
+    LitE lit -> return (LitE lit)
+    AppE e1 e2 | e1 == callExpr -> do name <- lift $ newName "call"
+                                      tell [(name, e2)]
+                                      return (VarE name)
+    AppE e1 e2 -> liftM2 AppE (traverse e1) (traverse e2)
+    InfixE el ei er -> do ei' <- traverse ei
+                          el' <- maybe (return Nothing) 
+                                       (liftM Just . traverse) el
+                          er' <- maybe (return Nothing) 
+                                       (liftM Just . traverse) er
+                          return (InfixE el' ei' er')
+    LamE pats e -> liftM (LamE pats) (traverse e)
+    TupE exps -> liftM TupE (mapM traverse exps)
+    LetE decls e -> liftM2 LetE (mapM traverseDec decls) (traverse e)
+    ListE exps -> liftM ListE (mapM traverse exps)
+    SigE e type' -> liftM (flip SigE type') (traverse e)
+    DoE stmts -> liftM DoE (mapM traverseStmt stmts)
+    CompE stmts -> liftM CompE (mapM traverseStmt stmts)
+    e -> error ("expression type not implemented yet: " ++ show e)
+traverseDec :: Traverse Dec
+traverseDec decl = case decl of
+    FunD name clauses -> liftM (FunD name) (mapM traverseClause clauses)
+    ValD pat body decls -> liftM2 (ValD pat) (traverseBody body)
+                                             (mapM traverseDec decls)
+    SigD name type' -> return (SigD name type')
+    -- ... possibly other things but I <benja> think not ... --
+    d -> error ("declaration type not implemented: " ++ show d)
+traverseClause :: Traverse Clause
+traverseClause (Clause pats body decls) =
+    liftM2 (Clause pats) (traverseBody body) (mapM traverseDec decls)
+traverseBody :: Traverse Body
+traverseBody (NormalB e) = liftM NormalB (traverse e)
+traverseBody (GuardedB bs) = liftM GuardedB $ forM bs $ \(g,e) ->
+    do e' <- traverse e; return (g,e')
+traverseStmt :: Traverse Stmt
+traverseStmt stmt = case stmt of
+    BindS pat exp -> liftM (BindS pat) (traverse exp)
+    LetS decs -> liftM LetS (mapM traverseDec decs)
+    NoBindS exp -> liftM NoBindS (traverse exp)
+    ParS stmts -> liftM ParS (mapM (mapM traverseStmt) stmts)
+CondE Exp Exp Exp
+LetE [Dec] Exp
+CaseE Exp [Match]
+ArithSeqE Range
+ListE [Exp]
+SigE Exp Type
+RecConE Name [FieldExp]
+RecUpdE Exp [FieldExp]
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Build.hs new-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Build.hs
--- old-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Build.hs	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Build.hs	2007-02-12 19:32:17.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+-- |
+-- Module      :  Preprocessor.Hsx.Build
+-- Original    :  Language.Haskell.Syntax
+-- Copyright   :  (c) The GHC Team, 1997-2000,
+--                (c) Niklas Broberg 2004
+-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE.txt)
+-- Maintainer  :  Niklas Broberg, d00nibro at dtek.chalmers.se
+-- Stability   :  experimental
+-- Portability :  portable
+module Preprocessor.Hsx.Build (
+    -- * Syntax building functions
+    name,		-- :: String -> HsName
+    sym,		-- :: String -> HsName
+    var,		-- :: HsName -> HsExp
+    op,			-- :: HsName -> HsQOp
+    qvar,		-- :: Module -> HsName -> HsExp
+    pvar,		-- :: HsName -> HsPat
+    app,		-- :: HsExp -> HsExp -> HsExp
+    infixApp,		-- :: HsExp -> HsQOp -> HsExp -> HsExp
+    appFun,		-- :: HsExp -> [HsExp] -> HsExp
+    pApp,		-- :: HsName -> [HsPat] -> HsPat
+    tuple,		-- :: [HsExp] -> HsExp
+    pTuple,		-- :: [HsPat] -> HsPat
+    varTuple,		-- :: [HsName] -> HsExp
+    pvarTuple,		-- :: [HsName] -> HsPat
+    function,		-- :: String -> HsExp
+    strE,		-- :: String -> HsExp
+    charE,		-- :: Char -> HsExp
+    intE,		-- :: Integer -> HsExp
+    strP,		-- :: String -> HsPat
+    charP,		-- :: Char -> HsPat
+    intP,		-- :: Integer -> HsPat
+    doE,		-- :: [HsStmt] -> HsExp
+    lamE,		-- :: SrcLoc -> [HsPat] -> HsExp -> HsExp
+    letE,		-- :: [HsDecl] -> HsExp -> HsExp
+    caseE,		-- :: HsExp -> [HsAlt] -> HsExp
+    alt,		-- :: SrcLoc -> HsPat -> HsExp -> HsAlt
+    altGW,		-- :: SrcLoc -> HsPat -> [HsStmt] -> HsExp -> HsBinds -> HsAlt
+    listE,		-- :: [HsExp] -> HsExp
+    eList,		-- :: HsExp
+    peList,		-- :: HsPat
+    paren,		-- :: HsExp -> HsExp
+    pParen,		-- :: HsPat -> HsPat
+    qualStmt,		-- :: HsExp -> HsStmt
+    genStmt,		-- :: SrcLoc -> HsPat -> HsExp -> HsStmt
+    letStmt,		-- :: [HsDecl] -> HsStmt
+    binds,		-- :: [HsDecl] -> HsBinds
+    noBinds,		-- :: HsBinds
+    wildcard,		-- :: HsPat
+    genNames,		-- :: String -> Int -> [HsName]
+    -- * More advanced building
+    sfun,		-- :: SrcLoc -> HsName -> [HsName] -> HsRhs -> HsBinds -> HsDecl
+    simpleFun,		-- :: SrcLoc -> HsName -> HsName -> HsExp -> HsDecl
+    patBind,		-- :: SrcLoc -> HsPat -> HsExp -> HsDecl
+    patBindWhere,	-- :: SrcLoc -> HsPat -> HsExp -> [HsDecl] -> HsDecl
+    nameBind,		-- :: SrcLoc -> HsName -> HsExp -> HsDecl
+    metaFunction,	-- :: String -> [HsExp] -> HsExp
+    metaConPat		-- :: String -> [HsPat] -> HsPat
+  ) where
+import Preprocessor.Hsx.Syntax
+-- Help functions for Abstract syntax 
+name :: String -> HsName
+name = HsIdent
+sym :: String -> HsName
+sym = HsSymbol
+var :: HsName -> HsExp
+var = HsVar . UnQual
+op :: HsName -> HsQOp
+op = HsQVarOp . UnQual
+qvar :: Module -> HsName -> HsExp
+qvar m n = HsVar $ Qual m n
+pvar :: HsName -> HsPat
+pvar = HsPVar
+app :: HsExp -> HsExp -> HsExp
+app = HsApp
+infixApp :: HsExp -> HsQOp -> HsExp -> HsExp
+infixApp = HsInfixApp
+appFun :: HsExp -> [HsExp] -> HsExp
+appFun f [] = f
+appFun f (a:as) = appFun (app f a) as
+pApp :: HsName -> [HsPat] -> HsPat
+pApp n ps = HsPApp (UnQual n) ps
+tuple :: [HsExp] -> HsExp
+tuple = HsTuple
+pTuple :: [HsPat] -> HsPat
+pTuple = HsPTuple
+varTuple :: [HsName] -> HsExp
+varTuple ns = tuple $ map var ns
+pvarTuple :: [HsName] -> HsPat
+pvarTuple ns = pTuple $ map pvar ns
+function :: String -> HsExp
+function = var . HsIdent
+strE :: String -> HsExp
+strE = HsLit . HsString
+charE :: Char -> HsExp
+charE = HsLit . HsChar
+intE :: Integer -> HsExp
+intE = HsLit . HsInt
+strP :: String -> HsPat
+strP = HsPLit . HsString
+charP :: Char -> HsPat
+charP = HsPLit . HsChar
+intP :: Integer -> HsPat
+intP = HsPLit . HsInt
+doE :: [HsStmt] -> HsExp
+doE = HsDo
+lamE :: SrcLoc -> [HsPat] -> HsExp -> HsExp
+lamE = HsLambda
+letE :: [HsDecl] -> HsExp -> HsExp
+letE ds e = HsLet (binds ds) e
+caseE :: HsExp -> [HsAlt] -> HsExp
+caseE = HsCase
+alt :: SrcLoc -> HsPat -> HsExp -> HsAlt
+alt s p e = HsAlt s p (HsUnGuardedAlt e) noBinds
+altGW :: SrcLoc -> HsPat -> [HsStmt] -> HsExp -> HsBinds -> HsAlt
+altGW s p gs e w = HsAlt s p (gAlt s gs e) w
+unGAlt :: HsExp -> HsGuardedAlts
+unGAlt = HsUnGuardedAlt
+gAlts :: SrcLoc -> [([HsStmt],HsExp)] -> HsGuardedAlts
+gAlts s as = HsGuardedAlts $ map (\(gs,e) -> HsGuardedAlt s gs e) as
+gAlt :: SrcLoc -> [HsStmt] -> HsExp -> HsGuardedAlts
+gAlt s gs e = gAlts s [(gs,e)]
+listE :: [HsExp] -> HsExp
+listE = HsList
+eList :: HsExp
+eList = HsList []
+peList :: HsPat
+peList = HsPList []
+paren :: HsExp -> HsExp
+paren = HsParen
+pParen :: HsPat -> HsPat
+pParen = HsPParen
+qualStmt :: HsExp -> HsStmt
+qualStmt = HsQualifier
+genStmt :: SrcLoc -> HsPat -> HsExp -> HsStmt
+genStmt = HsGenerator
+letStmt :: [HsDecl] -> HsStmt
+letStmt ds = HsLetStmt $ binds ds
+binds :: [HsDecl] -> HsBinds
+binds = HsBDecls
+noBinds :: HsBinds
+noBinds = binds []
+wildcard :: HsPat
+wildcard = HsPWildCard
+genNames :: String -> Int -> [HsName]
+genNames s k = [ HsIdent $ s ++ show i | i <- [1..k] ]
+-- Some more specialised help functions 
+-- | A function with a single "match"
+sfun :: SrcLoc -> HsName -> [HsName] -> HsRhs -> HsBinds -> HsDecl
+sfun s f pvs rhs bs = HsFunBind [HsMatch s f (map pvar pvs) rhs bs]
+-- | A function with a single "match", a single argument, no guards
+-- and no where declarations
+simpleFun :: SrcLoc -> HsName -> HsName -> HsExp -> HsDecl
+simpleFun s f a e = let rhs = HsUnGuardedRhs e
+		     in sfun s f [a] rhs noBinds
+-- | A pattern bind where the pattern is a variable, and where
+-- there are no guards and no 'where' clause.
+patBind :: SrcLoc -> HsPat -> HsExp -> HsDecl
+patBind s p e = let rhs = HsUnGuardedRhs e
+		 in HsPatBind s p rhs noBinds
+patBindWhere :: SrcLoc -> HsPat -> HsExp -> [HsDecl] -> HsDecl
+patBindWhere s p e ds = let rhs = HsUnGuardedRhs e
+			 in HsPatBind s p rhs (binds ds)
+nameBind :: SrcLoc -> HsName -> HsExp -> HsDecl
+nameBind s n e = patBind s (pvar n) e
+-- meta-level functions, i.e. functions that represent functions, 
+-- and that take arguments representing arguments... whew!
+metaFunction :: String -> [HsExp] -> HsExp
+metaFunction s es = mf s (reverse es)
+  where mf s []     = var $ name s
+	mf s (e:es) = app (mf s es) e
+metaConPat :: String -> [HsPat] -> HsPat
+metaConPat s ps = pApp (name s) ps
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Lexer.hs new-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Lexer.hs
--- old-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Lexer.hs	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Lexer.hs	2007-02-12 19:32:17.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,829 @@
+-- #hide
+-- |
+-- Module      :  Preprocessor.Hsx.Lexer
+-- Original    :  Language.Haskell.Lexer
+-- Copyright   :  (c) The GHC Team, 1997-2000
+--		  (c) Niklas Broberg, 2004
+-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE.txt)
+-- Maintainer  :  Niklas Broberg, d00nibro at dtek.chalmers.se
+-- Stability   :  experimental
+-- Portability :  portable
+-- Lexer for Haskell, with some extensions.
+-- ToDo: Introduce different tokens for decimal, octal and hexadecimal (?)
+-- ToDo: FloatTok should have three parts (integer part, fraction, exponent) (?)
+-- ToDo: Use a lexical analyser generator (lx?)
+module Preprocessor.Hsx.Lexer (Token(..), lexer) where
+import Preprocessor.Hsx.ParseMonad
+import Data.Char
+import Data.Ratio
+data Token
+        = VarId String
+        | QVarId (String,String)
+        | IDupVarId (String)		-- duplicable implicit parameter
+        | ILinVarId (String)		-- linear implicit parameter
+	| ConId String
+        | QConId (String,String)
+	| DVarId [String]		-- to enable varid's with '-' in them
+        | VarSym String
+        | ConSym String
+        | QVarSym (String,String)
+        | QConSym (String,String)
+	| IntTok Integer
+	| FloatTok Rational
+	| Character Char
+        | StringTok String
+        | Pragma String
+-- Symbols
+	| LeftParen
+	| RightParen
+	| LeftHashParen
+	| RightHashParen
+	| SemiColon
+        | LeftCurly
+        | RightCurly
+        | VRightCurly			-- a virtual close brace
+        | LeftSquare
+        | RightSquare
+	| Comma
+        | Underscore
+        | BackQuote
+-- Reserved operators
+	| Dot			-- reserved for use with 'forall x . x'
+	| DotDot
+	| Colon
+	| DoubleColon
+	| Equals
+	| Backslash
+	| Bar
+	| LeftArrow
+	| RightArrow
+	| At
+	| Tilde
+	| DoubleArrow
+	| Minus
+	| Exclamation
+-- Template Haskell
+	| THExpQuote 		-- [| or [e|
+	| THPatQuote		-- [p|
+	| THDecQuote		-- [d|
+	| THTypQuote		-- [t|         
+	| THCloseQuote		-- |]
+	| THIdEscape (String)	-- $x
+	| THParenEscape		-- $( 
+	| THReifyType
+	| THReifyDecl
+	| THReifyFixity
+-- HaRP
+	| RPOpen		-- [/
+	| RPClose		-- /]
+	| RPSeqOpen		-- (/
+	| RPSeqClose		-- /)
+	| RPStar		-- *
+	| RPStarG		-- *!
+	| RPOpt			-- ?
+	| RPOptG		-- ?!
+	| RPPlus		-- +
+	| RPPlusG		-- +!
+	| RPEither		-- |
+	| RPCAt			-- @:
+-- Hsx
+	| XCodeTagOpen		-- <%
+	| XCodeTagClose		-- %>
+	| XStdTagOpen		-- <
+	| XStdTagClose		-- >
+	| XCloseTagOpen		-- </
+	| XEmptyTagClose	-- />
+	| XPcdata String
+-- Functor sugar
+        | Hash                  -- #
+-- Reserved Ids
+	| KW_As
+	| KW_Case
+	| KW_Class
+	| KW_Data
+	| KW_Default
+	| KW_Deriving
+	| KW_DLet		-- implictit parameter binding
+	| KW_Do
+	| KW_MDo
+	| KW_Else
+	| KW_Forall		-- universal/existential types
+        | KW_Hiding
+	| KW_If
+	| KW_Import
+	| KW_In
+	| KW_Infix
+	| KW_InfixL
+	| KW_InfixR
+	| KW_Instance
+	| KW_Let
+	| KW_Module
+	| KW_NewType
+	| KW_Of
+	| KW_Then
+	| KW_Type
+	| KW_Where
+	| KW_With		-- implicit parameter binding
+	| KW_Qualified
+				-- FFI
+	| KW_Foreign
+	| KW_Export
+	| KW_Safe
+	| KW_Unsafe
+	| KW_Threadsafe
+	| KW_StdCall
+	| KW_CCall
+        | EOF
+        deriving (Eq,Show)
+reserved_ops :: [(String,Token)]
+reserved_ops = [
+ ( ".",	 Dot ),
+ ( "..", DotDot ),
+ ( ":",  Colon ),
+ ( "::", DoubleColon ),
+ ( "=",  Equals ),
+ ( "\\", Backslash ),
+ ( "|",  Bar ),
+ ( "<-", LeftArrow ),
+ ( "->", RightArrow ),
+ ( "@",  At ),
+ ( "~",  Tilde ),
+ ( "=>", DoubleArrow ),
+ ( "#",  Hash )
+ ]
+special_varops :: [(String,Token)]
+special_varops = [
+ ( "-",  Minus ),			--ToDo: shouldn't be here
+ ( "!",  Exclamation )		--ditto
+ ]
+reserved_ids :: [(String,Token)]
+reserved_ids = [
+ ( "_",         Underscore ),
+ ( "case",      KW_Case ),
+ ( "class",     KW_Class ),
+ ( "data",      KW_Data ),
+ ( "default",   KW_Default ),
+ ( "deriving",  KW_Deriving ),
+ ( "dlet",	KW_DLet ),		-- implicit parameters (hugs)
+ ( "do",        KW_Do ),
+ ( "else",      KW_Else ),
+ ( "forall",	KW_Forall ),		-- universal/existential quantification
+ ( "if",    	KW_If ),
+ ( "import",    KW_Import ),
+ ( "in", 	KW_In ),
+ ( "infix", 	KW_Infix ),
+ ( "infixl", 	KW_InfixL ),
+ ( "infixr", 	KW_InfixR ),
+ ( "instance",  KW_Instance ),
+ ( "let", 	KW_Let ),
+ ( "mdo",       KW_MDo ),
+ ( "module", 	KW_Module ),
+ ( "newtype",   KW_NewType ),
+ ( "of", 	KW_Of ),
+ ( "then", 	KW_Then ),
+ ( "type", 	KW_Type ),
+ ( "where", 	KW_Where ),
+ ( "with",	KW_With ),		-- implicit parameters
+-- Template Haskell
+ ( "reifyDecl", THReifyDecl ),
+ ( "reifyType", THReifyType ),
+ ( "reifyFixity", THReifyFixity ),
+-- FFI
+ ( "foreign", 	KW_Foreign )
+ ]
+special_varids :: [(String,Token)]
+special_varids = [
+ ( "as", 	KW_As ),
+ ( "qualified", KW_Qualified ),
+ ( "hiding", 	KW_Hiding ),
+-- FFI
+ ( "export",	KW_Export),
+ ( "safe",	KW_Safe),
+ ( "unsafe",	KW_Unsafe),
+ ( "threadsafe", KW_Threadsafe),
+ ( "stdcall",	KW_StdCall),
+ ( "ccall",	KW_CCall)
+ ]
+isIdent, isHSymbol :: Char -> Bool
+isIdent   c = isAlpha c || isDigit c || c == '\'' || c == '_'
+isHSymbol c = elem c ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~"
+matchChar :: Char -> String -> Lex a ()
+matchChar c msg = do
+	s <- getInput
+	if null s || head s /= c then fail msg else discard 1
+-- The top-level lexer.
+-- We need to know whether we are at the beginning of the line to decide
+-- whether to insert layout tokens.
+lexer :: (Token -> P a) -> P a
+lexer = runL $ do
+	bol <- checkBOL
+	(bol, ws) <- lexWhiteSpace bol
+	-- take care of whitespace in PCDATA
+	ec <- getExtContext
+	case ec of
+	 -- if there was no linebreak, and we are lexing PCDATA,
+	 -- then we want to care about the whitespace
+	 Just ChildCtxt | not bol && ws -> return $ XPcdata " "
+	 _ -> do startToken
+		 if bol then lexBOL else lexToken 
+lexWhiteSpace :: Bool -> Lex a (Bool, Bool)
+lexWhiteSpace bol = do
+	s <- getInput
+	case s of
+	    '{':'-':c:_ | c /= '#' -> do
+		discard 2
+		bol <- lexNestedComment bol
+		(bol, _) <- lexWhiteSpace bol
+		return (bol, True)
+	    '-':'-':s | all (== '-') (takeWhile isHSymbol s) -> do
+		lexWhile (== '-')
+		lexWhile (/= '\n')
+		lexNewline
+		lexWhiteSpace True
+		return (True, True)
+	    '\n':_ -> do
+		lexNewline
+		lexWhiteSpace True
+		return (True, True)
+	    '\t':_ -> do
+		lexTab
+		(bol, _) <- lexWhiteSpace bol
+		return (bol, True)		
+	    c:_ | isSpace c -> do
+		discard 1
+		(bol, _) <- lexWhiteSpace bol
+		return (bol, True)
+	    _ -> return (bol, False)
+lexPragma :: String -> Lex a String
+lexPragma str = do
+	s <- getInput
+	case s of
+	    '#':'-':'}':_ -> do
+	        discard 3 >> return str
+	    '\t':_ -> lexTab >> lexPragma (str ++ "\t")
+	    '\n':_ -> lexNewline >> lexPragma (str ++ "\n")
+	    c:_ -> discard 1 >> lexPragma (str ++ [c])
+	    []  -> fail "Unterminated pragma"
+lexNestedComment :: Bool -> Lex a Bool
+lexNestedComment bol = do
+	s <- getInput
+	case s of
+	    '-':'}':_ -> discard 2 >> return bol
+	    '{':'-':_ -> do
+		discard 2
+		bol <- lexNestedComment bol	-- rest of the subcomment
+		lexNestedComment bol		-- rest of this comment
+	    '\t':_    -> lexTab >> lexNestedComment bol
+	    '\n':_    -> lexNewline >> lexNestedComment True
+	    _:_       -> discard 1 >> lexNestedComment bol
+	    []        -> fail "Unterminated nested comment"
+-- When we are lexing the first token of a line, check whether we need to
+-- insert virtual semicolons or close braces due to layout.
+lexBOL :: Lex a Token
+lexBOL = do
+	pos <- getOffside
+	case pos of
+	    LT -> do
+                -- trace "layout: inserting '}'\n" $
+        	-- Set col to 0, indicating that we're still at the
+        	-- beginning of the line, in case we need a semi-colon too.
+        	-- Also pop the context here, so that we don't insert
+        	-- another close brace before the parser can pop it.
+		setBOL
+		popContextL "lexBOL"
+		return VRightCurly
+	    EQ ->
+                -- trace "layout: inserting ';'\n" $
+		return SemiColon
+	    GT ->
+		lexToken
+lexToken :: Lex a Token
+lexToken = do
+	ec <- getExtContext
+	case ec of
+	 Just HarpCtxt 	   -> lexHarpToken
+	 Just TagCtxt	   -> lexTagCtxt
+	 Just CloseTagCtxt -> lexCloseTagCtxt
+	 Just ChildCtxt    -> lexChildCtxt
+	 Just CodeTagCtxt  -> lexCodeTagCtxt
+	 _ 		   -> lexStdToken
+lexChildCtxt :: Lex a Token
+lexChildCtxt = do
+    s <- getInput
+    case s of
+    	'<':'%':_ -> do discard 2
+    			pushExtContextL CodeTagCtxt
+    			return XCodeTagOpen
+    	'<':'/':_ -> do discard 2
+    			popExtContextL "lexChildCtxt"
+    			pushExtContextL CloseTagCtxt
+    			return XCloseTagOpen
+    	'<':_	  -> do discard 1
+    			pushExtContextL TagCtxt
+    			return XStdTagOpen
+    	'[':'/':_ -> do discard 2
+    			pushExtContextL HarpCtxt
+    			return RPOpen
+    	_	  -> lexPCDATA
+lexPCDATA :: Lex a Token
+lexPCDATA = do
+    s <- getInput
+    case s of
+    	[] -> return EOF
+    	_  -> case s of
+		'\n':_ -> do
+			x <- lexNewline >> lexPCDATA
+			case x of
+			 XPcdata p -> return $ XPcdata $ '\n':p
+			 EOF -> return EOF
+		'<':_ -> return $ XPcdata ""
+		'[':'/':_ -> return $ XPcdata ""
+		'[':s' -> do discard 1
+			     pcd <- lexPCDATA
+			     case pcd of
+			      XPcdata pcd' -> return $ XPcdata $ '[':pcd'
+			      EOF -> return EOF
+		_ -> do let pcd = takeWhile (\c -> not $ elem c "<[\n") s
+        	     	    l = length pcd
+    	         	discard l
+			x <- lexPCDATA
+			case x of
+			 XPcdata pcd' -> return $ XPcdata $ pcd ++ pcd'
+			 EOF -> return EOF
+lexCodeTagCtxt :: Lex a Token
+lexCodeTagCtxt = do
+    s <- getInput
+    case s of
+        '%':'>':_ -> do discard 2
+        		popExtContextL "lexCodeTagContext"
+        		return XCodeTagClose
+        _	  -> lexStdToken
+lexCloseTagCtxt :: Lex a Token
+lexCloseTagCtxt = do
+    s <- getInput
+    case s of
+    	'>':_ 	  -> do discard 1
+    			popExtContextL "lexCloseTagCtxt"
+    			return XStdTagClose
+    	_	  -> lexStdToken
+lexTagCtxt :: Lex a Token
+lexTagCtxt = do
+    s <- getInput
+    case s of
+    	'/':'>':_ -> do discard 2
+    			popExtContextL "lexTagCtxt: Empty tag"
+    			return XEmptyTagClose
+    	'>':_	  -> do discard 1
+    			popExtContextL "lexTagCtxt: Standard tag"
+    			pushExtContextL ChildCtxt
+    			return XStdTagClose
+    	_	  -> lexStdToken
+lexHarpToken :: Lex a Token
+lexHarpToken = do
+    s <- getInput
+    case s of
+    	'[':'/':_ -> do discard 2
+    			pushExtContextL HarpCtxt
+    			return RPOpen
+    	'/':']':_ -> do discard 2
+    			popExtContextL "lexHarpToken"
+    			return RPClose
+    	'(':'/':_ -> do discard 2
+    			return RPSeqOpen
+    	'/':')':_ -> do discard 2
+    			return RPSeqClose
+    	'*':'!':_ -> do discard 2
+    			return RPStarG
+    	'*':_ 	  -> do discard 1
+    			return RPStar
+    	'+':'!':_ -> do discard 2
+    			return RPPlusG
+    	'+':_	  -> do discard 1
+    			return RPPlus
+    	'|':_	  -> do discard 1
+    			return RPEither
+    	'?':'!':_ -> do discard 2
+    			return RPOptG
+    	'?':_	  -> do discard 1
+    			return RPOpt
+    	'@':':':_ -> do discard 2
+    			return RPCAt
+    	_	  -> lexStdToken
+lexStdToken :: Lex a Token
+lexStdToken = do
+    s <- getInput
+    case s of
+        [] -> return EOF
+        '{':'-':'#':_ -> do
+	        discard 3
+	        pragma <- lexPragma "" 
+	        return (Pragma pragma)
+	'0':c:d:_ | toLower c == 'o' && isOctDigit d -> do
+			discard 2
+			n <- lexOctal
+			return (IntTok n)
+		  | toLower c == 'x' && isHexDigit d -> do
+			discard 2
+			n <- lexHexadecimal
+			return (IntTok n)
+	-- implicit parameters
+	'?':c:_ | isLower c -> do
+			discard 1
+			id <- lexWhile isIdent
+			return $ IDupVarId id
+	'%':c:_ | isLower c -> do
+			discard 1
+			id <- lexWhile isIdent
+			return $ ILinVarId id
+	-- end implicit parameters
+	-- harp
+	'[':'/':_ -> do
+			discard 2
+			pushExtContextL HarpCtxt
+			return RPOpen			
+	-- template haskell
+	'[':'|':_ -> do
+			discard 2
+			return $ THExpQuote
+	'[':c:'|':_ | c == 'e' -> do
+			discard 3
+			return $ THExpQuote
+		    | c == 'p' -> do
+		    	discard 3
+		    	return THPatQuote
+		    | c == 'd' -> do
+		    	discard 3
+		    	return THDecQuote
+		    | c == 't' -> do
+		    	discard 3
+		    	return THTypQuote
+	'|':']':_ -> do discard 2
+		        return THCloseQuote
+	'$':c:_ | isLower c -> do
+			discard 1
+			id <- lexWhile isIdent
+			return $ THIdEscape id
+		| c == '(' -> do
+			discard 2
+			return THParenEscape
+	-- end template haskell
+	-- hsx
+	'<':'%':_ -> do discard 2
+			pushExtContextL CodeTagCtxt
+			return XCodeTagOpen
+	'<':c:_ | isAlpha c -> do discard 1
+				  pushExtContextL TagCtxt
+				  return XStdTagOpen
+	-- end hsx
+	'(':'#':_ -> do discard 2 >> return LeftHashParen
+	'#':')':_ -> do discard 2 >> return RightHashParen
+	c:_ | isDigit c -> lexDecimalOrFloat
+	    | isUpper c -> lexConIdOrQual ""
+	    | isLower c || c == '_' -> do
+		idents <- lexIdents
+		case idents of
+		 [ident] -> return $ case lookup ident (reserved_ids ++ special_varids) of
+				      Just keyword -> keyword
+				      Nothing -> VarId ident
+		 _ -> return $ DVarId idents
+	    | isHSymbol c -> do
+		sym <- lexWhile isHSymbol
+		return $ case lookup sym (reserved_ops ++ special_varops) of
+			Just t  -> t
+			Nothing -> case c of
+			    ':' -> ConSym sym
+			    _   -> VarSym sym
+	    | otherwise -> do
+		discard 1
+		case c of
+		    -- First the special symbols
+		    '(' ->  return LeftParen
+		    ')' ->  return RightParen
+		    ',' ->  return Comma
+		    ';' ->  return SemiColon
+		    '[' ->  return LeftSquare
+		    ']' ->  return RightSquare
+		    '`' ->  return BackQuote
+		    '{' -> do
+			    pushContextL NoLayout
+			    return LeftCurly
+		    '}' -> do
+			    popContextL "lexStdToken"
+			    return RightCurly
+		    '\'' -> do
+			    c2 <- lexChar
+			    matchChar '\'' "Improperly terminated character constant"
+			    return (Character c2)
+		    '"' ->  lexString
+		    _ ->    fail ("Illegal character \'" ++ show c ++ "\'\n")
+      where lexIdents :: Lex a [String]
+	    lexIdents = do
+		ident <- lexWhile isIdent
+		s <- getInput
+		case s of
+		 '-':c:_ | isIdent c -> do 
+				discard 1
+				idents <- lexIdents
+				return $ ident : idents
+		 _ -> return [ident]
+lexDecimalOrFloat :: Lex a Token
+lexDecimalOrFloat = do
+	ds <- lexWhile isDigit
+	rest <- getInput
+	case rest of
+	    ('.':d:_) | isDigit d -> do
+		discard 1
+		frac <- lexWhile isDigit
+		let num = parseInteger 10 (ds ++ frac)
+		    decimals = toInteger (length frac)
+		exponent <- do
+			rest2 <- getInput
+			case rest2 of
+			    'e':_ -> lexExponent
+			    'E':_ -> lexExponent
+			    _     -> return 0
+		return (FloatTok ((num%1) * 10^^(exponent - decimals)))
+	    e:_ | toLower e == 'e' -> do
+		exponent <- lexExponent
+		return (FloatTok ((parseInteger 10 ds%1) * 10^^exponent))
+	    _ -> return (IntTok (parseInteger 10 ds))
+    where
+	lexExponent :: Lex a Integer
+	lexExponent = do
+		discard 1	-- 'e' or 'E'
+		r <- getInput
+		case r of
+		    '+':d:_ | isDigit d -> do
+			discard 1
+			lexDecimal
+		    '-':d:_ | isDigit d -> do
+			discard 1
+			n <- lexDecimal
+			return (negate n)
+		    d:_ | isDigit d -> lexDecimal
+		    _ -> fail "Float with missing exponent"
+lexConIdOrQual :: String -> Lex a Token
+lexConIdOrQual qual = do
+	con <- lexWhile isIdent
+	let conid | null qual = ConId con
+		  | otherwise = QConId (qual,con)
+	    qual' | null qual = con
+		  | otherwise = qual ++ '.':con
+	just_a_conid <- alternative (return conid)
+	rest <- getInput
+	case rest of
+	  '.':c:_
+	     | isLower c || c == '_' -> do	-- qualified varid?
+		discard 1
+		ident <- lexWhile isIdent
+		case lookup ident reserved_ids of
+		   -- cannot qualify a reserved word
+		   Just _  -> just_a_conid
+		   Nothing -> return (QVarId (qual', ident))
+	     | isUpper c -> do		-- qualified conid?
+		discard 1
+		lexConIdOrQual qual'
+	     | isHSymbol c -> do	-- qualified symbol?
+		discard 1
+		sym <- lexWhile isHSymbol
+		case lookup sym reserved_ops of
+		    -- cannot qualify a reserved operator
+		    Just _  -> just_a_conid
+		    Nothing -> return $ case c of
+			':' -> QConSym (qual', sym)
+			_   -> QVarSym (qual', sym)
+	  _ ->	return conid -- not a qualified thing
+lexChar :: Lex a Char
+lexChar = do
+	r <- getInput
+	case r of
+		'\\':_	-> lexEscape
+		c:_	-> discard 1 >> return c
+		[]	-> fail "Incomplete character constant"
+lexString :: Lex a Token
+lexString = loop ""
+    where
+	loop s = do
+		r <- getInput
+		case r of
+		    '\\':'&':_ -> do
+				discard 2
+				loop s
+		    '\\':c:_ | isSpace c -> do
+				discard 1
+				lexWhiteChars
+				matchChar '\\' "Illegal character in string gap"
+				loop s
+			     | otherwise -> do
+				ce <- lexEscape
+				loop (ce:s)
+		    '"':_ -> do
+				discard 1
+				return (StringTok (reverse s))
+		    c:_ -> do
+				discard 1
+				loop (c:s)
+		    [] ->	fail "Improperly terminated string"
+	lexWhiteChars :: Lex a ()
+	lexWhiteChars = do
+		s <- getInput
+		case s of
+		    '\n':_ -> do
+			lexNewline
+			lexWhiteChars
+		    '\t':_ -> do
+			lexTab
+			lexWhiteChars
+		    c:_ | isSpace c -> do
+			discard 1
+			lexWhiteChars
+		    _ -> return ()
+lexEscape :: Lex a Char
+lexEscape = do
+	discard 1
+	r <- getInput
+	case r of
+-- Production charesc from section B.2 (Note: \& is handled by caller)
+		'a':_		-> discard 1 >> return '\a'
+		'b':_		-> discard 1 >> return '\b'
+		'f':_		-> discard 1 >> return '\f'
+		'n':_		-> discard 1 >> return '\n'
+		'r':_		-> discard 1 >> return '\r'
+		't':_		-> discard 1 >> return '\t'
+		'v':_		-> discard 1 >> return '\v'
+		'\\':_		-> discard 1 >> return '\\'
+		'"':_		-> discard 1 >> return '\"'
+		'\'':_		-> discard 1 >> return '\''
+-- Production ascii from section B.2
+		'^':c:_		-> discard 2 >> cntrl c
+		'N':'U':'L':_	-> discard 3 >> return '\NUL'
+		'S':'O':'H':_	-> discard 3 >> return '\SOH'
+		'S':'T':'X':_	-> discard 3 >> return '\STX'
+		'E':'T':'X':_	-> discard 3 >> return '\ETX'
+		'E':'O':'T':_	-> discard 3 >> return '\EOT'
+		'E':'N':'Q':_	-> discard 3 >> return '\ENQ'
+		'A':'C':'K':_	-> discard 3 >> return '\ACK'
+		'B':'E':'L':_	-> discard 3 >> return '\BEL'
+		'B':'S':_	-> discard 2 >> return '\BS'
+		'H':'T':_	-> discard 2 >> return '\HT'
+		'L':'F':_	-> discard 2 >> return '\LF'
+		'V':'T':_	-> discard 2 >> return '\VT'
+		'F':'F':_	-> discard 2 >> return '\FF'
+		'C':'R':_	-> discard 2 >> return '\CR'
+		'S':'O':_	-> discard 2 >> return '\SO'
+		'S':'I':_	-> discard 2 >> return '\SI'
+		'D':'L':'E':_	-> discard 3 >> return '\DLE'
+		'D':'C':'1':_	-> discard 3 >> return '\DC1'
+		'D':'C':'2':_	-> discard 3 >> return '\DC2'
+		'D':'C':'3':_	-> discard 3 >> return '\DC3'
+		'D':'C':'4':_	-> discard 3 >> return '\DC4'
+		'N':'A':'K':_	-> discard 3 >> return '\NAK'
+		'S':'Y':'N':_	-> discard 3 >> return '\SYN'
+		'E':'T':'B':_	-> discard 3 >> return '\ETB'
+		'C':'A':'N':_	-> discard 3 >> return '\CAN'
+		'E':'M':_	-> discard 2 >> return '\EM'
+		'S':'U':'B':_	-> discard 3 >> return '\SUB'
+		'E':'S':'C':_	-> discard 3 >> return '\ESC'
+		'F':'S':_	-> discard 2 >> return '\FS'
+		'G':'S':_	-> discard 2 >> return '\GS'
+		'R':'S':_	-> discard 2 >> return '\RS'
+		'U':'S':_	-> discard 2 >> return '\US'
+		'S':'P':_	-> discard 2 >> return '\SP'
+		'D':'E':'L':_	-> discard 3 >> return '\DEL'
+-- Escaped numbers
+		'o':c:_ | isOctDigit c -> do
+					discard 1
+					n <- lexOctal
+					checkChar n
+		'x':c:_ | isHexDigit c -> do
+					discard 1
+					n <- lexHexadecimal
+					checkChar n
+		c:_ | isDigit c -> do
+					n <- lexDecimal
+					checkChar n
+		_		-> fail "Illegal escape sequence"
+    where
+	checkChar n | n <= 0x01FFFF = return (chr (fromInteger n))
+	checkChar _		    = fail "Character constant out of range"
+-- Production cntrl from section B.2
+	cntrl :: Char -> Lex a Char
+	cntrl c | c >= '@' && c <= '_' = return (chr (ord c - ord '@'))
+	cntrl _                        = fail "Illegal control character"
+-- assumes at least one octal digit
+lexOctal :: Lex a Integer
+lexOctal = do
+	ds <- lexWhile isOctDigit
+	return (parseInteger 8 ds)
+-- assumes at least one hexadecimal digit
+lexHexadecimal :: Lex a Integer
+lexHexadecimal = do
+	ds <- lexWhile isHexDigit
+	return (parseInteger 16 ds)
+-- assumes at least one decimal digit
+lexDecimal :: Lex a Integer
+lexDecimal = do
+	ds <- lexWhile isDigit
+	return (parseInteger 10 ds)
+-- Stolen from Hugs's Prelude
+parseInteger :: Integer -> String -> Integer
+parseInteger radix ds =
+	foldl1 (\n d -> n * radix + d) (map (toInteger . digitToInt) ds)
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/ParseMonad.hs new-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/ParseMonad.hs
--- old-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/ParseMonad.hs	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/ParseMonad.hs	2007-02-12 19:32:17.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+-- #hide
+-- |
+-- Module      :  Preprocessor.Hsx.ParseMonad
+-- Original    :  Language.Haskell.ParseMonad
+-- Copyright   :  (c) The GHC Team, 1997-2000
+-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer  :  libraries at haskell.org
+-- Stability   :  experimental
+-- Portability :  portable
+-- Monads for the Haskell parser and lexer.
+module Preprocessor.Hsx.ParseMonad(
+		-- * Parsing
+		P, ParseResult(..), atSrcLoc, LexContext(..),
+		ParseMode(..), defaultParseMode,
+		runParserWithMode, runParser,
+		getSrcLoc, pushCurrentContext, popContext,
+		-- * Lexing
+		Lex(runL), getInput, discard, lexNewline, lexTab, lexWhile,
+		alternative, checkBOL, setBOL, startToken, getOffside,
+		pushContextL, popContextL,
+		-- * Harp/Hsx
+		ExtContext(..),
+		pushExtContextL, popExtContextL, getExtContext,
+		getModuleName
+	) where
+import Preprocessor.Hsx.Syntax(SrcLoc(..))
+import Data.List ( intersperse )
+-- | The result of a parse.
+data ParseResult a
+	= ParseOk a		-- ^ The parse succeeded, yielding a value.
+	| ParseFailed SrcLoc String
+				-- ^ The parse failed at the specified
+				-- source location, with an error message.
+	deriving Show
+-- internal version
+data ParseStatus a = Ok ParseState a | Failed SrcLoc String
+	deriving Show
+data LexContext = NoLayout | Layout Int
+	deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
+data ExtContext = CodeCtxt | HarpCtxt | TagCtxt | ChildCtxt 
+		| CloseTagCtxt | CodeTagCtxt
+	deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
+type ParseState = ([LexContext],[ExtContext])
+indentOfParseState :: ParseState -> Int
+indentOfParseState (Layout n:_,_) = n
+indentOfParseState _            = 0
+-- | Static parameters governing a parse.
+-- More to come later, e.g. literate mode, language extensions.
+data ParseMode = ParseMode {
+		-- | original name of the file being parsed
+		parseFilename :: String
+		}
+-- | Default parameters for a parse,
+-- currently just a marker for an unknown filename.
+defaultParseMode :: ParseMode
+defaultParseMode = ParseMode {
+		parseFilename = "<unknown>.hs"
+		}
+-- | Monad for parsing
+newtype P a = P { runP ::
+		        String		-- input string
+		     -> Int		-- current column
+		     -> Int		-- current line
+		     -> SrcLoc		-- location of last token read
+		     -> ParseState	-- layout info.
+		     -> ParseMode	-- parse parameters
+		     -> ParseStatus a
+		}
+runParserWithMode :: ParseMode -> P a -> String -> ParseResult a
+runParserWithMode mode (P m) s = case m s 0 1 start ([],[]) mode of
+	Ok _ a -> ParseOk a
+	Failed loc msg -> ParseFailed loc msg
+    where start = SrcLoc {
+		srcFilename = parseFilename mode,
+		srcLine = 1,
+		srcColumn = 1
+	}
+runParser :: P a -> String -> ParseResult a
+runParser = runParserWithMode defaultParseMode
+instance Monad P where
+	return a = P $ \_i _x _y _l s _m -> Ok s a
+	P m >>= k = P $ \i x y l s mode ->
+		case m i x y l s mode of
+		    Failed loc msg -> Failed loc msg
+		    Ok s' a -> runP (k a) i x y l s' mode
+	fail s = P $ \_r _col _line loc _stk _m -> Failed loc s
+atSrcLoc :: P a -> SrcLoc -> P a
+P m `atSrcLoc` loc = P $ \i x y _l -> m i x y loc
+getSrcLoc :: P SrcLoc
+getSrcLoc = P $ \_i _x _y l s _m -> Ok s l
+getModuleName :: P String
+getModuleName = P $ \_i _x _y _l s m -> 
+    let fn = parseFilename m
+    	mn = concat $ intersperse "." $ splitPath fn
+	splitPath :: String -> [String]
+	splitPath ""   = []
+   	splitPath str  = let (l,str') = break ('\\'==) str
+			  in case str' of 
+			      []      -> [removeSuffix l]
+			      (_:str'') -> l : splitPath str''
+	removeSuffix l = reverse $ tail $ dropWhile ('.'/=) $ reverse l
+     in Ok s mn
+-- Enter a new layout context.  If we are already in a layout context,
+-- ensure that the new indent is greater than the indent of that context.
+-- (So if the source loc is not to the right of the current indent, an
+-- empty list {} will be inserted.)
+pushCurrentContext :: P ()
+pushCurrentContext = do
+	loc <- getSrcLoc
+	indent <- currentIndent
+	pushContext (Layout (srcColumn loc))
+currentIndent :: P Int
+currentIndent = P $ \_r _x _y loc stk _mode -> Ok stk (indentOfParseState stk)
+pushContext :: LexContext -> P ()
+pushContext ctxt =
+--trace ("pushing lexical scope: " ++ show ctxt ++"\n") $
+	P $ \_i _x _y _l (s, e) _m -> Ok (ctxt:s, e) ()
+popContext :: P ()
+popContext = P $ \_i _x _y _l stk _m ->
+      case stk of
+   	(_:s, e) -> --trace ("popping lexical scope, context now "++show s ++ "\n") $
+            Ok (s, e) ()
+        ([],_)    -> error "Internal error: empty context in popContext"
+-- HaRP/Hsx
+pushExtContext :: ExtContext -> P ()
+pushExtContext ctxt = P $ \_i _x _y _l (s, e) _m -> Ok (s, ctxt:e) ()
+popExtContext :: P ()
+popExtContext = P $ \_i _x _y _l (s, e) _m ->
+	case e of
+	 (_:e') -> 
+	   Ok (s, e') ()
+	 [] -> error "Internal error: empty context in popExtContext"
+-- Monad for lexical analysis:
+-- a continuation-passing version of the parsing monad
+newtype Lex r a = Lex { runL :: (a -> P r) -> P r }
+instance Monad (Lex r) where
+	return a = Lex $ \k -> k a
+	Lex v >>= f = Lex $ \k -> v (\a -> runL (f a) k)
+	Lex v >> Lex w = Lex $ \k -> v (\_ -> w k)
+	fail s = Lex $ \_ -> fail s
+-- Operations on this monad
+getInput :: Lex r String
+getInput = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \r -> runP (cont r) r
+-- | Discard some input characters (these must not include tabs or newlines).
+discard :: Int -> Lex r ()
+discard n = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \r x -> runP (cont ()) (drop n r) (x+n)
+-- | Discard the next character, which must be a newline.
+lexNewline :: Lex a ()
+lexNewline = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \(_:r) _x y -> runP (cont ()) r 1 (y+1)
+-- | Discard the next character, which must be a tab.
+lexTab :: Lex a ()
+lexTab = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \(_:r) x -> runP (cont ()) r (nextTab x)
+nextTab :: Int -> Int
+nextTab x = x + (tAB_LENGTH - (x-1) `mod` tAB_LENGTH)
+tAB_LENGTH :: Int
+tAB_LENGTH = 8 :: Int
+-- Consume and return the largest string of characters satisfying p
+lexWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> Lex a String
+lexWhile p = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \r x ->
+	let (cs,rest) = span p r in
+	runP (cont cs) rest (x + length cs)
+-- An alternative scan, to which we can return if subsequent scanning
+-- is unsuccessful.
+alternative :: Lex a v -> Lex a (Lex a v)
+alternative (Lex v) = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \r x y ->
+	runP (cont (Lex $ \cont' -> P $ \_r _x _y ->
+		runP (v cont') r x y)) r x y
+-- The source location is the coordinates of the previous token,
+-- or, while scanning a token, the start of the current token.
+-- col is the current column in the source file.
+-- We also need to remember between scanning tokens whether we are
+-- somewhere at the beginning of the line before the first token.
+-- This could be done with an extra Bool argument to the P monad,
+-- but as a hack we use a col value of 0 to indicate this situation.
+-- Setting col to 0 is used in two places: just after emitting a virtual
+-- close brace due to layout, so that next time through we check whether
+-- we also need to emit a semi-colon, and at the beginning of the file,
+-- by runParser, to kick off the lexer.
+-- Thus when col is zero, the true column can be taken from the loc.
+checkBOL :: Lex a Bool
+checkBOL = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \r x y loc ->
+		if x == 0 then runP (cont True) r (srcColumn loc) y loc
+			else runP (cont False) r x y loc
+setBOL :: Lex a ()
+setBOL = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \r _ -> runP (cont ()) r 0
+-- Set the loc to the current position
+startToken :: Lex a ()
+startToken = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \s x y _ stk mode ->
+	let loc = SrcLoc {
+		srcFilename = parseFilename mode,
+		srcLine = y,
+		srcColumn = x
+	} in
+	runP (cont ()) s x y loc stk mode
+-- Current status with respect to the offside (layout) rule:
+-- LT: we are to the left of the current indent (if any)
+-- EQ: we are at the current indent (if any)
+-- GT: we are to the right of the current indent, or not subject to layout
+getOffside :: Lex a Ordering
+getOffside = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \r x y loc stk ->
+		runP (cont (compare x (indentOfParseState stk))) r x y loc stk
+pushContextL :: LexContext -> Lex a ()
+pushContextL ctxt = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \r x y loc (stk, e) ->
+		runP (cont ()) r x y loc (ctxt:stk, e)
+popContextL :: String -> Lex a ()
+popContextL fn = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \r x y loc stk -> case stk of
+		(_:ctxt, e) -> runP (cont ()) r x y loc (ctxt, e)
+		([], _)     -> error ("Internal error: empty context in " ++ fn)
+-- Harp/Hsx
+getExtContext :: Lex a (Maybe ExtContext)
+getExtContext = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \r x y loc stk@(_, e) ->
+		let me = case e of
+			  [] -> Nothing
+			  (c:_) -> Just c
+		in runP (cont me) r x y loc stk
+pushExtContextL :: ExtContext -> Lex a ()
+pushExtContextL ec = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \r x y loc (s, e) ->
+		runP (cont ()) r x y loc (s, ec:e)
+popExtContextL :: String -> Lex a ()
+popExtContextL fn = Lex $ \cont -> P $ \r x y loc stk@(s,e) -> case e of
+			(_:ec) -> runP (cont ()) r x y loc (s,ec)
+			[]       -> error ("Internal error: empty tag context in " ++ fn)
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Parser.hs new-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Parser.hs
--- old-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Parser.hs	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Parser.hs	2007-02-12 19:32:17.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,13771 @@
+-- |
+-- Module      :  Preprocessor.Hsx.Parser
+-- Original    :  Language.Haskell.Parser
+-- Copyright   :  (c) Niklas Broberg 2004,
+-- 		    Original (c) Simon Marlow, Sven Panne 1997-2000
+-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE.txt)
+-- Maintainer  :  Niklas Broberg, d00nibro at dtek.chalmers.se
+-- Stability   :  experimental
+-- Portability :  portable
+module Preprocessor.Hsx.Parser (
+		parseModule, parseModuleWithMode,
+		ParseMode(..), defaultParseMode, ParseResult(..)) where
+import Preprocessor.Hsx.Syntax
+import Preprocessor.Hsx.ParseMonad
+import Preprocessor.Hsx.Lexer
+import Preprocessor.Hsx.ParseUtils
+-- parser produced by Happy Version 1.15
+data HappyAbsSyn 
+	= HappyTerminal Token
+	| HappyErrorToken Int
+	| HappyAbsSyn4 (HsModule)
+	| HappyAbsSyn5 (HsExp)
+	| HappyAbsSyn7 ([HsPragma])
+	| HappyAbsSyn8 (([HsImportDecl],[HsDecl]))
+	| HappyAbsSyn10 (())
+	| HappyAbsSyn12 (Maybe [HsExportSpec])
+	| HappyAbsSyn13 ([HsExportSpec])
+	| HappyAbsSyn16 (HsExportSpec)
+	| HappyAbsSyn17 ([HsImportDecl])
+	| HappyAbsSyn18 (HsImportDecl)
+	| HappyAbsSyn19 (Bool)
+	| HappyAbsSyn20 (Maybe Module)
+	| HappyAbsSyn21 (Maybe (Bool, [HsImportSpec]))
+	| HappyAbsSyn22 ((Bool, [HsImportSpec]))
+	| HappyAbsSyn24 ([HsImportSpec])
+	| HappyAbsSyn25 (HsImportSpec)
+	| HappyAbsSyn26 ([HsCName])
+	| HappyAbsSyn27 (HsCName)
+	| HappyAbsSyn28 (HsDecl)
+	| HappyAbsSyn29 (Int)
+	| HappyAbsSyn30 (HsAssoc)
+	| HappyAbsSyn31 ([HsOp])
+	| HappyAbsSyn32 ([HsDecl])
+	| HappyAbsSyn35 ([HsType])
+	| HappyAbsSyn41 (HsBinds)
+	| HappyAbsSyn42 ([HsName])
+	| HappyAbsSyn43 (HsCallConv)
+	| HappyAbsSyn44 (HsSafety)
+	| HappyAbsSyn45 ((String, HsName, HsType))
+	| HappyAbsSyn46 (HsType)
+	| HappyAbsSyn50 (HsQName)
+	| HappyAbsSyn53 (HsContext)
+	| HappyAbsSyn56 ((HsName, [HsName]))
+	| HappyAbsSyn58 ([HsFunDep])
+	| HappyAbsSyn60 (HsFunDep)
+	| HappyAbsSyn61 ([HsGadtDecl])
+	| HappyAbsSyn64 (HsGadtDecl)
+	| HappyAbsSyn65 ([HsQualConDecl])
+	| HappyAbsSyn67 (HsQualConDecl)
+	| HappyAbsSyn69 (HsConDecl)
+	| HappyAbsSyn70 ((HsName, [HsBangType]))
+	| HappyAbsSyn72 (HsBangType)
+	| HappyAbsSyn74 ([([HsName],HsBangType)])
+	| HappyAbsSyn75 (([HsName],HsBangType))
+	| HappyAbsSyn77 ([HsQName])
+	| HappyAbsSyn85 (HsRhs)
+	| HappyAbsSyn86 ([HsGuardedRhs])
+	| HappyAbsSyn87 (HsGuardedRhs)
+	| HappyAbsSyn95 ([HsPat])
+	| HappyAbsSyn96 (HsPat)
+	| HappyAbsSyn100 (HsReify)
+	| HappyAbsSyn103 ([HsExp])
+	| HappyAbsSyn110 (HsXName)
+	| HappyAbsSyn111 (String)
+	| HappyAbsSyn112 ([HsXAttr])
+	| HappyAbsSyn113 (HsXAttr)
+	| HappyAbsSyn114 (Maybe HsExp)
+	| HappyAbsSyn118 ([HsStmt])
+	| HappyAbsSyn119 (HsStmt)
+	| HappyAbsSyn120 ([HsAlt])
+	| HappyAbsSyn123 (HsAlt)
+	| HappyAbsSyn124 (HsGuardedAlts)
+	| HappyAbsSyn125 ([HsGuardedAlt])
+	| HappyAbsSyn126 (HsGuardedAlt)
+	| HappyAbsSyn130 ([HsFieldUpdate])
+	| HappyAbsSyn131 (HsFieldUpdate)
+	| HappyAbsSyn132 ([HsIPBind])
+	| HappyAbsSyn135 (HsIPBind)
+	| HappyAbsSyn137 (HsName)
+	| HappyAbsSyn140 (HsIPName)
+	| HappyAbsSyn148 (HsOp)
+	| HappyAbsSyn149 (HsQOp)
+	| HappyAbsSyn165 (HsLiteral)
+	| HappyAbsSyn166 (SrcLoc)
+	| HappyAbsSyn169 (Module)
+type HappyReduction m = 
+	   Int 
+	-> (Token)
+	-> HappyState (Token) (HappyStk HappyAbsSyn -> m HappyAbsSyn)
+	-> [HappyState (Token) (HappyStk HappyAbsSyn -> m HappyAbsSyn)] 
+	-> HappyStk HappyAbsSyn 
+	-> m HappyAbsSyn
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+ action_686,
+ action_687,
+ action_688,
+ action_689,
+ action_690,
+ action_691,
+ action_692,
+ action_693,
+ action_694,
+ action_695,
+ action_696,
+ action_697,
+ action_698,
+ action_699,
+ action_700,
+ action_701,
+ action_702,
+ action_703,
+ action_704,
+ action_705,
+ action_706,
+ action_707,
+ action_708,
+ action_709,
+ action_710,
+ action_711,
+ action_712,
+ action_713,
+ action_714,
+ action_715,
+ action_716,
+ action_717,
+ action_718,
+ action_719,
+ action_720,
+ action_721,
+ action_722,
+ action_723,
+ action_724,
+ action_725,
+ action_726,
+ action_727,
+ action_728,
+ action_729,
+ action_730,
+ action_731,
+ action_732,
+ action_733,
+ action_734,
+ action_735,
+ action_736,
+ action_737,
+ action_738,
+ action_739,
+ action_740,
+ action_741,
+ action_742,
+ action_743,
+ action_744,
+ action_745,
+ action_746,
+ action_747 :: () => Int -> HappyReduction (P)
+ happyReduce_2,
+ happyReduce_3,
+ happyReduce_4,
+ happyReduce_5,
+ happyReduce_6,
+ happyReduce_7,
+ happyReduce_8,
+ happyReduce_9,
+ happyReduce_10,
+ happyReduce_11,
+ happyReduce_12,
+ happyReduce_13,
+ happyReduce_14,
+ happyReduce_15,
+ happyReduce_16,
+ happyReduce_17,
+ happyReduce_18,
+ happyReduce_19,
+ happyReduce_20,
+ happyReduce_21,
+ happyReduce_22,
+ happyReduce_23,
+ happyReduce_24,
+ happyReduce_25,
+ happyReduce_26,
+ happyReduce_27,
+ happyReduce_28,
+ happyReduce_29,
+ happyReduce_30,
+ happyReduce_31,
+ happyReduce_32,
+ happyReduce_33,
+ happyReduce_34,
+ happyReduce_35,
+ happyReduce_36,
+ happyReduce_37,
+ happyReduce_38,
+ happyReduce_39,
+ happyReduce_40,
+ happyReduce_41,
+ happyReduce_42,
+ happyReduce_43,
+ happyReduce_44,
+ happyReduce_45,
+ happyReduce_46,
+ happyReduce_47,
+ happyReduce_48,
+ happyReduce_49,
+ happyReduce_50,
+ happyReduce_51,
+ happyReduce_52,
+ happyReduce_53,
+ happyReduce_54,
+ happyReduce_55,
+ happyReduce_56,
+ happyReduce_57,
+ happyReduce_58,
+ happyReduce_59,
+ happyReduce_60,
+ happyReduce_61,
+ happyReduce_62,
+ happyReduce_63,
+ happyReduce_64,
+ happyReduce_65,
+ happyReduce_66,
+ happyReduce_67,
+ happyReduce_68,
+ happyReduce_69,
+ happyReduce_70,
+ happyReduce_71,
+ happyReduce_72,
+ happyReduce_73,
+ happyReduce_74,
+ happyReduce_75,
+ happyReduce_76,
+ happyReduce_77,
+ happyReduce_78,
+ happyReduce_79,
+ happyReduce_80,
+ happyReduce_81,
+ happyReduce_82,
+ happyReduce_83,
+ happyReduce_84,
+ happyReduce_85,
+ happyReduce_86,
+ happyReduce_87,
+ happyReduce_88,
+ happyReduce_89,
+ happyReduce_90,
+ happyReduce_91,
+ happyReduce_92,
+ happyReduce_93,
+ happyReduce_94,
+ happyReduce_95,
+ happyReduce_96,
+ happyReduce_97,
+ happyReduce_98,
+ happyReduce_99,
+ happyReduce_100,
+ happyReduce_101,
+ happyReduce_102,
+ happyReduce_103,
+ happyReduce_104,
+ happyReduce_105,
+ happyReduce_106,
+ happyReduce_107,
+ happyReduce_108,
+ happyReduce_109,
+ happyReduce_110,
+ happyReduce_111,
+ happyReduce_112,
+ happyReduce_113,
+ happyReduce_114,
+ happyReduce_115,
+ happyReduce_116,
+ happyReduce_117,
+ happyReduce_118,
+ happyReduce_119,
+ happyReduce_120,
+ happyReduce_121,
+ happyReduce_122,
+ happyReduce_123,
+ happyReduce_124,
+ happyReduce_125,
+ happyReduce_126,
+ happyReduce_127,
+ happyReduce_128,
+ happyReduce_129,
+ happyReduce_130,
+ happyReduce_131,
+ happyReduce_132,
+ happyReduce_133,
+ happyReduce_134,
+ happyReduce_135,
+ happyReduce_136,
+ happyReduce_137,
+ happyReduce_138,
+ happyReduce_139,
+ happyReduce_140,
+ happyReduce_141,
+ happyReduce_142,
+ happyReduce_143,
+ happyReduce_144,
+ happyReduce_145,
+ happyReduce_146,
+ happyReduce_147,
+ happyReduce_148,
+ happyReduce_149,
+ happyReduce_150,
+ happyReduce_151,
+ happyReduce_152,
+ happyReduce_153,
+ happyReduce_154,
+ happyReduce_155,
+ happyReduce_156,
+ happyReduce_157,
+ happyReduce_158,
+ happyReduce_159,
+ happyReduce_160,
+ happyReduce_161,
+ happyReduce_162,
+ happyReduce_163,
+ happyReduce_164,
+ happyReduce_165,
+ happyReduce_166,
+ happyReduce_167,
+ happyReduce_168,
+ happyReduce_169,
+ happyReduce_170,
+ happyReduce_171,
+ happyReduce_172,
+ happyReduce_173,
+ happyReduce_174,
+ happyReduce_175,
+ happyReduce_176,
+ happyReduce_177,
+ happyReduce_178,
+ happyReduce_179,
+ happyReduce_180,
+ happyReduce_181,
+ happyReduce_182,
+ happyReduce_183,
+ happyReduce_184,
+ happyReduce_185,
+ happyReduce_186,
+ happyReduce_187,
+ happyReduce_188,
+ happyReduce_189,
+ happyReduce_190,
+ happyReduce_191,
+ happyReduce_192,
+ happyReduce_193,
+ happyReduce_194,
+ happyReduce_195,
+ happyReduce_196,
+ happyReduce_197,
+ happyReduce_198,
+ happyReduce_199,
+ happyReduce_200,
+ happyReduce_201,
+ happyReduce_202,
+ happyReduce_203,
+ happyReduce_204,
+ happyReduce_205,
+ happyReduce_206,
+ happyReduce_207,
+ happyReduce_208,
+ happyReduce_209,
+ happyReduce_210,
+ happyReduce_211,
+ happyReduce_212,
+ happyReduce_213,
+ happyReduce_214,
+ happyReduce_215,
+ happyReduce_216,
+ happyReduce_217,
+ happyReduce_218,
+ happyReduce_219,
+ happyReduce_220,
+ happyReduce_221,
+ happyReduce_222,
+ happyReduce_223,
+ happyReduce_224,
+ happyReduce_225,
+ happyReduce_226,
+ happyReduce_227,
+ happyReduce_228,
+ happyReduce_229,
+ happyReduce_230,
+ happyReduce_231,
+ happyReduce_232,
+ happyReduce_233,
+ happyReduce_234,
+ happyReduce_235,
+ happyReduce_236,
+ happyReduce_237,
+ happyReduce_238,
+ happyReduce_239,
+ happyReduce_240,
+ happyReduce_241,
+ happyReduce_242,
+ happyReduce_243,
+ happyReduce_244,
+ happyReduce_245,
+ happyReduce_246,
+ happyReduce_247,
+ happyReduce_248,
+ happyReduce_249,
+ happyReduce_250,
+ happyReduce_251,
+ happyReduce_252,
+ happyReduce_253,
+ happyReduce_254,
+ happyReduce_255,
+ happyReduce_256,
+ happyReduce_257,
+ happyReduce_258,
+ happyReduce_259,
+ happyReduce_260,
+ happyReduce_261,
+ happyReduce_262,
+ happyReduce_263,
+ happyReduce_264,
+ happyReduce_265,
+ happyReduce_266,
+ happyReduce_267,
+ happyReduce_268,
+ happyReduce_269,
+ happyReduce_270,
+ happyReduce_271,
+ happyReduce_272,
+ happyReduce_273,
+ happyReduce_274,
+ happyReduce_275,
+ happyReduce_276,
+ happyReduce_277,
+ happyReduce_278,
+ happyReduce_279,
+ happyReduce_280,
+ happyReduce_281,
+ happyReduce_282,
+ happyReduce_283,
+ happyReduce_284,
+ happyReduce_285,
+ happyReduce_286,
+ happyReduce_287,
+ happyReduce_288,
+ happyReduce_289,
+ happyReduce_290,
+ happyReduce_291,
+ happyReduce_292,
+ happyReduce_293,
+ happyReduce_294,
+ happyReduce_295,
+ happyReduce_296,
+ happyReduce_297,
+ happyReduce_298,
+ happyReduce_299,
+ happyReduce_300,
+ happyReduce_301,
+ happyReduce_302,
+ happyReduce_303,
+ happyReduce_304,
+ happyReduce_305,
+ happyReduce_306,
+ happyReduce_307,
+ happyReduce_308,
+ happyReduce_309,
+ happyReduce_310,
+ happyReduce_311,
+ happyReduce_312,
+ happyReduce_313,
+ happyReduce_314,
+ happyReduce_315,
+ happyReduce_316,
+ happyReduce_317,
+ happyReduce_318,
+ happyReduce_319,
+ happyReduce_320,
+ happyReduce_321,
+ happyReduce_322,
+ happyReduce_323,
+ happyReduce_324,
+ happyReduce_325,
+ happyReduce_326,
+ happyReduce_327,
+ happyReduce_328,
+ happyReduce_329,
+ happyReduce_330,
+ happyReduce_331,
+ happyReduce_332,
+ happyReduce_333,
+ happyReduce_334,
+ happyReduce_335,
+ happyReduce_336,
+ happyReduce_337,
+ happyReduce_338,
+ happyReduce_339,
+ happyReduce_340,
+ happyReduce_341,
+ happyReduce_342,
+ happyReduce_343,
+ happyReduce_344,
+ happyReduce_345,
+ happyReduce_346,
+ happyReduce_347,
+ happyReduce_348,
+ happyReduce_349,
+ happyReduce_350,
+ happyReduce_351,
+ happyReduce_352,
+ happyReduce_353,
+ happyReduce_354,
+ happyReduce_355,
+ happyReduce_356,
+ happyReduce_357,
+ happyReduce_358,
+ happyReduce_359,
+ happyReduce_360,
+ happyReduce_361,
+ happyReduce_362,
+ happyReduce_363,
+ happyReduce_364,
+ happyReduce_365,
+ happyReduce_366,
+ happyReduce_367,
+ happyReduce_368,
+ happyReduce_369,
+ happyReduce_370,
+ happyReduce_371,
+ happyReduce_372,
+ happyReduce_373,
+ happyReduce_374,
+ happyReduce_375,
+ happyReduce_376,
+ happyReduce_377,
+ happyReduce_378,
+ happyReduce_379,
+ happyReduce_380,
+ happyReduce_381,
+ happyReduce_382,
+ happyReduce_383,
+ happyReduce_384,
+ happyReduce_385,
+ happyReduce_386,
+ happyReduce_387,
+ happyReduce_388,
+ happyReduce_389,
+ happyReduce_390,
+ happyReduce_391,
+ happyReduce_392,
+ happyReduce_393,
+ happyReduce_394,
+ happyReduce_395,
+ happyReduce_396,
+ happyReduce_397,
+ happyReduce_398,
+ happyReduce_399,
+ happyReduce_400,
+ happyReduce_401,
+ happyReduce_402,
+ happyReduce_403,
+ happyReduce_404,
+ happyReduce_405,
+ happyReduce_406,
+ happyReduce_407,
+ happyReduce_408,
+ happyReduce_409,
+ happyReduce_410,
+ happyReduce_411,
+ happyReduce_412,
+ happyReduce_413,
+ happyReduce_414,
+ happyReduce_415,
+ happyReduce_416,
+ happyReduce_417 :: () => HappyReduction (P)
+action_0 (246) = happyShift action_7
+action_0 (4) = happyGoto action_4
+action_0 (5) = happyGoto action_2
+action_0 (6) = happyGoto action_5
+action_0 (166) = happyGoto action_6
+action_0 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_1 (5) = happyGoto action_2
+action_1 (166) = happyGoto action_3
+action_1 _ = happyFail
+action_2 _ = happyReduce_1
+action_3 (244) = happyShift action_12
+action_3 _ = happyFail
+action_4 (285) = happyAccept
+action_4 _ = happyFail
+action_5 _ = happyReduce_3
+action_6 (192) = happyShift action_11
+action_6 (244) = happyShift action_12
+action_6 (7) = happyGoto action_10
+action_6 _ = happyReduce_9
+action_7 (6) = happyGoto action_8
+action_7 (166) = happyGoto action_9
+action_7 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_8 (249) = happyShift action_25
+action_8 _ = happyFail
+action_9 (192) = happyShift action_11
+action_9 (7) = happyGoto action_10
+action_9 _ = happyReduce_9
+action_10 (198) = happyShift action_23
+action_10 (277) = happyShift action_24
+action_10 (8) = happyGoto action_21
+action_10 (167) = happyGoto action_22
+action_10 _ = happyReduce_405
+action_11 (192) = happyShift action_11
+action_11 (7) = happyGoto action_20
+action_11 _ = happyReduce_9
+action_12 (177) = happyShift action_15
+action_12 (181) = happyShift action_16
+action_12 (183) = happyShift action_17
+action_12 (259) = happyShift action_18
+action_12 (281) = happyShift action_19
+action_12 (110) = happyGoto action_13
+action_12 (111) = happyGoto action_14
+action_12 _ = happyFail
+action_13 (112) = happyGoto action_35
+action_13 _ = happyReduce_286
+action_14 (208) = happyShift action_34
+action_14 _ = happyReduce_279
+action_15 _ = happyReduce_280
+action_16 _ = happyReduce_281
+action_17 _ = happyReduce_282
+action_18 _ = happyReduce_284
+action_19 _ = happyReduce_283
+action_20 _ = happyReduce_8
+action_21 _ = happyReduce_7
+action_22 (9) = happyGoto action_33
+action_22 (10) = happyGoto action_31
+action_22 (11) = happyGoto action_32
+action_22 _ = happyReduce_18
+action_23 (9) = happyGoto action_30
+action_23 (10) = happyGoto action_31
+action_23 (11) = happyGoto action_32
+action_23 _ = happyReduce_18
+action_24 (181) = happyShift action_28
+action_24 (182) = happyShift action_29
+action_24 (169) = happyGoto action_27
+action_24 _ = happyFail
+action_25 (166) = happyGoto action_26
+action_25 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_26 (5) = happyGoto action_107
+action_26 (166) = happyGoto action_3
+action_26 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_27 (193) = happyShift action_106
+action_27 (12) = happyGoto action_104
+action_27 (13) = happyGoto action_105
+action_27 _ = happyReduce_20
+action_28 _ = happyReduce_408
+action_29 _ = happyReduce_409
+action_30 (199) = happyShift action_103
+action_30 _ = happyFail
+action_31 _ = happyReduce_17
+action_32 (177) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (178) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (179) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (180) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (181) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (182) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (183) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (188) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (189) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (190) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (191) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (193) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (197) = happyShift action_102
+action_32 (201) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (204) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (216) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (218) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (219) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (220) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (221) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (223) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (233) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (234) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (235) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (236) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (237) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (238) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (240) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (241) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (242) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (244) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (246) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (250) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (251) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (252) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (253) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (254) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (255) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (256) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (257) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (258) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (259) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (260) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (261) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (264) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (267) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (269) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (271) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (272) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (273) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (274) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (276) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (278) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (281) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (284) = happyReduce_404
+action_32 (17) = happyGoto action_92
+action_32 (18) = happyGoto action_93
+action_32 (28) = happyGoto action_94
+action_32 (32) = happyGoto action_95
+action_32 (33) = happyGoto action_96
+action_32 (34) = happyGoto action_97
+action_32 (38) = happyGoto action_98
+action_32 (40) = happyGoto action_99
+action_32 (83) = happyGoto action_100
+action_32 (166) = happyGoto action_101
+action_32 _ = happyReduce_15
+action_33 (1) = happyShift action_90
+action_33 (200) = happyShift action_91
+action_33 (168) = happyGoto action_89
+action_33 _ = happyFail
+action_34 (177) = happyShift action_15
+action_34 (181) = happyShift action_16
+action_34 (183) = happyShift action_17
+action_34 (259) = happyShift action_18
+action_34 (281) = happyShift action_19
+action_34 (111) = happyGoto action_88
+action_34 _ = happyFail
+action_35 (177) = happyShift action_55
+action_35 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_35 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_35 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_35 (181) = happyShift action_59
+action_35 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_35 (183) = happyShift action_17
+action_35 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_35 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_35 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_35 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_35 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_35 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_35 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_35 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_35 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_35 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_35 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_35 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_35 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_35 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_35 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_35 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_35 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_35 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_35 (247) = happyReduce_289
+action_35 (248) = happyReduce_289
+action_35 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_35 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_35 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_35 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_35 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_35 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_35 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_35 (259) = happyShift action_18
+action_35 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_35 (281) = happyShift action_19
+action_35 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_35 (97) = happyGoto action_36
+action_35 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_35 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_35 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_35 (110) = happyGoto action_40
+action_35 (111) = happyGoto action_14
+action_35 (113) = happyGoto action_41
+action_35 (114) = happyGoto action_42
+action_35 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_35 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_35 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_35 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_35 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_35 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_35 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_35 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_35 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_35 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_35 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_35 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_35 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_36 _ = happyReduce_288
+action_37 (198) = happyShift action_228
+action_37 (225) = happyShift action_229
+action_37 (226) = happyShift action_230
+action_37 (227) = happyShift action_231
+action_37 (228) = happyShift action_232
+action_37 (229) = happyShift action_233
+action_37 (230) = happyShift action_234
+action_37 _ = happyReduce_224
+action_38 _ = happyReduce_233
+action_39 _ = happyReduce_247
+action_40 (210) = happyShift action_227
+action_40 _ = happyFail
+action_41 _ = happyReduce_285
+action_42 (247) = happyShift action_225
+action_42 (248) = happyShift action_226
+action_42 _ = happyFail
+action_43 _ = happyReduce_236
+action_44 (215) = happyShift action_223
+action_44 (232) = happyShift action_224
+action_44 _ = happyReduce_235
+action_45 _ = happyReduce_234
+action_46 _ = happyReduce_337
+action_47 _ = happyReduce_342
+action_48 _ = happyReduce_376
+action_49 _ = happyReduce_367
+action_50 _ = happyReduce_344
+action_51 _ = happyReduce_347
+action_52 _ = happyReduce_382
+action_53 _ = happyReduce_237
+action_54 (221) = happyShift action_221
+action_54 (244) = happyShift action_222
+action_54 _ = happyFail
+action_55 (208) = happyReduce_280
+action_55 (210) = happyReduce_280
+action_55 _ = happyReduce_369
+action_56 _ = happyReduce_368
+action_57 _ = happyReduce_380
+action_58 _ = happyReduce_381
+action_59 (208) = happyReduce_281
+action_59 (210) = happyReduce_281
+action_59 _ = happyReduce_384
+action_60 _ = happyReduce_383
+action_61 _ = happyReduce_400
+action_62 _ = happyReduce_402
+action_63 _ = happyReduce_401
+action_64 _ = happyReduce_403
+action_65 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_65 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_65 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_65 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_65 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_65 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_65 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_65 (184) = happyShift action_210
+action_65 (185) = happyShift action_211
+action_65 (186) = happyShift action_212
+action_65 (187) = happyShift action_213
+action_65 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_65 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_65 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_65 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_65 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_65 (194) = happyShift action_214
+action_65 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_65 (203) = happyShift action_215
+action_65 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_65 (205) = happyShift action_216
+action_65 (206) = happyShift action_217
+action_65 (208) = happyShift action_218
+action_65 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_65 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_65 (218) = happyShift action_219
+action_65 (219) = happyShift action_220
+action_65 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_65 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_65 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_65 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_65 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_65 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_65 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_65 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_65 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_65 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_65 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_65 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_65 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_65 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_65 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_65 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_65 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_65 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_65 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_65 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_65 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_65 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_65 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_65 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_65 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_65 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_65 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_65 (88) = happyGoto action_194
+action_65 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_65 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_65 (91) = happyGoto action_195
+action_65 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_65 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_65 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_65 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_65 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_65 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_65 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_65 (102) = happyGoto action_196
+action_65 (103) = happyGoto action_197
+action_65 (106) = happyGoto action_198
+action_65 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_65 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_65 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_65 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_65 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_65 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_65 (145) = happyGoto action_199
+action_65 (147) = happyGoto action_200
+action_65 (150) = happyGoto action_201
+action_65 (151) = happyGoto action_202
+action_65 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_65 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_65 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_65 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_65 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_65 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_65 (158) = happyGoto action_203
+action_65 (159) = happyGoto action_204
+action_65 (160) = happyGoto action_205
+action_65 (161) = happyGoto action_206
+action_65 (162) = happyGoto action_207
+action_65 (163) = happyGoto action_208
+action_65 (164) = happyGoto action_209
+action_65 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_65 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_65 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_66 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_66 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_66 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_66 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_66 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_66 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_66 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_66 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_66 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_66 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_66 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_66 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_66 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_66 (202) = happyShift action_193
+action_66 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_66 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_66 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_66 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_66 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_66 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_66 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_66 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_66 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_66 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_66 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_66 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_66 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_66 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_66 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_66 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_66 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_66 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_66 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_66 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_66 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_66 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_66 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_66 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_66 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_66 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_66 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_66 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_66 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_66 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_66 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_66 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_66 (88) = happyGoto action_190
+action_66 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_66 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_66 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_66 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_66 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_66 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_66 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_66 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_66 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_66 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_66 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_66 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_66 (116) = happyGoto action_191
+action_66 (117) = happyGoto action_192
+action_66 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_66 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_66 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_66 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_66 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_66 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_66 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_66 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_66 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_66 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_66 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_66 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_66 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_67 _ = happyReduce_243
+action_68 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_68 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_68 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_68 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_68 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_68 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_68 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_68 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_68 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_68 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_68 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_68 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_68 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_68 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_68 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_68 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_68 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_68 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_68 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_68 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_68 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_68 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_68 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_68 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_68 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_68 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_68 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_68 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_68 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_68 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_68 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_68 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_68 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_68 (97) = happyGoto action_189
+action_68 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_68 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_68 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_68 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_68 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_68 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_68 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_68 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_68 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_68 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_68 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_68 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_68 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_68 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_68 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_68 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_69 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_69 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_69 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_69 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_69 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_69 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_69 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_69 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_69 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_69 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_69 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_69 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_69 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_69 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_69 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_69 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_69 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_69 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_69 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_69 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_69 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_69 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_69 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_69 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_69 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_69 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_69 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_69 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_69 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_69 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_69 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_69 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_69 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_69 (97) = happyGoto action_188
+action_69 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_69 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_69 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_69 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_69 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_69 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_69 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_69 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_69 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_69 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_69 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_69 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_69 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_69 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_69 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_69 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_70 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_70 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_70 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_70 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_70 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_70 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_70 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_70 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_70 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_70 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_70 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_70 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_70 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_70 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_70 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_70 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_70 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_70 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_70 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_70 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_70 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_70 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_70 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_70 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_70 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_70 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_70 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_70 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_70 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_70 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_70 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_70 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_70 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_70 (97) = happyGoto action_187
+action_70 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_70 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_70 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_70 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_70 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_70 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_70 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_70 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_70 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_70 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_70 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_70 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_70 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_70 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_70 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_70 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_71 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_71 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_71 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_71 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_71 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_71 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_71 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_71 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_71 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_71 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_71 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_71 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_71 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_71 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_71 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_71 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_71 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_71 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_71 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_71 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_71 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_71 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_71 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_71 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_71 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_71 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_71 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_71 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_71 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_71 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_71 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_71 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_71 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_71 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_71 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_71 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_71 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_71 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_71 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_71 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_71 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_71 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_71 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_71 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_71 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_71 (88) = happyGoto action_183
+action_71 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_71 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_71 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_71 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_71 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_71 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_71 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_71 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_71 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_71 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_71 (104) = happyGoto action_184
+action_71 (105) = happyGoto action_185
+action_71 (106) = happyGoto action_186
+action_71 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_71 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_71 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_71 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_71 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_71 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_71 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_71 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_71 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_71 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_71 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_71 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_71 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_71 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_71 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_72 _ = happyReduce_248
+action_73 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_73 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_73 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_73 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_73 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_73 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_73 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_73 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_73 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_73 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_73 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_73 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_73 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_73 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_73 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_73 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_73 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_73 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_73 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_73 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_73 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_73 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_73 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_73 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_73 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_73 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_73 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_73 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_73 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_73 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_73 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_73 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_73 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_73 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_73 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_73 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_73 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_73 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_73 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_73 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_73 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_73 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_73 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_73 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_73 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_73 (88) = happyGoto action_182
+action_73 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_73 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_73 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_73 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_73 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_73 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_73 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_73 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_73 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_73 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_73 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_73 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_73 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_73 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_73 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_73 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_73 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_73 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_73 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_73 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_73 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_73 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_73 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_73 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_73 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_74 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_74 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_74 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_74 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_74 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_74 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_74 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_74 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_74 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_74 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_74 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_74 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_74 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_74 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_74 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_74 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_74 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_74 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_74 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_74 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_74 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_74 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_74 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_74 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_74 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_74 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_74 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_74 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_74 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_74 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_74 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_74 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_74 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_74 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_74 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_74 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_74 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_74 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_74 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_74 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_74 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_74 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_74 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_74 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_74 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_74 (88) = happyGoto action_181
+action_74 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_74 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_74 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_74 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_74 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_74 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_74 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_74 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_74 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_74 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_74 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_74 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_74 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_74 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_74 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_74 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_74 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_74 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_74 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_74 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_74 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_74 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_74 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_74 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_74 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_75 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_75 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_75 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_75 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_75 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_75 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_75 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_75 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_75 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_75 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_75 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_75 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_75 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_75 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_75 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_75 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_75 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_75 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_75 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_75 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_75 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_75 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_75 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_75 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_75 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_75 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_75 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_75 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_75 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_75 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_75 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_75 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_75 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_75 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_75 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_75 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_75 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_75 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_75 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_75 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_75 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_75 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_75 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_75 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_75 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_75 (89) = happyGoto action_179
+action_75 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_75 (91) = happyGoto action_180
+action_75 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_75 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_75 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_75 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_75 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_75 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_75 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_75 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_75 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_75 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_75 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_75 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_75 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_75 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_75 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_75 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_75 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_75 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_75 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_75 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_75 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_75 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_76 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_76 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_76 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_76 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_76 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_76 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_76 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_76 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_76 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_76 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_76 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_76 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_76 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_76 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_76 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_76 (266) = happyShift action_178
+action_76 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_76 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_76 (46) = happyGoto action_164
+action_76 (47) = happyGoto action_165
+action_76 (48) = happyGoto action_166
+action_76 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_76 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_76 (52) = happyGoto action_169
+action_76 (53) = happyGoto action_170
+action_76 (140) = happyGoto action_171
+action_76 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_76 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_76 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_76 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_76 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_76 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_76 _ = happyFail
+action_77 (28) = happyGoto action_94
+action_77 (32) = happyGoto action_162
+action_77 (33) = happyGoto action_96
+action_77 (34) = happyGoto action_97
+action_77 (38) = happyGoto action_98
+action_77 (40) = happyGoto action_99
+action_77 (83) = happyGoto action_100
+action_77 (166) = happyGoto action_163
+action_77 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_78 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_78 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_78 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_78 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_78 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_78 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_78 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_78 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_78 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_78 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_78 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_78 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_78 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_78 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_78 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_78 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_78 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_78 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_78 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_78 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_78 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_78 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_78 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_78 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_78 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_78 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_78 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_78 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_78 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_78 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_78 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_78 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_78 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_78 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_78 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_78 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_78 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_78 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_78 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_78 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_78 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_78 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_78 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_78 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_78 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_78 (88) = happyGoto action_153
+action_78 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_78 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_78 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_78 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_78 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_78 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_78 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_78 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_78 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_78 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_78 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_78 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_78 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_78 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_78 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_78 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_78 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_78 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_78 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_78 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_78 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_78 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_78 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_78 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_78 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_79 _ = happyReduce_373
+action_80 _ = happyReduce_377
+action_81 _ = happyReduce_378
+action_82 _ = happyReduce_379
+action_83 _ = happyReduce_374
+action_84 _ = happyReduce_375
+action_85 _ = happyReduce_370
+action_86 _ = happyReduce_372
+action_87 _ = happyReduce_371
+action_88 _ = happyReduce_278
+action_89 _ = happyReduce_11
+action_90 _ = happyReduce_407
+action_91 _ = happyReduce_406
+action_92 (10) = happyGoto action_151
+action_92 (11) = happyGoto action_152
+action_92 _ = happyReduce_18
+action_93 _ = happyReduce_34
+action_94 _ = happyReduce_87
+action_95 _ = happyReduce_13
+action_96 (10) = happyGoto action_149
+action_96 (11) = happyGoto action_150
+action_96 _ = happyReduce_18
+action_97 _ = happyReduce_67
+action_98 _ = happyReduce_78
+action_99 _ = happyReduce_86
+action_100 _ = happyReduce_88
+action_101 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_101 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_101 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_101 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_101 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_101 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_101 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_101 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_101 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_101 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_101 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_101 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_101 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_101 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_101 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_101 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_101 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_101 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_101 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_101 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_101 (234) = happyShift action_131
+action_101 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_101 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_101 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_101 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_101 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_101 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_101 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_101 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_101 (250) = happyShift action_135
+action_101 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_101 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_101 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_101 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_101 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_101 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_101 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_101 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_101 (259) = happyShift action_137
+action_101 (260) = happyShift action_138
+action_101 (261) = happyShift action_139
+action_101 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_101 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_101 (269) = happyShift action_141
+action_101 (271) = happyShift action_142
+action_101 (272) = happyShift action_143
+action_101 (273) = happyShift action_144
+action_101 (274) = happyShift action_145
+action_101 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_101 (278) = happyShift action_147
+action_101 (281) = happyShift action_148
+action_101 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_101 (30) = happyGoto action_120
+action_101 (42) = happyGoto action_121
+action_101 (91) = happyGoto action_122
+action_101 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_101 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_101 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_101 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_101 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_101 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_101 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_101 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_101 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_101 (139) = happyGoto action_128
+action_101 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_101 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_101 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_101 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_101 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_101 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_101 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_101 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_101 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_101 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_101 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_102 _ = happyReduce_16
+action_103 _ = happyReduce_10
+action_104 (282) = happyShift action_119
+action_104 _ = happyFail
+action_105 _ = happyReduce_19
+action_106 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_106 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_106 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_106 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_106 (193) = happyShift action_116
+action_106 (203) = happyShift action_117
+action_106 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_106 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_106 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_106 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_106 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_106 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_106 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_106 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_106 (277) = happyShift action_118
+action_106 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_106 (14) = happyGoto action_108
+action_106 (15) = happyGoto action_109
+action_106 (16) = happyGoto action_110
+action_106 (139) = happyGoto action_111
+action_106 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_106 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_106 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_106 (156) = happyGoto action_112
+action_106 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_106 (172) = happyGoto action_113
+action_106 _ = happyReduce_24
+action_107 _ = happyReduce_2
+action_108 (194) = happyShift action_365
+action_108 _ = happyFail
+action_109 (203) = happyShift action_364
+action_109 (14) = happyGoto action_363
+action_109 _ = happyReduce_24
+action_110 _ = happyReduce_26
+action_111 _ = happyReduce_27
+action_112 _ = happyReduce_412
+action_113 (193) = happyShift action_362
+action_113 _ = happyReduce_28
+action_114 _ = happyReduce_369
+action_115 _ = happyReduce_384
+action_116 (184) = happyShift action_262
+action_116 (186) = happyShift action_212
+action_116 (206) = happyShift action_264
+action_116 (218) = happyShift action_266
+action_116 (219) = happyShift action_267
+action_116 (160) = happyGoto action_205
+action_116 (162) = happyGoto action_207
+action_116 (164) = happyGoto action_261
+action_116 _ = happyFail
+action_117 _ = happyReduce_23
+action_118 (181) = happyShift action_28
+action_118 (182) = happyShift action_29
+action_118 (169) = happyGoto action_361
+action_118 _ = happyFail
+action_119 (198) = happyShift action_23
+action_119 (8) = happyGoto action_360
+action_119 (167) = happyGoto action_22
+action_119 _ = happyReduce_405
+action_120 (188) = happyShift action_359
+action_120 (29) = happyGoto action_358
+action_120 _ = happyReduce_58
+action_121 (203) = happyShift action_356
+action_121 (209) = happyShift action_357
+action_121 _ = happyFail
+action_122 (184) = happyShift action_262
+action_122 (185) = happyShift action_211
+action_122 (186) = happyShift action_212
+action_122 (187) = happyShift action_213
+action_122 (205) = happyShift action_263
+action_122 (206) = happyShift action_264
+action_122 (208) = happyShift action_218
+action_122 (210) = happyShift action_355
+action_122 (218) = happyShift action_266
+action_122 (219) = happyShift action_267
+action_122 (85) = happyGoto action_350
+action_122 (86) = happyGoto action_351
+action_122 (87) = happyGoto action_352
+action_122 (144) = happyGoto action_256
+action_122 (147) = happyGoto action_257
+action_122 (149) = happyGoto action_353
+action_122 (151) = happyGoto action_259
+action_122 (158) = happyGoto action_203
+action_122 (159) = happyGoto action_204
+action_122 (160) = happyGoto action_260
+action_122 (162) = happyGoto action_207
+action_122 (164) = happyGoto action_261
+action_122 (166) = happyGoto action_354
+action_122 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_123 _ = happyReduce_203
+action_124 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_124 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_124 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_124 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_124 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_124 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_124 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_124 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_124 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_124 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_124 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_124 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_124 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_124 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_124 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_124 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_124 (221) = happyReduce_404
+action_124 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_124 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_124 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_124 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_124 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_124 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_124 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_124 (244) = happyReduce_404
+action_124 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_124 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_124 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_124 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_124 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_124 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_124 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_124 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_124 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_124 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_124 (97) = happyGoto action_349
+action_124 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_124 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_124 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_124 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_124 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_124 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_124 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_124 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_124 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_124 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_124 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_124 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_124 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_124 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_124 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_124 _ = happyReduce_213
+action_125 _ = happyReduce_215
+action_126 _ = happyReduce_212
+action_127 _ = happyReduce_202
+action_128 (203) = happyReduce_96
+action_128 (209) = happyReduce_96
+action_128 (215) = happyShift action_223
+action_128 (232) = happyShift action_224
+action_128 _ = happyReduce_235
+action_129 _ = happyReduce_290
+action_130 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_130 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_130 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_130 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_130 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_130 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_130 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_130 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_130 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_130 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_130 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_130 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_130 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_130 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_130 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_130 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_130 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_130 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_130 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_130 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_130 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_130 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_130 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_130 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_130 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_130 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_130 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_130 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_130 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_130 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_130 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_130 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_130 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_130 (94) = happyGoto action_245
+action_130 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_130 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_130 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_130 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_130 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_130 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_130 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_130 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_130 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_130 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_130 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_130 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_130 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_130 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_130 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_130 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_130 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_131 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_131 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_131 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_131 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_131 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_131 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_131 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_131 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_131 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_131 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_131 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_131 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_131 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_131 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_131 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_131 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_131 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_131 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_131 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_131 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_131 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_131 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_131 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_131 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_131 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_131 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_131 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_131 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_131 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_131 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_131 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_131 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_131 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_131 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_131 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_131 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_131 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_131 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_131 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_131 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_131 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_131 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_131 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_131 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_131 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_131 (88) = happyGoto action_348
+action_131 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_131 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_131 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_131 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_131 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_131 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_131 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_131 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_131 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_131 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_131 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_131 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_131 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_131 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_131 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_131 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_131 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_131 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_131 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_131 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_131 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_131 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_131 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_131 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_131 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_132 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_132 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_132 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_132 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_132 (193) = happyShift action_346
+action_132 (201) = happyShift action_347
+action_132 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_132 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_132 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_132 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_132 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_132 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_132 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_132 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_132 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_132 (50) = happyGoto action_344
+action_132 (139) = happyGoto action_345
+action_132 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_132 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_132 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_132 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_132 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_132 _ = happyFail
+action_133 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_133 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_133 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_133 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_133 (193) = happyShift action_341
+action_133 (201) = happyShift action_342
+action_133 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_133 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_133 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_133 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_133 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_133 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_133 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_133 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_133 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_133 (101) = happyGoto action_343
+action_133 (136) = happyGoto action_339
+action_133 (139) = happyGoto action_340
+action_133 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_133 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_133 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_133 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_133 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_133 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_133 _ = happyFail
+action_134 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_134 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_134 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_134 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_134 (193) = happyShift action_341
+action_134 (201) = happyShift action_342
+action_134 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_134 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_134 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_134 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_134 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_134 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_134 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_134 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_134 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_134 (101) = happyGoto action_338
+action_134 (136) = happyGoto action_339
+action_134 (139) = happyGoto action_340
+action_134 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_134 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_134 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_134 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_134 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_134 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_134 _ = happyFail
+action_135 (251) = happyShift action_336
+action_135 (269) = happyShift action_337
+action_135 _ = happyFail
+action_136 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_136 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_136 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_136 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_136 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_136 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_136 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_136 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_136 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_136 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_136 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_136 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_136 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_136 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_136 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_136 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_136 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_136 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_136 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_136 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_136 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_136 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_136 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_136 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_136 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_136 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_136 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_136 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_136 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_136 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_136 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_136 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_136 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_136 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_136 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_136 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_136 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_136 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_136 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_136 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_136 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_136 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_136 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_136 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_136 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_136 (88) = happyGoto action_335
+action_136 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_136 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_136 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_136 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_136 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_136 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_136 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_136 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_136 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_136 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_136 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_136 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_136 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_136 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_136 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_136 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_136 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_136 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_136 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_136 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_136 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_136 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_136 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_136 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_136 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_137 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_137 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_137 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_137 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_137 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_137 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_137 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_137 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_137 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_137 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_137 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_137 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_137 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_137 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_137 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_137 (266) = happyShift action_178
+action_137 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_137 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_137 (46) = happyGoto action_164
+action_137 (47) = happyGoto action_165
+action_137 (48) = happyGoto action_166
+action_137 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_137 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_137 (52) = happyGoto action_334
+action_137 (53) = happyGoto action_170
+action_137 (140) = happyGoto action_171
+action_137 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_137 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_137 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_137 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_137 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_137 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_137 _ = happyFail
+action_138 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_138 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_138 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_138 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_138 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_138 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_138 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_138 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_138 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_138 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_138 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_138 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_138 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_138 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_138 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_138 (266) = happyShift action_178
+action_138 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_138 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_138 (46) = happyGoto action_164
+action_138 (47) = happyGoto action_165
+action_138 (48) = happyGoto action_166
+action_138 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_138 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_138 (52) = happyGoto action_333
+action_138 (53) = happyGoto action_170
+action_138 (140) = happyGoto action_171
+action_138 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_138 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_138 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_138 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_138 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_138 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_138 _ = happyFail
+action_139 (193) = happyShift action_332
+action_139 _ = happyFail
+action_140 (198) = happyShift action_327
+action_140 (128) = happyGoto action_331
+action_140 (167) = happyGoto action_326
+action_140 _ = happyReduce_405
+action_141 (284) = happyShift action_330
+action_141 (19) = happyGoto action_329
+action_141 _ = happyReduce_37
+action_142 _ = happyReduce_60
+action_143 _ = happyReduce_61
+action_144 _ = happyReduce_62
+action_145 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_145 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_145 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_145 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_145 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_145 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_145 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_145 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_145 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_145 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_145 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_145 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_145 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_145 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_145 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_145 (266) = happyShift action_178
+action_145 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_145 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_145 (46) = happyGoto action_164
+action_145 (47) = happyGoto action_165
+action_145 (48) = happyGoto action_166
+action_145 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_145 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_145 (52) = happyGoto action_328
+action_145 (53) = happyGoto action_170
+action_145 (140) = happyGoto action_171
+action_145 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_145 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_145 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_145 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_145 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_145 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_145 _ = happyFail
+action_146 (198) = happyShift action_327
+action_146 (128) = happyGoto action_325
+action_146 (167) = happyGoto action_326
+action_146 _ = happyReduce_405
+action_147 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_147 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_147 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_147 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_147 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_147 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_147 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_147 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_147 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_147 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_147 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_147 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_147 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_147 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_147 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_147 (266) = happyShift action_178
+action_147 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_147 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_147 (46) = happyGoto action_164
+action_147 (47) = happyGoto action_165
+action_147 (48) = happyGoto action_166
+action_147 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_147 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_147 (52) = happyGoto action_324
+action_147 (53) = happyGoto action_170
+action_147 (140) = happyGoto action_171
+action_147 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_147 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_147 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_147 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_147 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_147 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_147 _ = happyFail
+action_148 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_148 (56) = happyGoto action_321
+action_148 (157) = happyGoto action_322
+action_148 (171) = happyGoto action_323
+action_148 _ = happyFail
+action_149 (177) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (178) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (179) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (180) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (181) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (182) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (183) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (188) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (189) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (190) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (191) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (193) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (201) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (204) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (216) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (218) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (219) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (220) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (221) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (223) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (233) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (234) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (235) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (236) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (237) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (238) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (240) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (241) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (242) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (244) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (246) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (250) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (251) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (252) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (253) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (254) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (255) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (256) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (257) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (258) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (259) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (260) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (261) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (264) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (267) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (271) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (272) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (273) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (274) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (276) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (278) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (281) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (284) = happyReduce_404
+action_149 (28) = happyGoto action_94
+action_149 (34) = happyGoto action_320
+action_149 (38) = happyGoto action_98
+action_149 (40) = happyGoto action_99
+action_149 (83) = happyGoto action_100
+action_149 (166) = happyGoto action_163
+action_149 _ = happyReduce_17
+action_150 (197) = happyShift action_102
+action_150 _ = happyReduce_65
+action_151 (177) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (178) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (179) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (180) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (181) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (182) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (183) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (188) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (189) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (190) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (191) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (193) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (201) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (204) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (216) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (218) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (219) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (220) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (221) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (223) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (233) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (234) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (235) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (236) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (237) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (238) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (240) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (241) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (242) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (244) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (246) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (250) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (251) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (252) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (253) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (254) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (255) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (256) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (257) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (258) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (259) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (260) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (261) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (264) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (267) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (269) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (271) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (272) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (273) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (274) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (276) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (278) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (281) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (284) = happyReduce_404
+action_151 (18) = happyGoto action_318
+action_151 (28) = happyGoto action_94
+action_151 (32) = happyGoto action_319
+action_151 (33) = happyGoto action_96
+action_151 (34) = happyGoto action_97
+action_151 (38) = happyGoto action_98
+action_151 (40) = happyGoto action_99
+action_151 (83) = happyGoto action_100
+action_151 (166) = happyGoto action_101
+action_151 _ = happyReduce_17
+action_152 (197) = happyShift action_102
+action_152 _ = happyReduce_14
+action_153 (249) = happyShift action_317
+action_153 _ = happyFail
+action_154 _ = happyReduce_196
+action_155 _ = happyReduce_197
+action_156 (184) = happyShift action_262
+action_156 (185) = happyShift action_211
+action_156 (186) = happyShift action_212
+action_156 (187) = happyShift action_213
+action_156 (205) = happyShift action_263
+action_156 (206) = happyShift action_264
+action_156 (208) = happyShift action_218
+action_156 (209) = happyShift action_265
+action_156 (218) = happyShift action_266
+action_156 (219) = happyShift action_267
+action_156 (283) = happyShift action_268
+action_156 (144) = happyGoto action_256
+action_156 (147) = happyGoto action_257
+action_156 (149) = happyGoto action_281
+action_156 (151) = happyGoto action_259
+action_156 (158) = happyGoto action_203
+action_156 (159) = happyGoto action_204
+action_156 (160) = happyGoto action_260
+action_156 (162) = happyGoto action_207
+action_156 (164) = happyGoto action_261
+action_156 _ = happyReduce_198
+action_157 _ = happyReduce_200
+action_158 (166) = happyGoto action_316
+action_158 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_159 (198) = happyShift action_315
+action_159 (132) = happyGoto action_313
+action_159 (167) = happyGoto action_314
+action_159 _ = happyReduce_405
+action_160 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_160 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_160 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_160 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_160 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_160 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_160 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_160 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_160 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_160 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_160 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_160 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_160 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_160 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_160 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_160 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_160 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_160 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_160 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_160 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_160 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_160 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_160 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_160 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_160 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_160 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_160 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_160 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_160 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_160 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_160 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_160 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_160 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_160 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_160 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_160 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_160 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_160 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_160 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_160 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_160 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_160 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_160 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_160 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_160 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_160 (88) = happyGoto action_312
+action_160 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_160 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_160 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_160 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_160 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_160 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_160 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_160 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_160 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_160 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_160 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_160 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_160 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_160 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_160 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_160 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_160 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_160 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_160 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_160 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_160 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_160 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_160 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_160 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_160 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_161 (198) = happyShift action_311
+action_161 (39) = happyGoto action_308
+action_161 (41) = happyGoto action_309
+action_161 (167) = happyGoto action_310
+action_161 _ = happyReduce_405
+action_162 (239) = happyShift action_307
+action_162 _ = happyFail
+action_163 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_163 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_163 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_163 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_163 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_163 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_163 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_163 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_163 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_163 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_163 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_163 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_163 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_163 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_163 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_163 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_163 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_163 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_163 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_163 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_163 (234) = happyShift action_131
+action_163 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_163 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_163 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_163 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_163 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_163 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_163 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_163 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_163 (250) = happyShift action_135
+action_163 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_163 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_163 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_163 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_163 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_163 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_163 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_163 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_163 (259) = happyShift action_137
+action_163 (260) = happyShift action_138
+action_163 (261) = happyShift action_139
+action_163 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_163 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_163 (271) = happyShift action_142
+action_163 (272) = happyShift action_143
+action_163 (273) = happyShift action_144
+action_163 (274) = happyShift action_145
+action_163 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_163 (278) = happyShift action_147
+action_163 (281) = happyShift action_148
+action_163 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_163 (30) = happyGoto action_120
+action_163 (42) = happyGoto action_121
+action_163 (91) = happyGoto action_122
+action_163 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_163 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_163 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_163 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_163 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_163 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_163 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_163 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_163 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_163 (139) = happyGoto action_128
+action_163 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_163 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_163 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_163 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_163 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_163 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_163 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_163 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_163 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_163 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_163 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_164 _ = happyReduce_110
+action_165 _ = happyReduce_127
+action_166 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_166 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_166 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_166 (184) = happyShift action_304
+action_166 (185) = happyShift action_211
+action_166 (187) = happyShift action_213
+action_166 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_166 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_166 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_166 (205) = happyShift action_305
+action_166 (208) = happyShift action_218
+action_166 (214) = happyShift action_306
+action_166 (217) = happyReduce_128
+action_166 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_166 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_166 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_166 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_166 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_166 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_166 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_166 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_166 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_166 (49) = happyGoto action_299
+action_166 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_166 (51) = happyGoto action_300
+action_166 (147) = happyGoto action_301
+action_166 (151) = happyGoto action_259
+action_166 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_166 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_166 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_166 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_166 (158) = happyGoto action_203
+action_166 (159) = happyGoto action_204
+action_166 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_166 (175) = happyGoto action_302
+action_166 (176) = happyGoto action_303
+action_166 _ = happyReduce_105
+action_167 _ = happyReduce_112
+action_168 _ = happyReduce_113
+action_169 (239) = happyShift action_298
+action_169 _ = happyFail
+action_170 (217) = happyShift action_297
+action_170 _ = happyFail
+action_171 (209) = happyShift action_296
+action_171 _ = happyFail
+action_172 _ = happyReduce_414
+action_173 _ = happyReduce_119
+action_174 _ = happyReduce_114
+action_175 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_175 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_175 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_175 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_175 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_175 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_175 (194) = happyShift action_294
+action_175 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_175 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_175 (203) = happyShift action_215
+action_175 (214) = happyShift action_295
+action_175 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_175 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_175 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_175 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_175 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_175 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_175 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_175 (266) = happyShift action_178
+action_175 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_175 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_175 (46) = happyGoto action_164
+action_175 (47) = happyGoto action_289
+action_175 (48) = happyGoto action_166
+action_175 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_175 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_175 (52) = happyGoto action_290
+action_175 (53) = happyGoto action_170
+action_175 (54) = happyGoto action_291
+action_175 (55) = happyGoto action_292
+action_175 (102) = happyGoto action_293
+action_175 (140) = happyGoto action_171
+action_175 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_175 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_175 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_175 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_175 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_175 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_175 _ = happyFail
+action_176 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_176 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_176 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_176 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_176 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_176 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_176 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_176 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_176 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_176 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_176 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_176 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_176 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_176 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_176 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_176 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_176 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_176 (46) = happyGoto action_164
+action_176 (47) = happyGoto action_287
+action_176 (48) = happyGoto action_285
+action_176 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_176 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_176 (55) = happyGoto action_288
+action_176 (140) = happyGoto action_171
+action_176 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_176 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_176 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_176 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_176 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_176 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_176 _ = happyFail
+action_177 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_177 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_177 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_177 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_177 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_177 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_177 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_177 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_177 (202) = happyShift action_286
+action_177 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_177 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_177 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_177 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_177 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_177 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_177 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_177 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_177 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_177 (46) = happyGoto action_164
+action_177 (47) = happyGoto action_284
+action_177 (48) = happyGoto action_285
+action_177 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_177 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_177 (140) = happyGoto action_171
+action_177 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_177 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_177 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_177 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_177 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_177 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_177 _ = happyFail
+action_178 (57) = happyGoto action_283
+action_178 _ = happyReduce_134
+action_179 (239) = happyShift action_282
+action_179 _ = happyFail
+action_180 (184) = happyShift action_262
+action_180 (185) = happyShift action_211
+action_180 (186) = happyShift action_212
+action_180 (187) = happyShift action_213
+action_180 (205) = happyShift action_263
+action_180 (206) = happyShift action_264
+action_180 (208) = happyShift action_218
+action_180 (218) = happyShift action_266
+action_180 (219) = happyShift action_267
+action_180 (144) = happyGoto action_256
+action_180 (147) = happyGoto action_257
+action_180 (149) = happyGoto action_281
+action_180 (151) = happyGoto action_259
+action_180 (158) = happyGoto action_203
+action_180 (159) = happyGoto action_204
+action_180 (160) = happyGoto action_260
+action_180 (162) = happyGoto action_207
+action_180 (164) = happyGoto action_261
+action_180 _ = happyReduce_198
+action_181 (239) = happyShift action_280
+action_181 _ = happyFail
+action_182 (194) = happyShift action_279
+action_182 _ = happyFail
+action_183 (231) = happyShift action_271
+action_183 _ = happyReduce_267
+action_184 (203) = happyShift action_277
+action_184 (224) = happyShift action_278
+action_184 _ = happyFail
+action_185 _ = happyReduce_265
+action_186 _ = happyReduce_266
+action_187 _ = happyReduce_222
+action_188 _ = happyReduce_223
+action_189 _ = happyReduce_221
+action_190 (203) = happyShift action_274
+action_190 (207) = happyShift action_275
+action_190 (212) = happyShift action_276
+action_190 _ = happyReduce_291
+action_191 (202) = happyShift action_273
+action_191 _ = happyFail
+action_192 (203) = happyShift action_272
+action_192 _ = happyReduce_292
+action_193 _ = happyReduce_335
+action_194 (194) = happyShift action_269
+action_194 (203) = happyShift action_270
+action_194 (231) = happyShift action_271
+action_194 _ = happyFail
+action_195 (184) = happyShift action_262
+action_195 (185) = happyShift action_211
+action_195 (186) = happyShift action_212
+action_195 (187) = happyShift action_213
+action_195 (205) = happyShift action_263
+action_195 (206) = happyShift action_264
+action_195 (208) = happyShift action_218
+action_195 (209) = happyShift action_265
+action_195 (218) = happyShift action_266
+action_195 (219) = happyShift action_267
+action_195 (283) = happyShift action_268
+action_195 (144) = happyGoto action_256
+action_195 (147) = happyGoto action_257
+action_195 (149) = happyGoto action_258
+action_195 (151) = happyGoto action_259
+action_195 (158) = happyGoto action_203
+action_195 (159) = happyGoto action_204
+action_195 (160) = happyGoto action_260
+action_195 (162) = happyGoto action_207
+action_195 (164) = happyGoto action_261
+action_195 _ = happyReduce_198
+action_196 (194) = happyShift action_254
+action_196 (203) = happyShift action_255
+action_196 _ = happyFail
+action_197 (194) = happyShift action_252
+action_197 (203) = happyShift action_253
+action_197 _ = happyFail
+action_198 (194) = happyShift action_251
+action_198 _ = happyFail
+action_199 _ = happyReduce_363
+action_200 _ = happyReduce_364
+action_201 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_201 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_201 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_201 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_201 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_201 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_201 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_201 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_201 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_201 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_201 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_201 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_201 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_201 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_201 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_201 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_201 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_201 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_201 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_201 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_201 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_201 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_201 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_201 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_201 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_201 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_201 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_201 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_201 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_201 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_201 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_201 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_201 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_201 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_201 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_201 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_201 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_201 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_201 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_201 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_201 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_201 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_201 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_201 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_201 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_201 (89) = happyGoto action_250
+action_201 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_201 (91) = happyGoto action_180
+action_201 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_201 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_201 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_201 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_201 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_201 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_201 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_201 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_201 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_201 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_201 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_201 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_201 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_201 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_201 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_201 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_201 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_201 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_201 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_201 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_201 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_201 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_202 (194) = happyShift action_249
+action_202 _ = happyReduce_357
+action_203 _ = happyReduce_366
+action_204 _ = happyReduce_385
+action_205 (194) = happyShift action_248
+action_205 _ = happyFail
+action_206 _ = happyReduce_353
+action_207 _ = happyReduce_388
+action_208 _ = happyReduce_390
+action_209 (194) = happyReduce_389
+action_209 _ = happyReduce_391
+action_210 (194) = happyReduce_392
+action_210 _ = happyReduce_396
+action_211 _ = happyReduce_387
+action_212 _ = happyReduce_399
+action_213 _ = happyReduce_386
+action_214 _ = happyReduce_334
+action_215 _ = happyReduce_261
+action_216 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_216 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_216 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_216 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_216 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_216 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_216 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_216 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_216 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_216 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_216 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_216 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_216 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_216 (152) = happyGoto action_246
+action_216 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_216 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_216 (156) = happyGoto action_247
+action_216 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_216 _ = happyFail
+action_217 (194) = happyReduce_395
+action_217 _ = happyReduce_398
+action_218 _ = happyReduce_365
+action_219 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_219 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_219 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_219 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_219 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_219 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_219 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_219 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_219 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_219 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_219 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_219 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_219 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_219 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_219 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_219 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_219 (221) = happyReduce_404
+action_219 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_219 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_219 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_219 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_219 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_219 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_219 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_219 (244) = happyReduce_404
+action_219 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_219 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_219 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_219 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_219 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_219 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_219 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_219 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_219 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_219 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_219 (94) = happyGoto action_245
+action_219 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_219 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_219 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_219 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_219 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_219 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_219 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_219 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_219 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_219 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_219 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_219 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_219 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_219 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_219 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_219 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_219 _ = happyReduce_393
+action_220 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_220 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_220 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_220 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_220 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_220 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_220 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_220 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_220 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_220 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_220 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_220 (194) = happyReduce_394
+action_220 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_220 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_220 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_220 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_220 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_220 (221) = happyReduce_404
+action_220 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_220 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_220 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_220 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_220 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_220 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_220 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_220 (244) = happyReduce_404
+action_220 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_220 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_220 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_220 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_220 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_220 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_220 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_220 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_220 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_220 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_220 (97) = happyGoto action_188
+action_220 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_220 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_220 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_220 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_220 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_220 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_220 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_220 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_220 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_220 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_220 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_220 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_220 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_220 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_220 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_220 _ = happyReduce_397
+action_221 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_221 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_221 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_221 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_221 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_221 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_221 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_221 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_221 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_221 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_221 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_221 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_221 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_221 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_221 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_221 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_221 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_221 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_221 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_221 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_221 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_221 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_221 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_221 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_221 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_221 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_221 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_221 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_221 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_221 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_221 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_221 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_221 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_221 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_221 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_221 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_221 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_221 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_221 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_221 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_221 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_221 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_221 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_221 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_221 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_221 (88) = happyGoto action_183
+action_221 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_221 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_221 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_221 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_221 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_221 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_221 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_221 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_221 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_221 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_221 (104) = happyGoto action_244
+action_221 (105) = happyGoto action_185
+action_221 (106) = happyGoto action_186
+action_221 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_221 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_221 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_221 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_221 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_221 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_221 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_221 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_221 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_221 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_221 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_221 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_221 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_221 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_221 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_222 (177) = happyShift action_15
+action_222 (181) = happyShift action_16
+action_222 (183) = happyShift action_17
+action_222 (259) = happyShift action_18
+action_222 (281) = happyShift action_19
+action_222 (110) = happyGoto action_243
+action_222 (111) = happyGoto action_14
+action_222 _ = happyFail
+action_223 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_223 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_223 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_223 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_223 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_223 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_223 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_223 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_223 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_223 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_223 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_223 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_223 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_223 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_223 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_223 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_223 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_223 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_223 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_223 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_223 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_223 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_223 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_223 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_223 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_223 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_223 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_223 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_223 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_223 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_223 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_223 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_223 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_223 (97) = happyGoto action_242
+action_223 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_223 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_223 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_223 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_223 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_223 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_223 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_223 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_223 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_223 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_223 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_223 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_223 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_223 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_223 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_223 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_224 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_224 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_224 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_224 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_224 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_224 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_224 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_224 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_224 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_224 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_224 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_224 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_224 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_224 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_224 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_224 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_224 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_224 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_224 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_224 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_224 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_224 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_224 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_224 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_224 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_224 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_224 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_224 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_224 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_224 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_224 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_224 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_224 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_224 (97) = happyGoto action_241
+action_224 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_224 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_224 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_224 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_224 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_224 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_224 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_224 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_224 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_224 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_224 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_224 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_224 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_224 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_224 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_224 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_225 (108) = happyGoto action_240
+action_225 _ = happyReduce_274
+action_226 _ = happyReduce_5
+action_227 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_227 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_227 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_227 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_227 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_227 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_227 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_227 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_227 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_227 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_227 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_227 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_227 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_227 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_227 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_227 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_227 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_227 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_227 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_227 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_227 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_227 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_227 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_227 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_227 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_227 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_227 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_227 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_227 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_227 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_227 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_227 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_227 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_227 (97) = happyGoto action_239
+action_227 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_227 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_227 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_227 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_227 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_227 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_227 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_227 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_227 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_227 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_227 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_227 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_227 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_227 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_227 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_227 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_228 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_228 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_228 (193) = happyShift action_116
+action_228 (199) = happyShift action_238
+action_228 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_228 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_228 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_228 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_228 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_228 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_228 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_228 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_228 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_228 (130) = happyGoto action_235
+action_228 (131) = happyGoto action_236
+action_228 (139) = happyGoto action_237
+action_228 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_228 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_228 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_228 _ = happyFail
+action_229 _ = happyReduce_227
+action_230 _ = happyReduce_228
+action_231 _ = happyReduce_229
+action_232 _ = happyReduce_230
+action_233 _ = happyReduce_231
+action_234 _ = happyReduce_232
+action_235 (199) = happyShift action_480
+action_235 (203) = happyShift action_481
+action_235 _ = happyFail
+action_236 _ = happyReduce_326
+action_237 (210) = happyShift action_479
+action_237 _ = happyFail
+action_238 _ = happyReduce_225
+action_239 _ = happyReduce_287
+action_240 (243) = happyShift action_477
+action_240 (245) = happyShift action_478
+action_240 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_240 (107) = happyGoto action_474
+action_240 (109) = happyGoto action_475
+action_240 (166) = happyGoto action_476
+action_240 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_241 _ = happyReduce_220
+action_242 _ = happyReduce_219
+action_243 (112) = happyGoto action_473
+action_243 _ = happyReduce_286
+action_244 (203) = happyShift action_277
+action_244 (222) = happyShift action_472
+action_244 _ = happyFail
+action_245 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_245 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_245 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_245 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_245 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_245 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_245 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_245 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_245 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_245 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_245 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_245 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_245 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_245 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_245 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_245 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_245 (221) = happyReduce_404
+action_245 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_245 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_245 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_245 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_245 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_245 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_245 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_245 (244) = happyReduce_404
+action_245 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_245 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_245 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_245 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_245 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_245 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_245 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_245 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_245 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_245 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_245 (97) = happyGoto action_349
+action_245 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_245 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_245 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_245 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_245 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_245 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_245 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_245 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_245 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_245 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_245 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_245 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_245 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_245 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_245 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_245 _ = happyReduce_209
+action_246 (205) = happyShift action_471
+action_246 _ = happyFail
+action_247 (205) = happyShift action_470
+action_247 _ = happyFail
+action_248 _ = happyReduce_343
+action_249 _ = happyReduce_348
+action_250 (194) = happyShift action_469
+action_250 _ = happyFail
+action_251 _ = happyReduce_244
+action_252 _ = happyReduce_239
+action_253 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_253 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_253 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_253 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_253 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_253 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_253 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_253 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_253 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_253 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_253 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_253 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_253 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_253 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_253 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_253 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_253 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_253 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_253 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_253 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_253 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_253 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_253 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_253 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_253 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_253 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_253 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_253 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_253 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_253 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_253 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_253 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_253 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_253 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_253 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_253 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_253 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_253 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_253 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_253 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_253 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_253 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_253 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_253 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_253 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_253 (88) = happyGoto action_468
+action_253 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_253 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_253 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_253 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_253 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_253 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_253 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_253 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_253 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_253 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_253 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_253 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_253 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_253 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_253 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_253 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_253 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_253 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_253 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_253 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_253 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_253 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_253 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_253 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_253 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_254 _ = happyReduce_336
+action_255 _ = happyReduce_260
+action_256 _ = happyReduce_361
+action_257 _ = happyReduce_362
+action_258 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_258 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_258 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_258 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_258 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_258 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_258 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_258 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_258 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_258 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_258 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_258 (194) = happyShift action_467
+action_258 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_258 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_258 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_258 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_258 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_258 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_258 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_258 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_258 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_258 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_258 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_258 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_258 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_258 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_258 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_258 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_258 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_258 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_258 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_258 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_258 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_258 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_258 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_258 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_258 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_258 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_258 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_258 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_258 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_258 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_258 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_258 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_258 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_258 (92) = happyGoto action_451
+action_258 (93) = happyGoto action_389
+action_258 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_258 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_258 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_258 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_258 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_258 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_258 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_258 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_258 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_258 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_258 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_258 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_258 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_258 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_258 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_258 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_258 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_258 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_258 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_259 _ = happyReduce_357
+action_260 _ = happyReduce_351
+action_261 _ = happyReduce_389
+action_262 _ = happyReduce_392
+action_263 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_263 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_263 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_263 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_263 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_263 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_263 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_263 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_263 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_263 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_263 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_263 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_263 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_263 (152) = happyGoto action_466
+action_263 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_263 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_263 (156) = happyGoto action_247
+action_263 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_263 _ = happyFail
+action_264 _ = happyReduce_395
+action_265 (166) = happyGoto action_465
+action_265 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_266 _ = happyReduce_393
+action_267 _ = happyReduce_394
+action_268 (198) = happyShift action_315
+action_268 (132) = happyGoto action_464
+action_268 (167) = happyGoto action_314
+action_268 _ = happyReduce_405
+action_269 _ = happyReduce_238
+action_270 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_270 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_270 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_270 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_270 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_270 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_270 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_270 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_270 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_270 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_270 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_270 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_270 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_270 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_270 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_270 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_270 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_270 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_270 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_270 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_270 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_270 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_270 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_270 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_270 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_270 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_270 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_270 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_270 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_270 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_270 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_270 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_270 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_270 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_270 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_270 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_270 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_270 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_270 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_270 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_270 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_270 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_270 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_270 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_270 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_270 (88) = happyGoto action_463
+action_270 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_270 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_270 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_270 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_270 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_270 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_270 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_270 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_270 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_270 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_270 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_270 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_270 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_270 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_270 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_270 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_270 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_270 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_270 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_270 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_270 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_270 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_270 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_270 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_270 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_271 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_271 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_271 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_271 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_271 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_271 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_271 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_271 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_271 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_271 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_271 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_271 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_271 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_271 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_271 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_271 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_271 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_271 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_271 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_271 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_271 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_271 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_271 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_271 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_271 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_271 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_271 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_271 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_271 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_271 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_271 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_271 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_271 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_271 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_271 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_271 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_271 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_271 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_271 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_271 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_271 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_271 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_271 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_271 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_271 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_271 (88) = happyGoto action_461
+action_271 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_271 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_271 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_271 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_271 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_271 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_271 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_271 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_271 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_271 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_271 (106) = happyGoto action_462
+action_271 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_271 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_271 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_271 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_271 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_271 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_271 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_271 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_271 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_271 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_271 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_271 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_271 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_271 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_271 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_272 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_272 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_272 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_272 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_272 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_272 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_272 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_272 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_272 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_272 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_272 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_272 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_272 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_272 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_272 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_272 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_272 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_272 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_272 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_272 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_272 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_272 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_272 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_272 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_272 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_272 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_272 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_272 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_272 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_272 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_272 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_272 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_272 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_272 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_272 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_272 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_272 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_272 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_272 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_272 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_272 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_272 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_272 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_272 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_272 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_272 (88) = happyGoto action_460
+action_272 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_272 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_272 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_272 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_272 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_272 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_272 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_272 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_272 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_272 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_272 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_272 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_272 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_272 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_272 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_272 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_272 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_272 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_272 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_272 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_272 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_272 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_272 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_272 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_272 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_273 _ = happyReduce_240
+action_274 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_274 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_274 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_274 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_274 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_274 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_274 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_274 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_274 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_274 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_274 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_274 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_274 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_274 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_274 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_274 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_274 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_274 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_274 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_274 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_274 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_274 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_274 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_274 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_274 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_274 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_274 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_274 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_274 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_274 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_274 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_274 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_274 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_274 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_274 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_274 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_274 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_274 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_274 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_274 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_274 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_274 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_274 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_274 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_274 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_274 (88) = happyGoto action_459
+action_274 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_274 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_274 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_274 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_274 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_274 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_274 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_274 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_274 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_274 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_274 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_274 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_274 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_274 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_274 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_274 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_274 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_274 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_274 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_274 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_274 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_274 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_274 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_274 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_274 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_275 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_275 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_275 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_275 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_275 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_275 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_275 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_275 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_275 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_275 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_275 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_275 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_275 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_275 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_275 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_275 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_275 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_275 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_275 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_275 (221) = happyReduce_404
+action_275 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_275 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_275 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_275 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_275 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_275 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_275 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_275 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_275 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_275 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_275 (244) = happyReduce_404
+action_275 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_275 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_275 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_275 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_275 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_275 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_275 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_275 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_275 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_275 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_275 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_275 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_275 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_275 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_275 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_275 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_275 (88) = happyGoto action_458
+action_275 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_275 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_275 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_275 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_275 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_275 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_275 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_275 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_275 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_275 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_275 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_275 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_275 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_275 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_275 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_275 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_275 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_275 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_275 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_275 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_275 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_275 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_275 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_275 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_275 _ = happyReduce_293
+action_276 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_276 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_276 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_276 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_276 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_276 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_276 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_276 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_276 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_276 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_276 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_276 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_276 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_276 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_276 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_276 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_276 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_276 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_276 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_276 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_276 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_276 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_276 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_276 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_276 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_276 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_276 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_276 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_276 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_276 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_276 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_276 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_276 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_276 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_276 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_276 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_276 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_276 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_276 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_276 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_276 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_276 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_276 (275) = happyShift action_457
+action_276 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_276 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_276 (88) = happyGoto action_453
+action_276 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_276 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_276 (91) = happyGoto action_412
+action_276 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_276 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_276 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_276 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_276 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_276 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_276 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_276 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_276 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_276 (118) = happyGoto action_454
+action_276 (119) = happyGoto action_455
+action_276 (127) = happyGoto action_456
+action_276 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_276 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_276 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_276 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_276 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_276 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_276 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_276 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_276 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_276 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_276 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_276 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_276 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_277 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_277 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_277 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_277 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_277 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_277 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_277 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_277 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_277 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_277 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_277 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_277 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_277 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_277 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_277 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_277 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_277 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_277 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_277 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_277 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_277 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_277 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_277 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_277 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_277 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_277 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_277 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_277 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_277 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_277 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_277 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_277 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_277 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_277 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_277 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_277 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_277 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_277 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_277 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_277 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_277 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_277 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_277 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_277 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_277 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_277 (88) = happyGoto action_183
+action_277 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_277 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_277 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_277 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_277 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_277 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_277 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_277 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_277 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_277 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_277 (105) = happyGoto action_452
+action_277 (106) = happyGoto action_186
+action_277 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_277 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_277 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_277 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_277 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_277 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_277 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_277 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_277 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_277 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_277 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_277 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_277 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_277 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_277 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_278 _ = happyReduce_245
+action_279 _ = happyReduce_249
+action_280 _ = happyReduce_250
+action_281 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_281 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_281 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_281 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_281 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_281 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_281 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_281 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_281 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_281 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_281 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_281 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_281 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_281 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_281 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_281 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_281 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_281 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_281 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_281 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_281 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_281 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_281 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_281 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_281 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_281 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_281 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_281 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_281 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_281 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_281 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_281 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_281 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_281 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_281 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_281 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_281 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_281 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_281 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_281 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_281 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_281 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_281 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_281 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_281 (92) = happyGoto action_451
+action_281 (93) = happyGoto action_389
+action_281 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_281 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_281 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_281 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_281 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_281 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_281 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_281 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_281 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_281 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_281 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_281 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_281 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_281 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_281 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_281 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_281 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_281 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_281 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_282 _ = happyReduce_251
+action_283 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_283 (206) = happyShift action_450
+action_283 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_283 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_283 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_283 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_283 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_283 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_283 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_283 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_283 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_283 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_283 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_283 (174) = happyGoto action_449
+action_283 _ = happyFail
+action_284 (202) = happyShift action_448
+action_284 _ = happyFail
+action_285 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_285 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_285 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_285 (184) = happyShift action_304
+action_285 (185) = happyShift action_211
+action_285 (187) = happyShift action_213
+action_285 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_285 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_285 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_285 (205) = happyShift action_305
+action_285 (208) = happyShift action_218
+action_285 (214) = happyShift action_306
+action_285 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_285 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_285 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_285 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_285 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_285 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_285 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_285 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_285 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_285 (49) = happyGoto action_299
+action_285 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_285 (51) = happyGoto action_300
+action_285 (147) = happyGoto action_301
+action_285 (151) = happyGoto action_259
+action_285 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_285 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_285 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_285 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_285 (158) = happyGoto action_203
+action_285 (159) = happyGoto action_204
+action_285 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_285 (175) = happyGoto action_302
+action_285 (176) = happyGoto action_303
+action_285 _ = happyReduce_105
+action_286 _ = happyReduce_122
+action_287 _ = happyReduce_130
+action_288 (196) = happyShift action_446
+action_288 (203) = happyShift action_447
+action_288 _ = happyFail
+action_289 (203) = happyReduce_130
+action_289 _ = happyReduce_127
+action_290 (194) = happyShift action_445
+action_290 _ = happyFail
+action_291 (194) = happyShift action_444
+action_291 _ = happyFail
+action_292 (203) = happyShift action_443
+action_292 _ = happyFail
+action_293 (194) = happyShift action_442
+action_293 (203) = happyShift action_255
+action_293 _ = happyFail
+action_294 _ = happyReduce_120
+action_295 (194) = happyShift action_441
+action_295 _ = happyFail
+action_296 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_296 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_296 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_296 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_296 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_296 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_296 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_296 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_296 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_296 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_296 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_296 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_296 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_296 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_296 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_296 (46) = happyGoto action_440
+action_296 (48) = happyGoto action_285
+action_296 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_296 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_296 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_296 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_296 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_296 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_296 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_296 _ = happyFail
+action_297 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_297 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_297 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_297 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_297 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_297 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_297 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_297 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_297 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_297 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_297 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_297 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_297 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_297 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_297 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_297 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_297 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_297 (46) = happyGoto action_164
+action_297 (47) = happyGoto action_439
+action_297 (48) = happyGoto action_285
+action_297 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_297 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_297 (140) = happyGoto action_171
+action_297 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_297 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_297 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_297 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_297 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_297 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_297 _ = happyFail
+action_298 _ = happyReduce_252
+action_299 _ = happyReduce_111
+action_300 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_300 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_300 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_300 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_300 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_300 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_300 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_300 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_300 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_300 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_300 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_300 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_300 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_300 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_300 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_300 (46) = happyGoto action_438
+action_300 (48) = happyGoto action_285
+action_300 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_300 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_300 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_300 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_300 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_300 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_300 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_300 _ = happyFail
+action_301 _ = happyReduce_124
+action_302 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_302 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_302 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_302 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_302 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_302 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_302 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_302 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_302 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_302 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_302 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_302 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_302 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_302 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_302 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_302 (46) = happyGoto action_437
+action_302 (48) = happyGoto action_285
+action_302 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_302 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_302 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_302 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_302 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_302 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_302 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_302 _ = happyFail
+action_303 _ = happyReduce_416
+action_304 _ = happyReduce_417
+action_305 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_305 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_305 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_305 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_305 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_305 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_305 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_305 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_305 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_305 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_305 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_305 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_305 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_305 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_305 (156) = happyGoto action_247
+action_305 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_305 (174) = happyGoto action_436
+action_305 _ = happyFail
+action_306 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_306 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_306 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_306 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_306 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_306 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_306 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_306 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_306 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_306 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_306 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_306 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_306 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_306 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_306 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_306 (46) = happyGoto action_435
+action_306 (48) = happyGoto action_285
+action_306 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_306 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_306 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_306 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_306 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_306 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_306 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_306 _ = happyFail
+action_307 _ = happyReduce_253
+action_308 _ = happyReduce_92
+action_309 (270) = happyShift action_434
+action_309 _ = happyFail
+action_310 (10) = happyGoto action_31
+action_310 (11) = happyGoto action_429
+action_310 (36) = happyGoto action_432
+action_310 (133) = happyGoto action_433
+action_310 _ = happyReduce_18
+action_311 (10) = happyGoto action_31
+action_311 (11) = happyGoto action_429
+action_311 (36) = happyGoto action_430
+action_311 (133) = happyGoto action_431
+action_311 _ = happyReduce_18
+action_312 (280) = happyShift action_428
+action_312 _ = happyFail
+action_313 (270) = happyShift action_427
+action_313 _ = happyFail
+action_314 (10) = happyGoto action_31
+action_314 (11) = happyGoto action_424
+action_314 (133) = happyGoto action_426
+action_314 _ = happyReduce_18
+action_315 (10) = happyGoto action_31
+action_315 (11) = happyGoto action_424
+action_315 (133) = happyGoto action_425
+action_315 _ = happyReduce_18
+action_316 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_316 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_316 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_316 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_316 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_316 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_316 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_316 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_316 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_316 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_316 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_316 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_316 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_316 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_316 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_316 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_316 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_316 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_316 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_316 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_316 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_316 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_316 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_316 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_316 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_316 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_316 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_316 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_316 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_316 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_316 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_316 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_316 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_316 (95) = happyGoto action_421
+action_316 (96) = happyGoto action_422
+action_316 (97) = happyGoto action_423
+action_316 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_316 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_316 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_316 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_316 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_316 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_316 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_316 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_316 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_316 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_316 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_316 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_316 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_316 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_316 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_316 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_317 _ = happyReduce_272
+action_318 _ = happyReduce_33
+action_319 _ = happyReduce_12
+action_320 _ = happyReduce_66
+action_321 (210) = happyShift action_420
+action_321 _ = happyFail
+action_322 _ = happyReduce_411
+action_323 (57) = happyGoto action_419
+action_323 _ = happyReduce_134
+action_324 (210) = happyShift action_418
+action_324 _ = happyFail
+action_325 _ = happyReduce_211
+action_326 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_326 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_326 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_326 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_326 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_326 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_326 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_326 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_326 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_326 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_326 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_326 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_326 (197) = happyShift action_415
+action_326 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_326 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_326 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_326 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_326 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_326 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_326 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_326 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_326 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_326 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_326 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_326 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_326 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_326 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_326 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_326 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_326 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_326 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_326 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_326 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_326 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_326 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_326 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_326 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_326 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_326 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_326 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_326 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_326 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_326 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_326 (275) = happyShift action_416
+action_326 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_326 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_326 (88) = happyGoto action_411
+action_326 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_326 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_326 (91) = happyGoto action_412
+action_326 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_326 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_326 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_326 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_326 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_326 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_326 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_326 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_326 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_326 (127) = happyGoto action_413
+action_326 (129) = happyGoto action_417
+action_326 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_326 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_326 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_326 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_326 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_326 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_326 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_326 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_326 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_326 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_326 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_326 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_326 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_327 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_327 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_327 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_327 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_327 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_327 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_327 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_327 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_327 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_327 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_327 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_327 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_327 (197) = happyShift action_415
+action_327 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_327 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_327 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_327 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_327 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_327 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_327 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_327 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_327 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_327 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_327 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_327 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_327 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_327 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_327 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_327 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_327 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_327 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_327 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_327 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_327 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_327 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_327 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_327 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_327 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_327 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_327 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_327 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_327 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_327 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_327 (275) = happyShift action_416
+action_327 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_327 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_327 (88) = happyGoto action_411
+action_327 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_327 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_327 (91) = happyGoto action_412
+action_327 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_327 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_327 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_327 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_327 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_327 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_327 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_327 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_327 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_327 (127) = happyGoto action_413
+action_327 (129) = happyGoto action_414
+action_327 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_327 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_327 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_327 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_327 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_327 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_327 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_327 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_327 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_327 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_327 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_327 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_327 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_328 (282) = happyShift action_410
+action_328 (80) = happyGoto action_409
+action_328 _ = happyReduce_181
+action_329 (181) = happyShift action_28
+action_329 (182) = happyShift action_29
+action_329 (169) = happyGoto action_408
+action_329 _ = happyFail
+action_330 _ = happyReduce_36
+action_331 _ = happyReduce_210
+action_332 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_332 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_332 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_332 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_332 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_332 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_332 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_332 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_332 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_332 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_332 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_332 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_332 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_332 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_332 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_332 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_332 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_332 (35) = happyGoto action_405
+action_332 (46) = happyGoto action_164
+action_332 (47) = happyGoto action_406
+action_332 (48) = happyGoto action_285
+action_332 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_332 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_332 (54) = happyGoto action_407
+action_332 (55) = happyGoto action_292
+action_332 (140) = happyGoto action_171
+action_332 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_332 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_332 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_332 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_332 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_332 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_332 _ = happyReduce_81
+action_333 (210) = happyShift action_403
+action_333 (282) = happyShift action_404
+action_333 (65) = happyGoto action_402
+action_333 _ = happyReduce_146
+action_334 (212) = happyShift action_401
+action_334 (58) = happyGoto action_400
+action_334 _ = happyReduce_135
+action_335 (279) = happyShift action_399
+action_335 _ = happyFail
+action_336 (255) = happyShift action_396
+action_336 (256) = happyShift action_397
+action_336 (43) = happyGoto action_398
+action_336 _ = happyFail
+action_337 (255) = happyShift action_396
+action_337 (256) = happyShift action_397
+action_337 (43) = happyGoto action_395
+action_337 _ = happyFail
+action_338 _ = happyReduce_257
+action_339 _ = happyReduce_259
+action_340 _ = happyReduce_258
+action_341 (184) = happyShift action_262
+action_341 (185) = happyShift action_211
+action_341 (186) = happyShift action_212
+action_341 (187) = happyShift action_213
+action_341 (194) = happyShift action_214
+action_341 (203) = happyShift action_215
+action_341 (206) = happyShift action_264
+action_341 (208) = happyShift action_218
+action_341 (218) = happyShift action_266
+action_341 (219) = happyShift action_267
+action_341 (102) = happyGoto action_196
+action_341 (151) = happyGoto action_394
+action_341 (158) = happyGoto action_203
+action_341 (159) = happyGoto action_204
+action_341 (160) = happyGoto action_205
+action_341 (162) = happyGoto action_207
+action_341 (164) = happyGoto action_261
+action_341 _ = happyFail
+action_342 (202) = happyShift action_193
+action_342 _ = happyFail
+action_343 _ = happyReduce_256
+action_344 _ = happyReduce_254
+action_345 _ = happyReduce_255
+action_346 (184) = happyShift action_262
+action_346 (186) = happyShift action_212
+action_346 (194) = happyShift action_294
+action_346 (203) = happyShift action_215
+action_346 (206) = happyShift action_264
+action_346 (214) = happyShift action_295
+action_346 (218) = happyShift action_266
+action_346 (219) = happyShift action_267
+action_346 (102) = happyGoto action_293
+action_346 (160) = happyGoto action_205
+action_346 (162) = happyGoto action_207
+action_346 (164) = happyGoto action_261
+action_346 _ = happyFail
+action_347 (202) = happyShift action_286
+action_347 _ = happyFail
+action_348 (194) = happyShift action_393
+action_348 _ = happyFail
+action_349 _ = happyReduce_214
+action_350 (282) = happyShift action_392
+action_350 (84) = happyGoto action_391
+action_350 _ = happyReduce_188
+action_351 (212) = happyReduce_404
+action_351 (87) = happyGoto action_390
+action_351 (166) = happyGoto action_354
+action_351 _ = happyReduce_190
+action_352 _ = happyReduce_192
+action_353 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_353 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_353 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_353 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_353 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_353 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_353 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_353 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_353 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_353 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_353 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_353 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_353 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_353 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_353 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_353 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_353 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_353 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_353 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_353 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_353 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_353 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_353 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_353 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_353 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_353 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_353 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_353 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_353 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_353 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_353 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_353 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_353 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_353 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_353 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_353 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_353 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_353 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_353 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_353 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_353 (93) = happyGoto action_389
+action_353 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_353 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_353 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_353 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_353 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_353 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_353 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_353 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_353 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_353 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_353 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_353 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_353 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_353 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_353 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_353 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_353 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_353 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_353 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_354 (212) = happyShift action_388
+action_354 _ = happyFail
+action_355 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_355 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_355 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_355 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_355 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_355 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_355 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_355 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_355 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_355 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_355 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_355 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_355 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_355 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_355 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_355 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_355 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_355 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_355 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_355 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_355 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_355 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_355 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_355 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_355 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_355 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_355 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_355 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_355 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_355 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_355 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_355 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_355 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_355 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_355 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_355 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_355 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_355 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_355 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_355 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_355 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_355 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_355 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_355 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_355 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_355 (88) = happyGoto action_387
+action_355 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_355 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_355 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_355 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_355 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_355 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_355 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_355 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_355 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_355 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_355 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_355 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_355 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_355 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_355 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_355 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_355 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_355 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_355 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_355 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_355 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_355 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_355 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_355 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_355 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_356 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_356 (193) = happyShift action_386
+action_356 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_356 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_356 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_356 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_356 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_356 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_356 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_356 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_356 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_356 (137) = happyGoto action_385
+action_356 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_356 (154) = happyGoto action_372
+action_356 _ = happyFail
+action_357 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_357 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_357 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_357 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_357 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_357 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_357 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_357 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_357 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_357 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_357 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_357 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_357 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_357 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_357 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_357 (266) = happyShift action_178
+action_357 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_357 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_357 (46) = happyGoto action_164
+action_357 (47) = happyGoto action_165
+action_357 (48) = happyGoto action_166
+action_357 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_357 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_357 (52) = happyGoto action_384
+action_357 (53) = happyGoto action_170
+action_357 (140) = happyGoto action_171
+action_357 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_357 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_357 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_357 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_357 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_357 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_357 _ = happyFail
+action_358 (184) = happyShift action_262
+action_358 (185) = happyShift action_211
+action_358 (205) = happyShift action_383
+action_358 (206) = happyShift action_264
+action_358 (218) = happyShift action_266
+action_358 (219) = happyShift action_267
+action_358 (31) = happyGoto action_377
+action_358 (143) = happyGoto action_378
+action_358 (146) = happyGoto action_379
+action_358 (148) = happyGoto action_380
+action_358 (159) = happyGoto action_381
+action_358 (162) = happyGoto action_382
+action_358 _ = happyFail
+action_359 _ = happyReduce_59
+action_360 _ = happyReduce_6
+action_361 _ = happyReduce_32
+action_362 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_362 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_362 (193) = happyShift action_374
+action_362 (194) = happyShift action_375
+action_362 (207) = happyShift action_376
+action_362 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_362 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_362 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_362 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_362 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_362 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_362 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_362 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_362 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_362 (26) = happyGoto action_368
+action_362 (27) = happyGoto action_369
+action_362 (137) = happyGoto action_370
+action_362 (141) = happyGoto action_371
+action_362 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_362 (154) = happyGoto action_372
+action_362 (157) = happyGoto action_373
+action_362 _ = happyFail
+action_363 (194) = happyShift action_367
+action_363 _ = happyFail
+action_364 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_364 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_364 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_364 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_364 (193) = happyShift action_116
+action_364 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_364 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_364 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_364 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_364 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_364 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_364 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_364 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_364 (277) = happyShift action_118
+action_364 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_364 (16) = happyGoto action_366
+action_364 (139) = happyGoto action_111
+action_364 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_364 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_364 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_364 (156) = happyGoto action_112
+action_364 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_364 (172) = happyGoto action_113
+action_364 _ = happyReduce_23
+action_365 _ = happyReduce_22
+action_366 _ = happyReduce_25
+action_367 _ = happyReduce_21
+action_368 (194) = happyShift action_560
+action_368 (203) = happyShift action_561
+action_368 _ = happyFail
+action_369 _ = happyReduce_54
+action_370 _ = happyReduce_55
+action_371 _ = happyReduce_56
+action_372 _ = happyReduce_338
+action_373 _ = happyReduce_345
+action_374 (184) = happyShift action_262
+action_374 (185) = happyShift action_211
+action_374 (206) = happyShift action_264
+action_374 (218) = happyShift action_266
+action_374 (219) = happyShift action_267
+action_374 (159) = happyGoto action_559
+action_374 (162) = happyGoto action_554
+action_374 _ = happyFail
+action_375 _ = happyReduce_30
+action_376 (194) = happyShift action_558
+action_376 _ = happyFail
+action_377 (203) = happyShift action_557
+action_377 _ = happyReduce_57
+action_378 _ = happyReduce_359
+action_379 _ = happyReduce_360
+action_380 _ = happyReduce_64
+action_381 _ = happyReduce_355
+action_382 _ = happyReduce_349
+action_383 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_383 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_383 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_383 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_383 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_383 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_383 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_383 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_383 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_383 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_383 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_383 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_383 (154) = happyGoto action_555
+action_383 (157) = happyGoto action_556
+action_383 _ = happyFail
+action_384 _ = happyReduce_91
+action_385 _ = happyReduce_95
+action_386 (184) = happyShift action_262
+action_386 (206) = happyShift action_264
+action_386 (218) = happyShift action_266
+action_386 (219) = happyShift action_267
+action_386 (162) = happyGoto action_554
+action_386 _ = happyFail
+action_387 _ = happyReduce_189
+action_388 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_388 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_388 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_388 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_388 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_388 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_388 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_388 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_388 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_388 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_388 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_388 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_388 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_388 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_388 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_388 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_388 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_388 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_388 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_388 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_388 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_388 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_388 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_388 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_388 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_388 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_388 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_388 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_388 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_388 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_388 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_388 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_388 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_388 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_388 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_388 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_388 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_388 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_388 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_388 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_388 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_388 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_388 (275) = happyShift action_457
+action_388 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_388 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_388 (88) = happyGoto action_453
+action_388 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_388 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_388 (91) = happyGoto action_412
+action_388 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_388 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_388 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_388 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_388 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_388 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_388 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_388 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_388 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_388 (118) = happyGoto action_553
+action_388 (119) = happyGoto action_455
+action_388 (127) = happyGoto action_456
+action_388 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_388 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_388 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_388 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_388 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_388 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_388 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_388 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_388 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_388 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_388 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_388 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_388 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_389 _ = happyReduce_201
+action_390 _ = happyReduce_191
+action_391 _ = happyReduce_186
+action_392 (198) = happyShift action_311
+action_392 (39) = happyGoto action_308
+action_392 (41) = happyGoto action_552
+action_392 (167) = happyGoto action_310
+action_392 _ = happyReduce_405
+action_393 (177) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (178) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (179) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (180) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (181) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (182) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (184) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (185) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (186) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (187) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (188) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (189) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (190) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (191) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (193) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (198) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (201) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (204) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (205) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (206) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (208) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (210) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (212) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (216) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (218) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (219) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (220) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (221) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (223) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (225) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (226) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (227) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (228) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (229) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (230) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (233) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (234) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (235) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (236) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (237) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (238) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (244) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (246) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (251) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (252) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (253) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (254) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (255) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (256) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (257) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (267) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 (284) = happyReduce_249
+action_393 _ = happyReduce_75
+action_394 (194) = happyShift action_249
+action_394 _ = happyFail
+action_395 (252) = happyShift action_549
+action_395 (253) = happyShift action_550
+action_395 (254) = happyShift action_551
+action_395 (44) = happyGoto action_548
+action_395 _ = happyReduce_102
+action_396 _ = happyReduce_97
+action_397 _ = happyReduce_98
+action_398 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_398 (191) = happyShift action_546
+action_398 (193) = happyShift action_547
+action_398 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_398 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_398 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_398 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_398 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_398 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_398 (45) = happyGoto action_543
+action_398 (138) = happyGoto action_544
+action_398 (153) = happyGoto action_545
+action_398 _ = happyFail
+action_399 (198) = happyShift action_542
+action_399 (120) = happyGoto action_540
+action_399 (167) = happyGoto action_541
+action_399 _ = happyReduce_405
+action_400 (282) = happyShift action_539
+action_400 (79) = happyGoto action_538
+action_400 _ = happyReduce_178
+action_401 (57) = happyGoto action_535
+action_401 (59) = happyGoto action_536
+action_401 (60) = happyGoto action_537
+action_401 _ = happyReduce_134
+action_402 (262) = happyShift action_534
+action_402 (77) = happyGoto action_533
+action_402 _ = happyReduce_171
+action_403 (66) = happyGoto action_531
+action_403 (67) = happyGoto action_532
+action_403 (166) = happyGoto action_516
+action_403 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_404 (198) = happyShift action_530
+action_404 (61) = happyGoto action_528
+action_404 (167) = happyGoto action_529
+action_404 _ = happyReduce_405
+action_405 (194) = happyShift action_527
+action_405 _ = happyFail
+action_406 (203) = happyReduce_130
+action_406 _ = happyReduce_80
+action_407 _ = happyReduce_79
+action_408 (257) = happyShift action_526
+action_408 (20) = happyGoto action_525
+action_408 _ = happyReduce_39
+action_409 _ = happyReduce_73
+action_410 (198) = happyShift action_524
+action_410 (167) = happyGoto action_523
+action_410 _ = happyReduce_405
+action_411 (197) = happyShift action_522
+action_411 _ = happyReduce_324
+action_412 (184) = happyShift action_262
+action_412 (185) = happyShift action_211
+action_412 (186) = happyShift action_212
+action_412 (187) = happyShift action_213
+action_412 (205) = happyShift action_263
+action_412 (206) = happyShift action_264
+action_412 (208) = happyShift action_218
+action_412 (209) = happyShift action_265
+action_412 (213) = happyReduce_316
+action_412 (218) = happyShift action_266
+action_412 (219) = happyShift action_267
+action_412 (283) = happyShift action_268
+action_412 (144) = happyGoto action_256
+action_412 (147) = happyGoto action_257
+action_412 (149) = happyGoto action_281
+action_412 (151) = happyGoto action_259
+action_412 (158) = happyGoto action_203
+action_412 (159) = happyGoto action_204
+action_412 (160) = happyGoto action_260
+action_412 (162) = happyGoto action_207
+action_412 (164) = happyGoto action_261
+action_412 _ = happyReduce_198
+action_413 (166) = happyGoto action_521
+action_413 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_414 (199) = happyShift action_520
+action_414 _ = happyFail
+action_415 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_415 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_415 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_415 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_415 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_415 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_415 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_415 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_415 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_415 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_415 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_415 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_415 (197) = happyShift action_415
+action_415 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_415 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_415 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_415 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_415 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_415 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_415 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_415 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_415 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_415 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_415 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_415 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_415 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_415 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_415 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_415 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_415 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_415 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_415 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_415 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_415 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_415 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_415 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_415 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_415 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_415 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_415 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_415 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_415 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_415 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_415 (275) = happyShift action_416
+action_415 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_415 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_415 (88) = happyGoto action_411
+action_415 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_415 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_415 (91) = happyGoto action_412
+action_415 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_415 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_415 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_415 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_415 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_415 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_415 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_415 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_415 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_415 (127) = happyGoto action_413
+action_415 (129) = happyGoto action_519
+action_415 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_415 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_415 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_415 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_415 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_415 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_415 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_415 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_415 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_415 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_415 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_415 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_415 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_416 (198) = happyShift action_311
+action_416 (39) = happyGoto action_308
+action_416 (41) = happyGoto action_518
+action_416 (167) = happyGoto action_310
+action_416 _ = happyReduce_405
+action_417 (1) = happyShift action_90
+action_417 (200) = happyShift action_91
+action_417 (168) = happyGoto action_517
+action_417 _ = happyFail
+action_418 (67) = happyGoto action_515
+action_418 (166) = happyGoto action_516
+action_418 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_419 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_419 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_419 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_419 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_419 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_419 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_419 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_419 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_419 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_419 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_419 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_419 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_419 (174) = happyGoto action_449
+action_419 _ = happyReduce_132
+action_420 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_420 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_420 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_420 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_420 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_420 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_420 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_420 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_420 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_420 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_420 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_420 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_420 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_420 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_420 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_420 (266) = happyShift action_178
+action_420 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_420 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_420 (46) = happyGoto action_164
+action_420 (47) = happyGoto action_165
+action_420 (48) = happyGoto action_166
+action_420 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_420 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_420 (52) = happyGoto action_514
+action_420 (53) = happyGoto action_170
+action_420 (140) = happyGoto action_171
+action_420 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_420 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_420 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_420 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_420 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_420 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_420 _ = happyFail
+action_421 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_421 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_421 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_421 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_421 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_421 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_421 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_421 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_421 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_421 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_421 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_421 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_421 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_421 (214) = happyShift action_513
+action_421 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_421 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_421 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_421 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_421 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_421 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_421 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_421 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_421 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_421 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_421 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_421 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_421 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_421 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_421 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_421 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_421 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_421 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_421 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_421 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_421 (96) = happyGoto action_512
+action_421 (97) = happyGoto action_423
+action_421 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_421 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_421 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_421 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_421 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_421 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_421 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_421 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_421 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_421 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_421 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_421 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_421 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_421 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_421 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_421 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_422 _ = happyReduce_217
+action_423 _ = happyReduce_218
+action_424 (197) = happyShift action_102
+action_424 (134) = happyGoto action_504
+action_424 (135) = happyGoto action_505
+action_424 (166) = happyGoto action_511
+action_424 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_425 (199) = happyShift action_510
+action_425 _ = happyFail
+action_426 (1) = happyShift action_90
+action_426 (200) = happyShift action_91
+action_426 (168) = happyGoto action_509
+action_426 _ = happyFail
+action_427 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_427 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_427 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_427 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_427 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_427 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_427 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_427 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_427 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_427 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_427 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_427 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_427 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_427 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_427 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_427 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_427 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_427 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_427 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_427 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_427 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_427 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_427 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_427 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_427 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_427 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_427 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_427 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_427 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_427 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_427 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_427 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_427 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_427 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_427 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_427 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_427 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_427 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_427 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_427 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_427 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_427 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_427 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_427 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_427 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_427 (88) = happyGoto action_508
+action_427 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_427 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_427 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_427 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_427 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_427 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_427 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_427 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_427 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_427 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_427 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_427 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_427 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_427 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_427 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_427 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_427 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_427 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_427 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_427 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_427 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_427 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_427 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_427 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_427 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_428 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_428 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_428 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_428 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_428 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_428 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_428 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_428 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_428 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_428 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_428 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_428 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_428 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_428 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_428 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_428 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_428 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_428 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_428 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_428 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_428 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_428 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_428 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_428 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_428 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_428 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_428 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_428 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_428 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_428 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_428 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_428 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_428 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_428 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_428 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_428 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_428 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_428 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_428 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_428 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_428 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_428 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_428 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_428 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_428 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_428 (88) = happyGoto action_507
+action_428 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_428 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_428 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_428 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_428 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_428 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_428 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_428 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_428 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_428 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_428 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_428 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_428 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_428 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_428 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_428 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_428 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_428 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_428 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_428 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_428 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_428 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_428 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_428 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_428 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (177) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (178) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (179) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (180) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (181) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (182) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (183) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (188) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (189) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (190) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (191) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (193) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (197) = happyShift action_102
+action_429 (201) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (204) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (216) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (218) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (219) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (220) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (221) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (223) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (233) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (234) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (235) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (236) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (237) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (238) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (240) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (241) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (242) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (244) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (246) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (251) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (252) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (253) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (254) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (255) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (256) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (257) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (258) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (264) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (267) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (271) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (272) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (273) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (276) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (284) = happyReduce_404
+action_429 (28) = happyGoto action_94
+action_429 (37) = happyGoto action_502
+action_429 (38) = happyGoto action_503
+action_429 (40) = happyGoto action_99
+action_429 (83) = happyGoto action_100
+action_429 (134) = happyGoto action_504
+action_429 (135) = happyGoto action_505
+action_429 (166) = happyGoto action_506
+action_429 _ = happyReduce_83
+action_430 (199) = happyShift action_501
+action_430 _ = happyFail
+action_431 (199) = happyShift action_500
+action_431 _ = happyFail
+action_432 (1) = happyShift action_90
+action_432 (200) = happyShift action_91
+action_432 (168) = happyGoto action_499
+action_432 _ = happyFail
+action_433 (1) = happyShift action_90
+action_433 (200) = happyShift action_91
+action_433 (168) = happyGoto action_498
+action_433 _ = happyFail
+action_434 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_434 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_434 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_434 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_434 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_434 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_434 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_434 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_434 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_434 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_434 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_434 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_434 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_434 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_434 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_434 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_434 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_434 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_434 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_434 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_434 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_434 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_434 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_434 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_434 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_434 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_434 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_434 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_434 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_434 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_434 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_434 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_434 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_434 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_434 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_434 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_434 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_434 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_434 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_434 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_434 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_434 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_434 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_434 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_434 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_434 (88) = happyGoto action_497
+action_434 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_434 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_434 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_434 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_434 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_434 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_434 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_434 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_434 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_434 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_434 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_434 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_434 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_434 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_434 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_434 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_434 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_434 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_434 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_434 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_434 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_434 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_434 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_434 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_434 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_435 _ = happyReduce_108
+action_436 (205) = happyShift action_496
+action_436 _ = happyFail
+action_437 _ = happyReduce_107
+action_438 _ = happyReduce_106
+action_439 _ = happyReduce_126
+action_440 _ = happyReduce_109
+action_441 _ = happyReduce_121
+action_442 _ = happyReduce_123
+action_443 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_443 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_443 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_443 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_443 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_443 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_443 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_443 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_443 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_443 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_443 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_443 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_443 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_443 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_443 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_443 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_443 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_443 (46) = happyGoto action_164
+action_443 (47) = happyGoto action_495
+action_443 (48) = happyGoto action_285
+action_443 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_443 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_443 (140) = happyGoto action_171
+action_443 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_443 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_443 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_443 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_443 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_443 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_443 _ = happyFail
+action_444 _ = happyReduce_115
+action_445 _ = happyReduce_118
+action_446 _ = happyReduce_116
+action_447 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_447 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_447 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_447 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_447 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_447 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_447 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_447 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_447 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_447 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_447 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_447 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_447 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_447 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_447 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_447 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_447 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_447 (46) = happyGoto action_164
+action_447 (47) = happyGoto action_494
+action_447 (48) = happyGoto action_285
+action_447 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_447 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_447 (140) = happyGoto action_171
+action_447 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_447 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_447 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_447 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_447 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_447 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_447 _ = happyFail
+action_448 _ = happyReduce_117
+action_449 _ = happyReduce_133
+action_450 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_450 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_450 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_450 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_450 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_450 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_450 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_450 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_450 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_450 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_450 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_450 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_450 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_450 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_450 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_450 (266) = happyShift action_178
+action_450 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_450 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_450 (46) = happyGoto action_164
+action_450 (47) = happyGoto action_165
+action_450 (48) = happyGoto action_166
+action_450 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_450 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_450 (52) = happyGoto action_493
+action_450 (53) = happyGoto action_170
+action_450 (140) = happyGoto action_171
+action_450 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_450 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_450 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_450 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_450 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_450 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_450 _ = happyFail
+action_451 _ = happyReduce_199
+action_452 _ = happyReduce_264
+action_453 _ = happyReduce_303
+action_454 (203) = happyShift action_492
+action_454 _ = happyReduce_297
+action_455 _ = happyReduce_301
+action_456 (166) = happyGoto action_491
+action_456 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_457 (198) = happyShift action_311
+action_457 (39) = happyGoto action_308
+action_457 (41) = happyGoto action_490
+action_457 (167) = happyGoto action_310
+action_457 _ = happyReduce_405
+action_458 _ = happyReduce_295
+action_459 (207) = happyShift action_489
+action_459 _ = happyReduce_299
+action_460 _ = happyReduce_298
+action_461 (231) = happyShift action_271
+action_461 _ = happyReduce_269
+action_462 _ = happyReduce_268
+action_463 _ = happyReduce_263
+action_464 _ = happyReduce_195
+action_465 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_465 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_465 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_465 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_465 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_465 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_465 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_465 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_465 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_465 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_465 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_465 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_465 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_465 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_465 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_465 (266) = happyShift action_178
+action_465 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_465 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_465 (46) = happyGoto action_164
+action_465 (47) = happyGoto action_165
+action_465 (48) = happyGoto action_166
+action_465 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_465 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_465 (52) = happyGoto action_488
+action_465 (53) = happyGoto action_170
+action_465 (140) = happyGoto action_171
+action_465 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_465 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_465 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_465 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_465 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_465 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_465 _ = happyFail
+action_466 (205) = happyShift action_487
+action_466 _ = happyFail
+action_467 _ = happyReduce_241
+action_468 _ = happyReduce_262
+action_469 _ = happyReduce_242
+action_470 _ = happyReduce_358
+action_471 _ = happyReduce_354
+action_472 _ = happyReduce_246
+action_473 (177) = happyShift action_55
+action_473 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_473 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_473 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_473 (181) = happyShift action_59
+action_473 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_473 (183) = happyShift action_17
+action_473 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_473 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_473 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_473 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_473 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_473 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_473 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_473 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_473 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_473 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_473 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_473 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_473 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_473 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_473 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_473 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_473 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_473 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_473 (247) = happyReduce_289
+action_473 (248) = happyReduce_289
+action_473 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_473 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_473 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_473 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_473 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_473 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_473 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_473 (259) = happyShift action_18
+action_473 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_473 (281) = happyShift action_19
+action_473 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_473 (97) = happyGoto action_36
+action_473 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_473 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_473 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_473 (110) = happyGoto action_40
+action_473 (111) = happyGoto action_14
+action_473 (113) = happyGoto action_41
+action_473 (114) = happyGoto action_486
+action_473 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_473 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_473 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_473 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_473 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_473 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_473 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_473 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_473 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_473 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_473 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_473 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_473 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_474 _ = happyReduce_277
+action_475 _ = happyReduce_273
+action_476 (221) = happyShift action_485
+action_476 (244) = happyShift action_222
+action_476 _ = happyFail
+action_477 _ = happyReduce_275
+action_478 (177) = happyShift action_15
+action_478 (181) = happyShift action_16
+action_478 (183) = happyShift action_17
+action_478 (259) = happyShift action_18
+action_478 (281) = happyShift action_19
+action_478 (110) = happyGoto action_484
+action_478 (111) = happyGoto action_14
+action_478 _ = happyFail
+action_479 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_479 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_479 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_479 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_479 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_479 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_479 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_479 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_479 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_479 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_479 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_479 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_479 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_479 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_479 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_479 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_479 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_479 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_479 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_479 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_479 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_479 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_479 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_479 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_479 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_479 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_479 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_479 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_479 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_479 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_479 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_479 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_479 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_479 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_479 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_479 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_479 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_479 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_479 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_479 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_479 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_479 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_479 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_479 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_479 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_479 (88) = happyGoto action_483
+action_479 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_479 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_479 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_479 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_479 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_479 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_479 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_479 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_479 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_479 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_479 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_479 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_479 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_479 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_479 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_479 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_479 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_479 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_479 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_479 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_479 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_479 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_479 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_479 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_479 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_480 _ = happyReduce_226
+action_481 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_481 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_481 (193) = happyShift action_116
+action_481 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_481 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_481 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_481 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_481 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_481 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_481 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_481 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_481 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_481 (131) = happyGoto action_482
+action_481 (139) = happyGoto action_237
+action_481 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_481 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_481 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_481 _ = happyFail
+action_482 _ = happyReduce_325
+action_483 _ = happyReduce_327
+action_484 (247) = happyShift action_616
+action_484 _ = happyFail
+action_485 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_485 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_485 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_485 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_485 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_485 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_485 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_485 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_485 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_485 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_485 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_485 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_485 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_485 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_485 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_485 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_485 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_485 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_485 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_485 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_485 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_485 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_485 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_485 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_485 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_485 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_485 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_485 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_485 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_485 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_485 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_485 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_485 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_485 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_485 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_485 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_485 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_485 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_485 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_485 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_485 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_485 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_485 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_485 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_485 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_485 (88) = happyGoto action_183
+action_485 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_485 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_485 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_485 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_485 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_485 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_485 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_485 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_485 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_485 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_485 (104) = happyGoto action_615
+action_485 (105) = happyGoto action_185
+action_485 (106) = happyGoto action_186
+action_485 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_485 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_485 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_485 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_485 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_485 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_485 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_485 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_485 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_485 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_485 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_485 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_485 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_485 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_485 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_486 (247) = happyShift action_613
+action_486 (248) = happyShift action_614
+action_486 _ = happyFail
+action_487 _ = happyReduce_352
+action_488 _ = happyReduce_194
+action_489 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_489 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_489 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_489 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_489 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_489 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_489 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_489 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_489 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_489 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_489 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_489 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_489 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_489 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_489 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_489 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_489 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_489 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_489 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_489 (221) = happyReduce_404
+action_489 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_489 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_489 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_489 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_489 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_489 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_489 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_489 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_489 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_489 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_489 (244) = happyReduce_404
+action_489 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_489 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_489 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_489 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_489 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_489 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_489 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_489 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_489 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_489 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_489 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_489 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_489 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_489 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_489 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_489 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_489 (88) = happyGoto action_612
+action_489 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_489 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_489 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_489 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_489 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_489 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_489 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_489 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_489 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_489 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_489 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_489 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_489 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_489 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_489 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_489 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_489 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_489 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_489 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_489 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_489 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_489 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_489 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_489 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_489 _ = happyReduce_294
+action_490 (270) = happyShift action_434
+action_490 _ = happyReduce_304
+action_491 (213) = happyShift action_611
+action_491 _ = happyFail
+action_492 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_492 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_492 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_492 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_492 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_492 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_492 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_492 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_492 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_492 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_492 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_492 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_492 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_492 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_492 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_492 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_492 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_492 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_492 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_492 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_492 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_492 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_492 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_492 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_492 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_492 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_492 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_492 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_492 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_492 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_492 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_492 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_492 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_492 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_492 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_492 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_492 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_492 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_492 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_492 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_492 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_492 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_492 (275) = happyShift action_457
+action_492 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_492 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_492 (88) = happyGoto action_453
+action_492 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_492 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_492 (91) = happyGoto action_412
+action_492 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_492 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_492 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_492 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_492 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_492 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_492 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_492 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_492 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_492 (119) = happyGoto action_610
+action_492 (127) = happyGoto action_456
+action_492 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_492 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_492 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_492 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_492 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_492 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_492 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_492 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_492 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_492 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_492 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_492 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_492 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_493 _ = happyReduce_125
+action_494 _ = happyReduce_131
+action_495 (203) = happyReduce_131
+action_495 _ = happyReduce_129
+action_496 _ = happyReduce_415
+action_497 _ = happyReduce_205
+action_498 _ = happyReduce_94
+action_499 _ = happyReduce_90
+action_500 _ = happyReduce_93
+action_501 _ = happyReduce_89
+action_502 (10) = happyGoto action_608
+action_502 (11) = happyGoto action_609
+action_502 _ = happyReduce_18
+action_503 _ = happyReduce_85
+action_504 (10) = happyGoto action_606
+action_504 (11) = happyGoto action_607
+action_504 _ = happyReduce_18
+action_505 _ = happyReduce_332
+action_506 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_506 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_506 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_506 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_506 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_506 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_506 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_506 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_506 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_506 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_506 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_506 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_506 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_506 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_506 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_506 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_506 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_506 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_506 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_506 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_506 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_506 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_506 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_506 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_506 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_506 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_506 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_506 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_506 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_506 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_506 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_506 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_506 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_506 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_506 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_506 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_506 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_506 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_506 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_506 (271) = happyShift action_142
+action_506 (272) = happyShift action_143
+action_506 (273) = happyShift action_144
+action_506 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_506 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_506 (30) = happyGoto action_120
+action_506 (42) = happyGoto action_121
+action_506 (91) = happyGoto action_122
+action_506 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_506 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_506 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_506 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_506 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_506 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_506 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_506 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_506 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_506 (139) = happyGoto action_128
+action_506 (140) = happyGoto action_605
+action_506 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_506 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_506 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_506 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_506 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_506 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_506 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_506 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_506 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_506 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_507 (265) = happyShift action_604
+action_507 _ = happyFail
+action_508 _ = happyReduce_206
+action_509 _ = happyReduce_329
+action_510 _ = happyReduce_328
+action_511 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_511 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_511 (140) = happyGoto action_603
+action_511 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_511 _ = happyFail
+action_512 _ = happyReduce_216
+action_513 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_513 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_513 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_513 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_513 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_513 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_513 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_513 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_513 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_513 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_513 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_513 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_513 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_513 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_513 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_513 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_513 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_513 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_513 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_513 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_513 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_513 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_513 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_513 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_513 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_513 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_513 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_513 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_513 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_513 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_513 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_513 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_513 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_513 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_513 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_513 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_513 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_513 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_513 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_513 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_513 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_513 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_513 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_513 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_513 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_513 (88) = happyGoto action_602
+action_513 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_513 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_513 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_513 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_513 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_513 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_513 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_513 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_513 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_513 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_513 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_513 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_513 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_513 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_513 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_513 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_513 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_513 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_513 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_513 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_513 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_513 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_513 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_513 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_513 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_514 _ = happyReduce_68
+action_515 (262) = happyShift action_534
+action_515 (77) = happyGoto action_601
+action_515 _ = happyReduce_171
+action_516 (266) = happyShift action_600
+action_516 (68) = happyGoto action_599
+action_516 _ = happyReduce_153
+action_517 _ = happyReduce_318
+action_518 (197) = happyShift action_598
+action_518 (270) = happyShift action_434
+action_518 _ = happyFail
+action_519 _ = happyReduce_322
+action_520 _ = happyReduce_317
+action_521 (213) = happyShift action_597
+action_521 _ = happyFail
+action_522 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_522 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_522 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_522 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_522 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_522 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_522 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_522 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_522 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_522 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_522 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_522 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_522 (197) = happyShift action_415
+action_522 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_522 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_522 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_522 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_522 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_522 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_522 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_522 (221) = happyReduce_404
+action_522 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_522 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_522 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_522 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_522 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_522 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_522 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_522 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_522 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_522 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_522 (244) = happyReduce_404
+action_522 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_522 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_522 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_522 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_522 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_522 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_522 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_522 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_522 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_522 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_522 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_522 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_522 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_522 (275) = happyShift action_416
+action_522 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_522 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_522 (88) = happyGoto action_411
+action_522 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_522 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_522 (91) = happyGoto action_412
+action_522 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_522 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_522 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_522 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_522 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_522 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_522 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_522 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_522 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_522 (127) = happyGoto action_413
+action_522 (129) = happyGoto action_596
+action_522 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_522 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_522 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_522 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_522 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_522 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_522 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_522 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_522 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_522 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_522 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_522 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_522 _ = happyReduce_323
+action_523 (10) = happyGoto action_31
+action_523 (11) = happyGoto action_593
+action_523 (81) = happyGoto action_595
+action_523 _ = happyReduce_18
+action_524 (10) = happyGoto action_31
+action_524 (11) = happyGoto action_593
+action_524 (81) = happyGoto action_594
+action_524 _ = happyReduce_18
+action_525 (193) = happyReduce_45
+action_525 (267) = happyShift action_592
+action_525 (21) = happyGoto action_589
+action_525 (22) = happyGoto action_590
+action_525 (23) = happyGoto action_591
+action_525 _ = happyReduce_41
+action_526 (181) = happyShift action_28
+action_526 (182) = happyShift action_29
+action_526 (169) = happyGoto action_588
+action_526 _ = happyFail
+action_527 _ = happyReduce_74
+action_528 _ = happyReduce_70
+action_529 (10) = happyGoto action_31
+action_529 (11) = happyGoto action_585
+action_529 (62) = happyGoto action_587
+action_529 _ = happyReduce_18
+action_530 (10) = happyGoto action_31
+action_530 (11) = happyGoto action_585
+action_530 (62) = happyGoto action_586
+action_530 _ = happyReduce_18
+action_531 (212) = happyShift action_584
+action_531 _ = happyReduce_147
+action_532 _ = happyReduce_149
+action_533 _ = happyReduce_69
+action_534 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_534 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_534 (193) = happyShift action_583
+action_534 (156) = happyGoto action_581
+action_534 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_534 (173) = happyGoto action_582
+action_534 _ = happyFail
+action_535 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_535 (214) = happyShift action_580
+action_535 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_535 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_535 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_535 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_535 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_535 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_535 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_535 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_535 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_535 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_535 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_535 (174) = happyGoto action_449
+action_535 _ = happyFail
+action_536 (203) = happyShift action_579
+action_536 _ = happyReduce_136
+action_537 _ = happyReduce_138
+action_538 _ = happyReduce_72
+action_539 (198) = happyShift action_578
+action_539 (39) = happyGoto action_576
+action_539 (167) = happyGoto action_577
+action_539 _ = happyReduce_405
+action_540 _ = happyReduce_208
+action_541 (10) = happyGoto action_31
+action_541 (11) = happyGoto action_573
+action_541 (121) = happyGoto action_575
+action_541 _ = happyReduce_18
+action_542 (10) = happyGoto action_31
+action_542 (11) = happyGoto action_573
+action_542 (121) = happyGoto action_574
+action_542 _ = happyReduce_18
+action_543 _ = happyReduce_77
+action_544 (209) = happyShift action_572
+action_544 _ = happyFail
+action_545 _ = happyReduce_340
+action_546 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_546 (193) = happyShift action_547
+action_546 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_546 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_546 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_546 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_546 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_546 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_546 (138) = happyGoto action_571
+action_546 (153) = happyGoto action_545
+action_546 _ = happyFail
+action_547 (184) = happyShift action_262
+action_547 (206) = happyShift action_264
+action_547 (218) = happyShift action_266
+action_547 (219) = happyShift action_267
+action_547 (162) = happyGoto action_570
+action_547 _ = happyFail
+action_548 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_548 (191) = happyShift action_546
+action_548 (193) = happyShift action_547
+action_548 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_548 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_548 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_548 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_548 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_548 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_548 (45) = happyGoto action_569
+action_548 (138) = happyGoto action_544
+action_548 (153) = happyGoto action_545
+action_548 _ = happyFail
+action_549 _ = happyReduce_99
+action_550 _ = happyReduce_100
+action_551 _ = happyReduce_101
+action_552 _ = happyReduce_187
+action_553 (203) = happyShift action_492
+action_553 (210) = happyShift action_568
+action_553 _ = happyFail
+action_554 (194) = happyShift action_567
+action_554 _ = happyFail
+action_555 (205) = happyShift action_566
+action_555 _ = happyFail
+action_556 (205) = happyShift action_565
+action_556 _ = happyFail
+action_557 (184) = happyShift action_262
+action_557 (185) = happyShift action_211
+action_557 (205) = happyShift action_383
+action_557 (206) = happyShift action_264
+action_557 (218) = happyShift action_266
+action_557 (219) = happyShift action_267
+action_557 (143) = happyGoto action_378
+action_557 (146) = happyGoto action_379
+action_557 (148) = happyGoto action_564
+action_557 (159) = happyGoto action_381
+action_557 (162) = happyGoto action_382
+action_557 _ = happyFail
+action_558 _ = happyReduce_29
+action_559 (194) = happyShift action_563
+action_559 _ = happyFail
+action_560 _ = happyReduce_31
+action_561 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_561 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_561 (193) = happyShift action_374
+action_561 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_561 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_561 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_561 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_561 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_561 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_561 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_561 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_561 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_561 (27) = happyGoto action_562
+action_561 (137) = happyGoto action_370
+action_561 (141) = happyGoto action_371
+action_561 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_561 (154) = happyGoto action_372
+action_561 (157) = happyGoto action_373
+action_561 _ = happyFail
+action_562 _ = happyReduce_53
+action_563 _ = happyReduce_346
+action_564 _ = happyReduce_63
+action_565 _ = happyReduce_356
+action_566 _ = happyReduce_350
+action_567 _ = happyReduce_339
+action_568 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_568 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_568 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_568 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_568 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_568 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_568 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_568 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_568 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_568 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_568 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_568 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_568 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_568 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_568 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_568 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_568 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_568 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_568 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_568 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_568 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_568 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_568 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_568 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_568 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_568 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_568 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_568 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_568 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_568 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_568 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_568 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_568 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_568 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_568 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_568 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_568 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_568 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_568 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_568 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_568 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_568 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_568 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_568 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_568 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_568 (88) = happyGoto action_664
+action_568 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_568 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_568 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_568 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_568 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_568 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_568 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_568 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_568 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_568 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_568 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_568 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_568 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_568 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_568 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_568 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_568 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_568 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_568 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_568 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_568 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_568 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_568 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_568 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_568 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_569 _ = happyReduce_76
+action_570 (194) = happyShift action_663
+action_570 _ = happyFail
+action_571 (209) = happyShift action_662
+action_571 _ = happyFail
+action_572 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_572 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_572 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_572 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_572 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_572 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_572 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_572 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_572 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_572 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_572 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_572 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_572 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_572 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_572 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_572 (46) = happyGoto action_661
+action_572 (48) = happyGoto action_285
+action_572 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_572 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_572 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_572 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_572 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_572 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_572 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_572 _ = happyFail
+action_573 (197) = happyShift action_102
+action_573 (122) = happyGoto action_658
+action_573 (123) = happyGoto action_659
+action_573 (166) = happyGoto action_660
+action_573 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_574 (199) = happyShift action_657
+action_574 _ = happyFail
+action_575 (1) = happyShift action_90
+action_575 (200) = happyShift action_91
+action_575 (168) = happyGoto action_656
+action_575 _ = happyFail
+action_576 _ = happyReduce_177
+action_577 (10) = happyGoto action_31
+action_577 (11) = happyGoto action_655
+action_577 (36) = happyGoto action_432
+action_577 _ = happyReduce_18
+action_578 (10) = happyGoto action_31
+action_578 (11) = happyGoto action_655
+action_578 (36) = happyGoto action_430
+action_578 _ = happyReduce_18
+action_579 (57) = happyGoto action_535
+action_579 (60) = happyGoto action_654
+action_579 _ = happyReduce_134
+action_580 (57) = happyGoto action_653
+action_580 _ = happyReduce_134
+action_581 _ = happyReduce_413
+action_582 _ = happyReduce_172
+action_583 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_583 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_583 (194) = happyShift action_652
+action_583 (78) = happyGoto action_650
+action_583 (156) = happyGoto action_581
+action_583 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_583 (173) = happyGoto action_651
+action_583 _ = happyFail
+action_584 (67) = happyGoto action_649
+action_584 (166) = happyGoto action_516
+action_584 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_585 (197) = happyShift action_102
+action_585 (63) = happyGoto action_646
+action_585 (64) = happyGoto action_647
+action_585 (166) = happyGoto action_648
+action_585 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_586 (199) = happyShift action_645
+action_586 _ = happyFail
+action_587 (1) = happyShift action_90
+action_587 (200) = happyShift action_91
+action_587 (168) = happyGoto action_644
+action_587 _ = happyFail
+action_588 _ = happyReduce_38
+action_589 _ = happyReduce_35
+action_590 _ = happyReduce_40
+action_591 (193) = happyShift action_643
+action_591 _ = happyFail
+action_592 _ = happyReduce_44
+action_593 (177) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (178) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (179) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (180) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (181) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (182) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (183) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (188) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (189) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (190) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (191) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (193) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (197) = happyShift action_102
+action_593 (201) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (204) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (216) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (218) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (219) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (220) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (221) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (223) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (233) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (234) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (235) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (236) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (237) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (238) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (240) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (241) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (242) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (244) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (246) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (251) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (252) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (253) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (254) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (255) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (256) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (257) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (258) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (264) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (267) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (276) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (284) = happyReduce_404
+action_593 (82) = happyGoto action_640
+action_593 (83) = happyGoto action_641
+action_593 (166) = happyGoto action_642
+action_593 _ = happyReduce_183
+action_594 (199) = happyShift action_639
+action_594 _ = happyFail
+action_595 (1) = happyShift action_90
+action_595 (200) = happyShift action_91
+action_595 (168) = happyGoto action_638
+action_595 _ = happyFail
+action_596 _ = happyReduce_321
+action_597 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_597 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_597 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_597 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_597 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_597 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_597 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_597 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_597 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_597 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_597 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_597 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_597 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_597 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_597 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_597 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_597 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_597 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_597 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_597 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_597 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_597 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_597 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_597 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_597 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_597 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_597 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_597 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_597 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_597 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_597 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_597 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_597 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_597 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_597 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_597 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_597 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_597 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_597 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_597 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_597 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_597 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_597 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_597 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_597 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_597 (88) = happyGoto action_637
+action_597 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_597 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_597 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_597 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_597 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_597 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_597 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_597 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_597 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_597 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_597 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_597 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_597 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_597 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_597 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_597 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_597 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_597 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_597 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_597 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_597 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_597 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_597 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_597 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_597 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_598 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_598 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_598 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_598 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_598 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_598 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_598 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_598 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_598 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_598 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_598 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_598 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_598 (197) = happyShift action_415
+action_598 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_598 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_598 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_598 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_598 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_598 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_598 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_598 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_598 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_598 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_598 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_598 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_598 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_598 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_598 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_598 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_598 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_598 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_598 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_598 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_598 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_598 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_598 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_598 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_598 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_598 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_598 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_598 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_598 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_598 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_598 (275) = happyShift action_416
+action_598 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_598 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_598 (88) = happyGoto action_411
+action_598 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_598 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_598 (91) = happyGoto action_412
+action_598 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_598 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_598 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_598 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_598 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_598 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_598 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_598 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_598 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_598 (127) = happyGoto action_413
+action_598 (129) = happyGoto action_636
+action_598 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_598 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_598 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_598 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_598 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_598 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_598 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_598 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_598 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_598 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_598 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_598 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_598 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_599 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_599 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_599 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_599 (193) = happyShift action_634
+action_599 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_599 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_599 (219) = happyShift action_635
+action_599 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_599 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_599 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_599 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_599 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_599 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_599 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_599 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_599 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_599 (48) = happyGoto action_626
+action_599 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_599 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_599 (53) = happyGoto action_627
+action_599 (69) = happyGoto action_628
+action_599 (70) = happyGoto action_629
+action_599 (71) = happyGoto action_630
+action_599 (73) = happyGoto action_631
+action_599 (141) = happyGoto action_632
+action_599 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_599 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_599 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_599 (157) = happyGoto action_633
+action_599 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_599 _ = happyFail
+action_600 (57) = happyGoto action_625
+action_600 _ = happyReduce_134
+action_601 _ = happyReduce_71
+action_602 _ = happyReduce_204
+action_603 (210) = happyShift action_623
+action_603 _ = happyFail
+action_604 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_604 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_604 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_604 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_604 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_604 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_604 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_604 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_604 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_604 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_604 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_604 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_604 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_604 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_604 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_604 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_604 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_604 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_604 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_604 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_604 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_604 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_604 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_604 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_604 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_604 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_604 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_604 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_604 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_604 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_604 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_604 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_604 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_604 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_604 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_604 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_604 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_604 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_604 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_604 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_604 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_604 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_604 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_604 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_604 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_604 (88) = happyGoto action_624
+action_604 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_604 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_604 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_604 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_604 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_604 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_604 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_604 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_604 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_604 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_604 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_604 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_604 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_604 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_604 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_604 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_604 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_604 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_604 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_604 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_604 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_604 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_604 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_604 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_604 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_605 (210) = happyShift action_623
+action_605 _ = happyReduce_234
+action_606 (179) = happyReduce_404
+action_606 (180) = happyReduce_404
+action_606 (135) = happyGoto action_622
+action_606 (166) = happyGoto action_511
+action_606 _ = happyReduce_17
+action_607 (197) = happyShift action_102
+action_607 _ = happyReduce_330
+action_608 (177) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (178) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (179) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (180) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (181) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (182) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (183) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (188) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (189) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (190) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (191) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (193) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (201) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (204) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (216) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (218) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (219) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (220) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (221) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (223) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (233) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (234) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (235) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (236) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (237) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (238) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (240) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (241) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (242) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (244) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (246) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (251) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (252) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (253) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (254) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (255) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (256) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (257) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (258) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (264) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (267) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (271) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (272) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (273) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (276) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (284) = happyReduce_404
+action_608 (28) = happyGoto action_94
+action_608 (38) = happyGoto action_620
+action_608 (40) = happyGoto action_99
+action_608 (83) = happyGoto action_100
+action_608 (166) = happyGoto action_621
+action_608 _ = happyReduce_17
+action_609 (197) = happyShift action_102
+action_609 _ = happyReduce_82
+action_610 _ = happyReduce_300
+action_611 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_611 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_611 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_611 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_611 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_611 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_611 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_611 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_611 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_611 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_611 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_611 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_611 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_611 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_611 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_611 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_611 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_611 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_611 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_611 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_611 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_611 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_611 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_611 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_611 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_611 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_611 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_611 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_611 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_611 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_611 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_611 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_611 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_611 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_611 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_611 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_611 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_611 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_611 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_611 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_611 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_611 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_611 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_611 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_611 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_611 (88) = happyGoto action_619
+action_611 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_611 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_611 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_611 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_611 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_611 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_611 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_611 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_611 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_611 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_611 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_611 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_611 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_611 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_611 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_611 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_611 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_611 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_611 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_611 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_611 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_611 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_611 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_611 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_611 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_612 _ = happyReduce_296
+action_613 (108) = happyGoto action_618
+action_613 _ = happyReduce_274
+action_614 _ = happyReduce_271
+action_615 (203) = happyShift action_277
+action_615 (222) = happyShift action_617
+action_615 _ = happyFail
+action_616 _ = happyReduce_4
+action_617 _ = happyReduce_276
+action_618 (243) = happyShift action_477
+action_618 (245) = happyShift action_696
+action_618 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_618 (107) = happyGoto action_474
+action_618 (109) = happyGoto action_475
+action_618 (166) = happyGoto action_476
+action_618 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_619 _ = happyReduce_302
+action_620 _ = happyReduce_84
+action_621 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_621 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_621 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_621 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_621 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_621 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_621 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_621 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_621 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_621 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_621 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_621 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_621 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_621 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_621 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_621 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_621 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_621 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_621 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_621 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_621 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_621 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_621 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_621 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_621 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_621 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_621 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_621 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_621 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_621 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_621 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_621 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_621 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_621 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_621 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_621 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_621 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_621 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_621 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_621 (271) = happyShift action_142
+action_621 (272) = happyShift action_143
+action_621 (273) = happyShift action_144
+action_621 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_621 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_621 (30) = happyGoto action_120
+action_621 (42) = happyGoto action_121
+action_621 (91) = happyGoto action_122
+action_621 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_621 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_621 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_621 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_621 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_621 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_621 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_621 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_621 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_621 (139) = happyGoto action_128
+action_621 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_621 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_621 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_621 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_621 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_621 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_621 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_621 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_621 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_621 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_621 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_622 _ = happyReduce_331
+action_623 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_623 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_623 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_623 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_623 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_623 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_623 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_623 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_623 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_623 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_623 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_623 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_623 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_623 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_623 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_623 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_623 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_623 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_623 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_623 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_623 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_623 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_623 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_623 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_623 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_623 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_623 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_623 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_623 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_623 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_623 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_623 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_623 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_623 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_623 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_623 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_623 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_623 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_623 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_623 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_623 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_623 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_623 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_623 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_623 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_623 (88) = happyGoto action_695
+action_623 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_623 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_623 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_623 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_623 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_623 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_623 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_623 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_623 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_623 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_623 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_623 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_623 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_623 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_623 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_623 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_623 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_623 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_623 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_623 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_623 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_623 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_623 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_623 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_623 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_624 _ = happyReduce_207
+action_625 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_625 (206) = happyShift action_694
+action_625 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_625 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_625 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_625 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_625 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_625 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_625 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_625 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_625 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_625 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_625 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_625 (174) = happyGoto action_449
+action_625 _ = happyFail
+action_626 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_626 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_626 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_626 (185) = happyReduce_164
+action_626 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_626 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_626 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_626 (205) = happyReduce_164
+action_626 (217) = happyReduce_128
+action_626 (219) = happyShift action_693
+action_626 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_626 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_626 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_626 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_626 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_626 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_626 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_626 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_626 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_626 (49) = happyGoto action_299
+action_626 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_626 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_626 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_626 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_626 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_626 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_626 _ = happyReduce_158
+action_627 (217) = happyShift action_692
+action_627 _ = happyFail
+action_628 _ = happyReduce_151
+action_629 _ = happyReduce_154
+action_630 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_630 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_630 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_630 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_630 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_630 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_630 (219) = happyShift action_691
+action_630 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_630 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_630 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_630 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_630 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_630 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_630 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_630 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_630 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_630 (49) = happyGoto action_689
+action_630 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_630 (72) = happyGoto action_690
+action_630 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_630 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_630 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_630 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_630 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_630 _ = happyReduce_159
+action_631 (185) = happyShift action_211
+action_631 (205) = happyShift action_688
+action_631 (146) = happyGoto action_687
+action_631 (159) = happyGoto action_381
+action_631 _ = happyFail
+action_632 (198) = happyShift action_686
+action_632 _ = happyFail
+action_633 (198) = happyReduce_345
+action_633 _ = happyReduce_382
+action_634 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_634 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_634 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_634 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_634 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_634 (185) = happyShift action_211
+action_634 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_634 (194) = happyShift action_294
+action_634 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_634 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_634 (203) = happyShift action_215
+action_634 (214) = happyShift action_295
+action_634 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_634 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_634 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_634 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_634 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_634 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_634 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_634 (266) = happyShift action_178
+action_634 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_634 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_634 (46) = happyGoto action_164
+action_634 (47) = happyGoto action_289
+action_634 (48) = happyGoto action_166
+action_634 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_634 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_634 (52) = happyGoto action_290
+action_634 (53) = happyGoto action_170
+action_634 (54) = happyGoto action_291
+action_634 (55) = happyGoto action_292
+action_634 (102) = happyGoto action_293
+action_634 (140) = happyGoto action_171
+action_634 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_634 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_634 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_634 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_634 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_634 (159) = happyGoto action_559
+action_634 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_634 _ = happyFail
+action_635 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_635 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_635 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_635 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_635 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_635 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_635 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_635 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_635 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_635 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_635 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_635 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_635 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_635 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_635 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_635 (49) = happyGoto action_685
+action_635 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_635 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_635 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_635 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_635 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_635 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_635 _ = happyFail
+action_636 _ = happyReduce_319
+action_637 (197) = happyShift action_684
+action_637 _ = happyFail
+action_638 _ = happyReduce_180
+action_639 _ = happyReduce_179
+action_640 (10) = happyGoto action_682
+action_640 (11) = happyGoto action_683
+action_640 _ = happyReduce_18
+action_641 _ = happyReduce_185
+action_642 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_642 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_642 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_642 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_642 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_642 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_642 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_642 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_642 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_642 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_642 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_642 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_642 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_642 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_642 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_642 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_642 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_642 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_642 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_642 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_642 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_642 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_642 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_642 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_642 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_642 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_642 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_642 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_642 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_642 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_642 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_642 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_642 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_642 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_642 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_642 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_642 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_642 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_642 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_642 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_642 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_642 (91) = happyGoto action_122
+action_642 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_642 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_642 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_642 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_642 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_642 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_642 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_642 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_642 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_642 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_642 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_642 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_642 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_642 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_642 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_642 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_642 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_642 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_642 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_642 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_642 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_643 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_643 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_643 (193) = happyShift action_386
+action_643 (203) = happyShift action_117
+action_643 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_643 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_643 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_643 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_643 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_643 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_643 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_643 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_643 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_643 (14) = happyGoto action_676
+action_643 (24) = happyGoto action_677
+action_643 (25) = happyGoto action_678
+action_643 (137) = happyGoto action_679
+action_643 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_643 (154) = happyGoto action_372
+action_643 (157) = happyGoto action_680
+action_643 (170) = happyGoto action_681
+action_643 _ = happyReduce_24
+action_644 _ = happyReduce_141
+action_645 _ = happyReduce_140
+action_646 (10) = happyGoto action_674
+action_646 (11) = happyGoto action_675
+action_646 _ = happyReduce_18
+action_647 _ = happyReduce_144
+action_648 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_648 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_648 (193) = happyShift action_673
+action_648 (142) = happyGoto action_672
+action_648 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_648 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_648 _ = happyFail
+action_649 _ = happyReduce_148
+action_650 (194) = happyShift action_670
+action_650 (203) = happyShift action_671
+action_650 _ = happyFail
+action_651 _ = happyReduce_176
+action_652 _ = happyReduce_173
+action_653 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_653 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_653 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_653 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_653 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_653 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_653 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_653 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_653 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_653 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_653 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_653 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_653 (174) = happyGoto action_449
+action_653 _ = happyReduce_139
+action_654 _ = happyReduce_137
+action_655 (177) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (178) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (179) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (180) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (181) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (182) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (183) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (188) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (189) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (190) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (191) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (193) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (197) = happyShift action_102
+action_655 (201) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (204) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (216) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (218) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (219) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (220) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (221) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (223) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (233) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (234) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (235) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (236) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (237) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (238) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (240) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (241) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (242) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (244) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (246) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (251) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (252) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (253) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (254) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (255) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (256) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (257) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (258) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (264) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (267) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (271) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (272) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (273) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (276) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (284) = happyReduce_404
+action_655 (28) = happyGoto action_94
+action_655 (37) = happyGoto action_502
+action_655 (38) = happyGoto action_503
+action_655 (40) = happyGoto action_99
+action_655 (83) = happyGoto action_100
+action_655 (166) = happyGoto action_621
+action_655 _ = happyReduce_83
+action_656 _ = happyReduce_306
+action_657 _ = happyReduce_305
+action_658 (10) = happyGoto action_668
+action_658 (11) = happyGoto action_669
+action_658 _ = happyReduce_18
+action_659 _ = happyReduce_309
+action_660 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_660 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_660 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_660 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_660 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_660 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_660 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_660 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_660 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_660 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_660 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_660 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_660 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_660 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_660 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_660 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_660 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_660 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_660 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_660 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_660 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_660 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_660 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_660 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_660 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_660 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_660 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_660 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_660 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_660 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_660 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_660 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_660 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_660 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_660 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_660 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_660 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_660 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_660 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_660 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_660 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_660 (91) = happyGoto action_666
+action_660 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_660 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_660 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_660 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_660 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_660 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_660 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_660 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_660 (127) = happyGoto action_667
+action_660 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_660 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_660 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_660 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_660 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_660 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_660 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_660 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_660 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_660 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_660 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_660 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_660 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_661 _ = happyReduce_104
+action_662 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_662 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_662 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_662 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_662 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_662 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_662 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_662 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_662 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_662 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_662 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_662 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_662 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_662 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_662 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_662 (46) = happyGoto action_665
+action_662 (48) = happyGoto action_285
+action_662 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_662 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_662 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_662 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_662 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_662 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_662 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_662 _ = happyFail
+action_663 _ = happyReduce_341
+action_664 _ = happyReduce_193
+action_665 _ = happyReduce_103
+action_666 (184) = happyShift action_262
+action_666 (185) = happyShift action_211
+action_666 (186) = happyShift action_212
+action_666 (187) = happyShift action_213
+action_666 (205) = happyShift action_263
+action_666 (206) = happyShift action_264
+action_666 (208) = happyShift action_218
+action_666 (218) = happyShift action_266
+action_666 (219) = happyShift action_267
+action_666 (144) = happyGoto action_256
+action_666 (147) = happyGoto action_257
+action_666 (149) = happyGoto action_353
+action_666 (151) = happyGoto action_259
+action_666 (158) = happyGoto action_203
+action_666 (159) = happyGoto action_204
+action_666 (160) = happyGoto action_260
+action_666 (162) = happyGoto action_207
+action_666 (164) = happyGoto action_261
+action_666 _ = happyReduce_316
+action_667 (214) = happyShift action_723
+action_667 (124) = happyGoto action_719
+action_667 (125) = happyGoto action_720
+action_667 (126) = happyGoto action_721
+action_667 (166) = happyGoto action_722
+action_667 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (177) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (178) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (179) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (180) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (181) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (182) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (183) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (188) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (189) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (190) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (191) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (193) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (201) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (204) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (216) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (218) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (219) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (220) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (221) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (223) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (233) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (234) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (235) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (236) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (237) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (238) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (240) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (241) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (242) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (244) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (246) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (251) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (252) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (253) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (254) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (255) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (256) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (257) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (258) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (264) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (267) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (276) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (284) = happyReduce_404
+action_668 (123) = happyGoto action_718
+action_668 (166) = happyGoto action_660
+action_668 _ = happyReduce_17
+action_669 (197) = happyShift action_102
+action_669 _ = happyReduce_307
+action_670 _ = happyReduce_174
+action_671 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_671 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_671 (156) = happyGoto action_581
+action_671 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_671 (173) = happyGoto action_717
+action_671 _ = happyFail
+action_672 (209) = happyShift action_716
+action_672 _ = happyFail
+action_673 (185) = happyShift action_211
+action_673 (187) = happyShift action_213
+action_673 (208) = happyShift action_218
+action_673 (151) = happyGoto action_394
+action_673 (158) = happyGoto action_203
+action_673 (159) = happyGoto action_204
+action_673 _ = happyFail
+action_674 (181) = happyReduce_404
+action_674 (182) = happyReduce_404
+action_674 (193) = happyReduce_404
+action_674 (64) = happyGoto action_715
+action_674 (166) = happyGoto action_648
+action_674 _ = happyReduce_17
+action_675 (197) = happyShift action_102
+action_675 _ = happyReduce_142
+action_676 (194) = happyShift action_714
+action_676 _ = happyFail
+action_677 (203) = happyShift action_713
+action_677 (14) = happyGoto action_712
+action_677 _ = happyReduce_24
+action_678 _ = happyReduce_47
+action_679 _ = happyReduce_48
+action_680 _ = happyReduce_410
+action_681 (193) = happyShift action_711
+action_681 _ = happyReduce_49
+action_682 (177) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (178) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (179) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (180) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (181) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (182) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (183) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (188) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (189) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (190) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (191) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (193) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (201) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (204) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (216) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (218) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (219) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (220) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (221) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (223) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (233) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (234) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (235) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (236) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (237) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (238) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (240) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (241) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (242) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (244) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (246) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (251) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (252) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (253) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (254) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (255) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (256) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (257) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (258) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (264) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (267) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (276) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (284) = happyReduce_404
+action_682 (83) = happyGoto action_710
+action_682 (166) = happyGoto action_642
+action_682 _ = happyReduce_17
+action_683 (197) = happyShift action_102
+action_683 _ = happyReduce_182
+action_684 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_684 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_684 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_684 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_684 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_684 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_684 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_684 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_684 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_684 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_684 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_684 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_684 (197) = happyShift action_415
+action_684 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_684 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_684 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_684 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_684 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_684 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_684 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_684 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_684 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_684 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_684 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_684 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_684 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_684 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_684 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_684 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_684 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_684 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_684 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_684 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_684 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_684 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_684 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_684 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_684 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_684 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_684 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_684 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_684 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_684 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_684 (275) = happyShift action_416
+action_684 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_684 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_684 (88) = happyGoto action_411
+action_684 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_684 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_684 (91) = happyGoto action_412
+action_684 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_684 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_684 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_684 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_684 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_684 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_684 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_684 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_684 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_684 (127) = happyGoto action_413
+action_684 (129) = happyGoto action_709
+action_684 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_684 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_684 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_684 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_684 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_684 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_684 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_684 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_684 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_684 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_684 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_684 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_684 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_685 _ = happyReduce_165
+action_686 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_686 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_686 (193) = happyShift action_116
+action_686 (199) = happyShift action_708
+action_686 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_686 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_686 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_686 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_686 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_686 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_686 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_686 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_686 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_686 (42) = happyGoto action_704
+action_686 (74) = happyGoto action_705
+action_686 (75) = happyGoto action_706
+action_686 (139) = happyGoto action_707
+action_686 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_686 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_686 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_686 _ = happyFail
+action_687 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_687 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_687 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_687 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_687 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_687 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_687 (219) = happyShift action_635
+action_687 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_687 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_687 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_687 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_687 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_687 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_687 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_687 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_687 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_687 (48) = happyGoto action_702
+action_687 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_687 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_687 (73) = happyGoto action_703
+action_687 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_687 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_687 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_687 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_687 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_687 _ = happyFail
+action_688 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_688 (157) = happyGoto action_556
+action_688 _ = happyFail
+action_689 _ = happyReduce_162
+action_690 _ = happyReduce_161
+action_691 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_691 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_691 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_691 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_691 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_691 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_691 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_691 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_691 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_691 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_691 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_691 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_691 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_691 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_691 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_691 (49) = happyGoto action_701
+action_691 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_691 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_691 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_691 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_691 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_691 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_691 _ = happyFail
+action_692 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_692 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_692 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_692 (193) = happyShift action_634
+action_692 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_692 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_692 (219) = happyShift action_635
+action_692 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_692 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_692 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_692 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_692 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_692 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_692 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_692 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_692 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_692 (48) = happyGoto action_699
+action_692 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_692 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_692 (69) = happyGoto action_700
+action_692 (70) = happyGoto action_629
+action_692 (71) = happyGoto action_630
+action_692 (73) = happyGoto action_631
+action_692 (141) = happyGoto action_632
+action_692 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_692 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_692 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_692 (157) = happyGoto action_633
+action_692 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_692 _ = happyFail
+action_693 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_693 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_693 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_693 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_693 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_693 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_693 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_693 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_693 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_693 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_693 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_693 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_693 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_693 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_693 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_693 (49) = happyGoto action_698
+action_693 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_693 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_693 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_693 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_693 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_693 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_693 _ = happyFail
+action_694 _ = happyReduce_152
+action_695 _ = happyReduce_333
+action_696 (177) = happyShift action_15
+action_696 (181) = happyShift action_16
+action_696 (183) = happyShift action_17
+action_696 (259) = happyShift action_18
+action_696 (281) = happyShift action_19
+action_696 (110) = happyGoto action_697
+action_696 (111) = happyGoto action_14
+action_696 _ = happyFail
+action_697 (247) = happyShift action_737
+action_697 _ = happyFail
+action_698 _ = happyReduce_160
+action_699 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_699 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_699 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_699 (185) = happyReduce_164
+action_699 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_699 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_699 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_699 (205) = happyReduce_164
+action_699 (219) = happyShift action_693
+action_699 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_699 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_699 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_699 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_699 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_699 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_699 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_699 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_699 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_699 (49) = happyGoto action_299
+action_699 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_699 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_699 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_699 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_699 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_699 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_699 _ = happyReduce_158
+action_700 _ = happyReduce_150
+action_701 _ = happyReduce_163
+action_702 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_702 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_702 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_702 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_702 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_702 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_702 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_702 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_702 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_702 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_702 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_702 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_702 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_702 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_702 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_702 (49) = happyGoto action_299
+action_702 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_702 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_702 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_702 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_702 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_702 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_702 _ = happyReduce_164
+action_703 _ = happyReduce_155
+action_704 (203) = happyShift action_356
+action_704 (209) = happyShift action_736
+action_704 _ = happyFail
+action_705 (199) = happyShift action_734
+action_705 (203) = happyShift action_735
+action_705 _ = happyFail
+action_706 _ = happyReduce_167
+action_707 _ = happyReduce_96
+action_708 _ = happyReduce_156
+action_709 _ = happyReduce_320
+action_710 _ = happyReduce_184
+action_711 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_711 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_711 (193) = happyShift action_374
+action_711 (194) = happyShift action_732
+action_711 (207) = happyShift action_733
+action_711 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_711 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_711 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_711 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_711 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_711 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_711 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_711 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_711 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_711 (26) = happyGoto action_731
+action_711 (27) = happyGoto action_369
+action_711 (137) = happyGoto action_370
+action_711 (141) = happyGoto action_371
+action_711 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_711 (154) = happyGoto action_372
+action_711 (157) = happyGoto action_373
+action_711 _ = happyFail
+action_712 (194) = happyShift action_730
+action_712 _ = happyFail
+action_713 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_713 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_713 (193) = happyShift action_386
+action_713 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_713 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_713 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_713 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_713 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_713 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_713 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_713 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_713 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_713 (25) = happyGoto action_729
+action_713 (137) = happyGoto action_679
+action_713 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_713 (154) = happyGoto action_372
+action_713 (157) = happyGoto action_680
+action_713 (170) = happyGoto action_681
+action_713 _ = happyReduce_23
+action_714 _ = happyReduce_43
+action_715 _ = happyReduce_143
+action_716 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_716 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_716 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_716 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_716 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_716 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_716 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_716 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_716 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_716 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_716 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_716 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_716 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_716 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_716 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_716 (266) = happyShift action_178
+action_716 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_716 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_716 (46) = happyGoto action_164
+action_716 (47) = happyGoto action_165
+action_716 (48) = happyGoto action_166
+action_716 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_716 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_716 (52) = happyGoto action_728
+action_716 (53) = happyGoto action_170
+action_716 (140) = happyGoto action_171
+action_716 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_716 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_716 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_716 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_716 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_716 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_716 _ = happyFail
+action_717 _ = happyReduce_175
+action_718 _ = happyReduce_308
+action_719 (282) = happyShift action_392
+action_719 (84) = happyGoto action_727
+action_719 _ = happyReduce_188
+action_720 (212) = happyReduce_404
+action_720 (126) = happyGoto action_726
+action_720 (166) = happyGoto action_722
+action_720 _ = happyReduce_312
+action_721 _ = happyReduce_314
+action_722 (212) = happyShift action_725
+action_722 _ = happyFail
+action_723 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_723 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_723 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_723 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_723 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_723 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_723 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_723 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_723 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_723 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_723 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_723 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_723 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_723 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_723 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_723 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_723 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_723 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_723 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_723 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_723 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_723 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_723 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_723 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_723 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_723 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_723 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_723 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_723 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_723 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_723 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_723 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_723 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_723 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_723 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_723 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_723 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_723 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_723 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_723 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_723 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_723 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_723 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_723 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_723 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_723 (88) = happyGoto action_724
+action_723 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_723 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_723 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_723 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_723 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_723 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_723 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_723 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_723 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_723 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_723 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_723 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_723 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_723 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_723 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_723 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_723 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_723 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_723 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_723 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_723 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_723 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_723 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_723 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_723 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_724 _ = happyReduce_311
+action_725 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_725 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_725 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_725 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_725 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_725 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_725 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_725 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_725 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_725 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_725 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_725 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_725 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_725 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_725 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_725 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_725 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_725 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_725 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_725 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_725 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_725 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_725 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_725 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_725 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_725 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_725 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_725 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_725 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_725 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_725 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_725 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_725 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_725 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_725 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_725 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_725 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_725 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_725 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_725 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_725 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_725 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_725 (275) = happyShift action_457
+action_725 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_725 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_725 (88) = happyGoto action_453
+action_725 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_725 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_725 (91) = happyGoto action_412
+action_725 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_725 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_725 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_725 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_725 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_725 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_725 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_725 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_725 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_725 (118) = happyGoto action_744
+action_725 (119) = happyGoto action_455
+action_725 (127) = happyGoto action_456
+action_725 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_725 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_725 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_725 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_725 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_725 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_725 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_725 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_725 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_725 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_725 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_725 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_725 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_726 _ = happyReduce_313
+action_727 _ = happyReduce_310
+action_728 _ = happyReduce_145
+action_729 _ = happyReduce_46
+action_730 _ = happyReduce_42
+action_731 (194) = happyShift action_743
+action_731 (203) = happyShift action_561
+action_731 _ = happyFail
+action_732 _ = happyReduce_51
+action_733 (194) = happyShift action_742
+action_733 _ = happyFail
+action_734 _ = happyReduce_157
+action_735 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_735 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_735 (193) = happyShift action_116
+action_735 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_735 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_735 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_735 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_735 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_735 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_735 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_735 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_735 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_735 (42) = happyGoto action_704
+action_735 (75) = happyGoto action_741
+action_735 (139) = happyGoto action_707
+action_735 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_735 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_735 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_735 _ = happyFail
+action_736 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_736 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_736 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_736 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_736 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_736 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_736 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_736 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_736 (219) = happyShift action_740
+action_736 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_736 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_736 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_736 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_736 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_736 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_736 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_736 (266) = happyShift action_178
+action_736 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_736 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_736 (46) = happyGoto action_164
+action_736 (47) = happyGoto action_165
+action_736 (48) = happyGoto action_166
+action_736 (49) = happyGoto action_167
+action_736 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_736 (52) = happyGoto action_738
+action_736 (53) = happyGoto action_170
+action_736 (76) = happyGoto action_739
+action_736 (140) = happyGoto action_171
+action_736 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_736 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_736 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_736 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_736 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_736 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_736 _ = happyFail
+action_737 _ = happyReduce_270
+action_738 _ = happyReduce_169
+action_739 _ = happyReduce_168
+action_740 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_740 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_740 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_740 (193) = happyShift action_175
+action_740 (195) = happyShift action_176
+action_740 (201) = happyShift action_177
+action_740 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_740 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_740 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_740 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_740 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_740 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_740 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_740 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_740 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_740 (49) = happyGoto action_746
+action_740 (50) = happyGoto action_168
+action_740 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_740 (154) = happyGoto action_172
+action_740 (156) = happyGoto action_173
+action_740 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_740 (174) = happyGoto action_174
+action_740 _ = happyFail
+action_741 _ = happyReduce_166
+action_742 _ = happyReduce_50
+action_743 _ = happyReduce_52
+action_744 (203) = happyShift action_492
+action_744 (214) = happyShift action_745
+action_744 _ = happyFail
+action_745 (177) = happyShift action_114
+action_745 (178) = happyShift action_56
+action_745 (179) = happyShift action_57
+action_745 (180) = happyShift action_58
+action_745 (181) = happyShift action_115
+action_745 (182) = happyShift action_60
+action_745 (183) = happyShift action_129
+action_745 (188) = happyShift action_61
+action_745 (189) = happyShift action_62
+action_745 (190) = happyShift action_63
+action_745 (191) = happyShift action_64
+action_745 (193) = happyShift action_65
+action_745 (201) = happyShift action_66
+action_745 (204) = happyShift action_67
+action_745 (211) = happyShift action_158
+action_745 (216) = happyShift action_68
+action_745 (218) = happyShift action_130
+action_745 (219) = happyShift action_69
+action_745 (220) = happyShift action_70
+action_745 (223) = happyShift action_71
+action_745 (233) = happyShift action_72
+action_745 (234) = happyShift action_73
+action_745 (235) = happyShift action_74
+action_745 (236) = happyShift action_75
+action_745 (237) = happyShift action_76
+action_745 (238) = happyShift action_77
+action_745 (240) = happyShift action_132
+action_745 (241) = happyShift action_133
+action_745 (242) = happyShift action_134
+action_745 (246) = happyShift action_78
+action_745 (251) = happyShift action_79
+action_745 (252) = happyShift action_80
+action_745 (253) = happyShift action_81
+action_745 (254) = happyShift action_82
+action_745 (255) = happyShift action_83
+action_745 (256) = happyShift action_84
+action_745 (257) = happyShift action_85
+action_745 (258) = happyShift action_136
+action_745 (263) = happyShift action_159
+action_745 (264) = happyShift action_140
+action_745 (267) = happyShift action_86
+action_745 (268) = happyShift action_160
+action_745 (275) = happyShift action_161
+action_745 (276) = happyShift action_146
+action_745 (284) = happyShift action_87
+action_745 (88) = happyGoto action_747
+action_745 (89) = happyGoto action_154
+action_745 (90) = happyGoto action_155
+action_745 (91) = happyGoto action_156
+action_745 (92) = happyGoto action_157
+action_745 (93) = happyGoto action_123
+action_745 (94) = happyGoto action_124
+action_745 (97) = happyGoto action_125
+action_745 (98) = happyGoto action_37
+action_745 (99) = happyGoto action_38
+action_745 (100) = happyGoto action_126
+action_745 (107) = happyGoto action_39
+action_745 (115) = happyGoto action_127
+action_745 (136) = happyGoto action_43
+action_745 (139) = happyGoto action_44
+action_745 (140) = happyGoto action_45
+action_745 (142) = happyGoto action_46
+action_745 (152) = happyGoto action_47
+action_745 (153) = happyGoto action_48
+action_745 (154) = happyGoto action_49
+action_745 (155) = happyGoto action_50
+action_745 (156) = happyGoto action_51
+action_745 (157) = happyGoto action_52
+action_745 (165) = happyGoto action_53
+action_745 (166) = happyGoto action_54
+action_745 _ = happyReduce_404
+action_746 _ = happyReduce_170
+action_747 _ = happyReduce_315
+happyReduce_1 = happyMonadReduce 1 4 happyReduction_1
+happyReduction_1 ((HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( mkPageModule happy_var_1
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn4 r))
+happyReduce_2 = happyMonadReduce 5 4 happyReduction_2
+happyReduction_2 ((HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_5) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn4  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( mkPage happy_var_2 happy_var_4 happy_var_5
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn4 r))
+happyReduce_3 = happySpecReduce_1 4 happyReduction_3
+happyReduction_3 (HappyAbsSyn4  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn4
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_3 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_4 = happyMonadReduce 10 5 happyReduction_4
+happyReduction_4 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn110  happy_var_9) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn103  happy_var_7) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn114  happy_var_5) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn112  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn110  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( do { n <- checkEqNames happy_var_3 happy_var_9;
+										let { cn = reverse happy_var_7;
+										      as = reverse happy_var_4; };
+										return $ HsXTag happy_var_1 n as happy_var_5 cn }
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn5 r))
+happyReduce_5 = happyReduce 6 5 happyReduction_5
+happyReduction_5 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn114  happy_var_5) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn112  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn110  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsXETag happy_var_1 happy_var_3 (reverse happy_var_4) happy_var_5
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_6 = happyReduce 7 6 happyReduction_6
+happyReduction_6 ((HappyAbsSyn8  happy_var_7) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn12  happy_var_5) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn169  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn7  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn4
+		 (HsModule happy_var_1 happy_var_2 happy_var_4 happy_var_5 (fst happy_var_7) (snd happy_var_7)
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_7 = happySpecReduce_3 6 happyReduction_7
+happyReduction_7 (HappyAbsSyn8  happy_var_3)
+	(HappyAbsSyn7  happy_var_2)
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn4
+		 (HsModule happy_var_1 happy_var_2 main_mod (Just [HsEVar (UnQual main_name)])
+							(fst happy_var_3) (snd happy_var_3)
+	)
+happyReduction_7 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_8 = happySpecReduce_2 7 happyReduction_8
+happyReduction_8 (HappyAbsSyn7  happy_var_2)
+	(HappyTerminal (Pragma happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn7
+		 (HsPragma happy_var_1 : happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_8 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_9 = happySpecReduce_0 7 happyReduction_9
+happyReduction_9  =  HappyAbsSyn7
+		 ([]
+	)
+happyReduce_10 = happySpecReduce_3 8 happyReduction_10
+happyReduction_10 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn8  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn8
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_10 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_11 = happySpecReduce_3 8 happyReduction_11
+happyReduction_11 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn8  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn8
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_11 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_12 = happyReduce 4 9 happyReduction_12
+happyReduction_12 ((HappyAbsSyn32  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn17  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn8
+		 ((reverse happy_var_2, happy_var_4)
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_13 = happySpecReduce_2 9 happyReduction_13
+happyReduction_13 (HappyAbsSyn32  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn8
+		 (([], happy_var_2)
+	)
+happyReduction_13 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_14 = happySpecReduce_3 9 happyReduction_14
+happyReduction_14 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn17  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn8
+		 ((reverse happy_var_2, [])
+	)
+happyReduction_14 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_15 = happySpecReduce_1 9 happyReduction_15
+happyReduction_15 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn8
+		 (([], [])
+	)
+happyReduce_16 = happySpecReduce_2 10 happyReduction_16
+happyReduction_16 _
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn10
+		 (()
+	)
+happyReduce_17 = happySpecReduce_1 11 happyReduction_17
+happyReduction_17 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn10
+		 (()
+	)
+happyReduce_18 = happySpecReduce_0 11 happyReduction_18
+happyReduction_18  =  HappyAbsSyn10
+		 (()
+	)
+happyReduce_19 = happySpecReduce_1 12 happyReduction_19
+happyReduction_19 (HappyAbsSyn13  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn12
+		 (Just happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_19 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_20 = happySpecReduce_0 12 happyReduction_20
+happyReduction_20  =  HappyAbsSyn12
+		 (Nothing
+	)
+happyReduce_21 = happyReduce 4 13 happyReduction_21
+happyReduction_21 (_ `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn13  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn13
+		 (reverse happy_var_2
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_22 = happySpecReduce_3 13 happyReduction_22
+happyReduction_22 _
+	_
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn13
+		 ([]
+	)
+happyReduce_23 = happySpecReduce_1 14 happyReduction_23
+happyReduction_23 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn10
+		 (()
+	)
+happyReduce_24 = happySpecReduce_0 14 happyReduction_24
+happyReduction_24  =  HappyAbsSyn10
+		 (()
+	)
+happyReduce_25 = happySpecReduce_3 15 happyReduction_25
+happyReduction_25 (HappyAbsSyn16  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn13  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn13
+		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_25 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_26 = happySpecReduce_1 15 happyReduction_26
+happyReduction_26 (HappyAbsSyn16  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn13
+		 ([happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_26 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_27 = happySpecReduce_1 16 happyReduction_27
+happyReduction_27 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn16
+		 (HsEVar happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_27 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_28 = happySpecReduce_1 16 happyReduction_28
+happyReduction_28 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn16
+		 (HsEAbs happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_28 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_29 = happyReduce 4 16 happyReduction_29
+happyReduction_29 (_ `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn16
+		 (HsEThingAll happy_var_1
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_30 = happySpecReduce_3 16 happyReduction_30
+happyReduction_30 _
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn16
+		 (HsEThingWith happy_var_1 []
+	)
+happyReduction_30 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_31 = happyReduce 4 16 happyReduction_31
+happyReduction_31 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn26  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn16
+		 (HsEThingWith happy_var_1 (reverse happy_var_3)
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_32 = happySpecReduce_2 16 happyReduction_32
+happyReduction_32 (HappyAbsSyn169  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn16
+		 (HsEModuleContents happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_32 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_33 = happySpecReduce_3 17 happyReduction_33
+happyReduction_33 (HappyAbsSyn18  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn17  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn17
+		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_33 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_34 = happySpecReduce_1 17 happyReduction_34
+happyReduction_34 (HappyAbsSyn18  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn17
+		 ([happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_34 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_35 = happyReduce 6 18 happyReduction_35
+happyReduction_35 ((HappyAbsSyn21  happy_var_6) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn20  happy_var_5) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn169  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn19  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn18
+		 (HsImportDecl happy_var_1 happy_var_4 happy_var_3 happy_var_5 happy_var_6
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_36 = happySpecReduce_1 19 happyReduction_36
+happyReduction_36 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn19
+		 (True
+	)
+happyReduce_37 = happySpecReduce_0 19 happyReduction_37
+happyReduction_37  =  HappyAbsSyn19
+		 (False
+	)
+happyReduce_38 = happySpecReduce_2 20 happyReduction_38
+happyReduction_38 (HappyAbsSyn169  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn20
+		 (Just happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_38 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_39 = happySpecReduce_0 20 happyReduction_39
+happyReduction_39  =  HappyAbsSyn20
+		 (Nothing
+	)
+happyReduce_40 = happySpecReduce_1 21 happyReduction_40
+happyReduction_40 (HappyAbsSyn22  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn21
+		 (Just happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_40 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_41 = happySpecReduce_0 21 happyReduction_41
+happyReduction_41  =  HappyAbsSyn21
+		 (Nothing
+	)
+happyReduce_42 = happyReduce 5 22 happyReduction_42
+happyReduction_42 (_ `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn24  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn19  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn22
+		 ((happy_var_1, reverse happy_var_3)
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_43 = happyReduce 4 22 happyReduction_43
+happyReduction_43 (_ `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn19  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn22
+		 ((happy_var_1, [])
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_44 = happySpecReduce_1 23 happyReduction_44
+happyReduction_44 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn19
+		 (True
+	)
+happyReduce_45 = happySpecReduce_0 23 happyReduction_45
+happyReduction_45  =  HappyAbsSyn19
+		 (False
+	)
+happyReduce_46 = happySpecReduce_3 24 happyReduction_46
+happyReduction_46 (HappyAbsSyn25  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn24  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn24
+		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_46 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_47 = happySpecReduce_1 24 happyReduction_47
+happyReduction_47 (HappyAbsSyn25  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn24
+		 ([happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_47 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_48 = happySpecReduce_1 25 happyReduction_48
+happyReduction_48 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn25
+		 (HsIVar happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_48 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_49 = happySpecReduce_1 25 happyReduction_49
+happyReduction_49 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn25
+		 (HsIAbs happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_49 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_50 = happyReduce 4 25 happyReduction_50
+happyReduction_50 (_ `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn25
+		 (HsIThingAll happy_var_1
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_51 = happySpecReduce_3 25 happyReduction_51
+happyReduction_51 _
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn25
+		 (HsIThingWith happy_var_1 []
+	)
+happyReduction_51 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_52 = happyReduce 4 25 happyReduction_52
+happyReduction_52 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn26  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn25
+		 (HsIThingWith happy_var_1 (reverse happy_var_3)
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_53 = happySpecReduce_3 26 happyReduction_53
+happyReduction_53 (HappyAbsSyn27  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn26  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn26
+		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_53 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_54 = happySpecReduce_1 26 happyReduction_54
+happyReduction_54 (HappyAbsSyn27  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn26
+		 ([happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_54 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_55 = happySpecReduce_1 27 happyReduction_55
+happyReduction_55 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn27
+		 (HsVarName happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_55 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_56 = happySpecReduce_1 27 happyReduction_56
+happyReduction_56 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn27
+		 (HsConName happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_56 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_57 = happyReduce 4 28 happyReduction_57
+happyReduction_57 ((HappyAbsSyn31  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn29  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn30  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn28
+		 (HsInfixDecl happy_var_1 happy_var_2 happy_var_3 (reverse happy_var_4)
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_58 = happySpecReduce_0 29 happyReduction_58
+happyReduction_58  =  HappyAbsSyn29
+		 (9
+	)
+happyReduce_59 = happyMonadReduce 1 29 happyReduction_59
+happyReduction_59 ((HappyTerminal (IntTok happy_var_1)) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( checkPrec happy_var_1
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn29 r))
+happyReduce_60 = happySpecReduce_1 30 happyReduction_60
+happyReduction_60 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn30
+		 (HsAssocNone
+	)
+happyReduce_61 = happySpecReduce_1 30 happyReduction_61
+happyReduction_61 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn30
+		 (HsAssocLeft
+	)
+happyReduce_62 = happySpecReduce_1 30 happyReduction_62
+happyReduction_62 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn30
+		 (HsAssocRight
+	)
+happyReduce_63 = happySpecReduce_3 31 happyReduction_63
+happyReduction_63 (HappyAbsSyn148  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn31  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn31
+		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_63 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_64 = happySpecReduce_1 31 happyReduction_64
+happyReduction_64 (HappyAbsSyn148  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn31
+		 ([happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_64 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_65 = happyMonadReduce 2 32 happyReduction_65
+happyReduction_65 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn32  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( checkRevDecls happy_var_1
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn32 r))
+happyReduce_66 = happySpecReduce_3 33 happyReduction_66
+happyReduction_66 (HappyAbsSyn28  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn32  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn32
+		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_66 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_67 = happySpecReduce_1 33 happyReduction_67
+happyReduction_67 (HappyAbsSyn28  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn32
+		 ([happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_67 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_68 = happyReduce 5 34 happyReduction_68
+happyReduction_68 ((HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_5) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn56  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn28
+		 (HsTypeDecl happy_var_1 (fst happy_var_3) (snd happy_var_3) happy_var_5
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_69 = happyMonadReduce 5 34 happyReduction_69
+happyReduction_69 ((HappyAbsSyn77  happy_var_5) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn65  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( do { (cs,c,t) <- checkDataHeader happy_var_3;
+				return (HsDataDecl happy_var_1 cs c t (reverse happy_var_4) happy_var_5) }
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn28 r))
+happyReduce_70 = happyMonadReduce 5 34 happyReduction_70
+happyReduction_70 ((HappyAbsSyn61  happy_var_5) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( do { (cs,c,t) <- checkDataHeader happy_var_3;
+				return (HsGDataDecl happy_var_1 cs c t (reverse happy_var_5)) }
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn28 r))
+happyReduce_71 = happyMonadReduce 6 34 happyReduction_71
+happyReduction_71 ((HappyAbsSyn77  happy_var_6) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn67  happy_var_5) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( do { (cs,c,t) <- checkDataHeader happy_var_3;
+				return (HsNewTypeDecl happy_var_1 cs c t happy_var_5 happy_var_6) }
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn28 r))
+happyReduce_72 = happyMonadReduce 5 34 happyReduction_72
+happyReduction_72 ((HappyAbsSyn32  happy_var_5) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn58  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( do { (cs,c,vs) <- checkClassHeader happy_var_3;
+				return (HsClassDecl happy_var_1 cs c vs happy_var_4 happy_var_5) }
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn28 r))
+happyReduce_73 = happyMonadReduce 4 34 happyReduction_73
+happyReduction_73 ((HappyAbsSyn32  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( do { (cs,c,ts) <- checkInstHeader happy_var_3;
+				return (HsInstDecl happy_var_1 cs c ts happy_var_4) }
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn28 r))
+happyReduce_74 = happyReduce 5 34 happyReduction_74
+happyReduction_74 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn35  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn28
+		 (HsDefaultDecl happy_var_1 happy_var_4
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_75 = happyMonadReduce 4 34 happyReduction_75
+happyReduction_75 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( do { e <- checkExpr happy_var_3;
+                               return $ HsSpliceDecl happy_var_1 $ HsParenSplice e }
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn28 r))
+happyReduce_76 = happyReduce 6 34 happyReduction_76
+happyReduction_76 ((HappyAbsSyn45  happy_var_6) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn44  happy_var_5) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn43  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn28
+		 (let (s,n,t) = happy_var_6 in HsForImp happy_var_1 happy_var_4 happy_var_5 s n t
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_77 = happyReduce 5 34 happyReduction_77
+happyReduction_77 ((HappyAbsSyn45  happy_var_5) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn43  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn28
+		 (let (s,n,t) = happy_var_5 in HsForExp happy_var_1 happy_var_4 s n t
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_78 = happySpecReduce_1 34 happyReduction_78
+happyReduction_78 (HappyAbsSyn28  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn28
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_78 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_79 = happySpecReduce_1 35 happyReduction_79
+happyReduction_79 (HappyAbsSyn35  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn35
+		 (reverse happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_79 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_80 = happySpecReduce_1 35 happyReduction_80
+happyReduction_80 (HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn35
+		 ([happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_80 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_81 = happySpecReduce_0 35 happyReduction_81
+happyReduction_81  =  HappyAbsSyn35
+		 ([]
+	)
+happyReduce_82 = happyMonadReduce 3 36 happyReduction_82
+happyReduction_82 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn32  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( checkRevDecls happy_var_2
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn32 r))
+happyReduce_83 = happySpecReduce_1 36 happyReduction_83
+happyReduction_83 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn32
+		 ([]
+	)
+happyReduce_84 = happySpecReduce_3 37 happyReduction_84
+happyReduction_84 (HappyAbsSyn28  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn32  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn32
+		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_84 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_85 = happySpecReduce_1 37 happyReduction_85
+happyReduction_85 (HappyAbsSyn28  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn32
+		 ([happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_85 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_86 = happySpecReduce_1 38 happyReduction_86
+happyReduction_86 (HappyAbsSyn28  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn28
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_86 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_87 = happySpecReduce_1 38 happyReduction_87
+happyReduction_87 (HappyAbsSyn28  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn28
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_87 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_88 = happySpecReduce_1 38 happyReduction_88
+happyReduction_88 (HappyAbsSyn28  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn28
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_88 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_89 = happySpecReduce_3 39 happyReduction_89
+happyReduction_89 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn32  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn32
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_89 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_90 = happySpecReduce_3 39 happyReduction_90
+happyReduction_90 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn32  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn32
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_90 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_91 = happyReduce 4 40 happyReduction_91
+happyReduction_91 ((HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn42  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn28
+		 (HsTypeSig happy_var_1 (reverse happy_var_2) happy_var_4
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_92 = happySpecReduce_1 41 happyReduction_92
+happyReduction_92 (HappyAbsSyn32  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn41
+		 (HsBDecls happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_92 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_93 = happySpecReduce_3 41 happyReduction_93
+happyReduction_93 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn132  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn41
+		 (HsIPBinds happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_93 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_94 = happySpecReduce_3 41 happyReduction_94
+happyReduction_94 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn132  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn41
+		 (HsIPBinds happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_94 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_95 = happySpecReduce_3 42 happyReduction_95
+happyReduction_95 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn42  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn42
+		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_95 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_96 = happyMonadReduce 1 42 happyReduction_96
+happyReduction_96 ((HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( do { n <- checkUnQual happy_var_1;
+						return [n] }
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn42 r))
+happyReduce_97 = happySpecReduce_1 43 happyReduction_97
+happyReduction_97 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn43
+		 (StdCall
+	)
+happyReduce_98 = happySpecReduce_1 43 happyReduction_98
+happyReduction_98 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn43
+		 (CCall
+	)
+happyReduce_99 = happySpecReduce_1 44 happyReduction_99
+happyReduction_99 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn44
+		 (PlaySafe False
+	)
+happyReduce_100 = happySpecReduce_1 44 happyReduction_100
+happyReduction_100 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn44
+		 (PlayRisky
+	)
+happyReduce_101 = happySpecReduce_1 44 happyReduction_101
+happyReduction_101 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn44
+		 (PlaySafe True
+	)
+happyReduce_102 = happySpecReduce_0 44 happyReduction_102
+happyReduction_102  =  HappyAbsSyn44
+		 (PlaySafe False
+	)
+happyReduce_103 = happyReduce 4 45 happyReduction_103
+happyReduction_103 ((HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyTerminal (StringTok happy_var_1)) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn45
+		 ((happy_var_1, happy_var_2, happy_var_4)
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_104 = happySpecReduce_3 45 happyReduction_104
+happyReduction_104 (HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn45
+		 (("", happy_var_1, happy_var_3)
+	)
+happyReduction_104 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_105 = happySpecReduce_1 46 happyReduction_105
+happyReduction_105 (HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn46
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_105 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_106 = happySpecReduce_3 46 happyReduction_106
+happyReduction_106 (HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_3)
+	(HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_2)
+	(HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn46
+		 (HsTyInfix happy_var_1 happy_var_2 happy_var_3
+	)
+happyReduction_106 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_107 = happySpecReduce_3 46 happyReduction_107
+happyReduction_107 (HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_3)
+	(HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_2)
+	(HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn46
+		 (HsTyInfix happy_var_1 happy_var_2 happy_var_3
+	)
+happyReduction_107 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_108 = happySpecReduce_3 46 happyReduction_108
+happyReduction_108 (HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn46
+		 (HsTyFun happy_var_1 happy_var_3
+	)
+happyReduction_108 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_109 = happySpecReduce_3 47 happyReduction_109
+happyReduction_109 (HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn140  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn46
+		 (HsTyPred $ HsIParam happy_var_1 happy_var_3
+	)
+happyReduction_109 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_110 = happySpecReduce_1 47 happyReduction_110
+happyReduction_110 (HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn46
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_110 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_111 = happySpecReduce_2 48 happyReduction_111
+happyReduction_111 (HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_2)
+	(HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn46
+		 (HsTyApp happy_var_1 happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_111 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_112 = happySpecReduce_1 48 happyReduction_112
+happyReduction_112 (HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn46
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_112 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_113 = happySpecReduce_1 49 happyReduction_113
+happyReduction_113 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn46
+		 (HsTyCon happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_113 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_114 = happySpecReduce_1 49 happyReduction_114
+happyReduction_114 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn46
+		 (HsTyVar happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_114 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_115 = happySpecReduce_3 49 happyReduction_115
+happyReduction_115 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn35  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn46
+		 (HsTyTuple Boxed (reverse happy_var_2)
+	)
+happyReduction_115 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_116 = happySpecReduce_3 49 happyReduction_116
+happyReduction_116 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn35  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn46
+		 (HsTyTuple Unboxed (reverse happy_var_2)
+	)
+happyReduction_116 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_117 = happySpecReduce_3 49 happyReduction_117
+happyReduction_117 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn46
+		 (HsTyApp list_tycon happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_117 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_118 = happySpecReduce_3 49 happyReduction_118
+happyReduction_118 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn46
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_118 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_119 = happySpecReduce_1 50 happyReduction_119
+happyReduction_119 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_119 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_120 = happySpecReduce_2 50 happyReduction_120
+happyReduction_120 _
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (unit_tycon_name
+	)
+happyReduce_121 = happySpecReduce_3 50 happyReduction_121
+happyReduction_121 _
+	_
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (fun_tycon_name
+	)
+happyReduce_122 = happySpecReduce_2 50 happyReduction_122
+happyReduction_122 _
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (list_tycon_name
+	)
+happyReduce_123 = happySpecReduce_3 50 happyReduction_123
+happyReduction_123 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn29  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (tuple_tycon_name happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_123 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_124 = happySpecReduce_1 51 happyReduction_124
+happyReduction_124 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_124 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_125 = happyReduce 4 52 happyReduction_125
+happyReduction_125 ((HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn42  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn46
+		 (mkHsTyForall (Just happy_var_2) [] happy_var_4
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_126 = happySpecReduce_3 52 happyReduction_126
+happyReduction_126 (HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn53  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn46
+		 (mkHsTyForall Nothing happy_var_1 happy_var_3
+	)
+happyReduction_126 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_127 = happySpecReduce_1 52 happyReduction_127
+happyReduction_127 (HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn46
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_127 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_128 = happyMonadReduce 1 53 happyReduction_128
+happyReduction_128 ((HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( checkContext happy_var_1
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn53 r))
+happyReduce_129 = happySpecReduce_3 54 happyReduction_129
+happyReduction_129 (HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn35  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn35
+		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_129 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_130 = happySpecReduce_1 55 happyReduction_130
+happyReduction_130 (HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn35
+		 ([happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_130 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_131 = happySpecReduce_3 55 happyReduction_131
+happyReduction_131 (HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn35  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn35
+		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_131 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_132 = happySpecReduce_2 56 happyReduction_132
+happyReduction_132 (HappyAbsSyn42  happy_var_2)
+	(HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn56
+		 ((happy_var_1,reverse happy_var_2)
+	)
+happyReduction_132 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_133 = happySpecReduce_2 57 happyReduction_133
+happyReduction_133 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_2)
+	(HappyAbsSyn42  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn42
+		 (happy_var_2 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_133 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_134 = happySpecReduce_0 57 happyReduction_134
+happyReduction_134  =  HappyAbsSyn42
+		 ([]
+	)
+happyReduce_135 = happySpecReduce_0 58 happyReduction_135
+happyReduction_135  =  HappyAbsSyn58
+		 ([]
+	)
+happyReduce_136 = happySpecReduce_2 58 happyReduction_136
+happyReduction_136 (HappyAbsSyn58  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn58
+		 (reverse happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_136 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_137 = happySpecReduce_3 59 happyReduction_137
+happyReduction_137 (HappyAbsSyn60  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn58  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn58
+		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_137 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_138 = happySpecReduce_1 59 happyReduction_138
+happyReduction_138 (HappyAbsSyn60  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn58
+		 ([happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_138 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_139 = happySpecReduce_3 60 happyReduction_139
+happyReduction_139 (HappyAbsSyn42  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn42  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn60
+		 (HsFunDep (reverse happy_var_1) (reverse happy_var_3)
+	)
+happyReduction_139 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_140 = happySpecReduce_3 61 happyReduction_140
+happyReduction_140 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn61  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn61
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_140 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_141 = happySpecReduce_3 61 happyReduction_141
+happyReduction_141 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn61  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn61
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_141 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_142 = happySpecReduce_3 62 happyReduction_142
+happyReduction_142 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn61  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn61
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_142 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_143 = happySpecReduce_3 63 happyReduction_143
+happyReduction_143 (HappyAbsSyn64  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn61  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn61
+		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_143 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_144 = happySpecReduce_1 63 happyReduction_144
+happyReduction_144 (HappyAbsSyn64  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn61
+		 ([happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_144 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_145 = happyMonadReduce 4 64 happyReduction_145
+happyReduction_145 ((HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( do { c <- checkUnQual happy_var_2;
+							return $ HsGadtDecl happy_var_1 c happy_var_4 }
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn64 r))
+happyReduce_146 = happySpecReduce_0 65 happyReduction_146
+happyReduction_146  =  HappyAbsSyn65
+		 ([]
+	)
+happyReduce_147 = happySpecReduce_2 65 happyReduction_147
+happyReduction_147 (HappyAbsSyn65  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn65
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_147 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_148 = happySpecReduce_3 66 happyReduction_148
+happyReduction_148 (HappyAbsSyn67  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn65  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn65
+		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_148 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_149 = happySpecReduce_1 66 happyReduction_149
+happyReduction_149 (HappyAbsSyn67  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn65
+		 ([happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_149 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_150 = happyReduce 5 67 happyReduction_150
+happyReduction_150 ((HappyAbsSyn69  happy_var_5) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn53  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn42  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn67
+		 (HsQualConDecl happy_var_1 happy_var_2 happy_var_3 happy_var_5
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_151 = happySpecReduce_3 67 happyReduction_151
+happyReduction_151 (HappyAbsSyn69  happy_var_3)
+	(HappyAbsSyn42  happy_var_2)
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn67
+		 (HsQualConDecl happy_var_1 happy_var_2 [] happy_var_3
+	)
+happyReduction_151 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_152 = happySpecReduce_3 68 happyReduction_152
+happyReduction_152 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn42  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn42
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_152 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_153 = happySpecReduce_0 68 happyReduction_153
+happyReduction_153  =  HappyAbsSyn42
+		 ([]
+	)
+happyReduce_154 = happySpecReduce_1 69 happyReduction_154
+happyReduction_154 (HappyAbsSyn70  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn69
+		 (HsConDecl (fst happy_var_1) (snd happy_var_1)
+	)
+happyReduction_154 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_155 = happySpecReduce_3 69 happyReduction_155
+happyReduction_155 (HappyAbsSyn72  happy_var_3)
+	(HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_2)
+	(HappyAbsSyn72  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn69
+		 (HsConDecl happy_var_2 [happy_var_1,happy_var_3]
+	)
+happyReduction_155 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_156 = happySpecReduce_3 69 happyReduction_156
+happyReduction_156 _
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn69
+		 (HsRecDecl happy_var_1 []
+	)
+happyReduction_156 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_157 = happyReduce 4 69 happyReduction_157
+happyReduction_157 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn74  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn69
+		 (HsRecDecl happy_var_1 (reverse happy_var_3)
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_158 = happyMonadReduce 1 70 happyReduction_158
+happyReduction_158 ((HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( do { (c,ts) <- splitTyConApp happy_var_1;
+						return (c,map HsUnBangedTy ts) }
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn70 r))
+happyReduce_159 = happySpecReduce_1 70 happyReduction_159
+happyReduction_159 (HappyAbsSyn70  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn70
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_159 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_160 = happyMonadReduce 3 71 happyReduction_160
+happyReduction_160 ((HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( do { (c,ts) <- splitTyConApp happy_var_1;
+						return (c,map HsUnBangedTy ts++
+							[HsBangedTy happy_var_3]) }
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn70 r))
+happyReduce_161 = happySpecReduce_2 71 happyReduction_161
+happyReduction_161 (HappyAbsSyn72  happy_var_2)
+	(HappyAbsSyn70  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn70
+		 ((fst happy_var_1, snd happy_var_1 ++ [happy_var_2] )
+	)
+happyReduction_161 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_162 = happySpecReduce_1 72 happyReduction_162
+happyReduction_162 (HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn72
+		 (HsUnBangedTy happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_162 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_163 = happySpecReduce_2 72 happyReduction_163
+happyReduction_163 (HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn72
+		 (HsBangedTy   happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_163 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_164 = happySpecReduce_1 73 happyReduction_164
+happyReduction_164 (HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn72
+		 (HsUnBangedTy happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_164 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_165 = happySpecReduce_2 73 happyReduction_165
+happyReduction_165 (HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn72
+		 (HsBangedTy   happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_165 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_166 = happySpecReduce_3 74 happyReduction_166
+happyReduction_166 (HappyAbsSyn75  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn74  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn74
+		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_166 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_167 = happySpecReduce_1 74 happyReduction_167
+happyReduction_167 (HappyAbsSyn75  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn74
+		 ([happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_167 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_168 = happySpecReduce_3 75 happyReduction_168
+happyReduction_168 (HappyAbsSyn72  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn42  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn75
+		 ((reverse happy_var_1, happy_var_3)
+	)
+happyReduction_168 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_169 = happySpecReduce_1 76 happyReduction_169
+happyReduction_169 (HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn72
+		 (HsUnBangedTy happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_169 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_170 = happySpecReduce_2 76 happyReduction_170
+happyReduction_170 (HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn72
+		 (HsBangedTy   happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_170 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_171 = happySpecReduce_0 77 happyReduction_171
+happyReduction_171  =  HappyAbsSyn77
+		 ([]
+	)
+happyReduce_172 = happySpecReduce_2 77 happyReduction_172
+happyReduction_172 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn77
+		 ([happy_var_2]
+	)
+happyReduction_172 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_173 = happySpecReduce_3 77 happyReduction_173
+happyReduction_173 _
+	_
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn77
+		 ([]
+	)
+happyReduce_174 = happyReduce 4 77 happyReduction_174
+happyReduction_174 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn77  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn77
+		 (reverse happy_var_3
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_175 = happySpecReduce_3 78 happyReduction_175
+happyReduction_175 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn77  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn77
+		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_175 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_176 = happySpecReduce_1 78 happyReduction_176
+happyReduction_176 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn77
+		 ([happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_176 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_177 = happyMonadReduce 2 79 happyReduction_177
+happyReduction_177 ((HappyAbsSyn32  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( checkClassBody happy_var_2
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn32 r))
+happyReduce_178 = happySpecReduce_0 79 happyReduction_178
+happyReduction_178  =  HappyAbsSyn32
+		 ([]
+	)
+happyReduce_179 = happyMonadReduce 4 80 happyReduction_179
+happyReduction_179 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn32  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( checkClassBody happy_var_3
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn32 r))
+happyReduce_180 = happyMonadReduce 4 80 happyReduction_180
+happyReduction_180 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn32  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( checkClassBody happy_var_3
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn32 r))
+happyReduce_181 = happySpecReduce_0 80 happyReduction_181
+happyReduction_181  =  HappyAbsSyn32
+		 ([]
+	)
+happyReduce_182 = happyMonadReduce 3 81 happyReduction_182
+happyReduction_182 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn32  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( checkRevDecls happy_var_2
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn32 r))
+happyReduce_183 = happySpecReduce_1 81 happyReduction_183
+happyReduction_183 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn32
+		 ([]
+	)
+happyReduce_184 = happySpecReduce_3 82 happyReduction_184
+happyReduction_184 (HappyAbsSyn28  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn32  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn32
+		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_184 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_185 = happySpecReduce_1 82 happyReduction_185
+happyReduction_185 (HappyAbsSyn28  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn32
+		 ([happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_185 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_186 = happyMonadReduce 4 83 happyReduction_186
+happyReduction_186 ((HappyAbsSyn41  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn85  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( checkValDef happy_var_1 happy_var_2 happy_var_3 happy_var_4
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn28 r))
+happyReduce_187 = happySpecReduce_2 84 happyReduction_187
+happyReduction_187 (HappyAbsSyn41  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn41
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_187 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_188 = happySpecReduce_0 84 happyReduction_188
+happyReduction_188  =  HappyAbsSyn41
+		 (HsBDecls []
+	)
+happyReduce_189 = happyMonadReduce 2 85 happyReduction_189
+happyReduction_189 ((HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( do { e <- checkExpr happy_var_2;
+						return (HsUnGuardedRhs e) }
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn85 r))
+happyReduce_190 = happySpecReduce_1 85 happyReduction_190
+happyReduction_190 (HappyAbsSyn86  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn85
+		 (HsGuardedRhss  (reverse happy_var_1)
+	)
+happyReduction_190 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_191 = happySpecReduce_2 86 happyReduction_191
+happyReduction_191 (HappyAbsSyn87  happy_var_2)
+	(HappyAbsSyn86  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn86
+		 (happy_var_2 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_191 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_192 = happySpecReduce_1 86 happyReduction_192
+happyReduction_192 (HappyAbsSyn87  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn86
+		 ([happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_192 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_193 = happyMonadReduce 5 87 happyReduction_193
+happyReduction_193 ((HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_5) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn118  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( do { e <- checkExpr happy_var_5;
+						return (HsGuardedRhs happy_var_1 (reverse happy_var_3) e) }
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn87 r))
+happyReduce_194 = happyReduce 4 88 happyReduction_194
+happyReduction_194 ((HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsExpTypeSig happy_var_3 happy_var_1 happy_var_4
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_195 = happySpecReduce_3 88 happyReduction_195
+happyReduction_195 (HappyAbsSyn132  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsWith happy_var_1 happy_var_3
+	)
+happyReduction_195 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_196 = happySpecReduce_1 88 happyReduction_196
+happyReduction_196 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_196 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_197 = happySpecReduce_1 89 happyReduction_197
+happyReduction_197 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_197 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_198 = happySpecReduce_1 89 happyReduction_198
+happyReduction_198 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_198 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_199 = happySpecReduce_3 90 happyReduction_199
+happyReduction_199 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_3)
+	(HappyAbsSyn149  happy_var_2)
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsInfixApp happy_var_1 happy_var_2 happy_var_3
+	)
+happyReduction_199 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_200 = happySpecReduce_1 90 happyReduction_200
+happyReduction_200 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_200 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_201 = happySpecReduce_3 91 happyReduction_201
+happyReduction_201 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_3)
+	(HappyAbsSyn149  happy_var_2)
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsInfixApp happy_var_1 happy_var_2 happy_var_3
+	)
+happyReduction_201 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_202 = happySpecReduce_1 91 happyReduction_202
+happyReduction_202 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_202 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_203 = happySpecReduce_1 91 happyReduction_203
+happyReduction_203 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_203 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_204 = happyReduce 5 92 happyReduction_204
+happyReduction_204 ((HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_5) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn95  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsLambda happy_var_2 (reverse happy_var_3) happy_var_5
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_205 = happyReduce 4 92 happyReduction_205
+happyReduction_205 ((HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn41  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsLet happy_var_2 happy_var_4
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_206 = happyReduce 4 92 happyReduction_206
+happyReduction_206 ((HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn132  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsDLet happy_var_2 happy_var_4
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_207 = happyReduce 6 92 happyReduction_207
+happyReduction_207 ((HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_6) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsIf happy_var_2 happy_var_4 happy_var_6
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_208 = happyReduce 4 93 happyReduction_208
+happyReduction_208 ((HappyAbsSyn120  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsCase happy_var_2 happy_var_4
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_209 = happySpecReduce_2 93 happyReduction_209
+happyReduction_209 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsNegApp happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_209 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_210 = happySpecReduce_2 93 happyReduction_210
+happyReduction_210 (HappyAbsSyn118  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsDo happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_210 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_211 = happySpecReduce_2 93 happyReduction_211
+happyReduction_211 (HappyAbsSyn118  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsMDo happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_211 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_212 = happySpecReduce_1 93 happyReduction_212
+happyReduction_212 (HappyAbsSyn100  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsReifyExp happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_212 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_213 = happySpecReduce_1 93 happyReduction_213
+happyReduction_213 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_213 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_214 = happySpecReduce_2 94 happyReduction_214
+happyReduction_214 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_2)
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsApp happy_var_1 happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_214 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_215 = happySpecReduce_1 94 happyReduction_215
+happyReduction_215 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_215 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_216 = happySpecReduce_2 95 happyReduction_216
+happyReduction_216 (HappyAbsSyn96  happy_var_2)
+	(HappyAbsSyn95  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn95
+		 (happy_var_2 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_216 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_217 = happySpecReduce_1 95 happyReduction_217
+happyReduction_217 (HappyAbsSyn96  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn95
+		 ([happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_217 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_218 = happyMonadReduce 1 96 happyReduction_218
+happyReduction_218 ((HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( checkPattern happy_var_1
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn96 r))
+happyReduce_219 = happyMonadReduce 3 97 happyReduction_219
+happyReduction_219 ((HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( do { n <- checkUnQual happy_var_1;
+						return (HsAsPat n happy_var_3) }
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn5 r))
+happyReduce_220 = happyMonadReduce 3 97 happyReduction_220
+happyReduction_220 ((HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( do { n <- checkUnQual happy_var_1;
+						return (HsCAsRP n happy_var_3) }
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn5 r))
+happyReduce_221 = happySpecReduce_2 97 happyReduction_221
+happyReduction_221 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsIrrPat happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_221 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_222 = happySpecReduce_2 97 happyReduction_222
+happyReduction_222 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsFunctorUnit happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_222 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_223 = happySpecReduce_2 97 happyReduction_223
+happyReduction_223 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsFunctorCall happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_223 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_224 = happySpecReduce_1 97 happyReduction_224
+happyReduction_224 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_224 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_225 = happyMonadReduce 3 98 happyReduction_225
+happyReduction_225 (_ `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( mkRecConstrOrUpdate happy_var_1 []
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn5 r))
+happyReduce_226 = happyMonadReduce 4 98 happyReduction_226
+happyReduction_226 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn130  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( mkRecConstrOrUpdate happy_var_1 (reverse happy_var_3)
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn5 r))
+happyReduce_227 = happySpecReduce_2 98 happyReduction_227
+happyReduction_227 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsStarRP happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_227 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_228 = happySpecReduce_2 98 happyReduction_228
+happyReduction_228 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsStarGRP happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_228 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_229 = happySpecReduce_2 98 happyReduction_229
+happyReduction_229 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsPlusRP happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_229 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_230 = happySpecReduce_2 98 happyReduction_230
+happyReduction_230 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsPlusGRP happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_230 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_231 = happySpecReduce_2 98 happyReduction_231
+happyReduction_231 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsOptRP happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_231 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_232 = happySpecReduce_2 98 happyReduction_232
+happyReduction_232 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsOptGRP happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_232 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_233 = happySpecReduce_1 98 happyReduction_233
+happyReduction_233 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_233 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_234 = happySpecReduce_1 99 happyReduction_234
+happyReduction_234 (HappyAbsSyn140  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsIPVar happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_234 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_235 = happySpecReduce_1 99 happyReduction_235
+happyReduction_235 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsVar happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_235 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_236 = happySpecReduce_1 99 happyReduction_236
+happyReduction_236 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_236 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_237 = happySpecReduce_1 99 happyReduction_237
+happyReduction_237 (HappyAbsSyn165  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsLit happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_237 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_238 = happySpecReduce_3 99 happyReduction_238
+happyReduction_238 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsParen happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_238 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_239 = happySpecReduce_3 99 happyReduction_239
+happyReduction_239 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn103  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsTuple (reverse happy_var_2)
+	)
+happyReduction_239 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_240 = happySpecReduce_3 99 happyReduction_240
+happyReduction_240 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_240 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_241 = happyReduce 4 99 happyReduction_241
+happyReduction_241 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn149  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsLeftSection happy_var_2 happy_var_3
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_242 = happyReduce 4 99 happyReduction_242
+happyReduction_242 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn149  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsRightSection happy_var_2 happy_var_3
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_243 = happySpecReduce_1 99 happyReduction_243
+happyReduction_243 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsWildCard
+	)
+happyReduce_244 = happySpecReduce_3 99 happyReduction_244
+happyReduction_244 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_244 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_245 = happySpecReduce_3 99 happyReduction_245
+happyReduction_245 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn103  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsSeqRP $ reverse happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_245 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_246 = happyReduce 4 99 happyReduction_246
+happyReduction_246 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn103  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsRPats happy_var_1 $ reverse happy_var_3
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_247 = happySpecReduce_1 99 happyReduction_247
+happyReduction_247 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_247 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_248 = happySpecReduce_1 99 happyReduction_248
+happyReduction_248 (HappyTerminal (THIdEscape happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsSpliceExp $ HsIdSplice happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_248 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_249 = happyMonadReduce 3 99 happyReduction_249
+happyReduction_249 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( do { e <- checkExpr happy_var_2;
+						return $ HsSpliceExp $ HsParenSplice e }
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn5 r))
+happyReduce_250 = happyMonadReduce 3 99 happyReduction_250
+happyReduction_250 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( do { e <- checkExpr happy_var_2;
+						return $ HsBracketExp $ HsExpBracket e }
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn5 r))
+happyReduce_251 = happyMonadReduce 3 99 happyReduction_251
+happyReduction_251 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( do { p <- checkPattern happy_var_2;
+						return $ HsBracketExp $ HsPatBracket p }
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn5 r))
+happyReduce_252 = happySpecReduce_3 99 happyReduction_252
+happyReduction_252 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn46  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsBracketExp $ HsTypeBracket happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_252 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_253 = happySpecReduce_3 99 happyReduction_253
+happyReduction_253 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn32  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsBracketExp $ HsDeclBracket happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_253 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_254 = happySpecReduce_2 100 happyReduction_254
+happyReduction_254 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn100
+		 (HsReifyDecl happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_254 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_255 = happySpecReduce_2 100 happyReduction_255
+happyReduction_255 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn100
+		 (HsReifyDecl happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_255 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_256 = happySpecReduce_2 100 happyReduction_256
+happyReduction_256 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn100
+		 (HsReifyType happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_256 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_257 = happySpecReduce_2 100 happyReduction_257
+happyReduction_257 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn100
+		 (HsReifyFixity happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_257 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_258 = happySpecReduce_1 101 happyReduction_258
+happyReduction_258 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_258 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_259 = happyMonadReduce 1 101 happyReduction_259
+happyReduction_259 ((HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( getGConName happy_var_1
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn50 r))
+happyReduce_260 = happySpecReduce_2 102 happyReduction_260
+happyReduction_260 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn29  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn29
+		 (happy_var_1 + 1
+	)
+happyReduction_260 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_261 = happySpecReduce_1 102 happyReduction_261
+happyReduction_261 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn29
+		 (1
+	)
+happyReduce_262 = happySpecReduce_3 103 happyReduction_262
+happyReduction_262 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn103  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn103
+		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_262 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_263 = happySpecReduce_3 103 happyReduction_263
+happyReduction_263 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn103
+		 ([happy_var_3,happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_263 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_264 = happySpecReduce_3 104 happyReduction_264
+happyReduction_264 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn103  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn103
+		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_264 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_265 = happySpecReduce_1 104 happyReduction_265
+happyReduction_265 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn103
+		 ([happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_265 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_266 = happySpecReduce_1 105 happyReduction_266
+happyReduction_266 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_266 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_267 = happySpecReduce_1 105 happyReduction_267
+happyReduction_267 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_267 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_268 = happySpecReduce_3 106 happyReduction_268
+happyReduction_268 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsEitherRP happy_var_1 happy_var_3
+	)
+happyReduction_268 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_269 = happySpecReduce_3 106 happyReduction_269
+happyReduction_269 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsEitherRP happy_var_1 happy_var_3
+	)
+happyReduction_269 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_270 = happyMonadReduce 10 107 happyReduction_270
+happyReduction_270 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn110  happy_var_9) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn103  happy_var_7) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn114  happy_var_5) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn112  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn110  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( do { n <- checkEqNames happy_var_3 happy_var_9;
+										let { cn = reverse happy_var_7;
+										      as = reverse happy_var_4; };
+										return $ HsXTag happy_var_1 n as happy_var_5 cn }
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn5 r))
+happyReduce_271 = happyReduce 6 107 happyReduction_271
+happyReduction_271 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn114  happy_var_5) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn112  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn110  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsXETag happy_var_1 happy_var_3 (reverse happy_var_4) happy_var_5
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_272 = happySpecReduce_3 107 happyReduction_272
+happyReduction_272 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsXExpTag happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_272 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_273 = happySpecReduce_2 108 happyReduction_273
+happyReduction_273 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_2)
+	(HappyAbsSyn103  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn103
+		 (happy_var_2 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_273 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_274 = happySpecReduce_0 108 happyReduction_274
+happyReduction_274  =  HappyAbsSyn103
+		 ([]
+	)
+happyReduce_275 = happySpecReduce_1 109 happyReduction_275
+happyReduction_275 (HappyTerminal (XPcdata happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsXPcdata happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_275 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_276 = happyReduce 4 109 happyReduction_276
+happyReduction_276 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn103  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsRPats happy_var_1 $ reverse happy_var_3
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_277 = happySpecReduce_1 109 happyReduction_277
+happyReduction_277 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_277 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_278 = happySpecReduce_3 110 happyReduction_278
+happyReduction_278 (HappyAbsSyn111  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn111  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn110
+		 (HsXDomName happy_var_1 happy_var_3
+	)
+happyReduction_278 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_279 = happySpecReduce_1 110 happyReduction_279
+happyReduction_279 (HappyAbsSyn111  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn110
+		 (HsXName happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_279 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_280 = happySpecReduce_1 111 happyReduction_280
+happyReduction_280 (HappyTerminal (VarId happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn111
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_280 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_281 = happySpecReduce_1 111 happyReduction_281
+happyReduction_281 (HappyTerminal (ConId happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn111
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_281 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_282 = happySpecReduce_1 111 happyReduction_282
+happyReduction_282 (HappyTerminal (DVarId happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn111
+		 (mkDVar happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_282 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_283 = happySpecReduce_1 111 happyReduction_283
+happyReduction_283 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn111
+		 ("type"
+	)
+happyReduce_284 = happySpecReduce_1 111 happyReduction_284
+happyReduction_284 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn111
+		 ("class"
+	)
+happyReduce_285 = happySpecReduce_2 112 happyReduction_285
+happyReduction_285 (HappyAbsSyn113  happy_var_2)
+	(HappyAbsSyn112  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn112
+		 (happy_var_2 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_285 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_286 = happySpecReduce_0 112 happyReduction_286
+happyReduction_286  =  HappyAbsSyn112
+		 ([]
+	)
+happyReduce_287 = happySpecReduce_3 113 happyReduction_287
+happyReduction_287 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn110  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn113
+		 (HsXAttr happy_var_1 happy_var_3
+	)
+happyReduction_287 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_288 = happySpecReduce_1 114 happyReduction_288
+happyReduction_288 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn114
+		 (Just happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_288 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_289 = happySpecReduce_0 114 happyReduction_289
+happyReduction_289  =  HappyAbsSyn114
+		 (Nothing
+	)
+happyReduce_290 = happySpecReduce_1 115 happyReduction_290
+happyReduction_290 (HappyTerminal (DVarId happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (mkDVarExpr happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_290 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_291 = happySpecReduce_1 116 happyReduction_291
+happyReduction_291 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsList [happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_291 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_292 = happySpecReduce_1 116 happyReduction_292
+happyReduction_292 (HappyAbsSyn103  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsList (reverse happy_var_1)
+	)
+happyReduction_292 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_293 = happySpecReduce_2 116 happyReduction_293
+happyReduction_293 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsEnumFrom happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_293 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_294 = happyReduce 4 116 happyReduction_294
+happyReduction_294 (_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsEnumFromThen happy_var_1 happy_var_3
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_295 = happySpecReduce_3 116 happyReduction_295
+happyReduction_295 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsEnumFromTo happy_var_1 happy_var_3
+	)
+happyReduction_295 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_296 = happyReduce 5 116 happyReduction_296
+happyReduction_296 ((HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_5) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsEnumFromThenTo happy_var_1 happy_var_3 happy_var_5
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_297 = happySpecReduce_3 116 happyReduction_297
+happyReduction_297 (HappyAbsSyn118  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsListComp happy_var_1 (reverse happy_var_3)
+	)
+happyReduction_297 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_298 = happySpecReduce_3 117 happyReduction_298
+happyReduction_298 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn103  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn103
+		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_298 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_299 = happySpecReduce_3 117 happyReduction_299
+happyReduction_299 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn103
+		 ([happy_var_3,happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_299 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_300 = happySpecReduce_3 118 happyReduction_300
+happyReduction_300 (HappyAbsSyn119  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn118  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn118
+		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_300 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_301 = happySpecReduce_1 118 happyReduction_301
+happyReduction_301 (HappyAbsSyn119  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn118
+		 ([happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_301 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_302 = happyReduce 4 119 happyReduction_302
+happyReduction_302 ((HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn96  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn119
+		 (HsGenerator happy_var_2 happy_var_1 happy_var_4
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_303 = happySpecReduce_1 119 happyReduction_303
+happyReduction_303 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn119
+		 (HsQualifier happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_303 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_304 = happySpecReduce_2 119 happyReduction_304
+happyReduction_304 (HappyAbsSyn41  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn119
+		 (HsLetStmt happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_304 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_305 = happySpecReduce_3 120 happyReduction_305
+happyReduction_305 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn120  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn120
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_305 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_306 = happySpecReduce_3 120 happyReduction_306
+happyReduction_306 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn120  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn120
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_306 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_307 = happySpecReduce_3 121 happyReduction_307
+happyReduction_307 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn120  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn120
+		 (reverse happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_307 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_308 = happySpecReduce_3 122 happyReduction_308
+happyReduction_308 (HappyAbsSyn123  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn120  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn120
+		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_308 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_309 = happySpecReduce_1 122 happyReduction_309
+happyReduction_309 (HappyAbsSyn123  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn120
+		 ([happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_309 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_310 = happyReduce 4 123 happyReduction_310
+happyReduction_310 ((HappyAbsSyn41  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn124  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn96  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn123
+		 (HsAlt happy_var_1 happy_var_2 happy_var_3 happy_var_4
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_311 = happySpecReduce_2 124 happyReduction_311
+happyReduction_311 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn124
+		 (HsUnGuardedAlt happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_311 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_312 = happySpecReduce_1 124 happyReduction_312
+happyReduction_312 (HappyAbsSyn125  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn124
+		 (HsGuardedAlts (reverse happy_var_1)
+	)
+happyReduction_312 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_313 = happySpecReduce_2 125 happyReduction_313
+happyReduction_313 (HappyAbsSyn126  happy_var_2)
+	(HappyAbsSyn125  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn125
+		 (happy_var_2 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_313 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_314 = happySpecReduce_1 125 happyReduction_314
+happyReduction_314 (HappyAbsSyn126  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn125
+		 ([happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_314 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_315 = happyReduce 5 126 happyReduction_315
+happyReduction_315 ((HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_5) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn118  happy_var_3) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn126
+		 (HsGuardedAlt happy_var_1 (reverse happy_var_3) happy_var_5
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_316 = happyMonadReduce 1 127 happyReduction_316
+happyReduction_316 ((HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( checkPattern happy_var_1
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn96 r))
+happyReduce_317 = happySpecReduce_3 128 happyReduction_317
+happyReduction_317 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn118  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn118
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_317 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_318 = happySpecReduce_3 128 happyReduction_318
+happyReduction_318 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn118  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn118
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_318 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_319 = happyReduce 4 129 happyReduction_319
+happyReduction_319 ((HappyAbsSyn118  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn41  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn118
+		 (HsLetStmt happy_var_2 : happy_var_4
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_320 = happyReduce 6 129 happyReduction_320
+happyReduction_320 ((HappyAbsSyn118  happy_var_6) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn96  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn118
+		 (HsGenerator happy_var_2 happy_var_1 happy_var_4 : happy_var_6
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_321 = happySpecReduce_3 129 happyReduction_321
+happyReduction_321 (HappyAbsSyn118  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn118
+		 (HsQualifier happy_var_1 : happy_var_3
+	)
+happyReduction_321 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_322 = happySpecReduce_2 129 happyReduction_322
+happyReduction_322 (HappyAbsSyn118  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn118
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_322 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_323 = happySpecReduce_2 129 happyReduction_323
+happyReduction_323 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn118
+		 ([HsQualifier happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_323 _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_324 = happySpecReduce_1 129 happyReduction_324
+happyReduction_324 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn118
+		 ([HsQualifier happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_324 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_325 = happySpecReduce_3 130 happyReduction_325
+happyReduction_325 (HappyAbsSyn131  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn130  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn130
+		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_325 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_326 = happySpecReduce_1 130 happyReduction_326
+happyReduction_326 (HappyAbsSyn131  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn130
+		 ([happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_326 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_327 = happySpecReduce_3 131 happyReduction_327
+happyReduction_327 (HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn131
+		 (HsFieldUpdate happy_var_1 happy_var_3
+	)
+happyReduction_327 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_328 = happySpecReduce_3 132 happyReduction_328
+happyReduction_328 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn132  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn132
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_328 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_329 = happySpecReduce_3 132 happyReduction_329
+happyReduction_329 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn132  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn132
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_329 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_330 = happySpecReduce_3 133 happyReduction_330
+happyReduction_330 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn132  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn132
+		 (reverse happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_330 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_331 = happySpecReduce_3 134 happyReduction_331
+happyReduction_331 (HappyAbsSyn135  happy_var_3)
+	_
+	(HappyAbsSyn132  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn132
+		 (happy_var_3 : happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_331 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_332 = happySpecReduce_1 134 happyReduction_332
+happyReduction_332 (HappyAbsSyn135  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn132
+		 ([happy_var_1]
+	)
+happyReduction_332 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_333 = happyReduce 4 135 happyReduction_333
+happyReduction_333 ((HappyAbsSyn5  happy_var_4) `HappyStk`
+	_ `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn140  happy_var_2) `HappyStk`
+	(HappyAbsSyn166  happy_var_1) `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = HappyAbsSyn135
+		 (HsIPBind happy_var_1 happy_var_2 happy_var_4
+	) `HappyStk` happyRest
+happyReduce_334 = happySpecReduce_2 136 happyReduction_334
+happyReduction_334 _
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (unit_con
+	)
+happyReduce_335 = happySpecReduce_2 136 happyReduction_335
+happyReduction_335 _
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsList []
+	)
+happyReduce_336 = happySpecReduce_3 136 happyReduction_336
+happyReduction_336 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn29  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (tuple_con happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_336 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_337 = happySpecReduce_1 136 happyReduction_337
+happyReduction_337 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn5
+		 (HsCon happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_337 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_338 = happySpecReduce_1 137 happyReduction_338
+happyReduction_338 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_338 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_339 = happySpecReduce_3 137 happyReduction_339
+happyReduction_339 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_339 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_340 = happySpecReduce_1 138 happyReduction_340
+happyReduction_340 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_340 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_341 = happySpecReduce_3 138 happyReduction_341
+happyReduction_341 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_341 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_342 = happySpecReduce_1 139 happyReduction_342
+happyReduction_342 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_342 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_343 = happySpecReduce_3 139 happyReduction_343
+happyReduction_343 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_343 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_344 = happySpecReduce_1 140 happyReduction_344
+happyReduction_344 (HappyAbsSyn140  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn140
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_344 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_345 = happySpecReduce_1 141 happyReduction_345
+happyReduction_345 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_345 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_346 = happySpecReduce_3 141 happyReduction_346
+happyReduction_346 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_346 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_347 = happySpecReduce_1 142 happyReduction_347
+happyReduction_347 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_347 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_348 = happySpecReduce_3 142 happyReduction_348
+happyReduction_348 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_348 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_349 = happySpecReduce_1 143 happyReduction_349
+happyReduction_349 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_349 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_350 = happySpecReduce_3 143 happyReduction_350
+happyReduction_350 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_350 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_351 = happySpecReduce_1 144 happyReduction_351
+happyReduction_351 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_351 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_352 = happySpecReduce_3 144 happyReduction_352
+happyReduction_352 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_352 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_353 = happySpecReduce_1 145 happyReduction_353
+happyReduction_353 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_353 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_354 = happySpecReduce_3 145 happyReduction_354
+happyReduction_354 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_354 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_355 = happySpecReduce_1 146 happyReduction_355
+happyReduction_355 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_355 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_356 = happySpecReduce_3 146 happyReduction_356
+happyReduction_356 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_356 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_357 = happySpecReduce_1 147 happyReduction_357
+happyReduction_357 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_357 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_358 = happySpecReduce_3 147 happyReduction_358
+happyReduction_358 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_358 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_359 = happySpecReduce_1 148 happyReduction_359
+happyReduction_359 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn148
+		 (HsVarOp happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_359 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_360 = happySpecReduce_1 148 happyReduction_360
+happyReduction_360 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn148
+		 (HsConOp happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_360 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_361 = happySpecReduce_1 149 happyReduction_361
+happyReduction_361 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn149
+		 (HsQVarOp happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_361 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_362 = happySpecReduce_1 149 happyReduction_362
+happyReduction_362 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn149
+		 (HsQConOp happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_362 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_363 = happySpecReduce_1 150 happyReduction_363
+happyReduction_363 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn149
+		 (HsQVarOp happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_363 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_364 = happySpecReduce_1 150 happyReduction_364
+happyReduction_364 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn149
+		 (HsQConOp happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_364 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_365 = happySpecReduce_1 151 happyReduction_365
+happyReduction_365 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (list_cons_name
+	)
+happyReduce_366 = happySpecReduce_1 151 happyReduction_366
+happyReduction_366 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_366 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_367 = happySpecReduce_1 152 happyReduction_367
+happyReduction_367 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (UnQual happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_367 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_368 = happySpecReduce_1 152 happyReduction_368
+happyReduction_368 (HappyTerminal (QVarId happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (Qual (Module (fst happy_var_1)) (HsIdent (snd happy_var_1))
+	)
+happyReduction_368 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_369 = happySpecReduce_1 153 happyReduction_369
+happyReduction_369 (HappyTerminal (VarId happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (HsIdent happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_369 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_370 = happySpecReduce_1 153 happyReduction_370
+happyReduction_370 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (as_name
+	)
+happyReduce_371 = happySpecReduce_1 153 happyReduction_371
+happyReduction_371 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (qualified_name
+	)
+happyReduce_372 = happySpecReduce_1 153 happyReduction_372
+happyReduction_372 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (hiding_name
+	)
+happyReduce_373 = happySpecReduce_1 153 happyReduction_373
+happyReduction_373 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (export_name
+	)
+happyReduce_374 = happySpecReduce_1 153 happyReduction_374
+happyReduction_374 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (stdcall_name
+	)
+happyReduce_375 = happySpecReduce_1 153 happyReduction_375
+happyReduction_375 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (ccall_name
+	)
+happyReduce_376 = happySpecReduce_1 154 happyReduction_376
+happyReduction_376 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_376 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_377 = happySpecReduce_1 154 happyReduction_377
+happyReduction_377 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (safe_name
+	)
+happyReduce_378 = happySpecReduce_1 154 happyReduction_378
+happyReduction_378 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (unsafe_name
+	)
+happyReduce_379 = happySpecReduce_1 154 happyReduction_379
+happyReduction_379 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (threadsafe_name
+	)
+happyReduce_380 = happySpecReduce_1 155 happyReduction_380
+happyReduction_380 (HappyTerminal (IDupVarId happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn140
+		 (HsIPDup happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_380 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_381 = happySpecReduce_1 155 happyReduction_381
+happyReduction_381 (HappyTerminal (ILinVarId happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn140
+		 (HsIPLin happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_381 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_382 = happySpecReduce_1 156 happyReduction_382
+happyReduction_382 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (UnQual happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_382 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_383 = happySpecReduce_1 156 happyReduction_383
+happyReduction_383 (HappyTerminal (QConId happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (Qual (Module (fst happy_var_1)) (HsIdent (snd happy_var_1))
+	)
+happyReduction_383 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_384 = happySpecReduce_1 157 happyReduction_384
+happyReduction_384 (HappyTerminal (ConId happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (HsIdent happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_384 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_385 = happySpecReduce_1 158 happyReduction_385
+happyReduction_385 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (UnQual happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_385 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_386 = happySpecReduce_1 158 happyReduction_386
+happyReduction_386 (HappyTerminal (QConSym happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (Qual (Module (fst happy_var_1)) (HsSymbol (snd happy_var_1))
+	)
+happyReduction_386 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_387 = happySpecReduce_1 159 happyReduction_387
+happyReduction_387 (HappyTerminal (ConSym happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (HsSymbol happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_387 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_388 = happySpecReduce_1 160 happyReduction_388
+happyReduction_388 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (UnQual happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_388 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_389 = happySpecReduce_1 160 happyReduction_389
+happyReduction_389 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_389 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_390 = happySpecReduce_1 161 happyReduction_390
+happyReduction_390 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (UnQual happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_390 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_391 = happySpecReduce_1 161 happyReduction_391
+happyReduction_391 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_391 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_392 = happySpecReduce_1 162 happyReduction_392
+happyReduction_392 (HappyTerminal (VarSym happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (HsSymbol happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_392 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_393 = happySpecReduce_1 162 happyReduction_393
+happyReduction_393 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (minus_name
+	)
+happyReduce_394 = happySpecReduce_1 162 happyReduction_394
+happyReduction_394 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (pling_name
+	)
+happyReduce_395 = happySpecReduce_1 162 happyReduction_395
+happyReduction_395 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (dot_name
+	)
+happyReduce_396 = happySpecReduce_1 163 happyReduction_396
+happyReduction_396 (HappyTerminal (VarSym happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (HsSymbol happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_396 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_397 = happySpecReduce_1 163 happyReduction_397
+happyReduction_397 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (pling_name
+	)
+happyReduce_398 = happySpecReduce_1 163 happyReduction_398
+happyReduction_398 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (dot_name
+	)
+happyReduce_399 = happySpecReduce_1 164 happyReduction_399
+happyReduction_399 (HappyTerminal (QVarSym happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (Qual (Module (fst happy_var_1)) (HsSymbol (snd happy_var_1))
+	)
+happyReduction_399 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_400 = happySpecReduce_1 165 happyReduction_400
+happyReduction_400 (HappyTerminal (IntTok happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn165
+		 (HsInt happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_400 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_401 = happySpecReduce_1 165 happyReduction_401
+happyReduction_401 (HappyTerminal (Character happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn165
+		 (HsChar happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_401 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_402 = happySpecReduce_1 165 happyReduction_402
+happyReduction_402 (HappyTerminal (FloatTok happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn165
+		 (HsFrac happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_402 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_403 = happySpecReduce_1 165 happyReduction_403
+happyReduction_403 (HappyTerminal (StringTok happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn165
+		 (HsString happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_403 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_404 = happyMonadReduce 0 166 happyReduction_404
+happyReduction_404 (happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( getSrcLoc
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn166 r))
+happyReduce_405 = happyMonadReduce 0 167 happyReduction_405
+happyReduction_405 (happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( pushCurrentContext
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn10 r))
+happyReduce_406 = happySpecReduce_1 168 happyReduction_406
+happyReduction_406 _
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn10
+		 (()
+	)
+happyReduce_407 = happyMonadReduce 1 168 happyReduction_407
+happyReduction_407 (_ `HappyStk`
+	happyRest)
+	 = happyThen ( popContext
+	) (\r -> happyReturn (HappyAbsSyn10 r))
+happyReduce_408 = happySpecReduce_1 169 happyReduction_408
+happyReduction_408 (HappyTerminal (ConId happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn169
+		 (Module happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_408 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_409 = happySpecReduce_1 169 happyReduction_409
+happyReduction_409 (HappyTerminal (QConId happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn169
+		 (Module (fst happy_var_1 ++ '.':snd happy_var_1)
+	)
+happyReduction_409 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_410 = happySpecReduce_1 170 happyReduction_410
+happyReduction_410 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_410 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_411 = happySpecReduce_1 171 happyReduction_411
+happyReduction_411 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_411 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_412 = happySpecReduce_1 172 happyReduction_412
+happyReduction_412 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_412 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_413 = happySpecReduce_1 173 happyReduction_413
+happyReduction_413 (HappyAbsSyn50  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_413 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_414 = happySpecReduce_1 174 happyReduction_414
+happyReduction_414 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_414 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_415 = happySpecReduce_3 175 happyReduction_415
+happyReduction_415 _
+	(HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_2)
+	_
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (UnQual happy_var_2
+	)
+happyReduction_415 _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_416 = happySpecReduce_1 175 happyReduction_416
+happyReduction_416 (HappyAbsSyn137  happy_var_1)
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn50
+		 (UnQual happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_416 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyReduce_417 = happySpecReduce_1 176 happyReduction_417
+happyReduction_417 (HappyTerminal (VarSym happy_var_1))
+	 =  HappyAbsSyn137
+		 (HsSymbol happy_var_1
+	)
+happyReduction_417 _  = notHappyAtAll 
+happyNewToken action sts stk
+	= lexer(\tk -> 
+	let cont i = action i i tk (HappyState action) sts stk in
+	case tk of {
+	EOF -> action 285 285 (error "reading EOF!") (HappyState action) sts stk;
+	VarId happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 177;
+	QVarId happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 178;
+	IDupVarId happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 179;
+	ILinVarId happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 180;
+	ConId happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 181;
+	QConId happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 182;
+	DVarId happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 183;
+	VarSym happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 184;
+	ConSym happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 185;
+	QVarSym happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 186;
+	QConSym happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 187;
+	IntTok happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 188;
+	FloatTok happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 189;
+	Character happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 190;
+	StringTok happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 191;
+	Pragma happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 192;
+	LeftParen -> cont 193;
+	RightParen -> cont 194;
+	LeftHashParen -> cont 195;
+	RightHashParen -> cont 196;
+	SemiColon -> cont 197;
+	LeftCurly -> cont 198;
+	RightCurly -> cont 199;
+	VRightCurly -> cont 200;
+	LeftSquare -> cont 201;
+	RightSquare -> cont 202;
+	Comma -> cont 203;
+	Underscore -> cont 204;
+	BackQuote -> cont 205;
+	Dot -> cont 206;
+	DotDot -> cont 207;
+	Colon -> cont 208;
+	DoubleColon -> cont 209;
+	Equals -> cont 210;
+	Backslash -> cont 211;
+	Bar -> cont 212;
+	LeftArrow -> cont 213;
+	RightArrow -> cont 214;
+	At -> cont 215;
+	Tilde -> cont 216;
+	DoubleArrow -> cont 217;
+	Minus -> cont 218;
+	Exclamation -> cont 219;
+	Hash -> cont 220;
+	RPOpen -> cont 221;
+	RPClose -> cont 222;
+	RPSeqOpen -> cont 223;
+	RPSeqClose -> cont 224;
+	RPStar -> cont 225;
+	RPStarG -> cont 226;
+	RPPlus -> cont 227;
+	RPPlusG -> cont 228;
+	RPOpt -> cont 229;
+	RPOptG -> cont 230;
+	RPEither -> cont 231;
+	RPCAt -> cont 232;
+	THIdEscape happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 233;
+	THParenEscape -> cont 234;
+	THExpQuote -> cont 235;
+	THPatQuote -> cont 236;
+	THTypQuote -> cont 237;
+	THDecQuote -> cont 238;
+	THCloseQuote -> cont 239;
+	THReifyDecl -> cont 240;
+	THReifyType -> cont 241;
+	THReifyFixity -> cont 242;
+	XPcdata happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 243;
+	XStdTagOpen -> cont 244;
+	XCloseTagOpen -> cont 245;
+	XCodeTagOpen -> cont 246;
+	XStdTagClose -> cont 247;
+	XEmptyTagClose -> cont 248;
+	XCodeTagClose -> cont 249;
+	KW_Foreign -> cont 250;
+	KW_Export -> cont 251;
+	KW_Safe -> cont 252;
+	KW_Unsafe -> cont 253;
+	KW_Threadsafe -> cont 254;
+	KW_StdCall -> cont 255;
+	KW_CCall -> cont 256;
+	KW_As -> cont 257;
+	KW_Case -> cont 258;
+	KW_Class -> cont 259;
+	KW_Data -> cont 260;
+	KW_Default -> cont 261;
+	KW_Deriving -> cont 262;
+	KW_DLet -> cont 263;
+	KW_Do -> cont 264;
+	KW_Else -> cont 265;
+	KW_Forall -> cont 266;
+	KW_Hiding -> cont 267;
+	KW_If -> cont 268;
+	KW_Import -> cont 269;
+	KW_In -> cont 270;
+	KW_Infix -> cont 271;
+	KW_InfixL -> cont 272;
+	KW_InfixR -> cont 273;
+	KW_Instance -> cont 274;
+	KW_Let -> cont 275;
+	KW_MDo -> cont 276;
+	KW_Module -> cont 277;
+	KW_NewType -> cont 278;
+	KW_Of -> cont 279;
+	KW_Then -> cont 280;
+	KW_Type -> cont 281;
+	KW_Where -> cont 282;
+	KW_With -> cont 283;
+	KW_Qualified -> cont 284;
+	_ -> happyError'
+	})
+happyError_ tk = happyError'
+happyThen :: () => P a -> (a -> P b) -> P b
+happyThen = (>>=)
+happyReturn :: () => a -> P a
+happyReturn = (return)
+happyThen1 = happyThen
+happyReturn1 :: () => a -> P a
+happyReturn1 = happyReturn
+happyError' :: () => P a
+happyError' = happyError
+parse = happySomeParser where
+  happySomeParser = happyThen (happyParse action_0) (\x -> case x of {HappyAbsSyn4 z -> happyReturn z; _other -> notHappyAtAll })
+happySeq = happyDontSeq
+happyError :: P a
+happyError = fail "Parse error"
+-- | Parse of a string, which should contain a complete Haskell 98 module.
+parseModule :: String -> ParseResult HsModule
+parseModule = runParser parse
+-- | Parse of a string, which should contain a complete Haskell 98 module.
+parseModuleWithMode :: ParseMode -> String -> ParseResult HsModule
+parseModuleWithMode mode = runParserWithMode mode parse
+{-# LINE 1 "GenericTemplate.hs" #-}
+{-# LINE 1 "<built-in>" #-}
+{-# LINE 1 "<command line>" #-}
+{-# LINE 1 "GenericTemplate.hs" #-}
+-- $Id$
+{-# LINE 16 "GenericTemplate.hs" #-}
+{-# LINE 28 "GenericTemplate.hs" #-}
+infixr 9 `HappyStk`
+data HappyStk a = HappyStk a (HappyStk a)
+-- starting the parse
+happyParse start_state = happyNewToken start_state notHappyAtAll notHappyAtAll
+-- Accepting the parse
+-- If the current token is (1), it means we've just accepted a partial
+-- parse (a %partial parser).  We must ignore the saved token on the top of
+-- the stack in this case.
+happyAccept (1) tk st sts (_ `HappyStk` ans `HappyStk` _) =
+	happyReturn1 ans
+happyAccept j tk st sts (HappyStk ans _) = 
+	 (happyReturn1 ans)
+-- Arrays only: do the next action
+{-# LINE 155 "GenericTemplate.hs" #-}
+-- HappyState data type (not arrays)
+newtype HappyState b c = HappyState
+        (Int ->                    -- token number
+         Int ->                    -- token number (yes, again)
+         b ->                           -- token semantic value
+         HappyState b c ->              -- current state
+         [HappyState b c] ->            -- state stack
+         c)
+-- Shifting a token
+happyShift new_state (1) tk st sts stk@(x `HappyStk` _) =
+     let i = (case x of { HappyErrorToken (i) -> i }) in
+--     trace "shifting the error token" $
+     new_state i i tk (HappyState (new_state)) ((st):(sts)) (stk)
+happyShift new_state i tk st sts stk =
+     happyNewToken new_state ((st):(sts)) ((HappyTerminal (tk))`HappyStk`stk)
+-- happyReduce is specialised for the common cases.
+happySpecReduce_0 i fn (1) tk st sts stk
+     = happyFail (1) tk st sts stk
+happySpecReduce_0 nt fn j tk st@((HappyState (action))) sts stk
+     = action nt j tk st ((st):(sts)) (fn `HappyStk` stk)
+happySpecReduce_1 i fn (1) tk st sts stk
+     = happyFail (1) tk st sts stk
+happySpecReduce_1 nt fn j tk _ sts@(((st@(HappyState (action))):(_))) (v1`HappyStk`stk')
+     = let r = fn v1 in
+       happySeq r (action nt j tk st sts (r `HappyStk` stk'))
+happySpecReduce_2 i fn (1) tk st sts stk
+     = happyFail (1) tk st sts stk
+happySpecReduce_2 nt fn j tk _ ((_):(sts@(((st@(HappyState (action))):(_))))) (v1`HappyStk`v2`HappyStk`stk')
+     = let r = fn v1 v2 in
+       happySeq r (action nt j tk st sts (r `HappyStk` stk'))
+happySpecReduce_3 i fn (1) tk st sts stk
+     = happyFail (1) tk st sts stk
+happySpecReduce_3 nt fn j tk _ ((_):(((_):(sts@(((st@(HappyState (action))):(_))))))) (v1`HappyStk`v2`HappyStk`v3`HappyStk`stk')
+     = let r = fn v1 v2 v3 in
+       happySeq r (action nt j tk st sts (r `HappyStk` stk'))
+happyReduce k i fn (1) tk st sts stk
+     = happyFail (1) tk st sts stk
+happyReduce k nt fn j tk st sts stk
+     = case happyDrop (k - ((1) :: Int)) sts of
+	 sts1@(((st1@(HappyState (action))):(_))) ->
+        	let r = fn stk in  -- it doesn't hurt to always seq here...
+       		happyDoSeq r (action nt j tk st1 sts1 r)
+happyMonadReduce k nt fn (1) tk st sts stk
+     = happyFail (1) tk st sts stk
+happyMonadReduce k nt fn j tk st sts stk =
+        happyThen1 (fn stk) (\r -> action nt j tk st1 sts1 (r `HappyStk` drop_stk))
+       where sts1@(((st1@(HappyState (action))):(_))) = happyDrop k ((st):(sts))
+             drop_stk = happyDropStk k stk
+happyDrop (0) l = l
+happyDrop n ((_):(t)) = happyDrop (n - ((1) :: Int)) t
+happyDropStk (0) l = l
+happyDropStk n (x `HappyStk` xs) = happyDropStk (n - ((1)::Int)) xs
+-- Moving to a new state after a reduction
+{-# LINE 239 "GenericTemplate.hs" #-}
+happyGoto action j tk st = action j j tk (HappyState action)
+-- Error recovery ((1) is the error token)
+-- parse error if we are in recovery and we fail again
+happyFail  (1) tk old_st _ stk =
+--	trace "failing" $ 
+    	happyError_ tk
+{-  We don't need state discarding for our restricted implementation of
+    "error".  In fact, it can cause some bogus parses, so I've disabled it
+    for now --SDM
+-- discard a state
+happyFail  (1) tk old_st (((HappyState (action))):(sts)) 
+						(saved_tok `HappyStk` _ `HappyStk` stk) =
+--	trace ("discarding state, depth " ++ show (length stk))  $
+	action (1) (1) tk (HappyState (action)) sts ((saved_tok`HappyStk`stk))
+-- Enter error recovery: generate an error token,
+--                       save the old token and carry on.
+happyFail  i tk (HappyState (action)) sts stk =
+--      trace "entering error recovery" $
+	action (1) (1) tk (HappyState (action)) sts ( (HappyErrorToken (i)) `HappyStk` stk)
+-- Internal happy errors:
+notHappyAtAll = error "Internal Happy error\n"
+-- Hack to get the typechecker to accept our action functions
+-- Seq-ing.  If the --strict flag is given, then Happy emits 
+--	happySeq = happyDoSeq
+-- otherwise it emits
+-- 	happySeq = happyDontSeq
+happyDoSeq, happyDontSeq :: a -> b -> b
+happyDoSeq   a b = a `seq` b
+happyDontSeq a b = b
+-- Don't inline any functions from the template.  GHC has a nasty habit
+-- of deciding to inline happyGoto everywhere, which increases the size of
+-- the generated parser quite a bit.
+{-# LINE 303 "GenericTemplate.hs" #-}
+{-# NOINLINE happyShift #-}
+{-# NOINLINE happySpecReduce_0 #-}
+{-# NOINLINE happySpecReduce_1 #-}
+{-# NOINLINE happySpecReduce_2 #-}
+{-# NOINLINE happySpecReduce_3 #-}
+{-# NOINLINE happyReduce #-}
+{-# NOINLINE happyMonadReduce #-}
+{-# NOINLINE happyGoto #-}
+{-# NOINLINE happyFail #-}
+-- end of Happy Template.
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Parser.ly new-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Parser.ly
--- old-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Parser.ly	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Parser.ly	2007-02-12 19:32:17.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1175 @@
+> {
+> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+> -- |
+> -- Module      :  Preprocessor.Hsx.Parser
+> -- Original    :  Language.Haskell.Parser
+> -- Copyright   :  (c) Niklas Broberg 2004,
+> -- 		    Original (c) Simon Marlow, Sven Panne 1997-2000
+> -- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE.txt)
+> --
+> -- Maintainer  :  Niklas Broberg, d00nibro at dtek.chalmers.se
+> -- Stability   :  experimental
+> -- Portability :  portable
+> --
+> --
+> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+> module Preprocessor.Hsx.Parser (
+>		parseModule, parseModuleWithMode,
+>		ParseMode(..), defaultParseMode, ParseResult(..)) where
+> import Preprocessor.Hsx.Syntax
+> import Preprocessor.Hsx.ParseMonad
+> import Preprocessor.Hsx.Lexer
+> import Preprocessor.Hsx.ParseUtils
+> }
+This module comprises a parser for Haskell 98 with the following extensions
+* Multi-parameter type classes with functional dependencies
+* Implicit parameters
+* Pattern guards
+* Mdo notation
+* FFI
+* HaRP
+* HSP
+Most of the code is blatantly stolen from the GHC module Preprocessor.Parser.
+Some of the code for extensions is greatly influenced by GHC's internal parser
+library, ghc/compiler/parser/Parser.y. 
+Conflicts: 3 shift/reduce
+2 for ambiguity in 'case x of y | let z = y in z :: Bool -> b'
+	(don't know whether to reduce 'Bool' as a btype or shift the '->'.
+	 Similarly lambda and if. The default resolution in favour of the
+	 shift means that a guard can never end with a type signature.
+	 In mitigation: it's a rare case and no Haskell implementation
+	 allows these, because it would require unbounded lookahead.)
+	There are 2 conflicts rather than one because contexts are parsed
+	as btypes (cf ctype).
+1 for ambiguity in 'let ?x ...'
+	the parser can't tell whether the ?x is the lhs of a normal binding or
+	an implicit binding. Fortunately resolving as shift gives it the only
+	sensible meaning, namely the lhs of an implicit binding.
+> %token
+>	VARID 	 { VarId $$ }
+>	QVARID 	 { QVarId $$ }
+>	IDUPID	 { IDupVarId $$ }	-- duplicable implicit parameter ?x
+>	ILINID	 { ILinVarId $$ }	-- linear implicit parameter %x
+>	CONID	 { ConId $$ }
+>	QCONID   { QConId $$ }
+>	DVARID	 { DVarId $$ }		-- VARID containing dashes
+>	VARSYM	 { VarSym $$ }
+>	CONSYM	 { ConSym $$ }
+>	QVARSYM	 { QVarSym $$ }
+>	QCONSYM  { QConSym $$ }
+>	INT	 { IntTok $$ }
+>	RATIONAL { FloatTok $$ }
+>	CHAR	 { Character $$ }
+>	STRING   { StringTok $$ }
+>	PRAGMA   { Pragma $$ }
+>	'('	{ LeftParen }
+>	')'	{ RightParen }
+>	'(#'	{ LeftHashParen }
+>	'#)'	{ RightHashParen }
+>	';'	{ SemiColon }
+>	'{'	{ LeftCurly }
+>	'}'	{ RightCurly }
+>	vccurly { VRightCurly }			-- a virtual close brace
+>	'['	{ LeftSquare }
+>	']'	{ RightSquare }
+>  	','	{ Comma }
+>	'_'	{ Underscore }
+>	'`'	{ BackQuote }
+Reserved operators
+>	'.'	{ Dot }
+>	'..'	{ DotDot }
+>	':'	{ Colon }
+>	'::'	{ DoubleColon }
+>	'='	{ Equals }
+>	'\\'	{ Backslash }
+>	'|'	{ Bar }
+>	'<-'	{ LeftArrow }
+>	'->'	{ RightArrow }
+>	'@'	{ At }
+>	'~'	{ Tilde }
+>	'=>'	{ DoubleArrow }
+>	'-'	{ Minus }
+>	'!'	{ Exclamation }
+>	'#'	{ Hash }
+>	'[/'	{ RPOpen }
+>	'/]'	{ RPClose }
+>	'(/'	{ RPSeqOpen }
+>	'/)'	{ RPSeqClose }
+>	'*'	{ RPStar }
+>	'*!'	{ RPStarG }
+>	'+'	{ RPPlus }
+>	'+!'	{ RPPlusG }
+>	'?'	{ RPOpt }
+>	'?!'	{ RPOptG }
+>	'rp|'	{ RPEither } -- '|' already taken
+>	'@:'	{ RPCAt }
+Template Haskell
+>	IDSPLICE 	{ THIdEscape $$ }
+>	'$('		{ THParenEscape }
+>	'[|'		{ THExpQuote }
+>	'[p|'		{ THPatQuote }
+>	'[t|'		{ THTypQuote }
+>	'[d|'		{ THDecQuote }
+>	'|]'		{ THCloseQuote }
+>	'reifyDecl'	{ THReifyDecl }
+>	'reifyType'	{ THReifyType }
+>	'reifyFixity'	{ THReifyFixity }
+>	PCDATA		{ XPcdata $$ }
+>	'<'		{ XStdTagOpen }
+>	'</'		{ XCloseTagOpen }
+>	'<%'		{ XCodeTagOpen }
+>	'>'		{ XStdTagClose }
+>	'/>'		{ XEmptyTagClose }
+>	'%>'		{ XCodeTagClose }
+>	'foreign'	{ KW_Foreign }
+>	'export'	{ KW_Export }
+>	'safe'		{ KW_Safe }
+>	'unsafe'	{ KW_Unsafe }
+>	'threadsafe'	{ KW_Threadsafe }
+>	'stdcall'	{ KW_StdCall }
+>	'ccall'		{ KW_CCall }
+Reserved Ids
+>	'as'		{ KW_As }
+>	'case'		{ KW_Case }
+>	'class'		{ KW_Class }
+>	'data'		{ KW_Data }
+>	'default'	{ KW_Default }
+>	'deriving'	{ KW_Deriving }
+>	'dlet'		{ KW_DLet }	-- implicit parameter binding clause
+>	'do'		{ KW_Do }
+>	'else'		{ KW_Else }
+>	'forall'	{ KW_Forall }	-- universal/existential qualification
+>	'hiding'	{ KW_Hiding }
+>	'if'		{ KW_If }
+>	'import'	{ KW_Import }
+>	'in'		{ KW_In }
+>	'infix'		{ KW_Infix }
+>	'infixl'	{ KW_InfixL }
+>	'infixr'	{ KW_InfixR }
+>	'instance'	{ KW_Instance }
+>	'let'		{ KW_Let }
+>	'mdo'		{ KW_MDo }
+>	'module'	{ KW_Module }
+>	'newtype'	{ KW_NewType }
+>	'of'		{ KW_Of }
+>	'then'		{ KW_Then }
+>	'type'		{ KW_Type }
+>	'where'		{ KW_Where }
+>	'with'		{ KW_With }	-- implicit parameter binding clause
+>	'qualified'	{ KW_Qualified }
+> %monad { P }
+> %lexer { lexer } { EOF }
+> %name parse
+> %tokentype { Token }
+> %%
+HSP Pages
+> page :: { HsModule }
+>	: topxml				{% mkPageModule $1 }
+>	| '<%' module '%>' srcloc topxml 	{% mkPage $2 $4 $5 }
+>	| module		{ $1 }
+> topxml :: { HsExp }
+>	: srcloc '<' name attrs mattr '>' children '</' name '>'	{% do { n <- checkEqNames $3 $9;
+>										let { cn = reverse $7;
+>										      as = reverse $4; };
+>										return $ HsXTag $1 n as $5 cn } }
+>	| srcloc '<' name attrs mattr '/>'				{ HsXETag $1 $3 (reverse $4) $5 }
+Module Header
+> module :: { HsModule }
+>	: srcloc pragmas 'module' modid maybeexports 'where' body
+>		{ HsModule $1 $2 $4 $5 (fst $7) (snd $7) }
+>	| srcloc pragmas body
+>		{ HsModule $1 $2 main_mod (Just [HsEVar (UnQual main_name)])
+>							(fst $3) (snd $3) }
+> pragmas :: { [HsPragma] }
+>	: PRAGMA pragmas	{ HsPragma $1 : $2 }
+>	| {- empty -}		{ [] }
+> body :: { ([HsImportDecl],[HsDecl]) }
+>	: '{'  bodyaux '}'			{ $2 }
+>	| open bodyaux close			{ $2 }
+> bodyaux :: { ([HsImportDecl],[HsDecl]) }
+>	: optsemis impdecls semis topdecls	{ (reverse $2, $4) }
+>	| optsemis                topdecls	{ ([], $2) }
+>	| optsemis impdecls optsemis		{ (reverse $2, []) }
+>	| optsemis				{ ([], []) }
+> semis :: { () }
+>	: optsemis ';'				{ () }
+> optsemis :: { () }
+>	: semis					{ () }
+>	| {- empty -}				{ () }
+The Export List
+> maybeexports :: { Maybe [HsExportSpec] }
+> 	:  exports				{ Just $1 }
+> 	|  {- empty -}				{ Nothing }
+> exports :: { [HsExportSpec] }
+>	: '(' exportlist optcomma ')'		{ reverse $2 }
+>	| '(' optcomma ')'			{ [] }
+> optcomma :: { () }
+>	: ','					{ () }
+>	| {- empty -}				{ () }
+> exportlist :: { [HsExportSpec] }
+> 	:  exportlist ',' export		{ $3 : $1 }
+> 	|  export				{ [$1]  }
+> export :: { HsExportSpec }
+> 	:  qvar					{ HsEVar $1 }
+> 	|  qtyconorcls				{ HsEAbs $1 }
+> 	|  qtyconorcls '(' '..' ')'		{ HsEThingAll $1 }
+> 	|  qtyconorcls '(' ')'		        { HsEThingWith $1 [] }
+>	|  qtyconorcls '(' cnames ')'		{ HsEThingWith $1 (reverse $3) }
+> 	|  'module' modid			{ HsEModuleContents $2 }
+Import Declarations
+> impdecls :: { [HsImportDecl] }
+>	: impdecls semis impdecl		{ $3 : $1 }
+>	| impdecl				{ [$1] }
+> impdecl :: { HsImportDecl }
+>	: srcloc 'import' optqualified modid maybeas maybeimpspec
+>				{ HsImportDecl $1 $4 $3 $5 $6 }
+> optqualified :: { Bool }
+>       : 'qualified'                           { True  }
+>       | {- empty -}				{ False }
+> maybeas :: { Maybe Module }
+>       : 'as' modid                            { Just $2 }
+>       | {- empty -}				{ Nothing }
+> maybeimpspec :: { Maybe (Bool, [HsImportSpec]) }
+>	: impspec				{ Just $1 }
+>	| {- empty -}				{ Nothing }
+> impspec :: { (Bool, [HsImportSpec]) }
+>	: opthiding '(' importlist optcomma ')'	{ ($1, reverse $3) }
+>	| opthiding '(' optcomma ')'		{ ($1, []) }
+> opthiding :: { Bool }
+>	: 'hiding'				{ True }
+>	| {- empty -}				{ False }
+> importlist :: { [HsImportSpec] }
+> 	:  importlist ',' importspec		{ $3 : $1 }
+> 	|  importspec				{ [$1]  }
+> importspec :: { HsImportSpec }
+> 	:  var					{ HsIVar $1 }
+> 	|  tyconorcls				{ HsIAbs $1 }
+> 	|  tyconorcls '(' '..' ')'		{ HsIThingAll $1 }
+> 	|  tyconorcls '(' ')'		        { HsIThingWith $1 [] }
+> 	|  tyconorcls '(' cnames ')'		{ HsIThingWith $1 (reverse $3) }
+> cnames :: { [HsCName] }
+> 	:  cnames ',' cname			{ $3 : $1 }
+> 	|  cname				{ [$1]  }
+> cname :: { HsCName }
+>	:  var					{ HsVarName $1 }
+> 	|  con					{ HsConName $1 }
+Fixity Declarations
+> fixdecl :: { HsDecl }
+> 	: srcloc infix prec ops			{ HsInfixDecl $1 $2 $3 (reverse $4) }
+> prec :: { Int }
+>	: {- empty -}				{ 9 }
+>	| INT					{% checkPrec $1 }
+> infix :: { HsAssoc }
+>	: 'infix'				{ HsAssocNone  }
+>	| 'infixl'				{ HsAssocLeft  }
+>	| 'infixr'				{ HsAssocRight }
+> ops   :: { [HsOp] }
+>	: ops ',' op				{ $3 : $1 }
+>	| op					{ [$1] }
+Top-Level Declarations
+Note: The report allows topdecls to be empty. This would result in another
+shift/reduce-conflict, so we don't handle this case here, but in bodyaux.
+> topdecls :: { [HsDecl] }
+>	: topdecls1 optsemis		{% checkRevDecls $1 }
+> topdecls1 :: { [HsDecl] }
+>	: topdecls1 semis topdecl	{ $3 : $1 }
+>	| topdecl			{ [$1] }
+> topdecl :: { HsDecl }
+>	: srcloc 'type' simpletype '=' ctype
+>			{ HsTypeDecl $1 (fst $3) (snd $3) $5 }
+>	| srcloc 'data' ctype constrs0 deriving
+>			{% do { (cs,c,t) <- checkDataHeader $3;
+>				return (HsDataDecl $1 cs c t (reverse $4) $5) } }
+>	| srcloc 'data' ctype 'where' gadtlist
+>			{% do { (cs,c,t) <- checkDataHeader $3;
+>				return (HsGDataDecl $1 cs c t (reverse $5)) } }
+>	| srcloc 'newtype' ctype '=' constr deriving
+>			{% do { (cs,c,t) <- checkDataHeader $3;
+>				return (HsNewTypeDecl $1 cs c t $5 $6) } }
+A class declaration may include functional dependencies.
+>	| srcloc 'class' ctype fds optcbody
+>			{% do { (cs,c,vs) <- checkClassHeader $3;
+>				return (HsClassDecl $1 cs c vs $4 $5) } }
+>	| srcloc 'instance' ctype optvaldefs
+>			{% do { (cs,c,ts) <- checkInstHeader $3;
+>				return (HsInstDecl $1 cs c ts $4) } }
+>	| srcloc 'default' '(' typelist ')'
+>			{ HsDefaultDecl $1 $4 }
+>	| srcloc '$(' exp ')'
+>                        {% do { e <- checkExpr $3;
+>                                return $ HsSpliceDecl $1 $ HsParenSplice e } }
+>	| srcloc 'foreign' 'import' callconv safety fspec
+>			{ let (s,n,t) = $6 in HsForImp $1 $4 $5 s n t }
+>	| srcloc 'foreign' 'export' callconv fspec
+>			{ let (s,n,t) = $5 in HsForExp $1 $4 s n t }
+>       | decl		{ $1 }
+> typelist :: { [HsType] }
+>	: types				{ reverse $1 }
+>	| type				{ [$1] }
+>	| {- empty -}			{ [] }
+> decls :: { [HsDecl] }
+>	: optsemis decls1 optsemis	{% checkRevDecls $2 }
+>	| optsemis			{ [] }
+> decls1 :: { [HsDecl] }
+>	: decls1 semis decl		{ $3 : $1 }
+>	| decl				{ [$1] }
+> decl :: { HsDecl }
+>	: signdecl			{ $1 }
+>	| fixdecl			{ $1 }
+>	| valdef			{ $1 }
+> decllist :: { [HsDecl] }
+>	: '{'  decls '}'		{ $2 }
+>	| open decls close		{ $2 }
+> signdecl :: { HsDecl }
+>	: srcloc vars '::' ctype	{ HsTypeSig $1 (reverse $2) $4 }
+Binding can be either of implicit parameters, or it can be a normal sequence
+of declarations. The two kinds cannot be mixed within the same block of
+> binds :: { HsBinds }
+>	: decllist			{ HsBDecls $1 }
+>	| '{' ipbinds '}'		{ HsIPBinds $2 }
+>	| open ipbinds close		{ HsIPBinds $2 }
+ATTENTION: Dirty Hackery Ahead! If the second alternative of vars is var
+instead of qvar, we get another shift/reduce-conflict. Consider the
+following programs:
+   { (+) :: ... }          only var
+   { (+) x y  = ... }      could (incorrectly) be qvar
+We re-use expressions for patterns, so a qvar would be allowed in patterns
+instead of a var only (which would be correct). But deciding what the + is,
+would require more lookahead. So let's check for ourselves...
+> vars	:: { [HsName] }
+>	: vars ',' var			{ $3 : $1 }
+>	| qvar				{% do { n <- checkUnQual $1;
+>						return [n] } }
+> callconv :: { HsCallConv }
+> 	   : 'stdcall'			{ StdCall }
+>	   | 'ccall'			{ CCall }
+> safety :: { HsSafety }
+>	 : 'safe'			{ PlaySafe False }
+>	 | 'unsafe'			{ PlayRisky }
+> 	 | 'threadsafe'			{ PlaySafe True }
+>	 | {- empty -}			{ PlaySafe False }
+> fspec :: { (String, HsName, HsType) }
+>	: STRING var_no_safety '::' dtype		{ ($1, $2, $4) }
+>	|        var_no_safety '::' dtype		{ ("", $1, $3) }
+> dtype :: { HsType }
+>	: btype				{ $1 }
+>       | btype qtyconop dtype          { HsTyInfix $1 $2 $3 }
+>       | btype qtyvarop dtype          { HsTyInfix $1 $2 $3 }
+>	| btype '->' dtype		{ HsTyFun $1 $3 }
+Implicit parameters can occur in normal types, as well as in contexts.
+> type :: { HsType }
+>	: ivar '::' dtype		{ HsTyPred $ HsIParam $1 $3 }
+>	| dtype				{ $1 }
+> btype :: { HsType }
+>	: btype atype			{ HsTyApp $1 $2 }
+>	| atype				{ $1 }
+> atype :: { HsType }
+>	: gtycon			{ HsTyCon $1 }
+>	| tyvar				{ HsTyVar $1 }
+>	| '(' types ')'			{ HsTyTuple Boxed (reverse $2) }
+>	| '(#' types1 '#)'		{ HsTyTuple Unboxed (reverse $2) }
+>	| '[' type ']'			{ HsTyApp list_tycon $2 }
+>	| '(' ctype ')'			{ $2 }
+> gtycon :: { HsQName }
+>	: qconid			{ $1 }
+>	| '(' ')'			{ unit_tycon_name }
+>	| '(' '->' ')'			{ fun_tycon_name }
+>	| '[' ']'			{ list_tycon_name }
+>	| '(' commas ')'		{ tuple_tycon_name $2 }
+These are for infix types
+> qtyconop :: { HsQName }
+>       : qconop                        { $1 }
+(Slightly edited) Comment from GHC's hsparser.y:
+"context => type" vs  "type" is a problem, because you can't distinguish between
+	foo :: (Baz a, Baz a)
+	bar :: (Baz a, Baz a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+with one token of lookahead.  The HACK is to parse the context as a btype
+(more specifically as a tuple type), then check that it has the right form
+C a, or (C1 a, C2 b, ... Cn z) and convert it into a context.  Blaach!
+> ctype :: { HsType }
+>	: 'forall' tyvars '.' ctype	{ mkHsTyForall (Just $2) [] $4 }
+>	| context '=>' type		{ mkHsTyForall Nothing $1 $3 }
+>	| type				{ $1 }
+> context :: { HsContext }
+>	: btype				{% checkContext $1 }
+> types	:: { [HsType] }
+>	: types1 ',' type		{ $3 : $1 }
+> types1 :: { [HsType] }
+>	: type				{ [$1] }
+>	| types1 ',' type		{ $3 : $1 }
+> simpletype :: { (HsName, [HsName]) }
+>	: tycon tyvars			{ ($1,reverse $2) }
+> tyvars :: { [HsName] }
+>	: tyvars tyvar			{ $2 : $1 }
+>	| {- empty -}			{ [] }
+Functional Dependencies
+> fds :: { [HsFunDep] }
+>	: {- empty -}			{ [] }
+>	| '|' fds1			{ reverse $2 }
+> fds1 :: { [HsFunDep] }
+>	: fds1 ',' fd			{ $3 : $1 }
+>	| fd				{ [$1] }
+> fd :: { HsFunDep }
+>	: tyvars '->' tyvars		{ HsFunDep (reverse $1) (reverse $3) }
+Datatype declarations
+> gadtlist :: { [HsGadtDecl] }
+>	: '{' gadtconstrs1 '}'			{ $2 }
+>	| open gadtconstrs1 close		{ $2 }
+> gadtconstrs1 :: { [HsGadtDecl] }
+>	: optsemis gadtconstrs optsemis		{ $2 }
+> gadtconstrs :: { [HsGadtDecl] }
+>	: gadtconstrs semis gadtconstr		{ $3 : $1 }
+>	| gadtconstr 				{ [$1] }
+> gadtconstr :: { HsGadtDecl }
+>	: srcloc qcon '::' ctype		{% do { c <- checkUnQual $2;
+>							return $ HsGadtDecl $1 c $4 } }
+> constrs0 :: { [HsQualConDecl] }
+>	: {- empty -}			{ [] }
+>	| '=' constrs			{ $2 }
+> constrs :: { [HsQualConDecl] }
+>	: constrs '|' constr		{ $3 : $1 }
+>	| constr			{ [$1] }
+> constr :: { HsQualConDecl }
+>	: srcloc forall context '=>' constr1	{ HsQualConDecl $1 $2 $3 $5 }
+>	| srcloc forall constr1			{ HsQualConDecl $1 $2 [] $3 }
+> forall :: { [HsName] }
+>	: 'forall' tyvars '.'		{ $2 }
+>	| {- empty -}			{ [] }
+> constr1 :: { HsConDecl }
+>	: scontype			{ HsConDecl (fst $1) (snd $1) }
+>	| sbtype conop sbtype		{ HsConDecl $2 [$1,$3] }
+>	| con '{' '}'			{ HsRecDecl $1 [] }
+>	| con '{' fielddecls '}' 	{ HsRecDecl $1 (reverse $3) }
+> scontype :: { (HsName, [HsBangType]) }
+>	: btype				{% do { (c,ts) <- splitTyConApp $1;
+>						return (c,map HsUnBangedTy ts) } }
+>	| scontype1			{ $1 }
+> scontype1 :: { (HsName, [HsBangType]) }
+>	: btype '!' atype		{% do { (c,ts) <- splitTyConApp $1;
+>						return (c,map HsUnBangedTy ts++
+>							[HsBangedTy $3]) } }
+>	| scontype1 satype		{ (fst $1, snd $1 ++ [$2] ) }
+> satype :: { HsBangType }
+>	: atype				{ HsUnBangedTy $1 }
+>	| '!' atype			{ HsBangedTy   $2 }
+> sbtype :: { HsBangType }
+>	: btype				{ HsUnBangedTy $1 }
+>	| '!' atype			{ HsBangedTy   $2 }
+> fielddecls :: { [([HsName],HsBangType)] }
+>	: fielddecls ',' fielddecl	{ $3 : $1 }
+>	| fielddecl			{ [$1] }
+> fielddecl :: { ([HsName],HsBangType) }
+>	: vars '::' stype		{ (reverse $1, $3) }
+> stype :: { HsBangType }
+>	: ctype				{ HsUnBangedTy $1 }	
+>	| '!' atype			{ HsBangedTy   $2 }
+> deriving :: { [HsQName] }
+>	: {- empty -}			{ [] }
+>	| 'deriving' qtycls		{ [$2] }
+>	| 'deriving' '('          ')'	{ [] }
+>	| 'deriving' '(' dclasses ')'	{ reverse $3 }
+> dclasses :: { [HsQName] }
+>	: dclasses ',' qtycls		{ $3 : $1 }
+>       | qtycls			{ [$1] }
+Class declarations
+No implicit parameters in the where clause of a class declaration.
+> optcbody :: { [HsDecl] }
+>	: 'where' decllist		{% checkClassBody $2 }
+>	| {- empty -}			{ [] }
+Instance declarations
+> optvaldefs :: { [HsDecl] }
+>	: 'where' '{'  valdefs '}'	{% checkClassBody $3 }
+>	| 'where' open valdefs close	{% checkClassBody $3 }
+>	| {- empty -}			{ [] }
+> valdefs :: { [HsDecl] }
+>	: optsemis valdefs1 optsemis	{% checkRevDecls $2 }
+>	| optsemis			{ [] }
+> valdefs1 :: { [HsDecl] }
+>	: valdefs1 semis valdef		{ $3 : $1 }
+>	| valdef			{ [$1] }
+Value definitions
+> valdef :: { HsDecl }
+>	: srcloc exp0b rhs optwhere	{% checkValDef $1 $2 $3 $4 }
+May bind implicit parameters
+> optwhere :: { HsBinds }
+>	: 'where' binds			{ $2 }
+>	| {- empty -}			{ HsBDecls [] }
+> rhs	:: { HsRhs }
+>	: '=' exp			{% do { e <- checkExpr $2;
+>						return (HsUnGuardedRhs e) } }
+>	| gdrhs				{ HsGuardedRhss  (reverse $1) }
+> gdrhs :: { [HsGuardedRhs] }
+>	: gdrhs gdrh			{ $2 : $1 }
+>	| gdrh				{ [$1] }
+Guards may contain patterns, hence quals instead of exp.
+> gdrh :: { HsGuardedRhs }
+>	: srcloc '|' quals '=' exp	{% do { e <- checkExpr $5;
+>						return (HsGuardedRhs $1 (reverse $3) e) } }
+Note: The Report specifies a meta-rule for lambda, let and if expressions
+(the exp's that end with a subordinate exp): they extend as far to
+the right as possible.  That means they cannot be followed by a type
+signature or infix application.  To implement this without shift/reduce
+conflicts, we split exp10 into these expressions (exp10a) and the others
+(exp10b).  That also means that only an exp0 ending in an exp10b (an exp0b)
+can followed by a type signature or infix application.  So we duplicate
+the exp0 productions to distinguish these from the others (exp0a).
+> exp   :: { HsExp }
+>	: exp0b '::' srcloc ctype  	{ HsExpTypeSig $3 $1 $4 }
+>	| exp0b 'with' ipbinding	{ HsWith $1 $3 }  -- implicit parameters
+>	| exp0				{ $1 }
+> exp0 :: { HsExp }
+>	: exp0a				{ $1 }
+>	| exp0b				{ $1 }
+> exp0a :: { HsExp }
+>	: exp0b qop exp10a		{ HsInfixApp $1 $2 $3 }
+>	| exp10a			{ $1 }
+> exp0b :: { HsExp }
+>	: exp0b qop exp10b		{ HsInfixApp $1 $2 $3 }
+>	| dvarexp			{ $1 }
+>	| exp10b			{ $1 }
+> exp10a :: { HsExp }
+>	: '\\' srcloc apats '->' exp	{ HsLambda $2 (reverse $3) $5 }
+A let may bind implicit parameters
+>  	| 'let' binds 'in' exp		{ HsLet $2 $4 }
+>	| 'dlet' ipbinding 'in' exp	{ HsDLet $2 $4 }
+>	| 'if' exp 'then' exp 'else' exp { HsIf $2 $4 $6 }
+> exp10b :: { HsExp }
+>	: 'case' exp 'of' altslist	{ HsCase $2 $4 }
+>	| '-' fexp			{ HsNegApp $2 }
+>  	| 'do' stmtlist			{ HsDo $2 }
+>  	| 'mdo' stmtlist		{ HsMDo $2 }
+>	| reifyexp			{ HsReifyExp $1 }
+>	| fexp				{ $1 }
+> fexp :: { HsExp }
+>	: fexp aexp			{ HsApp $1 $2 }
+>  	| aexp				{ $1 }
+> apats :: { [HsPat] }
+>	: apats apat			{ $2 : $1 }
+>  	| apat				{ [$1] }
+> apat :: { HsPat }
+>	: aexp				{% checkPattern $1 }
+UGLY: Because patterns and expressions are mixed, aexp has to be split into
+two rules: One right-recursive and one left-recursive. Otherwise we get two
+reduce/reduce-errors (for as-patterns and irrefutable patters).
+Even though the variable in an as-pattern cannot be qualified, we use
+qvar here to avoid a shift/reduce conflict, and then check it ourselves
+(as for vars above).
+> aexp	:: { HsExp }
+>	: qvar '@' aexp			{% do { n <- checkUnQual $1;
+>						return (HsAsPat n $3) } }
+>	| qvar '@:' aexp		{% do { n <- checkUnQual $1;
+>						return (HsCAsRP n $3) } }
+>	| '~' aexp			{ HsIrrPat $2 }
+>	| '#' aexp			{ HsFunctorUnit $2 }
+>	| '!' aexp			{ HsFunctorCall $2 }
+>  	| aexp1				{ $1 }
+Note: The first two alternatives of aexp1 are not necessarily record
+updates: they could be labeled constructions.
+> aexp1	:: { HsExp }
+>  	: aexp1 '{' '}' 		{% mkRecConstrOrUpdate $1 [] }
+>  	| aexp1 '{' fbinds '}' 		{% mkRecConstrOrUpdate $1 (reverse $3) }
+>	| aexp1 '*'			{ HsStarRP $1 }
+>	| aexp1 '*!'			{ HsStarGRP $1 }
+>	| aexp1 '+'			{ HsPlusRP $1 }
+>	| aexp1 '+!'			{ HsPlusGRP $1 }
+>	| aexp1 '?'			{ HsOptRP $1 }
+>	| aexp1 '?!'			{ HsOptGRP $1 }
+>  	| aexp2				{ $1 }
+According to the Report, the left section (e op) is legal iff (e op x)
+parses equivalently to ((e) op x).  Thus e must be an exp0b.
+An implicit parameter can be used as an expression.
+> aexp2	:: { HsExp }
+>	: ivar				{ HsIPVar $1 }
+>	| qvar				{ HsVar $1 }
+>	| gcon				{ $1 }
+>  	| literal			{ HsLit $1 }
+>	| '(' exp ')'			{ HsParen $2 }
+>	| '(' texps ')'			{ HsTuple (reverse $2) }
+>	| '[' list ']'			{ $2 }
+>	| '(' exp0b qop ')'		{ HsLeftSection $2 $3  }
+>	| '(' qopm exp0 ')'		{ HsRightSection $2 $3 }
+>	| '_'				{ HsWildCard }
+>	| '(' erpats ')'		{ $2 }
+>	| '(/' rpats '/)'		{ HsSeqRP $ reverse $2 }
+>	| srcloc '[/' rpats '/]'	{ HsRPats $1 $ reverse $3 }
+>	| xml				{ $1 }
+Template Haskell
+>	| IDSPLICE			{ HsSpliceExp $ HsIdSplice $1 }
+>	| '$(' exp ')'			{% do { e <- checkExpr $2;
+>						return $ HsSpliceExp $ HsParenSplice e } }
+>	| '[|' exp '|]'			{% do { e <- checkExpr $2;
+>						return $ HsBracketExp $ HsExpBracket e } }
+>	| '[p|' exp0 '|]'		{% do { p <- checkPattern $2;
+>						return $ HsBracketExp $ HsPatBracket p } }
+>	| '[t|' ctype '|]'		{ HsBracketExp $ HsTypeBracket $2 }
+>	| '[d|' topdecls '|]'		{ HsBracketExp $ HsDeclBracket $2 }
+> reifyexp :: { HsReify }
+>	: 'reifyDecl' gtycon		{ HsReifyDecl $2 }
+>	| 'reifyDecl' qvar		{ HsReifyDecl $2 }
+>	| 'reifyType' qcname		{ HsReifyType $2 }
+>	| 'reifyFixity' qcname		{ HsReifyFixity $2 }
+> qcname :: { HsQName }
+>	: qvar				{ $1 }
+>	| gcon				{% getGConName $1 }
+End Template Haskell
+> commas :: { Int }
+>	: commas ','			{ $1 + 1 }
+>	| ','				{ 1 }
+> texps :: { [HsExp] }
+>	: texps ',' exp			{ $3 : $1 }
+>	| exp ',' exp			{ [$3,$1] }
+Harp Extensions
+> rpats :: { [HsExp] }
+>	: rpats ',' rpat		{ $3 : $1 }
+>	| rpat				{ [$1] }
+> rpat :: { HsExp }
+>	: erpats			{ $1 }
+>	| exp 				{ $1 }
+Either patterns are left associative
+> erpats :: { HsExp }
+>	: exp 'rp|' erpats		{ HsEitherRP $1 $3 }
+>	| exp 'rp|' exp			{ HsEitherRP $1 $3 }
+Hsx Extensions
+> xml :: { HsExp }
+>	: srcloc '<' name attrs mattr '>' children '</' name '>'	{% do { n <- checkEqNames $3 $9;
+>										let { cn = reverse $7;
+>										      as = reverse $4; };
+>										return $ HsXTag $1 n as $5 cn } }
+>	| srcloc '<' name attrs mattr '/>'				{ HsXETag $1 $3 (reverse $4) $5 }
+>	| '<%' exp '%>'							{ HsXExpTag $2 }
+> children :: { [HsExp] }
+>	: children child		{ $2 : $1 }
+>	| {- empty -}			{ [] }
+> child :: { HsExp }
+>	: PCDATA			{ HsXPcdata $1 }
+>	| srcloc '[/' rpats '/]'	{ HsRPats $1 $ reverse $3 }
+>	| xml				{ $1 }
+> name :: { HsXName }
+>	: xmlname ':' xmlname		{ HsXDomName $1 $3 }
+>	| xmlname			{ HsXName $1 }
+> xmlname :: { String }
+>	: VARID				{ $1 }
+>	| CONID				{ $1 }
+>	| DVARID			{ mkDVar $1 }
+>	| 'type'			{ "type" }
+>	| 'class'			{ "class" }
+> attrs :: { [HsXAttr] }
+>	: attrs attr			{ $2 : $1 }
+>	| {- empty -}			{ [] }
+> attr :: { HsXAttr }
+>	: name '=' aexp			{ HsXAttr $1 $3 }
+> mattr :: { Maybe HsExp }
+>	: aexp				{ Just $1 }
+>	| {-empty-}			{ Nothing }
+Turning dash variables into infix expressions with '-'
+> dvarexp :: { HsExp }
+>	  : DVARID			{ mkDVarExpr $1 }
+List expressions
+The rules below are little bit contorted to keep lexps left-recursive while
+avoiding another shift/reduce-conflict.
+> list :: { HsExp }
+>	: exp				{ HsList [$1] }
+>	| lexps 			{ HsList (reverse $1) }
+>	| exp '..'			{ HsEnumFrom $1 }
+>	| exp ',' exp '..' 		{ HsEnumFromThen $1 $3 }
+>	| exp '..' exp	 		{ HsEnumFromTo $1 $3 }
+>	| exp ',' exp '..' exp		{ HsEnumFromThenTo $1 $3 $5 }
+>	| exp '|' quals			{ HsListComp $1 (reverse $3) }
+> lexps :: { [HsExp] }
+>	: lexps ',' exp 		{ $3 : $1 }
+>	| exp ',' exp			{ [$3,$1] }
+List comprehensions
+> quals :: { [HsStmt] }
+>	: quals ',' qual		{ $3 : $1 }
+>	| qual				{ [$1] }
+> qual  :: { HsStmt }
+>	: pat srcloc '<-' exp		{ HsGenerator $2 $1 $4 }
+>	| exp				{ HsQualifier $1 }
+>  	| 'let' binds			{ HsLetStmt $2 }
+Case alternatives
+> altslist :: { [HsAlt] }
+>	: '{'  alts '}'			{ $2 }
+>	| open alts close		{ $2 }
+> alts :: { [HsAlt] }
+>	: optsemis alts1 optsemis	{ reverse $2 }
+> alts1 :: { [HsAlt] }
+>	: alts1 semis alt		{ $3 : $1 }
+>	| alt				{ [$1] }
+> alt :: { HsAlt }
+>	: srcloc pat ralt optwhere	{ HsAlt $1 $2 $3 $4 }
+> ralt :: { HsGuardedAlts }
+>	: '->' exp			{ HsUnGuardedAlt $2 }
+>	| gdpats			{ HsGuardedAlts (reverse $1) }
+> gdpats :: { [HsGuardedAlt] }
+>	: gdpats gdpat			{ $2 : $1 }
+>	| gdpat				{ [$1] }
+A guard can be a pattern guard, hence quals instead of exp0.
+> gdpat	:: { HsGuardedAlt }
+>	: srcloc '|' quals '->' exp	{ HsGuardedAlt $1 (reverse $3) $5 }
+> pat :: { HsPat }
+>	: exp0b				{% checkPattern $1 }
+Statement sequences
+As per the Report, but with stmt expanded to simplify building the list
+without introducing conflicts.  This also ensures that the last stmt is
+an expression.
+> stmtlist :: { [HsStmt] }
+>	: '{'  stmts '}'		{ $2 }
+>	| open stmts close		{ $2 }
+A let statement may bind implicit parameters.
+> stmts :: { [HsStmt] }
+>	: 'let' binds ';' stmts		{ HsLetStmt $2 : $4 }
+>	| pat srcloc '<-' exp ';' stmts	{ HsGenerator $2 $1 $4 : $6 }
+>	| exp ';' stmts			{ HsQualifier $1 : $3 }
+>	| ';' stmts			{ $2 }
+>	| exp ';'			{ [HsQualifier $1] }
+>	| exp				{ [HsQualifier $1] }
+Record Field Update/Construction
+> fbinds :: { [HsFieldUpdate] }
+>	: fbinds ',' fbind		{ $3 : $1 }
+>	| fbind				{ [$1] }
+> fbind	:: { HsFieldUpdate }
+>	: qvar '=' exp			{ HsFieldUpdate $1 $3 }
+Implicit parameter bindings
+> ipbinding :: { [HsIPBind] }
+>	: '{' ipbinds '}'		{ $2 }
+>	| open ipbinds close		{ $2 }
+> ipbinds :: { [HsIPBind] }
+> 	: optsemis ipbinds1 optsemis	{ reverse $2 }
+> ipbinds1 :: { [HsIPBind] }
+>	: ipbinds1 semis ipbind		{ $3 : $1 }
+>	| ipbind			{ [$1] }
+> ipbind :: { HsIPBind }
+>	: srcloc ivar '=' exp		{ HsIPBind $1 $2 $4 }
+Variables, Constructors and Operators.
+> gcon :: { HsExp }
+>  	: '(' ')'		{ unit_con }
+>	| '[' ']'		{ HsList [] }
+>	| '(' commas ')'	{ tuple_con $2 }
+>  	| qcon			{ HsCon $1 }
+> var 	:: { HsName }
+>	: varid			{ $1 }
+>	| '(' varsym ')'	{ $2 }
+> var_no_safety :: { HsName }
+>		: varid_no_safety	{ $1 }
+>		| '(' varsym ')'	{ $2 }
+> qvar 	:: { HsQName }
+>	: qvarid		{ $1 }
+>	| '(' qvarsym ')'	{ $2 }
+Implicit parameter
+> ivar 	:: { HsIPName }
+>	: ivarid		{ $1 }
+> con	:: { HsName }
+>	: conid			{ $1 }
+>	| '(' consym ')'        { $2 }
+> qcon	:: { HsQName }
+>	: qconid		{ $1 }
+>	| '(' gconsym ')'	{ $2 }
+> varop	:: { HsName }
+>	: varsym		{ $1 }
+>	| '`' varid '`'		{ $2 }
+> qvarop :: { HsQName }
+>	: qvarsym		{ $1 }
+>	| '`' qvarid '`'	{ $2 }
+> qvaropm :: { HsQName }
+>	: qvarsymm		{ $1 }
+>	| '`' qvarid '`'	{ $2 }
+> conop :: { HsName }
+>	: consym		{ $1 }	
+>	| '`' conid '`'		{ $2 }
+> qconop :: { HsQName }
+>	: gconsym		{ $1 }
+>	| '`' qconid '`'	{ $2 }
+> op	:: { HsOp }
+>	: varop			{ HsVarOp $1 }
+>	| conop 		{ HsConOp $1 }
+> qop	:: { HsQOp }
+>	: qvarop		{ HsQVarOp $1 }
+>	| qconop		{ HsQConOp $1 }
+> qopm	:: { HsQOp }
+>	: qvaropm		{ HsQVarOp $1 }
+>	| qconop		{ HsQConOp $1 }
+> gconsym :: { HsQName }
+>	: ':'			{ list_cons_name }
+>	| qconsym		{ $1 }
+Identifiers and Symbols
+> qvarid :: { HsQName }
+>	: varid			{ UnQual $1 }
+>	| QVARID		{ Qual (Module (fst $1)) (HsIdent (snd $1)) }
+> varid_no_safety :: { HsName }
+>	: VARID			{ HsIdent $1 }
+>	| 'as'			{ as_name }
+>	| 'qualified'		{ qualified_name }
+>	| 'hiding'		{ hiding_name }
+>	| 'export'		{ export_name }
+>	| 'stdcall'		{ stdcall_name }
+>	| 'ccall'		{ ccall_name }
+> varid :: { HsName }
+>	: varid_no_safety	{ $1 }
+>	| 'safe'		{ safe_name }
+>	| 'unsafe'		{ unsafe_name }
+>	| 'threadsafe'		{ threadsafe_name }
+Implicit parameter
+> ivarid :: { HsIPName }
+>	: IDUPID		{ HsIPDup $1 }
+>	| ILINID		{ HsIPLin $1 }
+> qconid :: { HsQName }
+>	: conid			{ UnQual $1 }
+>	| QCONID		{ Qual (Module (fst $1)) (HsIdent (snd $1)) }
+> conid :: { HsName }
+>	: CONID			{ HsIdent $1 }
+> qconsym :: { HsQName }
+>	: consym		{ UnQual $1 }
+>	| QCONSYM		{ Qual (Module (fst $1)) (HsSymbol (snd $1)) }
+> consym :: { HsName }
+>	: CONSYM		{ HsSymbol $1 }
+> qvarsym :: { HsQName }
+>	: varsym		{ UnQual $1 }
+>	| qvarsym1		{ $1 }
+> qvarsymm :: { HsQName }
+>	: varsymm		{ UnQual $1 }
+>	| qvarsym1		{ $1 }
+> varsym :: { HsName }
+>	: VARSYM		{ HsSymbol $1 }
+>	| '-'			{ minus_name }
+>	| '!'			{ pling_name }
+>	| '.'			{ dot_name }
+> varsymm :: { HsName } -- varsym not including '-'
+>	: VARSYM		{ HsSymbol $1 }
+>	| '!'			{ pling_name }
+>	| '.'			{ dot_name }
+> qvarsym1 :: { HsQName }
+>	: QVARSYM		{ Qual (Module (fst $1)) (HsSymbol (snd $1)) }
+> literal :: { HsLiteral }
+>	: INT			{ HsInt $1 }
+>	| CHAR 			{ HsChar $1 }
+>	| RATIONAL		{ HsFrac $1 }
+>	| STRING		{ HsString $1 }
+> srcloc :: { SrcLoc }	:	{% getSrcLoc }
+> open  :: { () }	:	{% pushCurrentContext }
+> close :: { () }
+>	: vccurly		{ () } -- context popped in lexer.
+>	| error			{% popContext }
+Miscellaneous (mostly renamings)
+> modid :: { Module }
+>	: CONID			{ Module $1 }
+>	| QCONID		{ Module (fst $1 ++ '.':snd $1) }
+> tyconorcls :: { HsName }
+>	: conid			{ $1 }
+> tycon :: { HsName }
+>	: conid			{ $1 }
+> qtyconorcls :: { HsQName }
+>	: qconid		{ $1 }
+> qtycls :: { HsQName }
+>	: qconid		{ $1 }
+> tyvar :: { HsName }
+>	: varid			{ $1 }
+> qtyvarop :: { HsQName }
+> qtyvarop : '`' tyvar '`'       { UnQual $2 }
+>          | tyvarsym            { UnQual $1 }
+> tyvarsym :: { HsName }
+> tyvarsym : VARSYM              { HsSymbol $1 }
+> {
+> happyError :: P a
+> happyError = fail "Parse error"
+> -- | Parse of a string, which should contain a complete Haskell 98 module.
+> parseModule :: String -> ParseResult HsModule
+> parseModule = runParser parse
+> -- | Parse of a string, which should contain a complete Haskell 98 module.
+> parseModuleWithMode :: ParseMode -> String -> ParseResult HsModule
+> parseModuleWithMode mode = runParserWithMode mode parse
+> }
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/ParseUtils.hs new-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/ParseUtils.hs
--- old-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/ParseUtils.hs	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/ParseUtils.hs	2007-02-12 19:32:17.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+-- #hide
+-- |
+-- Module      :  Preprocessor.Hsx.ParseUtils
+-- Original    :  Language.Haskell.ParseUtils
+-- Copyright   :  (c) Niklas Broberg 2004,
+-- 		  (c) The GHC Team, 1997-2000
+-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE.txt)
+-- Maintainer  :  Niklas Broberg, d00nibro at dtek.chalmers.se
+-- Stability   :  experimental
+-- Portability :  portable
+-- Utilities for the Haskell-exts parser.
+module Preprocessor.Hsx.ParseUtils (
+	  splitTyConApp		-- HsType -> P (HsName,[HsType])
+	, mkRecConstrOrUpdate	-- HsExp -> [HsFieldUpdate] -> P HsExp
+	, checkPrec		-- Integer -> P Int
+	, checkContext		-- HsType -> P HsContext
+	, checkAssertion	-- HsType -> P HsAsst
+	, checkDataHeader	-- HsType -> P (HsContext,HsName,[HsName])
+	, checkClassHeader	-- HsType -> P (HsContext,HsName,[HsName])
+	, checkInstHeader	-- HsType -> P (HsContext,HsQName,[HsType])
+	, checkPattern		-- HsExp -> P HsPat
+	, checkExpr		-- HsExp -> P HsExp
+	, checkValDef		-- SrcLoc -> HsExp -> HsRhs -> [HsDecl] -> P HsDecl
+	, checkClassBody	-- [HsDecl] -> P [HsDecl]
+	, checkUnQual		-- HsQName -> P HsName
+	, checkRevDecls		-- [HsDecl] -> P [HsDecl]
+	, getGConName		-- HsExp -> P HsQName
+	, mkHsTyForall		-- Maybe [HsName] -> HsContext -> HsType -> HsType 
+	-- HaRP
+	, checkRPattern		-- HsExp -> P HsRPat
+	-- Hsx
+	, checkEqNames		-- HsXName -> HsXName -> P HsXName
+	, mkPageModule		-- HsExp -> P HsModule
+	, mkPage		-- HsModule -> SrcLoc -> HsExp -> P HsModule
+	, mkDVar		-- [String] -> String
+	, mkDVarExpr		-- [String] -> HsExp
+	) where
+import Preprocessor.Hsx.Syntax
+import Preprocessor.Hsx.ParseMonad
+import Preprocessor.Hsx.Pretty
+import Preprocessor.Hsx.Build
+import Data.List (intersperse)
+splitTyConApp :: HsType -> P (HsName,[HsType])
+splitTyConApp t0 = split t0 []
+ where
+	split :: HsType -> [HsType] -> P (HsName,[HsType])
+	split (HsTyApp t u) ts = split t (u:ts)
+	split (HsTyCon (UnQual t)) ts = return (t,ts)
+        split (HsTyInfix a op b) ts = split (HsTyCon op) (a:b:ts)
+	split _ _ = fail "Illegal data/newtype declaration"
+-- Various Syntactic Checks
+checkContext :: HsType -> P HsContext
+checkContext (HsTyTuple Boxed ts) =
+	mapM checkAssertion ts
+checkContext t = do
+	c <- checkAssertion t
+	return [c]
+-- Changed for multi-parameter type classes.
+-- Further changed for implicit parameters.
+checkAssertion :: HsType -> P HsAsst
+checkAssertion (HsTyPred p@(HsIParam n t)) = return p
+checkAssertion t = checkAssertion' [] t
+	where	checkAssertion' ts (HsTyCon c) = return $ HsClassA c ts
+		checkAssertion' ts (HsTyApp a t) = checkAssertion' (t:ts) a
+                checkAssertion' ts (HsTyInfix a op b) = checkAssertion' (a:b:ts) (HsTyCon op)
+		checkAssertion' _ _ = fail "Illegal class assertion"
+checkDataHeader :: HsType -> P (HsContext,HsName,[HsName])
+checkDataHeader (HsTyForall Nothing cs t) = do
+	(c,ts) <- checkSimple "data/newtype" t []
+	return (cs,c,ts)
+checkDataHeader t = do
+	(c,ts) <- checkSimple "data/newtype" t []
+	return ([],c,ts)
+checkClassHeader :: HsType -> P (HsContext,HsName,[HsName])
+checkClassHeader (HsTyForall Nothing cs t) = do
+	(c,ts) <- checkSimple "class" t []
+	return (cs,c,ts)
+checkClassHeader t = do
+	(c,ts) <- checkSimple "class" t []
+	return ([],c,ts)
+checkSimple :: String -> HsType -> [HsName] -> P (HsName,[HsName])
+checkSimple kw (HsTyApp l (HsTyVar a)) xs = checkSimple kw l (a:xs)
+checkSimple _  (HsTyInfix (HsTyVar a) (UnQual t) (HsTyVar b)) xs = return (t,a:b:xs)
+checkSimple _kw (HsTyCon (UnQual t))   xs = return (t,xs)
+checkSimple kw _ _ = fail ("Illegal " ++ kw ++ " declaration")
+checkInstHeader :: HsType -> P (HsContext,HsQName,[HsType])
+checkInstHeader (HsTyForall Nothing cs t) = do
+	(c,ts) <- checkInsts t []
+	return (cs,c,ts)
+checkInstHeader t = do
+	(c,ts) <- checkInsts t []
+	return ([],c,ts)
+checkInsts :: HsType -> [HsType] -> P ((HsQName,[HsType]))
+checkInsts (HsTyApp l t) ts = checkInsts l (t:ts)
+checkInsts (HsTyCon c)   ts = return (c,ts)
+checkInsts _ _ = fail "Illegal instance declaration"
+checkInst :: HsType -> P ()
+checkInst (HsTyApp l _) = checkInst l
+checkInst (HsTyVar _)   = fail "Illegal instance declaration"
+checkInst _             = return ()
+-- Checking Patterns.
+-- We parse patterns as expressions and check for valid patterns below,
+-- converting the expression into a pattern at the same time.
+checkPattern :: HsExp -> P HsPat
+checkPattern e = checkPat e []
+checkPat :: HsExp -> [HsPat] -> P HsPat
+checkPat (HsCon c) args = return (HsPApp c args)
+checkPat (HsApp f x) args = do
+	x <- checkPat x []
+	checkPat f (x:args)
+checkPat e [] = case e of
+	HsVar (UnQual x)   -> return (HsPVar x)
+	HsLit l            -> return (HsPLit l)
+	HsInfixApp l op r  -> do
+			      l <- checkPat l []
+			      r <- checkPat r []
+			      case op of
+				 HsQConOp c -> return (HsPInfixApp l c r)
+				 _ -> patFail ""
+	HsTuple es         -> do
+			      ps <- mapM (\e -> checkPat e []) es
+			      return (HsPTuple ps)
+	HsList es	   -> do
+			      ps <- mapM (\e -> checkPat e []) es
+			      return (HsPList ps)
+	HsParen e	   -> do
+			      p <- checkPat e []
+			      return (HsPParen p)
+	HsAsPat n e	   -> do
+			      p <- checkPat e []
+			      return (HsPAsPat n p)
+	HsWildCard	   -> return HsPWildCard
+	HsIrrPat e	   -> do
+			      p <- checkPat e []
+			      return (HsPIrrPat p)
+	HsRecConstr c fs   -> do
+			      fs <- mapM checkPatField fs
+			      return (HsPRec c fs)
+	HsNegApp (HsLit l) -> return (HsPNeg (HsPLit l))
+	HsRPats s es	   -> do
+			      rps <- mapM checkRPattern es
+			      return (HsPRPat s rps)
+	HsExpTypeSig s e t -> do
+			      p <- checkPat e []
+			      return (HsPatTypeSig s p t)
+	-- Hsx
+	HsXTag s n attrs mattr cs -> do
+			      pattrs <- mapM checkPAttr attrs
+			      pcs    <- mapM (\c -> checkPat c []) cs
+			      mpattr <- maybe (return Nothing) 
+			      		  (\e -> do p <- checkPat e []
+			      		  	    return $ Just p) 
+			      		  mattr
+			      let cp = mkChildrenPat pcs
+			      return $ HsPXTag s n pattrs mpattr cp
+	HsXETag s n attrs mattr -> do
+			      pattrs <- mapM checkPAttr attrs
+			      mpattr <- maybe (return Nothing) 
+			      		  (\e -> do p <- checkPat e []
+			      		  	    return $ Just p) 
+			      		  mattr
+			      return $ HsPXETag s n pattrs mpattr
+	HsXPcdata pcdata   -> return $ HsPXPcdata pcdata
+	HsXExpTag e	   -> do
+			      p <- checkPat e []
+			      return $ HsPXPatTag p
+	e -> patFail $ show e
+checkPat e _ = patFail $ show e
+checkPatField :: HsFieldUpdate -> P HsPatField
+checkPatField (HsFieldUpdate n e) = do
+	p <- checkPat e []
+	return (HsPFieldPat n p)
+checkPAttr :: HsXAttr -> P HsPXAttr
+checkPAttr (HsXAttr n v) = do p <- checkPat v []
+			      return $ HsPXAttr n p
+patFail :: String -> P a
+patFail s = fail $ "Parse error in pattern: " ++ s
+checkRPattern :: HsExp -> P HsRPat
+checkRPattern e = case e of
+	HsSeqRP es	  -> do 
+			     rps <- mapM checkRPattern es
+			     return $ HsRPSeq rps
+	HsStarRP e	  -> do
+			     rp <- checkRPattern e
+			     return $ HsRPStar rp
+	HsPlusRP e	  -> do
+			     rp <- checkRPattern e
+			     return $ HsRPPlus rp 
+	HsOptRP e	  -> do
+			     rp <- checkRPattern e
+			     return $ HsRPOpt rp 
+	HsStarGRP e	  -> do
+			     rp <- checkRPattern e
+			     return $ HsRPStarG rp
+	HsPlusGRP e	  -> do
+			     rp <- checkRPattern e
+			     return $ HsRPPlusG rp 
+	HsOptGRP e	  -> do
+			     rp <- checkRPattern e
+			     return $ HsRPOptG rp 
+	HsEitherRP e1 e2  -> do
+			     rp1 <- checkRPattern e1
+			     rp2 <- checkRPattern e2
+			     return $ HsRPEither rp1 rp2
+	HsCAsRP n e	  -> do
+			     rp <- checkRPattern e
+			     return $ HsRPCAs n rp
+	HsAsPat	n e	  -> do
+			     rp <- checkRPattern e
+			     return $ HsRPAs n rp
+	HsParen e	  -> do
+			     rp <- checkRPattern e
+			     return $ HsRPParen rp
+	_	          -> do
+			     p <- checkPattern e
+			     return $ HsRPPat p
+mkChildrenPat :: [HsPat] -> HsPat
+mkChildrenPat ps = mkCPAux ps []
+  where mkCPAux :: [HsPat] -> [HsPat] -> HsPat
+  	mkCPAux [] qs = HsPList $ reverse qs
+  	mkCPAux (p:ps) qs = case p of
+  		(HsPRPat s rps) -> mkCRP s ps (reverse rps ++ map HsRPPat qs)
+  		_		-> mkCPAux ps (p:qs)
+  	mkCRP :: SrcLoc -> [HsPat] -> [HsRPat] -> HsPat
+  	mkCRP s [] rps = HsPRPat s $ reverse rps
+  	mkCRP s (p:ps) rps = case p of
+  		(HsPRPat _ rqs) -> mkCRP s ps (reverse rqs ++ rps)
+  		_ 		-> mkCRP s ps (HsRPPat p : rps)
+-- Check Expression Syntax
+checkExpr :: HsExp -> P HsExp
+checkExpr e = case e of
+	HsVar _			  -> return e
+	HsIPVar _		  -> return e
+	HsCon _			  -> return e
+	HsLit _			  -> return e
+	HsInfixApp e1 op e2	  -> check2Exprs e1 e2 (flip HsInfixApp op)
+	HsApp e1 e2		  -> check2Exprs e1 e2 HsApp
+	HsNegApp e		  -> check1Expr e HsNegApp
+	HsLambda loc ps e	  -> check1Expr e (HsLambda loc ps)
+	HsLet bs e		  -> check1Expr e (HsLet bs)
+	HsDLet bs e		  -> check1Expr e (HsDLet bs)
+	HsWith e bs		  -> check1Expr e (flip HsWith bs)
+	HsIf e1 e2 e3		  -> check3Exprs e1 e2 e3 HsIf
+	HsCase e alts		  -> do
+				     alts <- mapM checkAlt alts
+				     e <- checkExpr e
+				     return (HsCase e alts)
+	HsDo stmts		  -> do
+				     stmts <- mapM checkStmt stmts
+				     return (HsDo stmts)
+	HsMDo stmts		  -> do
+				     stmts <- mapM checkStmt stmts
+				     return (HsMDo stmts)
+	HsTuple es		  -> checkManyExprs es HsTuple
+	HsList es		  -> checkManyExprs es HsList
+	HsParen e		  -> check1Expr e HsParen
+	HsLeftSection e op	  -> check1Expr e (flip HsLeftSection op)
+	HsRightSection op e	  -> check1Expr e (HsRightSection op)
+	HsRecConstr c fields	  -> do
+				     fields <- mapM checkField fields
+				     return (HsRecConstr c fields)
+	HsRecUpdate e fields	  -> do
+				     fields <- mapM checkField fields
+				     e <- checkExpr e
+				     return (HsRecUpdate e fields)
+	HsEnumFrom e		  -> check1Expr e HsEnumFrom
+	HsEnumFromTo e1 e2	  -> check2Exprs e1 e2 HsEnumFromTo
+	HsEnumFromThen e1 e2      -> check2Exprs e1 e2 HsEnumFromThen
+	HsEnumFromThenTo e1 e2 e3 -> check3Exprs e1 e2 e3 HsEnumFromThenTo
+	HsListComp e stmts        -> do
+				     stmts <- mapM checkStmt stmts
+				     e <- checkExpr e
+				     return (HsListComp e stmts)
+	HsExpTypeSig loc e ty     -> do
+				     e <- checkExpr e
+				     return (HsExpTypeSig loc e ty)
+	--Template Haskell
+	HsReifyExp _		  -> return e
+	HsBracketExp _		  -> return e
+	HsSpliceExp _		  -> return e
+	-- Hsx
+	HsXTag s n attrs mattr cs -> do attrs <- mapM checkAttr attrs
+					cs <- mapM checkExpr cs
+			     		mattr <- maybe (return Nothing) 
+			      		  (\e -> checkExpr e >>= return . Just) 
+			      		  mattr					
+					return $ HsXTag s n attrs mattr cs
+	HsXETag s n attrs mattr	  -> do attrs <- mapM checkAttr attrs
+			     		mattr <- maybe (return Nothing) 
+			      		  (\e -> checkExpr e >>= return . Just) 
+			      		  mattr					
+					return $ HsXETag s n attrs mattr 
+	HsXPcdata _		  -> return e
+	HsXExpTag e		  -> do e <- checkExpr e
+					return $ HsXExpTag e
+	-- Functor sugar
+	HsFunctorUnit e	          -> do e <- checkExpr e
+                                        return $ HsFunctorUnit e
+	HsFunctorCall e	          -> do e <- checkExpr e
+                                        return $ HsFunctorCall e
+	_			  -> fail $ "Parse error in expression: " ++ show e
+checkAttr :: HsXAttr -> P HsXAttr
+checkAttr (HsXAttr n v) = do v <- checkExpr v
+			     return $ HsXAttr n v
+-- type signature for polymorphic recursion!!
+check1Expr :: HsExp -> (HsExp -> a) -> P a
+check1Expr e1 f = do
+	e1 <- checkExpr e1
+	return (f e1)
+check2Exprs :: HsExp -> HsExp -> (HsExp -> HsExp -> a) -> P a
+check2Exprs e1 e2 f = do
+	e1 <- checkExpr e1
+	e2 <- checkExpr e2
+	return (f e1 e2)
+check3Exprs :: HsExp -> HsExp -> HsExp -> (HsExp -> HsExp -> HsExp -> a) -> P a
+check3Exprs e1 e2 e3 f = do
+	e1 <- checkExpr e1
+	e2 <- checkExpr e2
+	e3 <- checkExpr e3
+	return (f e1 e2 e3)
+checkManyExprs :: [HsExp] -> ([HsExp] -> a) -> P a
+checkManyExprs es f = do
+	es <- mapM checkExpr es
+	return (f es)
+checkAlt :: HsAlt -> P HsAlt
+checkAlt (HsAlt loc p galts bs) = do
+	galts <- checkGAlts galts
+	return (HsAlt loc p galts bs)
+checkGAlts :: HsGuardedAlts -> P HsGuardedAlts
+checkGAlts (HsUnGuardedAlt e) = check1Expr e HsUnGuardedAlt
+checkGAlts (HsGuardedAlts galts) = do
+	galts <- mapM checkGAlt galts
+	return (HsGuardedAlts galts)
+checkGAlt :: HsGuardedAlt -> P HsGuardedAlt
+checkGAlt (HsGuardedAlt loc g e) = check1Expr e (HsGuardedAlt loc g)
+checkStmt :: HsStmt -> P HsStmt
+checkStmt (HsGenerator loc p e) = check1Expr e (HsGenerator loc p)
+checkStmt (HsQualifier e) = check1Expr e HsQualifier
+checkStmt s@(HsLetStmt _) = return s
+checkField :: HsFieldUpdate -> P HsFieldUpdate
+checkField (HsFieldUpdate n e) = check1Expr e (HsFieldUpdate n)
+getGConName :: HsExp -> P HsQName
+getGConName (HsCon n) = return n
+getGConName (HsList []) = return list_cons_name
+getGConName _ = fail "Expression in reification is not a name"
+-- Check Equation Syntax
+checkValDef :: SrcLoc -> HsExp -> HsRhs -> HsBinds -> P HsDecl
+checkValDef srcloc lhs rhs whereBinds =
+    case isFunLhs lhs [] of
+	 Just (f,es) -> do
+			ps <- mapM checkPattern es
+			return (HsFunBind [HsMatch srcloc f ps rhs whereBinds])
+         Nothing     -> do
+			lhs <- checkPattern lhs
+			return (HsPatBind srcloc lhs rhs whereBinds)
+-- A variable binding is parsed as an HsPatBind.
+isFunLhs :: HsExp -> [HsExp] -> Maybe (HsName, [HsExp])
+isFunLhs (HsInfixApp l (HsQVarOp (UnQual op)) r) es = Just (op, l:r:es)
+isFunLhs (HsApp (HsVar (UnQual f)) e) es = Just (f, e:es)
+isFunLhs (HsApp (HsParen f) e) es = isFunLhs f (e:es)
+isFunLhs (HsApp f e) es = isFunLhs f (e:es)
+isFunLhs _ _ = Nothing
+-- In a class or instance body, a pattern binding must be of a variable.
+checkClassBody :: [HsDecl] -> P [HsDecl]
+checkClassBody decls = do
+	mapM_ checkMethodDef decls
+	return decls
+checkMethodDef :: HsDecl -> P ()
+checkMethodDef (HsPatBind _ (HsPVar _) _ _) = return ()
+checkMethodDef (HsPatBind loc _ _ _) =
+	fail "illegal method definition" `atSrcLoc` loc
+checkMethodDef _ = return ()
+-- Check that an identifier or symbol is unqualified.
+-- For occasions when doing this in the grammar would cause conflicts.
+checkUnQual :: HsQName -> P HsName
+checkUnQual (Qual _ _) = fail "Illegal qualified name"
+checkUnQual (UnQual n) = return n
+checkUnQual (Special _) = fail "Illegal special name"
+-- Check that two xml tag names are equal
+-- Could use Eq directly, but I am not sure whether <dom:name>...</name> 
+-- would be valid, in that case Eq won't work. TODO
+checkEqNames :: HsXName -> HsXName -> P HsXName
+checkEqNames n@(HsXName n1) (HsXName n2) 
+	| n1 == n2  = return n
+	| otherwise = fail "names in matching xml tags are not equal"
+checkEqNames n@(HsXDomName d1 n1) (HsXDomName d2 n2)
+	| n1 == n2 && d1 == d2 = return n
+	| otherwise = fail "names in matching xml tags are not equal"
+checkEqNames _ _ = fail "names in matching xml tags are not equal"
+-- Miscellaneous utilities
+checkPrec :: Integer -> P Int
+checkPrec i | 0 <= i && i <= 9 = return (fromInteger i)
+checkPrec i | otherwise	       = fail ("Illegal precedence " ++ show i)
+mkRecConstrOrUpdate :: HsExp -> [HsFieldUpdate] -> P HsExp
+mkRecConstrOrUpdate (HsCon c) fs       = return (HsRecConstr c fs)
+mkRecConstrOrUpdate e         fs@(_:_) = return (HsRecUpdate e fs)
+mkRecConstrOrUpdate _         _        = fail "Empty record update"
+-- Reverse a list of declarations, merging adjacent HsFunBinds of the
+-- same name and checking that their arities match.
+checkRevDecls :: [HsDecl] -> P [HsDecl]
+checkRevDecls = mergeFunBinds []
+    where
+	mergeFunBinds revDs [] = return revDs
+	mergeFunBinds revDs (HsFunBind ms1@(HsMatch _ name ps _ _:_):ds1) =
+		mergeMatches ms1 ds1
+	    where
+		arity = length ps
+		mergeMatches ms' (HsFunBind ms@(HsMatch loc name' ps' _ _:_):ds)
+		    | name' == name =
+			if length ps' /= arity
+			then fail ("arity mismatch for '" ++ prettyPrint name ++ "'")
+			     `atSrcLoc` loc
+			else mergeMatches (ms++ms') ds
+		mergeMatches ms' ds = mergeFunBinds (HsFunBind ms':revDs) ds
+	mergeFunBinds revDs (d:ds) = mergeFunBinds (d:revDs) ds
+-- Converting a complete page
+pageFun :: SrcLoc -> HsExp -> HsDecl
+pageFun loc e = HsPatBind loc namePat rhs (HsBDecls [])
+    where namePat = HsPVar $ HsIdent "page"
+    	  rhs = HsUnGuardedRhs e
+mkPage :: HsModule -> SrcLoc -> HsExp -> P HsModule
+mkPage (HsModule src prags md exps imps decls) loc xml = do
+	let page = pageFun loc xml
+	return $ HsModule src prags md exps imps (decls ++ [page])
+mkPageModule :: HsExp -> P HsModule
+mkPageModule xml = do 
+	do loc <- case xml of 
+	 	   HsXTag l _ _ _ _ -> return l
+	 	   HsXETag l _ _ _  -> return l
+	 	   _ -> fail "Will not happen since mkPageModule is only called on XML expressions"
+	   mod <- getModuleName
+	   return $ (HsModule 
+	  	      loc
+	  	      []
+	  	      (Module mod)
+	  	      (Just [HsEVar $ UnQual $ HsIdent "page"])
+	  	      []
+	  	      [pageFun loc xml])
+-- Handle dash-identifiers
+mkDVar :: [String] -> String
+mkDVar = concat . intersperse "-"
+mkDVarExpr :: [String] -> HsExp
+mkDVarExpr = foldl1 (\x y -> infixApp x (op $ sym "-") y) . map (var . name)
+-- Combine adjacent for-alls. 
+-- A valid type must have one for-all at the top of the type, or of the fn arg types
+mkHsTyForall :: Maybe [HsName] -> HsContext -> HsType -> HsType
+mkHsTyForall mtvs []   ty = mk_forall_ty mtvs ty
+mkHsTyForall mtvs ctxt ty = HsTyForall mtvs ctxt ty
+-- mk_forall_ty makes a pure for-all type (no context)
+mk_forall_ty (Just []) ty 			  = ty	-- Explicit for-all with no tyvars
+mk_forall_ty mtvs1     (HsTyForall mtvs2 ctxt ty) = mkHsTyForall (mtvs1 `plus` mtvs2) ctxt ty
+mk_forall_ty mtvs1     ty			  = HsTyForall mtvs1 [] ty
+mtvs1       `plus` Nothing     = mtvs1
+Nothing     `plus` mtvs2       = mtvs2 
+(Just tvs1) `plus` (Just tvs2) = Just (tvs1 ++ tvs2)
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Pretty.hs new-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Pretty.hs
--- old-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Pretty.hs	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Pretty.hs	2007-02-12 19:32:17.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,986 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -w #-}
+-- |
+-- Module      :  Preprocessor.Hsx.Pretty
+-- Original    :  Language.Haskell.Pretty
+-- Copyright   :  (c) Niklas Broberg 2004,
+-- 		  (c) The GHC Team, Noel Winstanley 1997-2000
+-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE.txt)
+-- Maintainer  :  Niklas Broberg, d00nibro at dtek.chalmers.se
+-- Stability   :  experimental
+-- Portability :  portable
+-- Pretty printer for Haskell with extensions.
+module Preprocessor.Hsx.Pretty (
+		-- * Pretty printing
+		Pretty,
+		prettyPrintStyleMode, prettyPrintWithMode, prettyPrint,
+		-- * Pretty-printing styles (from "Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ")
+		P.Style(..), P.style, P.Mode(..),
+		-- * Haskell formatting modes
+		PPHsMode(..), Indent, PPLayout(..), defaultMode) where
+import Preprocessor.Hsx.Syntax
+import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as P
+infixl 5 $$$
+-- | Varieties of layout we can use.
+data PPLayout = PPOffsideRule	-- ^ classical layout
+	      | PPSemiColon	-- ^ classical layout made explicit
+	      | PPInLine	-- ^ inline decls, with newlines between them
+	      | PPNoLayout	-- ^ everything on a single line
+	      deriving Eq
+type Indent = Int
+-- | Pretty-printing parameters.
+-- /Note:/ the 'onsideIndent' must be positive and less than all other indents.
+data PPHsMode = PPHsMode {
+				-- | indentation of a class or instance
+		classIndent :: Indent,
+				-- | indentation of a @do at -expression
+		doIndent :: Indent,
+				-- | indentation of the body of a
+				-- @case@ expression
+		caseIndent :: Indent,
+				-- | indentation of the declarations in a
+				-- @let@ expression
+		letIndent :: Indent,
+				-- | indentation of the declarations in a
+				-- @where@ clause
+		whereIndent :: Indent,
+				-- | indentation added for continuation
+				-- lines that would otherwise be offside
+		onsideIndent :: Indent,
+				-- | blank lines between statements?
+		spacing :: Bool,
+				-- | Pretty-printing style to use
+		layout :: PPLayout,
+				-- | add GHC-style @LINE@ pragmas to output?
+		linePragmas :: Bool,
+				-- | not implemented yet
+		comments :: Bool
+		}
+-- | The default mode: pretty-print using the offside rule and sensible
+-- defaults.
+defaultMode :: PPHsMode
+defaultMode = PPHsMode{
+		      classIndent = 8,
+		      doIndent = 3,
+		      caseIndent = 4,
+		      letIndent = 4,
+		      whereIndent = 6,
+		      onsideIndent = 2,
+		      spacing = True,
+		      layout = PPOffsideRule,
+		      linePragmas = False,
+		      comments = True
+		      }
+-- | Pretty printing monad
+newtype DocM s a = DocM (s -> a)
+instance Functor (DocM s) where
+	 fmap f xs = do x <- xs; return (f x)
+instance Monad (DocM s) where
+	(>>=) = thenDocM
+	(>>) = then_DocM
+	return = retDocM
+{-# INLINE thenDocM #-}
+{-# INLINE then_DocM #-}
+{-# INLINE retDocM #-}
+{-# INLINE unDocM #-}
+{-# INLINE getPPEnv #-}
+thenDocM :: DocM s a -> (a -> DocM s b) -> DocM s b
+thenDocM m k = DocM $ (\s -> case unDocM m $ s of a -> unDocM (k a) $ s)
+then_DocM :: DocM s a -> DocM s b -> DocM s b
+then_DocM m k = DocM $ (\s -> case unDocM m $ s of _ -> unDocM k $ s)
+retDocM :: a -> DocM s a
+retDocM a = DocM (\_s -> a)
+unDocM :: DocM s a -> (s -> a)
+unDocM (DocM f) = f
+-- all this extra stuff, just for this one function.
+getPPEnv :: DocM s s
+getPPEnv = DocM id
+-- So that pp code still looks the same
+-- this means we lose some generality though
+-- | The document type produced by these pretty printers uses a 'PPHsMode'
+-- environment.
+type Doc = DocM PPHsMode P.Doc
+-- | Things that can be pretty-printed, including all the syntactic objects
+-- in "Preprocessor.Syntax".
+class Pretty a where
+	-- | Pretty-print something in isolation.
+	pretty :: a -> Doc
+	-- | Pretty-print something in a precedence context.
+	prettyPrec :: Int -> a -> Doc
+	pretty = prettyPrec 0
+	prettyPrec _ = pretty
+-- The pretty printing combinators
+empty :: Doc
+empty = return P.empty
+nest :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
+nest i m = m >>= return . P.nest i
+-- Literals
+text, ptext :: String -> Doc
+text = return . P.text
+ptext = return . P.text
+char :: Char -> Doc
+char = return . P.char
+int :: Int -> Doc
+int = return . P.int
+integer :: Integer -> Doc
+integer = return . P.integer
+float :: Float -> Doc
+float = return . P.float
+double :: Double -> Doc
+double = return . P.double
+rational :: Rational -> Doc
+rational = return . P.rational
+-- Simple Combining Forms
+parens, brackets, braces,quotes,doubleQuotes :: Doc -> Doc
+parens d = d >>= return . P.parens
+brackets d = d >>= return . P.brackets
+braces d = d >>= return . P.braces
+quotes d = d >>= return . P.quotes
+doubleQuotes d = d >>= return . P.doubleQuotes
+parensIf :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
+parensIf True = parens
+parensIf False = id
+-- Constants
+semi,comma,colon,space,equals :: Doc
+semi = return P.semi
+comma = return P.comma
+colon = return P.colon
+space = return P.space
+equals = return P.equals
+lparen,rparen,lbrack,rbrack,lbrace,rbrace :: Doc
+lparen = return  P.lparen
+rparen = return  P.rparen
+lbrack = return  P.lbrack
+rbrack = return  P.rbrack
+lbrace = return  P.lbrace
+rbrace = return  P.rbrace
+-- Combinators
+(<>),(<+>),($$),($+$) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
+aM <> bM = do{a<-aM;b<-bM;return (a P.<> b)}
+aM <+> bM = do{a<-aM;b<-bM;return (a P.<+> b)}
+aM $$ bM = do{a<-aM;b<-bM;return (a P.$$ b)}
+aM $+$ bM = do{a<-aM;b<-bM;return (a P.$+$ b)}
+hcat,hsep,vcat,sep,cat,fsep,fcat :: [Doc] -> Doc
+hcat dl = sequence dl >>= return . P.hcat
+hsep dl = sequence dl >>= return . P.hsep
+vcat dl = sequence dl >>= return . P.vcat
+sep dl = sequence dl >>= return . P.sep
+cat dl = sequence dl >>= return . P.cat
+fsep dl = sequence dl >>= return . P.fsep
+fcat dl = sequence dl >>= return . P.fcat
+-- Some More
+hang :: Doc -> Int -> Doc -> Doc
+hang dM i rM = do{d<-dM;r<-rM;return $ P.hang d i r}
+-- Yuk, had to cut-n-paste this one from Pretty.hs
+punctuate :: Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
+punctuate _ []     = []
+punctuate p (d1:ds) = go d1 ds
+                   where
+                     go d [] = [d]
+                     go d (e:es) = (d <> p) : go e es
+-- | render the document with a given style and mode.
+renderStyleMode :: P.Style -> PPHsMode -> Doc -> String
+renderStyleMode ppStyle ppMode d = P.renderStyle ppStyle . unDocM d $ ppMode
+-- | render the document with a given mode.
+renderWithMode :: PPHsMode -> Doc -> String
+renderWithMode = renderStyleMode P.style
+-- | render the document with 'defaultMode'.
+render :: Doc -> String
+render = renderWithMode defaultMode
+-- | pretty-print with a given style and mode.
+prettyPrintStyleMode :: Pretty a => P.Style -> PPHsMode -> a -> String
+prettyPrintStyleMode ppStyle ppMode = renderStyleMode ppStyle ppMode . pretty
+-- | pretty-print with the default style and a given mode.
+prettyPrintWithMode :: Pretty a => PPHsMode -> a -> String
+prettyPrintWithMode = prettyPrintStyleMode P.style
+-- | pretty-print with the default style and 'defaultMode'.
+prettyPrint :: Pretty a => a -> String
+prettyPrint = prettyPrintWithMode defaultMode
+fullRenderWithMode :: PPHsMode -> P.Mode -> Int -> Float ->
+		      (P.TextDetails -> a -> a) -> a -> Doc -> a
+fullRenderWithMode ppMode m i f fn e mD =
+		   P.fullRender m i f fn e $ (unDocM mD) ppMode
+fullRender :: P.Mode -> Int -> Float -> (P.TextDetails -> a -> a)
+	      -> a -> Doc -> a
+fullRender = fullRenderWithMode defaultMode
+-------------------------  Pretty-Print a Module --------------------
+instance Pretty HsModule where
+	pretty (HsModule pos prags m mbExports imp decls) =
+		markLine pos $
+		topLevel (ppHsModuleHeader prags m mbExports)
+			 (map pretty imp ++ map pretty decls)
+--------------------------  Module Header ------------------------------
+ppHsModuleHeader :: [HsPragma] -> Module -> Maybe [HsExportSpec] ->  Doc
+ppHsModuleHeader prags m mbExportList = mySep $ prags' ++ [
+	text "module",
+	pretty m,
+	maybePP (parenList . map pretty) mbExportList,
+	text "where"]
+    where prags' = map (\(HsPragma s) -> text $ "{-#" ++ s ++ "#-}") prags
+instance Pretty Module where
+	pretty (Module modName) = text modName
+instance Pretty HsExportSpec where
+	pretty (HsEVar name)		    = pretty name
+	pretty (HsEAbs name)		    = pretty name
+	pretty (HsEThingAll name)	    = pretty name <> text "(..)"
+	pretty (HsEThingWith name nameList) =
+		pretty name <> (parenList . map pretty $ nameList)
+	pretty (HsEModuleContents m)        = text "module" <+> pretty m
+instance Pretty HsImportDecl where
+	pretty (HsImportDecl pos m qual mbName mbSpecs) =
+		markLine pos $
+		mySep [text "import",
+		       if qual then text "qualified" else empty,
+		       pretty m,
+		       maybePP (\m' -> text "as" <+> pretty m') mbName,
+		       maybePP exports mbSpecs]
+	    where
+		exports (b,specList) =
+			if b then text "hiding" <+> specs else specs
+		    where specs = parenList . map pretty $ specList
+instance Pretty HsImportSpec where
+	pretty (HsIVar name)                = pretty name
+	pretty (HsIAbs name)                = pretty name
+	pretty (HsIThingAll name)           = pretty name <> text "(..)"
+	pretty (HsIThingWith name nameList) =
+		pretty name <> (parenList . map pretty $ nameList)
+-------------------------  Declarations ------------------------------
+instance Pretty HsDecl where
+	pretty (HsTypeDecl loc name nameList htype) =
+		blankline $
+		markLine loc $
+		mySep ( [text "type", pretty name]
+			++ map pretty nameList
+			++ [equals, pretty htype])
+	pretty (HsDataDecl loc context name nameList constrList derives) =
+		blankline $
+		markLine loc $
+		mySep ( [text "data", ppHsContext context, pretty name]
+			++ map pretty nameList)
+			<+> (myVcat (zipWith (<+>) (equals : repeat (char '|'))
+						   (map pretty constrList))
+			$$$ ppHsDeriving derives)
+	pretty (HsGDataDecl loc context name nameList gadtList) =
+		blankline $
+		markLine loc $
+		mySep ( [text "data", ppHsContext context, pretty name]
+			++ map pretty nameList ++ [text "where"])
+			$$$ ppBody classIndent (map pretty gadtList)
+	pretty (HsNewTypeDecl pos context name nameList constr derives) =
+		blankline $
+		markLine pos $
+		mySep ( [text "newtype", ppHsContext context, pretty name]
+			++ map pretty nameList)
+			<+> equals <+> (pretty constr $$$ ppHsDeriving derives)
+	--m{spacing=False}
+	-- special case for empty class declaration
+	pretty (HsClassDecl pos context name nameList fundeps []) =
+		blankline $
+		markLine pos $
+		mySep ( [text "class", ppHsContext context, pretty name]
+			++ map pretty nameList ++ [ppFunDeps fundeps])
+	pretty (HsClassDecl pos context name nameList fundeps declList) =
+		blankline $
+		markLine pos $
+		mySep ( [text "class", ppHsContext context, pretty name]
+			++ map pretty nameList ++ [ppFunDeps fundeps, text "where"])
+		$$$ ppBody classIndent (map pretty declList)
+	-- m{spacing=False}
+	-- special case for empty instance declaration
+	pretty (HsInstDecl pos context name args []) =
+		blankline $
+		markLine pos $
+		mySep ( [text "instance", ppHsContext context, pretty name]
+			++ map ppHsAType args)
+	pretty (HsInstDecl pos context name args declList) =
+		blankline $
+		markLine pos $
+		mySep ( [text "instance", ppHsContext context, pretty name]
+			++ map ppHsAType args ++ [text "where"])
+		$$$ ppBody classIndent (map pretty declList)
+	pretty (HsDefaultDecl pos htypes) =
+		blankline $
+		markLine pos $
+		text "default" <+> parenList (map pretty htypes)
+        pretty (HsSpliceDecl pos splice) =
+		blankline $
+		markLine pos $
+                pretty splice
+	pretty (HsTypeSig pos nameList qualType) =
+		blankline $
+		markLine pos $
+		mySep ((punctuate comma . map pretty $ nameList)
+		      ++ [text "::", pretty qualType])
+	pretty (HsFunBind matches) =
+		foldr ($$$) empty (map pretty matches)
+	pretty (HsPatBind pos pat rhs whereBinds) =
+		markLine pos $
+		myFsep [pretty pat, pretty rhs] $$$ ppWhere whereBinds
+	pretty (HsInfixDecl pos assoc prec opList) =
+		blankline $
+		markLine pos $
+		mySep ([pretty assoc, int prec]
+		       ++ (punctuate comma . map pretty $ opList))
+	pretty (HsForImp pos cconv saf str name typ) =
+		blankline $
+		markLine pos $
+		mySep [text "foreign import", pretty cconv, pretty saf, 
+                       text (show str), pretty name, text "::", pretty typ]
+	pretty (HsForExp pos cconv str name typ) =
+		blankline $
+		markLine pos $
+		mySep [text "foreign export", pretty cconv,
+                       text (show str), pretty name, text "::", pretty typ]
+instance Pretty HsAssoc where
+	pretty HsAssocNone  = text "infix"
+	pretty HsAssocLeft  = text "infixl"
+	pretty HsAssocRight = text "infixr"
+instance Pretty HsMatch where
+	pretty (HsMatch pos f ps rhs whereBinds) =
+		markLine pos $
+		myFsep (lhs ++ [pretty rhs])
+		$$$ ppWhere whereBinds
+	    where
+		lhs = case ps of
+			l:r:ps' | isSymbolName f ->
+				let hd = [pretty l, ppHsName f, pretty r] in
+				if null ps' then hd
+				else parens (myFsep hd) : map (prettyPrec 2) ps'
+			_ -> pretty f : map (prettyPrec 2) ps
+ppWhere :: HsBinds -> Doc
+ppWhere (HsBDecls []) = empty
+ppWhere (HsBDecls l)  = nest 2 (text "where" $$$ ppBody whereIndent (map pretty l))
+ppWhere (HsIPBinds b) = nest 2 (text "where" $$$ ppBody whereIndent (map pretty b))
+------------------------- FFI stuff -------------------------------------
+instance Pretty HsSafety where
+	pretty PlayRisky	= text "unsafe"
+	pretty (PlaySafe b)	= text $ if b then "threadsafe" else "safe"
+instance Pretty HsCallConv where
+ 	pretty StdCall 	= text "stdcall"
+	pretty CCall	= text "ccall"
+------------------------- Data & Newtype Bodies -------------------------
+instance Pretty HsQualConDecl where
+	pretty (HsQualConDecl _pos tvs ctxt con) =
+		myFsep [ppForall (Just tvs), ppHsContext ctxt, pretty con]
+instance Pretty HsGadtDecl where
+	pretty (HsGadtDecl _pos name ty) =
+		myFsep [pretty name, text "::", pretty ty]
+instance Pretty HsConDecl where
+	pretty (HsRecDecl name fieldList) =
+		pretty name <> (braceList . map ppField $ fieldList)
+	pretty (HsConDecl name@(HsSymbol _) [l, r]) =
+		myFsep [prettyPrec prec_btype l, ppHsName name, 
+			prettyPrec prec_btype r]
+	pretty (HsConDecl name typeList) =
+		mySep $ ppHsName name : map (prettyPrec prec_atype) typeList
+ppField :: ([HsName],HsBangType) -> Doc
+ppField (names, ty) =
+	myFsepSimple $ (punctuate comma . map pretty $ names) ++
+		       [text "::", pretty ty]
+instance Pretty HsBangType where
+	prettyPrec _ (HsBangedTy ty) = char '!' <> ppHsAType ty
+	prettyPrec p (HsUnBangedTy ty) = prettyPrec p ty
+ppHsDeriving :: [HsQName] -> Doc
+ppHsDeriving []  = empty
+ppHsDeriving [d] = text "deriving" <+> ppHsQName d
+ppHsDeriving ds  = text "deriving" <+> parenList (map ppHsQName ds)
+------------------------- Types -------------------------
+instance Pretty HsQualType where
+	pretty (HsQualType context htype) =
+		myFsep [ppHsContext context, pretty htype]
+ppHsBType :: HsType -> Doc
+ppHsBType = prettyPrec prec_btype
+ppHsAType :: HsType -> Doc
+ppHsAType = prettyPrec prec_atype
+-- precedences for types
+prec_btype, prec_atype :: Int
+prec_btype = 1	-- left argument of ->,
+		-- or either argument of an infix data constructor
+prec_atype = 2	-- argument of type or data constructor, or of a class
+instance Pretty HsType where
+	prettyPrec p (HsTyForall mtvs ctxt htype) = parensIf (p > 0) $
+		myFsep [ppForall mtvs, ppHsContext ctxt, pretty htype]
+	prettyPrec p (HsTyFun a b) = parensIf (p > 0) $
+		myFsep [ppHsBType a, text "->", pretty b]
+	prettyPrec _ (HsTyTuple bxd l) = 
+		let ds = map pretty l
+		 in case bxd of 
+			Boxed   -> parenList ds
+			Unboxed -> hashParenList ds
+	prettyPrec p (HsTyApp a b)
+		| a == list_tycon = brackets $ pretty b		-- special case
+		| otherwise = parensIf (p > prec_btype) $
+			myFsep [pretty a, ppHsAType b]
+	prettyPrec _ (HsTyVar name) = pretty name
+	prettyPrec _ (HsTyCon name) = pretty name
+	prettyPrec _ (HsTyPred asst) = pretty asst
+        prettyPrec _ (HsTyInfix a op b) = parens (myFsep [pretty op, parens (pretty a), parens (pretty b)])
+ppForall :: Maybe [HsName] -> Doc
+ppForall Nothing   = empty
+ppForall (Just []) = empty
+ppForall (Just vs) = 	myFsep (text "forall" : map pretty vs ++ [char '.'])
+------------------- Functional Dependencies -------------------
+instance Pretty HsFunDep where
+	pretty (HsFunDep from to) = 
+		myFsep $ map pretty from ++ [text "->"] ++ map pretty to
+ppFunDeps :: [HsFunDep] -> Doc
+ppFunDeps [] = empty
+ppFunDeps fds = myFsep $ (char '|':) . punctuate comma . map pretty $ fds
+------------------------- Expressions -------------------------
+instance Pretty HsRhs where
+	pretty (HsUnGuardedRhs e) = equals <+> pretty e
+	pretty (HsGuardedRhss guardList) = myVcat . map pretty $ guardList
+instance Pretty HsGuardedRhs where
+	pretty (HsGuardedRhs _pos guards ppBody) =
+		myFsep $ [char '|'] ++ (punctuate comma . map pretty $ guards) ++ [equals, pretty ppBody]
+instance Pretty HsLiteral where
+	pretty (HsInt i)        = integer i
+	pretty (HsChar c)       = text (show c)
+	pretty (HsString s)     = text (show s)
+	pretty (HsFrac r)       = double (fromRational r)
+	-- GHC unboxed literals:
+	pretty (HsCharPrim c)   = text (show c)           <> char '#'
+	pretty (HsStringPrim s) = text (show s)           <> char '#'
+	pretty (HsIntPrim i)    = integer i               <> char '#'
+	pretty (HsFloatPrim r)  = float  (fromRational r) <> char '#'
+	pretty (HsDoublePrim r) = double (fromRational r) <> text "##"
+instance Pretty HsExp where
+	pretty (HsLit l) = pretty l
+	-- lambda stuff
+	pretty (HsInfixApp a op b) = myFsep [pretty a, pretty op, pretty b]
+	pretty (HsNegApp e) = myFsep [char '-', pretty e]
+	pretty (HsApp a b) = myFsep [pretty a, pretty b]
+	pretty (HsLambda _loc expList ppBody) = myFsep $
+		char '\\' : map pretty expList ++ [text "->", pretty ppBody]
+	-- keywords
+	-- two cases for lets
+	pretty (HsLet (HsBDecls declList) letBody) =
+		ppLetExp declList letBody
+	pretty (HsLet (HsIPBinds bindList) letBody) =
+		ppLetExp bindList letBody
+	pretty (HsDLet bindList letBody) =
+		myFsep [text "dlet" <+> ppBody letIndent (map pretty bindList),
+			text "in", pretty letBody]
+	pretty (HsWith exp bindList) =
+		pretty exp $$$ ppWith bindList
+	pretty (HsIf cond thenexp elsexp) =
+		myFsep [text "if", pretty cond,
+			text "then", pretty thenexp,
+			text "else", pretty elsexp]
+	pretty (HsCase cond altList) =
+		myFsep [text "case", pretty cond, text "of"]
+		$$$ ppBody caseIndent (map pretty altList)
+	pretty (HsDo stmtList) =
+		text "do" $$$ ppBody doIndent (map pretty stmtList)
+	pretty (HsMDo stmtList) =
+		text "mdo" $$$ ppBody doIndent (map pretty stmtList)
+	-- Constructors & Vars
+	pretty (HsVar name) = pretty name
+	pretty (HsIPVar ipname) = pretty ipname
+	pretty (HsCon name) = pretty name
+	pretty (HsTuple expList) = parenList . map pretty $ expList
+	-- weird stuff
+	pretty (HsParen e) = parens . pretty $ e
+	pretty (HsLeftSection e op) = parens (pretty e <+> pretty op)
+	pretty (HsRightSection op e) = parens (pretty op <+> pretty e)
+	pretty (HsRecConstr c fieldList) =
+		pretty c <> (braceList . map pretty $ fieldList)
+	pretty (HsRecUpdate e fieldList) =
+		pretty e <> (braceList . map pretty $ fieldList)
+	-- patterns
+	-- special case that would otherwise be buggy
+	pretty (HsAsPat name (HsIrrPat e)) =
+		myFsep [pretty name <> char '@', char '~' <> pretty e]
+	pretty (HsAsPat name e) = hcat [pretty name, char '@', pretty e]
+	pretty HsWildCard = char '_'
+	pretty (HsIrrPat e) = char '~' <> pretty e
+	-- Lists
+	pretty (HsList list) =
+		bracketList . punctuate comma . map pretty $ list
+	pretty (HsEnumFrom e) =
+		bracketList [pretty e, text ".."]
+	pretty (HsEnumFromTo from to) =
+		bracketList [pretty from, text "..", pretty to]
+	pretty (HsEnumFromThen from thenE) =
+		bracketList [pretty from <> comma, pretty thenE, text ".."]
+	pretty (HsEnumFromThenTo from thenE to) =
+		bracketList [pretty from <> comma, pretty thenE,
+			     text "..", pretty to]
+	pretty (HsListComp e stmtList) =
+		bracketList ([pretty e, char '|']
+			     ++ (punctuate comma . map pretty $ stmtList))
+	pretty (HsExpTypeSig _pos e ty) =
+		myFsep [pretty e, text "::", pretty ty]
+	-- Template Haskell
+	pretty (HsReifyExp r) = pretty r
+	pretty (HsBracketExp b) = pretty b
+	pretty (HsSpliceExp s) = pretty s
+	-- regular patterns
+	pretty (HsRPats _ rs) = 
+		myFsep $ text "[/" : map pretty rs ++ [text "/]"]
+	pretty (HsSeqRP rs) =
+		myFsep $ text "(/" : map pretty rs ++ [text "/)"]
+	pretty (HsStarRP r) = pretty r <> char '*'
+	pretty (HsStarGRP r) = pretty r <> text "*!"
+	pretty (HsPlusRP r) = pretty r <> char '+'
+	pretty (HsPlusGRP r) = pretty r <> text "+!"
+	pretty (HsOptRP r) = pretty r <> char '?'
+	pretty (HsOptGRP r) = pretty r <> text "?!"
+	pretty (HsEitherRP r1 r2) = parens . myFsep $ 
+		[pretty r1, char '|', pretty r2]
+	-- special case that would otherwise be buggy
+	pretty (HsCAsRP n (HsIrrPat e)) =
+		myFsep [pretty n <> text "@:", char '~' <> pretty e]
+	pretty (HsCAsRP n r) = hcat [pretty n, text "@:", pretty r]
+	-- Hsx
+	pretty (HsXTag _ n attrs mattr cs) =
+		let ax = maybe [] (return . pretty) mattr
+		 in hcat $ 
+		     (myFsep $ (char '<' <> pretty n): map pretty attrs ++ ax ++ [char '>']):
+		 	map pretty cs ++ [myFsep $ [text "</" <> pretty n, char '>']]
+	pretty (HsXETag _ n attrs mattr) =
+		let ax = maybe [] (return . pretty) mattr
+		 in myFsep $ (char '<' <> pretty n): map pretty attrs ++ ax ++ [text "/>"]
+	pretty (HsXPcdata s) = text s
+	pretty (HsXExpTag e) = 
+		myFsep $ [text "<%", pretty e, text "%>"]
+instance Pretty HsXAttr where
+	pretty (HsXAttr n v) =
+		myFsep [pretty n, char '=', pretty v]
+instance Pretty HsXName where
+	pretty (HsXName n) = text n
+	pretty (HsXDomName d n) = text d <> char ':' <> text n
+--ppLetExp :: [HsDecl] -> HsExp -> Doc
+ppLetExp l b = myFsep [text "let" <+> ppBody letIndent (map pretty l),
+			text "in", pretty b]
+ppWith binds = nest 2 (text "with" $$$ ppBody withIndent (map pretty binds))
+withIndent = whereIndent
+--------------------- Template Haskell -------------------------
+instance Pretty HsReify where
+	pretty (HsReifyDecl name) = ppReify "reifyDecl" name
+	pretty (HsReifyType name) = ppReify "reifyType" name
+	pretty (HsReifyFixity name) = ppReify "reifyFixity" name
+ppReify t n = myFsep [text t, pretty n]
+instance Pretty HsBracket where
+	pretty (HsExpBracket e) = ppBracket "[|" e
+	pretty (HsPatBracket p) = ppBracket "[p|" p
+	pretty (HsTypeBracket t) = ppBracket "[t|" t
+	pretty (HsDeclBracket d) =
+		myFsep $ text "[d|" : map pretty d ++ [text "|]"]
+ppBracket o x = myFsep [text o, pretty x, text "|]"]
+instance Pretty HsSplice where
+	pretty (HsIdSplice s) = char '$' <> text s
+	pretty (HsParenSplice e) =
+		myFsep [text "$(", pretty e, char ')']
+------------------------- Patterns -----------------------------
+instance Pretty HsPat where
+	prettyPrec _ (HsPVar name) = pretty name
+	prettyPrec _ (HsPLit lit) = pretty lit
+	prettyPrec _ (HsPNeg p) = myFsep [char '-', pretty p]
+	prettyPrec p (HsPInfixApp a op b) = parensIf (p > 0) $
+		myFsep [pretty a, pretty (HsQConOp op), pretty b]
+	prettyPrec p (HsPApp n ps) = parensIf (p > 1) $
+		myFsep (pretty n : map pretty ps)
+	prettyPrec _ (HsPTuple ps) = parenList . map pretty $ ps
+	prettyPrec _ (HsPList ps) =
+		bracketList . punctuate comma . map pretty $ ps
+	prettyPrec _ (HsPParen p) = parens . pretty $ p
+	prettyPrec _ (HsPRec c fields) =
+		pretty c <> (braceList . map pretty $ fields)
+	-- special case that would otherwise be buggy
+	prettyPrec _ (HsPAsPat name (HsPIrrPat pat)) =
+		myFsep [pretty name <> char '@', char '~' <> pretty pat]
+	prettyPrec _ (HsPAsPat name pat) =
+		hcat [pretty name, char '@', pretty pat]
+	prettyPrec _ HsPWildCard = char '_'
+	prettyPrec _ (HsPIrrPat pat) = char '~' <> pretty pat
+	prettyPrec _ (HsPRPat _ rs) = 
+		myFsep $ text "[/" : map pretty rs ++ [text "/]"]
+	prettyPrec _ (HsPatTypeSig _pos pat ty) =
+		myFsep [pretty pat, text "::", pretty ty]
+	-- Hsx
+	prettyPrec _ (HsPXTag _ n attrs mattr cp) =
+		let ap = maybe [] (return . pretty) mattr
+		 in hcat $ -- TODO: should not introduce blanks
+		      (myFsep $ (char '<' <> pretty n): map pretty attrs ++ ap ++ [char '>']):
+			prettyChildren cp ++ [myFsep $ [text "</" <> pretty n, char '>']]
+	prettyPrec _ (HsPXETag _ n attrs mattr) =
+		let ap = maybe [] (return . pretty) mattr
+		 in myFsep $ (char '<' <> pretty n): map pretty attrs ++ ap ++ [text "/>"]
+	prettyPrec _ (HsPXPcdata s) = text s
+	prettyPrec _ (HsPXPatTag p) = 
+		myFsep $ [text "<%", pretty p, text "%>"]
+prettyChildren :: HsPat -> [Doc]
+prettyChildren p = case p of
+	HsPList ps  -> map prettyChild ps
+	HsPRPat _ _ -> [pretty p]
+	_ 	    -> error "The pattern representing the children of an xml pattern\
+				\ should always be a list."
+prettyChild :: HsPat -> Doc
+prettyChild p = case p of
+	HsPXTag _ _ _ _ _ -> pretty p
+	HsPXETag _ _ _ _  -> pretty p
+	HsPXPatTag _  	  -> pretty p
+	HsPXPcdata _  	  -> pretty p
+	_	      	  -> pretty $ HsPXPatTag p
+instance Pretty HsPXAttr where
+	pretty (HsPXAttr n p) = 
+		myFsep [pretty n, char '=', pretty p]
+instance Pretty HsPatField where
+	pretty (HsPFieldPat name pat) =
+		myFsep [pretty name, equals, pretty pat]
+--------------------- Regular Patterns -------------------------
+instance Pretty HsRPat where
+	pretty (HsRPStar r) = pretty r <> char '*'
+	pretty (HsRPStarG r) = pretty r <> text "*!"
+	pretty (HsRPPlus r) = pretty r <> char '+'
+	pretty (HsRPPlusG r) = pretty r <> text "+!"
+	pretty (HsRPOpt r) = pretty r <> char '?'
+	pretty (HsRPOptG r) = pretty r <> text "?!"
+	pretty (HsRPEither r1 r2) = parens . myFsep $ 
+		[pretty r1, char '|', pretty r2]
+	pretty (HsRPSeq rs) =
+		myFsep $ text "(/" : map pretty rs ++ [text "/)"]
+	-- special case that would otherwise be buggy
+	pretty (HsRPCAs n (HsRPPat (HsPIrrPat p))) =
+		myFsep [pretty n <> text "@:", char '~' <> pretty p]
+	pretty (HsRPCAs n r) = hcat [pretty n, text "@:", pretty r]
+	-- special case that would otherwise be buggy
+	pretty (HsRPAs n (HsRPPat (HsPIrrPat p))) =
+		myFsep [pretty n <> text "@:", char '~' <> pretty p]
+	pretty (HsRPAs n r) = hcat [pretty n, char '@', pretty r]
+	pretty (HsRPPat p) = pretty p
+	pretty (HsRPParen rp) = parens . pretty $ rp
+------------------------- Case bodies  -------------------------
+instance Pretty HsAlt where
+	pretty (HsAlt _pos e gAlts binds) =
+		pretty e <+> pretty gAlts $$$ ppWhere binds
+instance Pretty HsGuardedAlts where
+	pretty (HsUnGuardedAlt e) = text "->" <+> pretty e
+	pretty (HsGuardedAlts altList) = myVcat . map pretty $ altList
+instance Pretty HsGuardedAlt where
+	pretty (HsGuardedAlt _pos guards body) =
+		myFsep $ char '|': (punctuate comma . map pretty $ guards) ++ [text "->", pretty body]
+------------------------- Statements in monads, guards & list comprehensions -----
+instance Pretty HsStmt where
+	pretty (HsGenerator _loc e from) =
+		pretty e <+> text "<-" <+> pretty from
+	pretty (HsQualifier e) = pretty e
+	-- two cases for lets
+	pretty (HsLetStmt (HsBDecls declList)) =
+		ppLetStmt declList
+	pretty (HsLetStmt (HsIPBinds bindList)) =
+		ppLetStmt bindList
+ppLetStmt l = text "let" $$$ ppBody letIndent (map pretty l)
+------------------------- Record updates
+instance Pretty HsFieldUpdate where
+	pretty (HsFieldUpdate name e) =
+		myFsep [pretty name, equals, pretty e]
+------------------------- Names -------------------------
+instance Pretty HsQOp where
+	pretty (HsQVarOp n) = ppHsQNameInfix n
+	pretty (HsQConOp n) = ppHsQNameInfix n
+ppHsQNameInfix :: HsQName -> Doc
+ppHsQNameInfix name
+	| isSymbolName (getName name) = ppHsQName name
+	| otherwise = char '`' <> ppHsQName name <> char '`'
+instance Pretty HsQName where
+	pretty name = case name of
+		UnQual (HsSymbol ('#':_)) -> char '(' <+> ppHsQName name <+> char ')'
+		_ -> parensIf (isSymbolName (getName name)) (ppHsQName name)
+ppHsQName :: HsQName -> Doc
+ppHsQName (UnQual name) = ppHsName name
+ppHsQName (Qual m name) = pretty m <> char '.' <> ppHsName name
+ppHsQName (Special sym) = text (specialName sym)
+instance Pretty HsOp where
+	pretty (HsVarOp n) = ppHsNameInfix n
+	pretty (HsConOp n) = ppHsNameInfix n
+ppHsNameInfix :: HsName -> Doc
+ppHsNameInfix name
+	| isSymbolName name = ppHsName name
+	| otherwise = char '`' <> ppHsName name <> char '`'
+instance Pretty HsName where
+	pretty name = case name of
+		HsSymbol ('#':_) -> char '(' <+> ppHsName name <+> char ')'
+		_ -> parensIf (isSymbolName name) (ppHsName name)
+ppHsName :: HsName -> Doc
+ppHsName (HsIdent s) = text s
+ppHsName (HsSymbol s) = text s
+instance Pretty HsIPName where
+	pretty (HsIPDup s) = char '?' <> text s
+	pretty (HsIPLin s) = char '%' <> text s
+instance Pretty HsIPBind where
+	pretty (HsIPBind _loc ipname exp) =
+		myFsep [pretty ipname, equals, pretty exp]
+instance Pretty HsCName where
+	pretty (HsVarName n) = pretty n
+	pretty (HsConName n) = pretty n
+isSymbolName :: HsName -> Bool
+isSymbolName (HsSymbol _) = True
+isSymbolName _ = False
+getName :: HsQName -> HsName
+getName (UnQual s) = s
+getName (Qual _ s) = s
+getName (Special HsCons) = HsSymbol ":"
+getName (Special HsFunCon) = HsSymbol "->"
+getName (Special s) = HsIdent (specialName s)
+specialName :: HsSpecialCon -> String
+specialName HsUnitCon = "()"
+specialName HsListCon = "[]"
+specialName HsFunCon = "->"
+specialName (HsTupleCon n) = "(" ++ replicate (n-1) ',' ++ ")"
+specialName HsCons = ":"
+ppHsContext :: HsContext -> Doc
+ppHsContext []      = empty
+ppHsContext context = mySep [parenList (map pretty context), text "=>"]
+-- hacked for multi-parameter type classes
+instance Pretty HsAsst where
+	pretty (HsClassA a ts) = myFsep $ ppHsQName a : map ppHsAType ts
+	pretty (HsIParam i t)  = myFsep $ [pretty i, text "::", pretty t]
+------------------------- pp utils -------------------------
+maybePP :: (a -> Doc) -> Maybe a -> Doc
+maybePP pp Nothing = empty
+maybePP pp (Just a) = pp a
+parenList :: [Doc] -> Doc
+parenList = parens . myFsepSimple . punctuate comma
+hashParenList :: [Doc] -> Doc
+hashParenList = hashParens . myFsepSimple . punctuate comma 
+  where hashParens = parens . hashes
+  	hashes = \doc -> char '#' <> doc <> char '#'
+braceList :: [Doc] -> Doc
+braceList = braces . myFsepSimple . punctuate comma
+bracketList :: [Doc] -> Doc
+bracketList = brackets . myFsepSimple
+-- Wrap in braces and semicolons, with an extra space at the start in
+-- case the first doc begins with "-", which would be scanned as {-
+flatBlock :: [Doc] -> Doc
+flatBlock = braces . (space <>) . hsep . punctuate semi
+-- Same, but put each thing on a separate line
+prettyBlock :: [Doc] -> Doc
+prettyBlock = braces . (space <>) . vcat . punctuate semi
+-- Monadic PP Combinators -- these examine the env
+blankline :: Doc -> Doc
+blankline dl = do{e<-getPPEnv;if spacing e && layout e /= PPNoLayout
+			      then space $$ dl else dl}
+topLevel :: Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
+topLevel header dl = do
+	 e <- fmap layout getPPEnv
+	 case e of
+	     PPOffsideRule -> header $$ vcat dl
+	     PPSemiColon -> header $$ prettyBlock dl
+	     PPInLine -> header $$ prettyBlock dl
+	     PPNoLayout -> header <+> flatBlock dl
+ppBody :: (PPHsMode -> Int) -> [Doc] -> Doc
+ppBody f dl = do
+	 e <- fmap layout getPPEnv
+	 case e of PPOffsideRule -> indent
+		   PPSemiColon   -> indentExplicit
+		   _ -> flatBlock dl
+		   where
+		   indent  = do{i <-fmap f getPPEnv;nest i . vcat $ dl}
+		   indentExplicit = do {i <- fmap f getPPEnv;
+			   nest i . prettyBlock $ dl}
+($$$) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
+a $$$ b = layoutChoice (a $$) (a <+>) b
+mySep :: [Doc] -> Doc
+mySep = layoutChoice mySep' hsep
+	where
+	-- ensure paragraph fills with indentation.
+	mySep' [x]    = x
+	mySep' (x:xs) = x <+> fsep xs
+	mySep' []     = error "Internal error: mySep"
+myVcat :: [Doc] -> Doc
+myVcat = layoutChoice vcat hsep
+myFsepSimple :: [Doc] -> Doc
+myFsepSimple = layoutChoice fsep hsep
+-- same, except that continuation lines are indented,
+-- which is necessary to avoid triggering the offside rule.
+myFsep :: [Doc] -> Doc
+myFsep = layoutChoice fsep' hsep
+	where	fsep' [] = empty
+		fsep' (d:ds) = do
+			e <- getPPEnv
+			let n = onsideIndent e
+			nest n (fsep (nest (-n) d:ds))
+layoutChoice :: (a -> Doc) -> (a -> Doc) -> a -> Doc
+layoutChoice a b dl = do e <- getPPEnv
+                         if layout e == PPOffsideRule ||
+                            layout e == PPSemiColon
+                          then a dl else b dl
+-- Prefix something with a LINE pragma, if requested.
+-- GHC's LINE pragma actually sets the current line number to n-1, so
+-- that the following line is line n.  But if there's no newline before
+-- the line we're talking about, we need to compensate by adding 1.
+markLine :: SrcLoc -> Doc -> Doc
+markLine loc doc = do
+	e <- getPPEnv
+	let y = srcLine loc
+	let line l =
+	      text ("{-# LINE " ++ show l ++ " \"" ++ srcFilename loc ++ "\" #-}")
+	if linePragmas e then layoutChoice (line y $$) (line (y+1) <+>) doc
+	      else doc
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Syntax.hs new-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Syntax.hs
--- old-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Syntax.hs	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Syntax.hs	2007-02-12 19:32:17.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,806 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -cpp #-}
+-- |
+-- Module      :  Preprocessor.Hsx.Syntax
+-- Original    :  Language.Haskell.Syntax
+-- Copyright   :  (c) Niklas Broberg 2004,
+--                (c) The GHC Team, 1997-2000
+-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE.txt)
+-- Maintainer  :  Niklas Broberg, d00nibro at dtek.chalmers.se
+-- Stability   :  experimental
+-- Portability :  portable
+-- A suite of datatypes describing the abstract syntax of Haskell 98
+-- <http://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/> plus some extensions:
+--   * multi-parameter type classes with functional dependencies
+--   * parameters of type class assertions are unrestricted
+--   * 'forall' types as universal and existential quantification
+--   * pattern guards
+--   * implicit parameters
+--   * generalised algebraic data types
+--   * template haskell
+--   * empty data type declarations
+--   * unboxed tuples
+--   * regular patterns (HaRP)
+--   * HSP-style XML expressions and patterns (HSP)
+-- Also worth noting is that (n+k) patterns from Haskell 98 are not supported
+module Preprocessor.Hsx.Syntax (
+    -- * Modules
+    HsModule(..), HsPragma(..), HsExportSpec(..),
+    HsImportDecl(..), HsImportSpec(..), HsAssoc(..),
+    -- * Declarations
+    HsDecl(..), HsBinds(..), HsIPBind(..), 
+    HsGadtDecl(..), HsConDecl(..), HsQualConDecl(..), HsBangType(..),
+    HsMatch(..), HsRhs(..), HsGuardedRhs(..),
+    -- * Class Assertions and Contexts
+    HsContext, HsFunDep(..), HsAsst(..),
+    -- * Types
+    HsType(..), HsBoxed(..),
+    -- * Expressions
+    HsExp(..), HsStmt(..), HsFieldUpdate(..),
+    HsAlt(..), HsGuardedAlts(..), HsGuardedAlt(..), 
+    -- * Patterns
+    HsPat(..), HsPatField(..),
+    -- * Literals
+    HsLiteral(..),
+    -- * Variables, Constructors and Operators
+    Module(..), HsQName(..), HsName(..), HsQOp(..), HsOp(..),
+    HsSpecialCon(..), HsCName(..), HsIPName(..),
+    -- * Template Haskell
+    HsReify(..), HsBracket(..), HsSplice(..),
+    -- * HaRP
+    HsRPat(..),
+    -- * Hsx
+    HsXAttr(..), HsXName(..), HsPXAttr(..),
+    -- * FFI
+    HsSafety(..), HsCallConv(..),
+    -- * Builtin names
+    -- ** Modules
+    prelude_mod, main_mod,
+    -- ** Main function of a program
+    main_name,
+    -- ** Constructors
+    unit_con_name, tuple_con_name, list_cons_name,
+    unit_con, tuple_con,
+    -- ** Special identifiers
+    as_name, qualified_name, hiding_name, minus_name, pling_name, dot_name,
+    export_name, safe_name, unsafe_name, threadsafe_name, stdcall_name, ccall_name,
+    -- ** Type constructors
+    unit_tycon_name, fun_tycon_name, list_tycon_name, tuple_tycon_name,
+    unit_tycon, fun_tycon, list_tycon, tuple_tycon,
+    -- * Source coordinates
+    SrcLoc(..),
+  ) where
+import Data.Generics.Basics
+import Data.Generics.Instances
+-- | A position in the source.
+data SrcLoc = SrcLoc {
+		srcFilename :: String,
+		srcLine :: Int,
+		srcColumn :: Int
+		}
+  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
+-- | The name of a Haskell module.
+newtype Module = Module String
+  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
+-- | Constructors with special syntax.
+-- These names are never qualified, and always refer to builtin type or
+-- data constructors.
+data HsSpecialCon
+	= HsUnitCon		-- ^ unit type and data constructor @()@
+	| HsListCon		-- ^ list type constructor @[]@
+	| HsFunCon		-- ^ function type constructor @->@
+	| HsTupleCon Int	-- ^ /n/-ary tuple type and data
+				--   constructors @(,)@ etc
+	| HsCons		-- ^ list data constructor @(:)@
+  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
+-- | This type is used to represent qualified variables, and also
+-- qualified constructors.
+data HsQName
+	= Qual Module HsName	-- ^ name qualified with a module name
+	| UnQual HsName		-- ^ unqualified name
+	| Special HsSpecialCon	-- ^ built-in constructor with special syntax
+  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
+-- | This type is used to represent variables, and also constructors.
+data HsName
+	= HsIdent String	-- ^ /varid/ or /conid/.
+	| HsSymbol String	-- ^ /varsym/ or /consym/
+  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
+-- | This type is used to represent implicit parameter names.
+data HsIPName
+	= HsIPDup String -- ?x
+	| HsIPLin String -- %x
+  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
+-- | Possibly qualified infix operators (/qop/), appearing in expressions.
+data HsQOp
+	= HsQVarOp HsQName	-- ^ variable operator (/qvarop/)
+	| HsQConOp HsQName	-- ^ constructor operator (/qconop/)
+  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
+-- | Operators, appearing in @infix@ declarations.
+data HsOp
+	= HsVarOp HsName	-- ^ variable operator (/varop/)
+	| HsConOp HsName	-- ^ constructor operator (/conop/)
+  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
+-- | A name (/cname/) of a component of a class or data type in an @import@
+-- or export specification.
+data HsCName
+	= HsVarName HsName	-- ^ name of a method or field
+	| HsConName HsName	-- ^ name of a data constructor
+  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
+-- | A Haskell source module.
+data HsModule = HsModule SrcLoc [HsPragma] Module (Maybe [HsExportSpec])
+                         [HsImportDecl] [HsDecl]
+  deriving (Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Show)
+-- | A pragma at the beginning of a module.
+data HsPragma = HsPragma String
+  deriving (Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Show)
+-- | Export specification.
+data HsExportSpec
+	 = HsEVar HsQName			-- ^ variable
+	 | HsEAbs HsQName			-- ^ @T@:
+			-- a class or datatype exported abstractly,
+			-- or a type synonym.
+	 | HsEThingAll HsQName			-- ^ @T(..)@:
+			-- a class exported with all of its methods, or
+			-- a datatype exported with all of its constructors.
+	 | HsEThingWith HsQName [HsCName]	-- ^ @T(C_1,...,C_n)@:
+			-- a class exported with some of its methods, or
+			-- a datatype exported with some of its constructors.
+	 | HsEModuleContents Module		-- ^ @module M@:
+			-- re-export a module.
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | Import declaration.
+data HsImportDecl = HsImportDecl
+	{ importLoc :: SrcLoc		-- ^ position of the @import@ keyword.
+	, importModule :: Module	-- ^ name of the module imported.
+	, importQualified :: Bool	-- ^ imported @qualified@?
+	, importAs :: Maybe Module	-- ^ optional alias name in an
+					-- @as@ clause.
+	, importSpecs :: Maybe (Bool,[HsImportSpec])
+			-- ^ optional list of import specifications.
+			-- The 'Bool' is 'True' if the names are excluded
+			-- by @hiding at .
+	}
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | Import specification.
+data HsImportSpec
+	 = HsIVar HsName			-- ^ variable
+	 | HsIAbs HsName			-- ^ @T@:
+			-- the name of a class, datatype or type synonym.
+	 | HsIThingAll HsName			-- ^ @T(..)@:
+			-- a class imported with all of its methods, or
+			-- a datatype imported with all of its constructors.
+	 | HsIThingWith HsName [HsCName]	-- ^ @T(C_1,...,C_n)@:
+			-- a class imported with some of its methods, or
+			-- a datatype imported with some of its constructors.
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | Associativity of an operator.
+data HsAssoc
+	 = HsAssocNone	-- ^ non-associative operator (declared with @infix@)
+	 | HsAssocLeft	-- ^ left-associative operator (declared with @infixl@).
+	 | HsAssocRight	-- ^ right-associative operator (declared with @infixr@)
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+data HsDecl
+	 = HsTypeDecl	 SrcLoc HsName [HsName] HsType
+	 | HsDataDecl	 SrcLoc HsContext HsName [HsName] [HsQualConDecl] [HsQName]
+	 | HsGDataDecl 	 SrcLoc HsContext HsName [HsName] [HsGadtDecl] {-no deriving-}
+	 | HsInfixDecl   SrcLoc HsAssoc Int [HsOp]
+	 | HsNewTypeDecl SrcLoc HsContext HsName [HsName] HsQualConDecl [HsQName]
+	 | HsClassDecl	 SrcLoc HsContext HsName [HsName] [HsFunDep] [HsDecl]
+	 | HsInstDecl	 SrcLoc HsContext HsQName [HsType] [HsDecl]
+	 | HsDefaultDecl SrcLoc [HsType]
+         | HsSpliceDecl  SrcLoc HsSplice
+	 | HsTypeSig	 SrcLoc [HsName] HsType
+	 | HsFunBind     [HsMatch]
+	 | HsPatBind	 SrcLoc HsPat HsRhs {-where-} HsBinds
+	 | HsForImp	 SrcLoc HsCallConv HsSafety String HsName HsType
+	 | HsForExp	 SrcLoc HsCallConv          String HsName HsType
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+data HsBinds
+	= HsBDecls [HsDecl]
+	| HsIPBinds [HsIPBind]
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+data HsIPBind = HsIPBind SrcLoc HsIPName HsExp
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | Clauses of a function binding.
+data HsMatch
+	 = HsMatch SrcLoc HsName [HsPat] HsRhs {-where-} HsBinds
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+data HsQualConDecl
+	= HsQualConDecl SrcLoc 
+	    {-forall-} [HsName] {- . -} HsContext
+		{- => -} HsConDecl
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+data HsGadtDecl 
+	= HsGadtDecl SrcLoc HsName HsType
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | Declaration of a data constructor.
+data HsConDecl
+	 = HsConDecl HsName [HsBangType]
+				-- ^ ordinary data constructor
+	 | HsRecDecl HsName [([HsName],HsBangType)]
+				-- ^ record constructor
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | The type of a constructor argument or field, optionally including
+-- a strictness annotation.
+data HsBangType
+	 = HsBangedTy   HsType	-- ^ strict component, marked with \"@!@\"
+	 | HsUnBangedTy HsType	-- ^ non-strict component
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | The right hand side of a function or pattern binding.
+data HsRhs
+	 = HsUnGuardedRhs HsExp	-- ^ unguarded right hand side (/exp/)
+	 | HsGuardedRhss  [HsGuardedRhs]
+				-- ^ guarded right hand side (/gdrhs/)
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | A guarded right hand side @|@ /exp/ @=@ /exp/.
+-- The first expression will be Boolean-valued.
+data HsGuardedRhs
+	 = HsGuardedRhs SrcLoc [HsStmt] HsExp
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | A type qualified with a context.
+--   An unqualified type has an empty context.
+data HsType
+	 = HsTyForall 
+	 	(Maybe [HsName])
+	 	HsContext
+	 	HsType
+	 | HsTyFun   HsType HsType	-- ^ function type
+	 | HsTyTuple HsBoxed [HsType]	-- ^ tuple type, possibly boxed
+	 | HsTyApp   HsType HsType	-- ^ application of a type constructor
+	 | HsTyVar   HsName		-- ^ type variable
+	 | HsTyCon   HsQName		-- ^ named type or type constructor
+	 | HsTyPred  HsAsst 		-- ^ assertion of an implicit parameter
+	 | HsTyInfix HsType HsQName HsType -- ^ infix type constructor
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+data HsBoxed = Boxed | Unboxed
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | A functional dependency, given on the form
+--   l1 l2 ... ln -> r2 r3 .. rn
+data HsFunDep
+	= HsFunDep [HsName] [HsName]
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+type HsContext = [HsAsst]
+-- | Class assertions.
+--   In Haskell 98, the argument would be a /tyvar/, but this definition
+--   allows multiple parameters, and allows them to be /type/s.
+--   Also extended with support for implicit parameters.
+data HsAsst    	= HsClassA HsQName [HsType]
+		| HsIParam HsIPName HsType
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | /literal/
+-- Values of this type hold the abstract value of the literal, not the
+-- precise string representation used.  For example, @10@, @0o12@ and @0xa@
+-- have the same representation.
+data HsLiteral
+	= HsChar	Char		-- ^ character literal
+	| HsString	String		-- ^ string literal
+	| HsInt		Integer		-- ^ integer literal
+	| HsFrac	Rational	-- ^ floating point literal
+	| HsCharPrim	Char		-- ^ GHC unboxed character literal
+	| HsStringPrim	String		-- ^ GHC unboxed string literal
+	| HsIntPrim	Integer		-- ^ GHC unboxed integer literal
+	| HsFloatPrim	Rational	-- ^ GHC unboxed float literal
+	| HsDoublePrim	Rational	-- ^ GHC unboxed double literal
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | Haskell expressions.
+-- /Notes:/
+-- * Because it is difficult for parsers to distinguish patterns from
+--   expressions, they typically parse them in the same way and then check
+--   that they have the appropriate form.  Hence the expression type
+--   includes some forms that are found only in patterns.  After these
+--   checks, these constructors should not be used.
+-- * The parser does not take precedence and associativity into account,
+--   so it will leave 'HsInfixApp's associated to the left.
+-- * The 'Preprocessor.Pretty.Pretty' instance for 'HsExp' does not
+--   add parentheses in printing.
+data HsExp
+	= HsVar HsQName			-- ^ variable
+	| HsIPVar HsIPName		-- ^ implicit parameter variable
+	| HsCon HsQName			-- ^ data constructor
+	| HsLit HsLiteral		-- ^ literal constant
+	| HsInfixApp HsExp HsQOp HsExp	-- ^ infix application
+	| HsApp HsExp HsExp		-- ^ ordinary application
+	| HsNegApp HsExp		-- ^ negation expression @-@ /exp/
+	| HsLambda SrcLoc [HsPat] HsExp -- ^ lambda expression
+	| HsLet HsBinds HsExp		-- ^ local declarations with @let@
+	| HsDLet [HsIPBind] HsExp	-- ^ local declarations of implicit parameters (hugs)
+	| HsWith HsExp [HsIPBind]	-- ^ local declarations of implicit parameters
+	| HsIf HsExp HsExp HsExp	-- ^ @if@ /exp/ @then@ /exp/ @else@ /exp/
+	| HsCase HsExp [HsAlt]		-- ^ @case@ /exp/ @of@ /alts/
+	| HsDo [HsStmt]			-- ^ @do at -expression:
+					-- the last statement in the list
+					-- should be an expression.
+	| HsMDo [HsStmt]		-- ^ @mdo at -expression
+	| HsTuple [HsExp]		-- ^ tuple expression
+	| HsList [HsExp]		-- ^ list expression
+	| HsParen HsExp			-- ^ parenthesized expression
+	| HsLeftSection HsExp HsQOp	-- ^ left section @(@/exp/ /qop/@)@
+	| HsRightSection HsQOp HsExp	-- ^ right section @(@/qop/ /exp/@)@
+	| HsRecConstr HsQName [HsFieldUpdate]
+					-- ^ record construction expression
+	| HsRecUpdate HsExp [HsFieldUpdate]
+					-- ^ record update expression
+	| HsEnumFrom HsExp		-- ^ unbounded arithmetic sequence,
+					-- incrementing by 1
+	| HsEnumFromTo HsExp HsExp	-- ^ bounded arithmetic sequence,
+					-- incrementing by 1
+	| HsEnumFromThen HsExp HsExp	-- ^ unbounded arithmetic sequence,
+					-- with first two elements given
+	| HsEnumFromThenTo HsExp HsExp HsExp
+					-- ^ bounded arithmetic sequence,
+					-- with first two elements given
+	| HsListComp HsExp [HsStmt]	-- ^ list comprehension
+	| HsExpTypeSig SrcLoc HsExp HsType
+					-- ^ expression type signature
+	| HsAsPat HsName HsExp		-- ^ patterns only
+	| HsWildCard			-- ^ patterns only
+	| HsIrrPat HsExp		-- ^ patterns only
+-- HaRP
+	| HsRPats SrcLoc [HsExp]	-- ^ regular patterns only
+	| HsSeqRP [HsExp]		-- ^ regular patterns only
+	| HsStarRP HsExp		-- ^ regular patterns only
+	| HsStarGRP HsExp		-- ^ regular patterns only
+	| HsPlusRP HsExp		-- ^ regular patterns only
+	| HsPlusGRP HsExp		-- ^ regular patterns only
+	| HsOptRP HsExp			-- ^ regular patterns only
+	| HsOptGRP HsExp		-- ^ regular patterns only
+	| HsEitherRP HsExp HsExp	-- ^ regular patterns only
+	| HsCAsRP HsName HsExp		-- ^ regular patterns only
+-- Template Haskell
+	| HsReifyExp HsReify
+	| HsBracketExp HsBracket
+	| HsSpliceExp HsSplice
+-- Hsx
+	| HsXTag SrcLoc HsXName [HsXAttr] (Maybe HsExp) [HsExp]
+	| HsXETag SrcLoc HsXName [HsXAttr] (Maybe HsExp)
+	| HsXPcdata String
+	| HsXExpTag HsExp
+-- Functor sugar
+        | HsFunctorUnit HsExp
+        | HsFunctorCall HsExp
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+data HsXName 
+	= HsXName String		-- <name ...
+	| HsXDomName String String	-- <dom:name ...
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+data HsXAttr = HsXAttr HsXName HsExp
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+data HsReify 
+	= HsReifyType HsQName
+	| HsReifyDecl HsQName
+	| HsReifyFixity HsQName
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+data HsBracket
+	= HsExpBracket HsExp
+	| HsPatBracket HsPat
+	| HsTypeBracket HsType
+	| HsDeclBracket [HsDecl]
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+data HsSplice
+	= HsIdSplice String
+	| HsParenSplice HsExp
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- FFI stuff
+data HsSafety
+	= PlayRisky
+	| PlaySafe Bool
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+data HsCallConv
+	= StdCall
+	| CCall
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | A pattern, to be matched against a value.
+data HsPat
+	= HsPVar HsName			-- ^ variable
+	| HsPLit HsLiteral		-- ^ literal constant
+	| HsPNeg HsPat			-- ^ negated pattern
+	| HsPInfixApp HsPat HsQName HsPat
+					-- ^ pattern with infix data constructor
+	| HsPApp HsQName [HsPat]	-- ^ data constructor and argument
+					-- patterns
+	| HsPTuple [HsPat]		-- ^ tuple pattern
+	| HsPList [HsPat]		-- ^ list pattern
+	| HsPParen HsPat		-- ^ parenthesized pattern
+	| HsPRec HsQName [HsPatField]	-- ^ labelled pattern
+	| HsPAsPat HsName HsPat		-- ^ @\@@-pattern
+	| HsPWildCard			-- ^ wildcard pattern (@_@)
+	| HsPIrrPat HsPat		-- ^ irrefutable pattern (@~@)
+	| HsPatTypeSig SrcLoc HsPat HsType
+					-- ^ pattern type signature
+-- HaRP
+	| HsPRPat SrcLoc [HsRPat]	-- ^ regular pattern (HaRP)
+-- Hsx
+	| HsPXTag SrcLoc HsXName [HsPXAttr] (Maybe HsPat) HsPat
+					-- ^ XML tag pattern
+	| HsPXETag SrcLoc HsXName [HsPXAttr] (Maybe HsPat)
+					-- ^ XML singleton tag pattern
+	| HsPXPcdata String
+					-- ^ XML PCDATA pattern
+	| HsPXPatTag HsPat
+					-- ^ XML embedded pattern
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | An XML attribute in an XML tag pattern	
+data HsPXAttr = HsPXAttr HsXName HsPat
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | An entity in a regular pattern (HaRP)
+data HsRPat
+	= HsRPStar HsRPat
+	| HsRPStarG HsRPat
+	| HsRPPlus HsRPat
+	| HsRPPlusG HsRPat
+	| HsRPOpt HsRPat
+	| HsRPOptG HsRPat
+	| HsRPEither HsRPat HsRPat
+	| HsRPSeq [HsRPat]
+	| HsRPCAs HsName HsRPat
+	| HsRPAs HsName HsRPat
+	| HsRPParen HsRPat
+	| HsRPPat HsPat
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | An /fpat/ in a labeled record pattern.
+data HsPatField
+	= HsPFieldPat HsQName HsPat
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | This type represents both /stmt/ in a @do at -expression,
+--   and /qual/ in a list comprehension, as well as /stmt/
+--   in a pattern guard.
+data HsStmt
+	= HsGenerator SrcLoc HsPat HsExp
+				-- ^ a generator /pat/ @<-@ /exp/
+	| HsQualifier HsExp	-- ^ an /exp/ by itself: in a @do at -expression,
+				-- an action whose result is discarded;
+				-- in a list comprehension, a guard expression
+	| HsLetStmt HsBinds	-- ^ local bindings
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | An /fbind/ in a labeled construction or update.
+data HsFieldUpdate
+	= HsFieldUpdate HsQName HsExp
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | An /alt/ in a @case@ expression.
+data HsAlt
+	= HsAlt SrcLoc HsPat HsGuardedAlts HsBinds
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+data HsGuardedAlts
+	= HsUnGuardedAlt HsExp		-- ^ @->@ /exp/
+	| HsGuardedAlts  [HsGuardedAlt]	-- ^ /gdpat/
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | A guarded alternative @|@ /stmt/, ... , /stmt/ @->@ /exp/.
+data HsGuardedAlt
+	= HsGuardedAlt SrcLoc [HsStmt] HsExp
+  deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data)
+  deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- Builtin names.
+prelude_mod, main_mod :: Module
+prelude_mod	      = Module "Prelude"
+main_mod	      = Module "Main"
+main_name :: HsName
+main_name	      = HsIdent "main"
+unit_con_name :: HsQName
+unit_con_name	      = Special HsUnitCon
+tuple_con_name :: Int -> HsQName
+tuple_con_name i      = Special (HsTupleCon (i+1))
+list_cons_name :: HsQName
+list_cons_name	      = Special HsCons
+unit_con :: HsExp
+unit_con	      = HsCon unit_con_name
+tuple_con :: Int -> HsExp
+tuple_con i	      = HsCon (tuple_con_name i)
+as_name, qualified_name, hiding_name, minus_name, pling_name, dot_name :: HsName
+as_name	              = HsIdent "as"
+qualified_name        = HsIdent "qualified"
+hiding_name	      = HsIdent "hiding"
+minus_name	      = HsSymbol "-"
+pling_name	      = HsSymbol "!"
+dot_name	      = HsSymbol "."
+export_name, safe_name, unsafe_name, threadsafe_name, stdcall_name, ccall_name :: HsName
+export_name		= HsIdent "export"
+safe_name		= HsIdent "safe"
+unsafe_name		= HsIdent "unsafe"
+threadsafe_name		= HsIdent "threadsafe"
+stdcall_name		= HsIdent "stdcall"
+ccall_name		= HsIdent "ccall"
+unit_tycon_name, fun_tycon_name, list_tycon_name :: HsQName
+unit_tycon_name       = unit_con_name
+fun_tycon_name        = Special HsFunCon
+list_tycon_name       = Special HsListCon
+tuple_tycon_name :: Int -> HsQName
+tuple_tycon_name i    = tuple_con_name i
+unit_tycon, fun_tycon, list_tycon :: HsType
+unit_tycon	      = HsTyCon unit_tycon_name
+fun_tycon	      = HsTyCon fun_tycon_name
+list_tycon	      = HsTyCon list_tycon_name
+tuple_tycon :: Int -> HsType
+tuple_tycon i	      = HsTyCon (tuple_tycon_name i)
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Transform.hs new-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Transform.hs
--- old-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Transform.hs	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx/Transform.hs	2007-02-12 19:32:17.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1797 @@
+-- |
+-- Module      :  Preprocessor.Harp.Tranform
+-- Copyright   :  (c) Niklas Broberg 2004,
+-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE.txt)
+-- Maintainer  :  Niklas Broberg, d00nibro at dtek.chalmers.se
+-- Stability   :  experimental
+-- Portability :  portable
+-- Functions for transforming abstract Haskell code extended with regular 
+-- patterns into semantically equivalent normal abstract Haskell code. In
+-- other words, we transform away regular patterns.
+module Preprocessor.Hsx.Transform (
+	transform		-- :: HsModule -> HsModule
+	) where
+import Preprocessor.Hsx.Syntax
+import Preprocessor.Hsx.Build
+import Data.List (union)
+import Debug.Trace (trace)
+-- A monad for threading a boolean value through the boilerplate code,
+-- to signal whether a transformation has taken place or not.
+newtype HsxM a = MkHsxM (HsxState -> (a, HsxState))
+instance Monad HsxM where
+ return x = MkHsxM (\s -> (x,s))
+ (MkHsxM f) >>= k = MkHsxM (\s -> let (a, s') = f s
+				      (MkHsxM f') = k a
+				   in f' s')
+getHsxState :: HsxM HsxState
+getHsxState = MkHsxM (\s -> (s, s))
+setHsxState :: HsxState -> HsxM ()
+setHsxState s = MkHsxM (\_ -> ((),s))
+instance Functor HsxM where
+ fmap f hma = do a <- hma
+		 return $ f a
+type HsxState = (Bool, Bool)
+initHsxState :: HsxState
+initHsxState = (False, False)
+setHarpTransformed :: HsxM ()
+setHarpTransformed = 
+	do (_,x) <- getHsxState
+	   setHsxState (True,x)
+setXmlTransformed :: HsxM ()
+setXmlTransformed =
+	do (h,_) <- getHsxState
+	   setHsxState (h,True)
+runHsxM :: HsxM a -> (a, (Bool, Bool))
+runHsxM (MkHsxM f) = f initHsxState
+-- Traversing and transforming the syntax tree
+-- | Transform away occurences of regular patterns from an abstract
+-- Haskell module, preserving semantics.
+transform :: HsModule -> HsModule
+transform (HsModule s prags m mes is decls) =
+	let (decls', (harp, hsx)) = runHsxM $ mapM transformDecl decls
+	    -- We may need to add an import for Match.hs that defines the matcher monad
+	    imps1 = if harp 
+		     then (:) $ HsImportDecl s match_mod True
+			  	 (Just match_qual_mod)
+			  	 Nothing
+		     else id
+	    imps2 = {- if hsx
+	    	     then (:) $ HsImportDecl s hsx_data_mod False
+	    	     		 Nothing
+	    	     		 Nothing
+	    	     else -} id		-- we no longer want to import HSP.Data
+            imps3 = if True --functor
+                     then (:) $ HsImportDecl s functor_qual_mod True
+                                 Nothing
+                                 Nothing
+                     else id
+            prags' = HsPragma " OPTIONS_GHC -fth " : prags
+	 in HsModule s prags' m mes (imps1 $ imps2 $ imps3 is) decls'
+-- Declarations
+-- | Transform a declaration by transforming subterms that could
+-- contain regular patterns.
+transformDecl :: HsDecl -> HsxM HsDecl
+transformDecl d = case d of
+	-- Pattern binds can contain regular patterns in the pattern being bound
+	-- as well as on the right-hand side and in declarations in a where clause
+	HsPatBind srcloc pat rhs decls -> do
+	  	-- Preserve semantics of irrefutable regular patterns by postponing
+	  	-- their evaluation to a let-expression on the right-hand side
+	  	let ([pat'], rnpss) = unzip $ renameIrrPats [pat]
+	  	-- Transform the pattern itself
+		([pat''], attrGuards, guards, decls'') <- transformPatterns [pat']
+		-- Transform the right-hand side, and add any generated guards
+		-- and let expressions to it
+		rhs' <- mkRhs srcloc (attrGuards ++ guards) (concat rnpss) rhs 
+		-- Transform declarations in the where clause, adding any generated
+		-- declarations to it
+		decls' <- case decls of
+			   HsBDecls ds -> do ds' <- transformLetDecls ds
+					     return $ HsBDecls $ decls'' ++ ds'
+			   _           -> error "Cannot bind implicit parameters in the \
+					    \ \'where\' clause of a function using regular patterns."
+		return $ HsPatBind srcloc pat'' rhs' decls'
+	-- Function binds can contain regular patterns in their matches
+	HsFunBind ms -> fmap HsFunBind $ mapM transformMatch ms
+	-- Instance declarations can contain regular patterns in the
+	-- declarations of functions inside it
+	HsInstDecl s c n ts decls ->
+		fmap (HsInstDecl s c n ts) $ mapM transformDecl decls
+	-- Class declarations can contain regular patterns in the
+	-- declarations of automatically instantiated functions
+	HsClassDecl s c n ns ds decls ->
+		fmap (HsClassDecl s c n ns ds) $ mapM transformDecl decls
+	-- Type signatures, type, newtype or data declarations, infix declarations
+	-- and default declarations; none can contain regular patterns
+	_ -> return d
+-- | Transform a function "match" by generating pattern guards and
+-- declarations representing regular patterns in the argument list.
+-- Subterms, such as guards and the right-hand side, are also traversed
+-- transformed.
+transformMatch :: HsMatch -> HsxM HsMatch
+transformMatch (HsMatch srcloc name pats rhs decls) = do
+	-- Preserve semantics of irrefutable regular patterns by postponing
+	-- their evaluation to a let-expression on the right-hand side
+  	let (pats', rnpss) = unzip $ renameIrrPats pats
+  	-- Transform the patterns that stand as arguments to the function
+  	(pats'', attrGuards, guards, decls'') <- transformPatterns pats'
+	-- Transform the right-hand side, and add any generated guards
+	-- and let expressions to it
+  	rhs' <- mkRhs srcloc (attrGuards ++ guards) (concat rnpss) rhs
+	-- Transform declarations in the where clause, adding any generated
+	-- declarations to it
+  	decls' <- case decls of
+  		   HsBDecls ds -> do ds' <- transformLetDecls ds
+			  	     return $ HsBDecls $ decls'' ++ ds'
+  		   _           -> error "Cannot bind implicit parameters in the \
+  		  		     \ \'where\' clause of a function using regular patterns."
+	return $ HsMatch srcloc name pats'' rhs' decls'
+-- | Transform and update guards and right-hand side of a function or
+-- pattern binding. The supplied list of guards is prepended to the 
+-- original guards, and subterms are traversed and transformed.
+mkRhs :: SrcLoc -> [Guard] -> [(HsName, HsPat)] -> HsRhs -> HsxM HsRhs
+mkRhs srcloc guards rnps (HsUnGuardedRhs rhs) = do
+	-- Add the postponed patterns to the right-hand side by placing
+	-- them in a let-expression to make them lazily evaluated.
+	-- Then transform the whole right-hand side as an expression.
+	rhs' <- transformExp $ addLetDecls srcloc rnps rhs
+	case guards of 
+	 -- There were no guards before, and none should be added,
+	 -- so we still have an unguarded right-hand side
+	 [] -> return $ HsUnGuardedRhs rhs'
+	 -- There are guards to add. These should be added as pattern
+	 -- guards, i.e. as statements.
+	 _  -> return $ HsGuardedRhss [HsGuardedRhs srcloc (map mkStmtGuard guards) rhs']
+mkRhs _ guards rnps (HsGuardedRhss gdrhss) = fmap HsGuardedRhss $ mapM (mkGRhs guards rnps) gdrhss
+  where mkGRhs :: [Guard] -> [(HsName, HsPat)] -> HsGuardedRhs -> HsxM HsGuardedRhs
+	mkGRhs gs rnps (HsGuardedRhs s oldgs rhs) = do
+		-- Add the postponed patterns to the right-hand side by placing
+		-- them in a let-expression to make them lazily evaluated.
+		-- Then transform the whole right-hand side as an expression.
+		rhs' <- transformExp $ addLetDecls s rnps rhs
+		-- Now there are guards, so first we need to transform those
+		oldgs' <- fmap concat $ mapM (transformStmt Guard) oldgs
+		-- ... and then prepend the newly generated ones, as statements
+		return $ HsGuardedRhs s ((map mkStmtGuard gs) ++ oldgs') rhs'
+-- | Place declarations of postponed regular patterns in a let-expression to
+-- make them lazy, in order to make them behave as irrefutable patterns.
+addLetDecls :: SrcLoc -> [(HsName, HsPat)] -> HsExp -> HsExp
+addLetDecls s []   e = e 	-- no declarations to add
+addLetDecls s rnps e = 
+	-- Place all postponed patterns in the same let-expression
+	letE (map (mkDecl s) rnps) e
+-- | Make pattern binds from postponed regular patterns
+mkDecl :: SrcLoc -> (HsName, HsPat) -> HsDecl
+mkDecl srcloc (n,p) = patBind srcloc p (var n)
+-- Expressions
+-- | Transform expressions by traversing subterms.
+-- Of special interest are expressions that contain patterns as subterms,
+-- i.e. @let@, @case@ and lambda expressions, and also list comprehensions
+-- and @do at -expressions. All other expressions simply transform their
+-- sub-expressions, if any.
+-- Of special interest are of course also any xml expressions.
+transformExp :: HsExp -> HsxM HsExp
+transformExp e = case e of
+	-- A standard xml tag should be transformed into an element of the
+	-- XML datatype. Attributes should be made into a set of mappings, 
+	-- and children should be transformed.
+	HsXTag _ name attrs mattr cs -> do
+		-- Hey Pluto, look, we have XML in our syntax tree!
+		setXmlTransformed
+		let -- ... make tuples of the attributes
+		    as = map mkAttr attrs
+		-- ... transform the children
+		cs' <- mapM transformChild cs
+		-- ... and lift the values into the XML datatype.
+		return $ paren $ metaMkTag name as mattr cs'
+	  where	-- | Transform expressions appearing in child position of an xml tag.
+		-- Expressions are first transformed, then wrapped in a call to
+		-- @toXml at .
+		transformChild :: HsExp -> HsxM HsExp
+		transformChild e = do
+			-- Transform the expression
+			te <- transformExp e
+			-- ... and apply the overloaded toXMLs to it
+			return $ metaToXmls te
+	-- An empty xml tag should be transformed just as a standard tag,
+	-- only that there are no children,
+	HsXETag _ name attrs mattr -> do
+		-- ... 'tis the season to be jolly, falalalalaaaa....
+		setXmlTransformed
+		let -- ... make tuples of the attributes   
+		    as = map mkAttr attrs
+		    -- ... and lift the values into the XML datatype.
+		return $ paren $ metaMkETag name as mattr
+	-- PCDATA should be lifted as a string into the XML datatype.
+	HsXPcdata pcdata	-> do setXmlTransformed
+				      return $ metaMkPcdata pcdata
+	-- Escaped expressions should be treated as just expressions.
+	HsXExpTag e		-> do setXmlTransformed
+				      transformExp e
+	-- Patterns as arguments to a lambda expression could be regular,
+	-- but we cannot put the evaluation here since a lambda expression
+	-- can have neither guards nor a where clause. Thus we must postpone 
+	-- them to a case expressions on the right-hand side.
+	HsLambda s pats rhs -> do
+		let -- First rename regular patterns
+		    (ps, rnpss)  = unzip $ renameRPats pats
+		    -- ... group them up to one big tuple
+		    (rns, rps) = unzip (concat rnpss)
+		    alt1 = alt s (pTuple rps) rhs
+		    texp = varTuple rns
+		    -- ... and put it all in a case expression, which
+		    -- can then be transformed in the normal way.
+                    e = if null rns then rhs else caseE texp [alt1]
+		rhs' <- transformExp e
+		return $ HsLambda s ps rhs'
+	-- A let expression can contain regular patterns in the declarations, 
+	-- or in the expression that makes up the body of the let.
+	HsLet (HsBDecls ds) e -> do
+		-- Declarations appearing in a let expression must be transformed
+		-- in a special way due to scoping, see later documentation.
+		-- The body is transformed as a normal expression.
+		ds' <- transformLetDecls ds
+		e'  <- transformExp e
+		return $ letE ds' e'
+	-- Bindings of implicit parameters can appear either in ordinary let
+	-- expressions (GHC), in dlet expressions (Hugs) or in a with clause
+	-- (both). Such bindings are transformed in a special way. The body 
+	-- is transformed as a normal expression in all cases.
+	HsLet (HsIPBinds is) e -> do
+		is' <- mapM transformIPBind is
+		e'  <- transformExp e
+		return $ HsLet (HsIPBinds is') e'
+	HsDLet ipbs e -> do
+		ipbs' <- mapM transformIPBind ipbs
+		e'    <- transformExp e
+		return $ HsDLet ipbs' e'
+	HsWith e ipbs -> do
+		ipbs' <- mapM transformIPBind ipbs
+		e'    <- transformExp e
+		return $ HsWith e' ipbs'
+	-- A case expression can contain regular patterns in the expression
+	-- that is the subject of the casing, or in either of the alternatives.
+	HsCase e alts -> do
+		e'    <- transformExp e
+		alts' <- mapM transformAlt alts
+		return $ HsCase e' alts'
+	-- A do expression can contain regular patterns in its statements.
+	HsDo stmts -> do
+		stmts' <- fmap concat $ mapM (transformStmt Do) stmts
+		return $ HsDo stmts'
+	HsMDo stmts -> do
+		stmts' <- fmap concat $ mapM (transformStmt Do) stmts
+		return $ HsMDo stmts'
+	-- A list comprehension can contain regular patterns in the result 
+	-- expression, or in any of its statements.
+	HsListComp e stmts	-> do
+		e'     <- transformExp e
+		stmts' <- fmap concat $ mapM (transformStmt ListComp) stmts
+		return $ HsListComp e' stmts'
+	-- All other expressions simply transform their immediate subterms.
+	HsInfixApp e1 op e2	-> transform2exp e1 e2 
+					(\e1 e2 -> HsInfixApp e1 op e2)
+	HsApp e1 e2         	-> transform2exp e1 e2 HsApp
+	HsNegApp e 	    	-> fmap HsNegApp $ transformExp e
+	HsIf e1 e2 e3 	    	-> transform3exp e1 e2 e3 HsIf
+	HsTuple es	    	-> fmap HsTuple $ mapM transformExp es
+	HsList es	    	-> fmap HsList $ mapM transformExp es
+	HsParen e	    	-> fmap HsParen $ transformExp e
+	HsLeftSection e op  	-> do e' <- transformExp e
+				      return $ HsLeftSection e' op
+	HsRightSection op e 	-> fmap (HsRightSection op) $ transformExp e
+	HsRecConstr n fus   	-> fmap (HsRecConstr n) $ mapM transformFieldUpdate fus
+	HsRecUpdate e fus   	-> do e'   <- transformExp e
+				      fus' <- mapM transformFieldUpdate fus
+				      return $ HsRecUpdate e' fus'
+	HsEnumFrom e	    	-> fmap HsEnumFrom $ transformExp e
+	HsEnumFromTo e1 e2  	-> transform2exp e1 e2 HsEnumFromTo
+	HsEnumFromThen e1 e2 	-> transform2exp e1 e2 HsEnumFromThen
+	HsEnumFromThenTo e1 e2 e3 -> transform3exp e1 e2 e3 HsEnumFromThenTo
+	HsExpTypeSig s e t	-> do e' <- transformExp e
+				      return $ HsExpTypeSig s e' t
+	HsFunctorUnit e		-> do e' <- transformExp e
+                                      return $ HsSpliceExp $ HsParenSplice $ 
+                                          app sugarFun $ HsBracketExp $
+                                              HsExpBracket e'
+        HsFunctorCall e         -> do e' <- transformExp e
+                                      return $ paren $ app callFun e'
+	_			-> return e	-- Warning! Does not work with TH bracketed expressions ([| ... |])
+  where transformFieldUpdate :: HsFieldUpdate -> HsxM HsFieldUpdate
+	transformFieldUpdate (HsFieldUpdate n e) =
+		fmap (HsFieldUpdate n) $ transformExp e
+	transform2exp :: HsExp -> HsExp -> (HsExp -> HsExp -> HsExp) -> HsxM HsExp
+	transform2exp e1 e2 f = do e1' <- transformExp e1
+				   e2' <- transformExp e2
+				   return $ f e1' e2'
+	transform3exp :: HsExp -> HsExp -> HsExp -> (HsExp -> HsExp -> HsExp -> HsExp) -> HsxM HsExp
+	transform3exp e1 e2 e3 f = do e1' <- transformExp e1
+				      e2' <- transformExp e2
+				      e3' <- transformExp e3
+				      return $ f e1' e2' e3'
+	mkAttr :: HsXAttr -> HsExp
+	mkAttr (HsXAttr name e) = 
+		paren (metaMkName name `metaAssign` e)
+-- | Transform pattern bind declarations inside a @let at -expression by transforming 
+-- subterms that could appear as regular patterns, as well as transforming the bound
+-- pattern itself. The reason we need to do this in a special way is scoping, i.e.
+-- in the expression @let a | Just b <- match a = list in b@ the variable b will not
+-- be in scope after the @in at . And besides, we would be on thin ice even if it was in
+-- scope since we are referring to the pattern being bound in the guard that will
+-- decide if the pattern will be bound... yikes, why does Haskell allow guards on 
+-- pattern binds to refer to the patterns being bound, could that ever lead to anything
+-- but an infinite loop??
+transformLetDecls :: [HsDecl] -> HsxM [HsDecl]
+transformLetDecls ds = do
+	-- We need to rename regular patterns in pattern bindings, since we need to
+	-- separate the generated declaration sets. This since we need to add them not
+	-- to the actual binding but rather to the declaration that will be the guard
+	-- of the binding.
+	let ds' = renameLetDecls ds 
+	transformLDs 0 0 ds'
+  where transformLDs :: Int -> Int -> [HsDecl] -> HsxM [HsDecl]
+  	transformLDs k l ds = case ds of
+  	    []     -> return []
+  	    (d:ds) -> case d of
+  		HsPatBind srcloc pat rhs decls -> do
+			-- We need to transform all pattern bindings in a set of
+		  	-- declarations in the same context w.r.t. generating fresh
+		  	-- variable names, since they will all be in scope at the same time.
+		  	([pat'], ags, gs, ws, k', l') <- runTrFromTo k l (trPatterns [pat])
+			decls' <- case decls of
+			    -- Any declarations already in place should be left where they
+			    -- are since they probably refer to the generating right-hand
+			    -- side of the pattern bind. If they don't, we're in trouble...
+			    HsBDecls decls -> fmap HsBDecls $ transformLetDecls decls
+			    -- If they are implicit parameter bindings we simply transform
+			    -- them as such.
+			    HsIPBinds decls -> fmap HsIPBinds $ mapM transformIPBind decls
+			-- The generated guard, if any, should be a declaration, and the
+			-- generated declarations should be associated with it.
+			let gs' = case gs of
+				   []  -> []
+				   [g] -> [mkDeclGuard g ws]
+				   _   -> error "This should not happen since we \ 
+						   \ have called renameLetDecls already!"
+			    -- Generated attribute guards should also be added as declarations,
+			    -- but with no where clauses.
+			    ags' = map (flip mkDeclGuard $ []) ags
+			-- We must transform the right-hand side as well, but there are
+			-- no new guards, nor any postponed patterns, to supply at this time.
+			rhs' <- mkRhs srcloc [] [] rhs
+			-- ... and then we should recurse with the new gensym argument.
+			ds' <- transformLDs k' l' ds
+			-- The generated guards, which should be at most one, should be
+			-- added as declarations rather than as guards due to the
+			-- scoping issue described above.
+			return $ (HsPatBind srcloc pat' rhs' decls') : ags' ++ gs' ++ ds'
+  	    	-- We only need to treat pattern binds separately, other declarations
+  	    	-- can be transformed normally.
+		d -> do d'  <- transformDecl d 
+			ds' <- transformLDs k l ds
+			return $ d':ds'
+-- | Transform binding of implicit parameters by transforming the expression on the 
+-- right-hand side. The left-hand side can only be an implicit parameter, so no
+-- regular patterns there...
+transformIPBind :: HsIPBind -> HsxM HsIPBind
+transformIPBind (HsIPBind s n e) =
+	fmap (HsIPBind s n) $ transformExp e
+-- Statements of various kinds
+-- | A simple annotation datatype for statement contexts.
+data StmtType = Do | Guard | ListComp
+-- | Transform statements by traversing and transforming subterms.
+-- Since generator statements have slightly different semantics 
+-- depending on their context, statements are annotated with their
+-- context to ensure that the semantics of the resulting statement
+-- sequence is correct. The return type is a list since generated
+-- guards will be added as statements on the same level as the
+-- statement to be transformed.
+transformStmt :: StmtType -> HsStmt -> HsxM [HsStmt]
+transformStmt t s = case s of
+	-- Generators can have regular patterns in the result pattern on the
+	-- left-hand side and in the generating expression.
+	HsGenerator s p e -> do
+		let -- We need to treat generated guards differently depending
+		    -- on the context of the statement.
+		    guardFun = case t of
+				Do	 -> monadify
+				ListComp -> monadify
+				Guard	 -> mkStmtGuard
+		    -- Preserve semantics of irrefutable regular patterns by postponing
+		    -- their evaluation to a let-expression on the right-hand side
+		    ([p'], rnpss) = unzip $ renameIrrPats [p]
+		-- Transform the pattern itself
+		([p''], ags, gs, ds) <- transformPatterns [p']
+		-- Put the generated declarations in a let-statement
+		let lt  = case ds of
+			   [] -> []
+			   _  -> [letStmt ds]
+		    -- Perform the designated trick on the generated guards.
+		    gs' = map guardFun (ags ++ gs)
+		-- Add the postponed patterns to the right-hand side by placing
+		-- them in a let-expression to make them lazily evaluated.
+		-- Then transform the whole right-hand side as an expression.
+		e' <- transformExp $ addLetDecls s (concat rnpss) e
+		return $ HsGenerator s p'' e':lt ++ gs'
+	  where monadify :: Guard -> HsStmt
+	  	-- To monadify is to create a statement guard, only that the
+	  	-- generation must take place in a monad, so we need to "return"
+	  	-- the value gotten from the guard.
+		monadify (s,p,e) = genStmt s p (metaReturn $ paren e)
+	-- Qualifiers are simply wrapped expressions and are treated as such.
+	HsQualifier e -> fmap (\e -> [HsQualifier $ e]) $ transformExp e
+	-- Let statements suffer from the same problem as let expressions, so
+	-- the declarations should be treated in the same special way.
+	HsLetStmt (HsBDecls ds)  -> 
+		fmap (\ds -> [letStmt ds]) $ transformLetDecls ds
+	-- If the bindings are of implicit parameters we simply transform them as such.
+	HsLetStmt (HsIPBinds is) -> 
+		fmap (\is -> [HsLetStmt (HsIPBinds is)]) $ mapM transformIPBind is
+-- Case alternatives
+-- | Transform alternatives in a @case at -expression. Patterns are
+-- transformed, while other subterms are traversed further.
+transformAlt :: HsAlt -> HsxM HsAlt
+transformAlt (HsAlt srcloc pat rhs decls) = do
+	-- Preserve semantics of irrefutable regular patterns by postponing
+	-- their evaluation to a let-expression on the right-hand side
+  	let ([pat'], rnpss) = unzip $ renameIrrPats [pat]
+  	-- Transform the pattern itself
+  	([pat''], attrGuards, guards, decls'') <- transformPatterns [pat']
+	-- Transform the right-hand side, and add any generated guards
+	-- and let expressions to it.
+  	rhs' <- mkGAlts srcloc (attrGuards ++ guards) (concat rnpss) rhs
+	-- Transform declarations in the where clause, adding any generated
+	-- declarations to it.
+  	decls' <- case decls of
+  		   HsBDecls ds -> do ds' <- mapM transformDecl ds
+  		   		     return $ HsBDecls $ decls'' ++ ds
+  		   _ 	       -> error "Cannot bind implicit parameters in the \
+  		  		     \ \'where\' clause of a function using regular patterns."
+	return $ HsAlt srcloc pat'' rhs' decls'
+	-- Transform and update guards and right-hand side of a case-expression.
+	-- The supplied list of guards is prepended to the original guards, and 
+	-- subterms are traversed and transformed.
+  where	mkGAlts :: SrcLoc -> [Guard] -> [(HsName, HsPat)] -> HsGuardedAlts -> HsxM HsGuardedAlts
+	mkGAlts s guards rnps (HsUnGuardedAlt rhs) = do
+		-- Add the postponed patterns to the right-hand side by placing
+		-- them in a let-expression to make them lazily evaluated.
+		-- Then transform the whole right-hand side as an expression.
+		rhs' <- transformExp $ addLetDecls s rnps rhs
+		case guards of
+		 -- There were no guards before, and none should be added,
+		 -- so we still have an unguarded right-hand side
+		 [] -> return $ HsUnGuardedAlt rhs'
+		 -- There are guards to add. These should be added as pattern
+		 -- guards, i.e. as statements.
+		 _  -> return $ HsGuardedAlts [HsGuardedAlt s (map mkStmtGuard guards) rhs']
+	mkGAlts s gs rnps (HsGuardedAlts galts) =
+		fmap HsGuardedAlts $ mapM (mkGAlt gs rnps) galts
+	  where mkGAlt :: [Guard] -> [(HsName, HsPat)] -> HsGuardedAlt -> HsxM HsGuardedAlt
+		mkGAlt gs rnps (HsGuardedAlt s oldgs rhs) = do
+			-- Add the postponed patterns to the right-hand side by placing
+			-- them in a let-expression to make them lazily evaluated.
+			-- Then transform the whole right-hand side as an expression.
+			do rhs'   <- transformExp $ addLetDecls s rnps rhs
+			    -- Now there are guards, so first we need to transform those
+			   oldgs' <- fmap concat $ mapM (transformStmt Guard) oldgs
+			    -- ... and then prepend the newly generated ones, as statements
+			   return $ HsGuardedAlt s ((map mkStmtGuard gs) ++ oldgs') rhs'
+-- Guards
+-- In some places, a guard will be a declaration instead of the
+-- normal statement, so we represent it in a generic fashion.
+type Guard = (SrcLoc, HsPat, HsExp)
+mkStmtGuard :: Guard -> HsStmt
+mkStmtGuard (s, p, e) = genStmt s p e
+mkDeclGuard :: Guard -> [HsDecl] -> HsDecl
+mkDeclGuard (s, p, e) ds = patBindWhere s p e ds
+-- Rewriting expressions before transformation.
+-- Done in a monad for gensym capability.
+newtype RN a = RN (RNState -> (a, RNState))
+type RNState = Int
+initRNState = 0
+instance Monad RN where
+ return a = RN $ \s -> (a,s)
+ (RN f) >>= k = RN $ \s -> let (a,s') = f s
+ 			       (RN g) = k a
+ 			    in g s'
+instance Functor RN where
+ fmap f rna = do a <- rna
+ 		 return $ f a
+runRename :: RN a -> a
+runRename (RN f) = let (a,_) = f initRNState
+		    in a
+getRNState :: RN RNState
+getRNState = RN $ \s -> (s,s)
+setRNState :: RNState -> RN ()
+setRNState s = RN $ \_ -> ((), s)
+genVarName :: RN HsName
+genVarName = do 
+	k <- getRNState
+	setRNState $ k+1
+	return $ name $ "harp_rnvar" ++ show k
+type NameBind = (HsName, HsPat)
+-- Some generic functions on monads for traversing subterms
+rename1pat :: a -> (b -> c) -> (a -> RN (b, [d])) -> RN (c, [d])
+rename1pat p f rn = do (q, ms) <- rn p
+		       return (f q, ms)
+rename2pat :: a -> a -> (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> RN (b, [d])) -> RN (c, [d])
+rename2pat p1 p2 f rn = do (q1, ms1) <- rn p1
+			   (q2, ms2) <- rn p2
+			   return $ (f q1 q2, ms1 ++ ms2)
+renameNpat :: [a] -> ([b] -> c) -> (a -> RN (b, [d])) -> RN (c, [d])
+renameNpat ps f rn = do (qs, mss) <- fmap unzip $ mapM rn ps
+			return (f qs, concat mss)
+-- | Generate variables as placeholders for any regular patterns, in order
+-- to place their evaluation elsewhere. We must likewise move the evaluation
+-- of Tags because attribute lookups are force evaluation.
+renameRPats :: [HsPat] -> [(HsPat, [NameBind])]
+renameRPats ps = runRename $ mapM renameRP ps
+renameRP :: HsPat -> RN (HsPat, [NameBind])
+renameRP p = case p of
+	-- We must rename regular patterns and Tag expressions
+	HsPRPat _ _ 	    -> rename p
+	HsPXTag _ _ _ _ _   -> rename p
+	HsPXETag _ _ _ _    -> rename p
+	-- The rest of the rules simply try to rename regular patterns in
+	-- their immediate subpatterns.
+	HsPNeg p    	    -> rename1pat p HsPNeg renameRP
+	HsPInfixApp p1 n p2 -> rename2pat p1 p2
+				(\p1 p2 -> HsPInfixApp p1 n p2)
+				renameRP
+	HsPApp n ps	    -> renameNpat ps (HsPApp n) renameRP
+	HsPTuple ps	    -> renameNpat ps HsPTuple renameRP
+	HsPList ps	    -> renameNpat ps HsPList renameRP
+	HsPParen p	    -> rename1pat p HsPParen renameRP
+	HsPRec n pfs	    -> renameNpat pfs (HsPRec n) renameRPf
+	HsPAsPat n p	    -> rename1pat p (HsPAsPat n) renameRP
+	HsPIrrPat p	    -> rename1pat p HsPIrrPat renameRP
+	HsPXPatTag p	    -> rename1pat p HsPXPatTag renameRP
+	HsPatTypeSig s p t  -> rename1pat p (\p -> HsPatTypeSig s p t) renameRP	
+	_		    -> return (p, [])
+  where renameRPf :: HsPatField -> RN (HsPatField, [NameBind])
+  	renameRPf (HsPFieldPat n p) = rename1pat p (HsPFieldPat n) renameRP
+  	renameAttr :: HsPXAttr -> RN (HsPXAttr, [NameBind])
+  	renameAttr (HsPXAttr s p) = rename1pat p (HsPXAttr s) renameRP
+  	rename :: HsPat -> RN (HsPat, [NameBind])
+  	rename p = do -- Generate a fresh variable
+  		      n <- genVarName
+  		      -- ... and return that, along with the association of
+		      -- the variable with the old pattern
+  		      return (pvar n, [(n,p)])
+-- | Rename declarations appearing in @let at s or @where@ clauses.
+renameLetDecls :: [HsDecl] -> [HsDecl]
+renameLetDecls ds = 
+	let -- Rename all regular patterns bound in pattern bindings.
+	    (ds', smss) = unzip $ runRename $ mapM renameLetDecl ds
+	    -- ... and then generate declarations for the associations
+	    gs = map (\(s,n,p) -> mkDecl s (n,p)) (concat smss)
+	    -- ... which should be added to the original list of declarations.
+	 in ds' ++ gs
+  where	renameLetDecl :: HsDecl -> RN (HsDecl, [(SrcLoc, HsName, HsPat)])
+	renameLetDecl d = case d of
+		-- We need only bother about pattern bindings.
+		HsPatBind srcloc pat rhs decls -> do
+			-- Rename any regular patterns that appear in the
+			-- pattern being bound.
+			(p, ms) <- renameRP pat
+			let sms = map (\(n,p) -> (srcloc, n, p)) ms
+			return $ (HsPatBind srcloc p rhs decls, sms)
+		_ -> return (d, [])
+-- | Move irrefutable regular patterns into a @let at -expression instead,
+-- to make sure that the semantics of @~@ are preserved.
+renameIrrPats :: [HsPat] -> [(HsPat, [NameBind])]
+renameIrrPats ps = runRename (mapM renameIrrP ps)
+renameIrrP :: HsPat -> RN (HsPat, [(HsName, HsPat)])
+renameIrrP p = case p of
+	-- We should rename any regular pattern appearing
+	-- inside an irrefutable pattern.
+	HsPIrrPat p	    -> do (q, ms) <- renameRP p
+				  return $ (HsPIrrPat q, ms)
+	-- The rest of the rules simply try to rename regular patterns in
+	-- irrefutable patterns in their immediate subpatterns.
+	HsPNeg p    	    -> rename1pat p HsPNeg renameIrrP
+	HsPInfixApp p1 n p2 -> rename2pat p1 p2
+				(\p1 p2 -> HsPInfixApp p1 n p2)
+				renameIrrP
+	HsPApp n ps	    -> renameNpat ps (HsPApp n) renameIrrP
+	HsPTuple ps	    -> renameNpat ps HsPTuple renameIrrP
+	HsPList ps	    -> renameNpat ps HsPList renameIrrP
+	HsPParen p	    -> rename1pat p HsPParen renameIrrP
+	HsPRec n pfs	    -> renameNpat pfs (HsPRec n) renameIrrPf
+	HsPAsPat n p	    -> rename1pat p (HsPAsPat n) renameIrrP
+	HsPatTypeSig s p t  -> rename1pat p (\p -> HsPatTypeSig s p t) renameIrrP	
+	-- Hsx
+	HsPXTag s n attrs mat p -> do (attrs', nss) <- fmap unzip $ mapM renameIrrAttr attrs
+				      (mat', ns1) <- case mat of
+				      	       	      Nothing -> return (Nothing, [])
+				      	              Just at -> do (at', ns) <- renameIrrP at
+				      	              		    return (Just at', ns)
+				      (q, ns) <- rename1pat p (HsPXTag s n attrs' mat') renameIrrP
+				      return (q, concat nss ++ ns1 ++ ns)
+	HsPXETag s n attrs mat	-> do (as, nss) <- fmap unzip $ mapM renameIrrAttr attrs
+				      (mat', ns1) <- case mat of
+				      	       	      Nothing -> return (Nothing, [])
+				      	              Just at -> do (at', ns) <- renameIrrP at
+				      	              		    return (Just at', ns)
+				      return $ (HsPXETag s n as mat', concat nss ++ ns1)
+	HsPXPatTag p	    	-> rename1pat p HsPXPatTag renameIrrP
+	-- End Hsx
+	_		    -> return (p, [])
+  where renameIrrPf :: HsPatField -> RN (HsPatField, [NameBind])
+  	renameIrrPf (HsPFieldPat n p) = rename1pat p (HsPFieldPat n) renameIrrP
+  	renameIrrAttr :: HsPXAttr -> RN (HsPXAttr, [NameBind])
+  	renameIrrAttr (HsPXAttr s p) = rename1pat p (HsPXAttr s) renameIrrP
+-- Transforming Patterns: the real stuff
+-- | Transform several patterns in the same context, thereby
+-- generating any code for matching regular patterns.
+transformPatterns :: [HsPat] -> HsxM ([HsPat], [Guard], [Guard], [HsDecl])
+transformPatterns ps = runTr (trPatterns ps)
+-- The transformation monad
+type State = (Int, Int, Int, [Guard], [Guard], [HsDecl])
+newtype Tr a = Tr (State -> HsxM (a, State))
+instance Monad Tr where
+ return a = Tr $ \s -> return (a, s)
+ (Tr f) >>= k = Tr $ \s ->
+ 		  do (a, s') <- f s
+ 		     let (Tr f') = k a
+ 		     f' s'
+instance Functor Tr where
+ fmap f tra = tra >>= (return . f)
+liftTr :: HsxM a -> Tr a
+liftTr hma = Tr $ \s -> do a <- hma
+			   return (a, s)
+initState = initStateFrom 0 0
+initStateFrom k l = (0, k, l, [], [], [])
+runTr :: Tr a -> HsxM (a, [Guard], [Guard], [HsDecl])
+runTr (Tr f) = do (a, (_,_,_,gs1,gs2,ds)) <- f initState
+		  return (a, reverse gs1, reverse gs2, reverse ds)
+runTrFromTo :: Int -> Int -> Tr a -> HsxM (a, [Guard], [Guard], [HsDecl], Int, Int)
+runTrFromTo k l (Tr f) = do (a, (_,k',l',gs1,gs2,ds)) <- f $ initStateFrom k l
+			    return (a, reverse gs1, reverse gs2, reverse ds, k', l')
+-- manipulating the state
+getState :: Tr State
+getState = Tr $ \s -> return (s,s)
+setState :: State -> Tr ()
+setState s = Tr $ \_ -> return ((),s)
+updateState :: (State -> (a,State)) -> Tr a
+updateState f = do s <- getState
+		   let (a,s') = f s
+		   setState s'
+		   return a
+-- specific state manipulating functions
+pushGuard :: SrcLoc -> HsPat -> HsExp -> Tr ()
+pushGuard s p e = updateState $ \(n,m,a,gs1,gs2,ds) -> ((),(n,m,a,gs1,(s,p,e):gs2,ds))
+pushDecl :: HsDecl -> Tr ()
+pushDecl d = updateState $ \(n,m,a,gs1,gs2,ds) -> ((),(n,m,a,gs1,gs2,d:ds))
+pushAttrGuard :: SrcLoc -> HsPat -> HsExp -> Tr ()
+pushAttrGuard s p e = updateState $ \(n,m,a,gs1,gs2,ds) -> ((),(n,m,a,(s,p,e):gs1,gs2,ds))
+genMatchName :: Tr HsName
+genMatchName = do k <- updateState $ \(n,m,a,gs1,gs2,ds) -> (n,(n+1,m,a,gs1,gs2,ds))
+		  return $ HsIdent $ "harp_match" ++ show k
+genPatName :: Tr HsName
+genPatName = do k <- updateState $ \(n,m,a,gs1,gs2,ds) -> (m,(n,m+1,a,gs1,gs2,ds))
+		return $ HsIdent $ "harp_pat" ++ show k
+genAttrName :: Tr HsName
+genAttrName = do k <- updateState $ \(n,m,a,gs1,gs2,ds) -> (m,(n,m,a+1,gs1,gs2,ds))
+		 return $ HsIdent $ "hsx_attrs" ++ show k
+setHarpTransformedT, setXmlTransformedT :: Tr ()
+setHarpTransformedT = liftTr setHarpTransformed
+setXmlTransformedT  = liftTr setXmlTransformed
+-- Some generic functions for computations in the Tr monad. Could
+-- be made even more general, but there's really no point right now...
+tr1pat :: a -> (b -> c) -> (a -> Tr b) -> Tr c
+tr1pat p f tr = do q <- tr p
+		   return $ f q
+tr2pat :: a -> a -> (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> Tr b) -> Tr c
+tr2pat p1 p2 f tr = do q1 <- tr p1
+		       q2 <- tr p2
+		       return $ f q1 q2
+trNpat :: [a] -> ([b] -> c) -> (a -> Tr b) -> Tr c
+trNpat ps f tr = do qs <- mapM tr ps
+		    return $ f qs
+-- The *real* transformations
+-- Transforming patterns
+-- | Transform several patterns in the same context
+trPatterns :: [HsPat] -> Tr [HsPat]
+trPatterns = mapM trPattern
+-- | Transform a pattern by traversing the syntax tree.
+-- A regular pattern is translated, other patterns are 
+-- simply left as is.
+trPattern :: HsPat -> Tr HsPat
+trPattern p = case p of
+	-- This is where the fun starts. =)
+	-- Regular patterns must be transformed of course.
+	HsPRPat s rps -> do
+		-- First we need a name for the placeholder pattern.
+		n <- genPatName 
+		-- A top-level regular pattern is a sequence in linear
+		-- context, so we can simply translate it as if it was one.
+		(mname, vars, _) <- trRPat s True (HsRPSeq rps)
+		-- Generate a top level declaration.
+		topmname <- mkTopDecl s mname vars
+		-- Generate a pattern guard for this regular pattern,
+		-- that will match the generated declaration to the 
+		-- value of the placeholder, and bind all variables.
+		mkGuard s vars topmname n
+		-- And indeed, we have made a transformation!
+		setHarpTransformedT
+		-- Return the placeholder pattern.
+		return $ pvar n
+	-- Tag patterns should be transformed
+	HsPXTag s name attrs mattr cpat -> do
+		-- We need a name for the attribute list, if there are lookups
+		an <- case (mattr, attrs) of
+			-- ... if there is one already, and there are no lookups
+			-- we can just return that
+			(Just ap, []) -> return $ ap
+			      -- ... if there are none, we dont' care
+			(_, []) -> return wildcard
+			(_, _)  -> do -- ... but if there are, we want a name for that list
+				      n <- genAttrName
+				      -- ... we must turn attribute lookups into guards
+				      mkAttrGuards s n attrs mattr
+				      -- ... and we return the pattern
+				      return $ pvar n
+		-- ... the pattern representing children should be transformed
+		cpat' <- trPattern cpat
+		-- ...  we have made a transformation and should report that
+		setHarpTransformedT
+		-- ... and we return a Tag pattern.
+		let (dom, n) = xNameParts name
+		return $ metaTag dom n an cpat' 
+	-- ... as should empty Tag patterns
+	HsPXETag s name attrs mattr -> do
+		-- We need a name for the attribute list, if there are lookups
+		an <- case (mattr, attrs) of
+			-- ... if there is a pattern already, and there are no lookups
+			-- we can just return that
+			(Just ap, []) -> return $ ap
+			      -- ... if there are none, we dont' care
+			(_, []) -> return wildcard
+			(_, _)  -> do -- ... but if there are, we want a name for that list
+				      n <- genAttrName
+				      -- ... we must turn attribute lookups into guards
+				      mkAttrGuards s n attrs mattr
+				      -- ... and we return the pattern
+				      return $ pvar n
+		-- ...  we have made a transformation and should report that
+		setHarpTransformedT
+		-- ... and we return an ETag pattern.
+		let (dom, n) = xNameParts name
+		return $ metaTag dom n an peList
+	-- PCDATA patterns are strings in the xml datatype.
+	HsPXPcdata s -> setHarpTransformedT >> (return $ metaPcdata s)
+	-- XML comments are likewise just treated as strings.
+	HsPXPatTag p -> setHarpTransformedT >> trPattern p
+	-- Transforming any other patterns simply means transforming
+	-- their subparts.
+	HsPVar _	     -> return p
+	HsPLit _	     -> return p
+	HsPNeg q	     -> tr1pat q HsPNeg trPattern
+	HsPInfixApp p1 op p2 -> tr2pat p1 p2 (\p1 p2 -> HsPInfixApp p1 op p2) trPattern
+	HsPApp n ps	     -> trNpat ps (HsPApp n) trPattern
+	HsPTuple ps	     -> trNpat ps HsPTuple trPattern
+	HsPList ps	     -> trNpat ps HsPList trPattern
+	HsPParen p	     -> tr1pat p HsPParen trPattern
+	HsPRec n pfs	     -> trNpat pfs (HsPRec n) trPatternField
+	HsPAsPat n p	     -> tr1pat p (HsPAsPat n) trPattern
+	HsPWildCard	     -> return p
+	HsPIrrPat p	     -> tr1pat p HsPIrrPat trPattern
+	HsPatTypeSig s p t   -> tr1pat p (\p -> HsPatTypeSig s p t) trPattern
+  where	-- Transform a pattern field.
+  	trPatternField :: HsPatField -> Tr HsPatField
+  	trPatternField (HsPFieldPat n p) = 
+  		tr1pat p (HsPFieldPat n) trPattern
+	-- Deconstruct an xml tag name into its parts.
+	xNameParts :: HsXName -> (Maybe String, String)
+	xNameParts n = case n of
+			HsXName s      -> (Nothing, s)
+			HsXDomName d s -> (Just d, s)
+	-- | Generate a guard for looking up xml attributes.
+	mkAttrGuards :: SrcLoc -> HsName -> [HsPXAttr] -> Maybe HsPat -> Tr ()
+	mkAttrGuards s attrs [HsPXAttr n q] mattr = do
+		-- Apply lookupAttr to the attribute name and
+		-- attribute set
+		let rhs = metaExtract n attrs
+		    -- ... catch the result
+		    pat = metaPJust q
+		    -- ... catch the remainder list
+		    rml = case mattr of
+		    	   Nothing -> wildcard
+		    	   Just ap -> ap
+		-- ... and add the generated guard to the store.
+		pushAttrGuard s (pTuple [pat, rml]) rhs
+	mkAttrGuards s attrs ((HsPXAttr a q):xs) mattr = do
+		-- Apply lookupAttr to the attribute name and
+		-- attribute set
+		let rhs = metaExtract a attrs
+		    -- ... catch the result
+		    pat = metaPJust q
+		-- ... catch the remainder list
+		newAttrs <- genAttrName
+		-- ... and add the generated guard to the store.
+		pushAttrGuard s (pTuple [pat, pvar newAttrs]) rhs
+		-- ... and finally recurse
+		mkAttrGuards s newAttrs xs mattr
+ 	-- | Generate a declaration at top level that will finalise all 
+ 	-- variable continuations, and then return all bound variables.
+	mkTopDecl :: SrcLoc -> HsName -> [HsName] -> Tr HsName
+	mkTopDecl s mname vars = 
+		do -- Give the match function a name
+		   n <- genMatchName 
+		   -- Create the declaration and add it to the store.
+		   pushDecl $ topDecl s n mname vars
+		   -- Return the name of the match function so that the
+		   -- guard that will be generated can call it.
+		   return n
+	topDecl :: SrcLoc -> HsName -> HsName -> [HsName] -> HsDecl
+	topDecl s n mname vs = 
+		let pat  = pTuple [wildcard, pvarTuple vs]	-- (_, (foo, bar, ...))
+		    g    = var mname				-- harp_matchX
+		    a    = genStmt s pat g			-- (_, (foo, ...)) <- harp_matchX
+		    vars = map (\v -> app (var v) eList) vs	-- (foo [], bar [], ...)
+		    b    = qualStmt $ metaReturn $ tuple vars	-- return (foo [], bar [], ...)
+		    e    = doE [a,b]				-- do (...) <- harp_matchX
+		    						--    return (foo [], bar [], ...)
+	 	 in nameBind s n e		-- harp_matchY = do ....
+	-- | Generate a pattern guard that will apply the @runMatch@
+	-- function on the top-level match function and the input list,
+	-- thereby binding all variables.
+	mkGuard :: SrcLoc -> [HsName] -> HsName -> HsName -> Tr ()
+	mkGuard s vars mname n = do
+		let tvs = pvarTuple vars				-- (foo, bar, ...)
+		    ge  = appFun runMatchFun [var mname, var n]		-- runMatch harp_matchX harp_patY
+		pushGuard s (pApp just_name [tvs]) ge			-- Just (foo, bar, ...) , runMatch ...
+-- Transforming regular patterns
+-- | A simple datatype to annotate return values from sub-patterns
+data MType = S		   -- Single element
+	   | L MType	   -- List of ... , (/  /), *, +
+	   | E MType MType -- Either ... or ... , (  |  )
+	   | M MType	   -- Maybe ... , ?
+-- When transforming a regular sub-pattern, we need to know the
+-- name of the function generated to match it, the names of all
+-- variables it binds, and the type of its returned value.
+type MFunMetaInfo = (HsName, [HsName], MType)
+-- | Transform away a regular pattern, generating code
+-- to replace it.
+trRPat :: SrcLoc -> Bool -> HsRPat -> Tr MFunMetaInfo
+trRPat s linear rp = case rp of
+    -- For an ordinary Haskell pattern we need to generate a
+    -- base match function for the pattern, and a declaration
+    -- that lifts that function into the matcher monad.
+    HsRPPat p -> do mkBaseDecl s linear p
+      where -- | Generate declarations for matching ordinary Haskell patterns
+	    mkBaseDecl :: SrcLoc -> Bool -> HsPat -> Tr MFunMetaInfo
+	    mkBaseDecl s linear p = case p of
+		-- We can simplify a lot if the pattern is a wildcard or a variable
+		HsPWildCard -> mkWCMatch s
+		HsPVar v    -> mkVarMatch s linear v
+		-- ... and if it is an embedded pattern tag, we can just skip it
+		HsPXPatTag q -> mkBaseDecl s linear q
+		-- ... otherwise we'll have to take the long way...
+		p           -> do -- First do a case match on a single element
+				  (name, vars, _) <- mkBasePat s linear p	
+				  -- ... apply baseMatch to the case matcher to 
+				  -- lift it into the matcher monad.
+				  newname <- mkBaseMatch s name	
+				  -- ... and return the meta-info gathered.
+				  return (newname, vars, S)
+	    -- | Generate a declaration for matching a variable.
+	    mkVarMatch :: SrcLoc -> Bool -> HsName -> Tr MFunMetaInfo
+	    mkVarMatch s linear v = do
+		-- First we need a name for the new match function.
+		n <- genMatchName
+		-- Then we need a basic matching function that always matches,
+		-- and that binds the value matched to the variable in question.
+		let e = paren $ lamE s [pvar v] $		-- (\v -> Just (mf v))
+				  app (var just_name) 
+				  (paren $ retVar linear v)
+		-- Lift the function into the matcher monad, and bind it to its name,
+		-- then add it the declaration to the store.
+		pushDecl $ nameBind s n $
+			      app baseMatchFun e	-- harp_matchX = baseMatch (\v -> Just (mf v))
+		return (n, [v], S)			-- always binds v and only v
+	      where retVar :: Bool -> HsName -> HsExp
+		    retVar linear v 
+		    	-- if bound in linear context, apply const
+			| linear    = metaConst (var v)
+			-- if bound in non-linear context, apply (:)
+			| otherwise = app consFun (var v)   
+	    -- | Generate a declaration for matching a wildcard
+	    mkWCMatch :: SrcLoc -> Tr MFunMetaInfo
+	    mkWCMatch s = do 
+		-- First we need a name...
+		n <- genMatchName
+		-- ... and then a function that always matches, discarding the result
+		let e = paren $ lamE s [wildcard] $ 	-- (\_ -> Just ())
+				    app (var just_name) unit_con
+		-- ... which we lift, bind, and add to the store.
+		pushDecl $ nameBind s n $ 		-- harp_matchX = baseMatch (\_ -> Just ())
+			     app baseMatchFun e
+		return (n, [], S)	-- no variables bound, hence []
+	    -- | Generate a basic function that cases on a single element, 
+	    -- returning Just (all bound variables) on a match, and
+	    -- Nothing on a mismatch.
+	    mkBasePat :: SrcLoc -> Bool -> HsPat -> Tr MFunMetaInfo
+	    mkBasePat s b p = 
+		do -- First we need a name...
+		   n <- genMatchName
+		   -- ... and then we need to know what variables that 
+		   -- will be bound by this match.
+		   let vs = gatherPVars p
+		   -- ... and then we can create and store away a casing function.
+		   basePatDecl s b n vs p >>= pushDecl
+		   return (n, vs, S)
+	      where -- | Gather up the names of all variables in a pattern,
+		    -- using a simple fold over the syntax structure.
+		    gatherPVars :: HsPat -> [HsName]
+		    gatherPVars p = case p of
+			HsPVar v	     -> [v]
+			HsPNeg q	     -> gatherPVars q
+			HsPInfixApp p1 _ p2  -> gatherPVars p1 ++
+						 gatherPVars p2
+			HsPApp _ ps	     -> concatMap gatherPVars ps 
+			HsPTuple ps	     -> concatMap gatherPVars ps 
+			HsPList ps	     -> concatMap gatherPVars ps 
+			HsPParen p	     -> gatherPVars p
+			HsPRec _ pfs	     -> concatMap help pfs
+				where help (HsPFieldPat _ p) = gatherPVars p
+			HsPAsPat n p	     -> n : gatherPVars p
+			HsPWildCard	     -> []
+			HsPIrrPat p	     -> gatherPVars p
+			HsPatTypeSig _ p _   -> gatherPVars p
+			HsPRPat _ rps	     -> concatMap gatherRPVars rps
+			HsPXTag _ _ attrs mattr cp -> 
+				concatMap gatherAttrVars attrs ++ gatherPVars cp ++
+					case mattr of
+					 Nothing -> []
+					 Just ap -> gatherPVars ap
+			HsPXETag _ _ attrs mattr -> 
+				concatMap gatherAttrVars attrs ++ 
+					case mattr of
+					 Nothing -> []
+					 Just ap -> gatherPVars ap
+			HsPXPatTag p	     -> gatherPVars p
+			_		     -> []
+		    gatherRPVars :: HsRPat -> [HsName]
+		    gatherRPVars rp = case rp of
+			HsRPStar rq	   -> gatherRPVars rq
+			HsRPStarG rq	   -> gatherRPVars rq
+			HsRPPlus rq 	   -> gatherRPVars rq
+			HsRPPlusG rq	   -> gatherRPVars rq
+			HsRPOpt rq	   -> gatherRPVars rq
+			HsRPOptG rq	   -> gatherRPVars rq
+			HsRPEither rq1 rq2 -> gatherRPVars rq1 ++ gatherRPVars rq2
+			HsRPSeq rqs	   -> concatMap gatherRPVars rqs
+			HsRPCAs n rq	   -> n : gatherRPVars rq
+			HsRPAs n rq	   -> n : gatherRPVars rq
+			HsRPParen rq	   -> gatherRPVars rq
+			HsRPPat q	   -> gatherPVars q
+		    gatherAttrVars :: HsPXAttr -> [HsName]
+		    gatherAttrVars (HsPXAttr _ p) = gatherPVars p
+	    -- | Generate a basic casing function for a given pattern.	
+	    basePatDecl :: SrcLoc -> Bool -> HsName -> [HsName] -> HsPat -> Tr HsDecl
+	    basePatDecl s linear f vs p = do
+		-- We can use the magic variable harp_a since nothing else needs to
+		-- be in scope at this time (we could use just a, or foo, or whatever)
+		let a = HsIdent $ "harp_a"
+		-- ... and we should case on that variable on the right-hand side.
+		rhs <- baseCaseE s linear p a vs	-- case harp_a of ...
+		-- The result is a simple function with one paramenter and
+		-- the right-hand side we just generated.
+		return $ simpleFun s f a rhs
+	      where baseCaseE :: SrcLoc -> Bool -> HsPat -> HsName -> [HsName] -> Tr HsExp
+		    baseCaseE s b p a vs = do
+			-- First the alternative if we actually 
+			-- match the given pattern
+			let alt1 = alt s p 				    -- foo -> Just (mf foo)
+				    (app (var just_name) $ 
+				     tuple (map (retVar b) vs))
+			    -- .. and finally an alternative for not matching the pattern.
+			    alt2 = alt s wildcard (var nothing_name)	    -- _ -> Nothing
+			-- ... and that pattern could itself contain regular patterns
+			-- so we must transform away these.
+			alt1' <- liftTr $ transformAlt alt1
+			return $ caseE (var a) [alt1', alt2]
+		    retVar :: Bool -> HsName -> HsExp
+		    retVar linear v
+		        -- if bound in linear context, apply const
+			| linear    = metaConst (var v)
+			-- if bound in non-linear context, apply (:)
+			| otherwise = app consFun (var v)
+	    -- | Generate a match function that lift the result of the
+	    -- basic casing function into the matcher monad.
+	    mkBaseMatch :: SrcLoc -> HsName -> Tr HsName
+	    mkBaseMatch s name = 
+		do -- First we need a name...
+		   n <- genMatchName
+		   -- ... to which we bind the lifting function
+		   pushDecl $ baseMatchDecl s n name
+		   -- and then return for others to use.
+		   return n
+	    -- | Generate a declaration for the function that lifts a simple
+	    -- casing function into the matcher monad.
+	    baseMatchDecl :: SrcLoc -> HsName -> HsName -> HsDecl
+	    baseMatchDecl s newname oldname = 
+		-- Apply the lifting function "baseMatch" to the casing function
+		let e = app baseMatchFun (var oldname)
+		    -- ... and bind it to the new name.
+		 in nameBind s newname e		-- harp_matchX = baseMatch harp_matchY
+    -- For a sequence of regular patterns, we should transform all
+    -- sub-patterns and then generate a function for sequencing them.
+    HsRPSeq rps -> do 
+    	nvts <- mapM (trRPat s linear) rps
+	mkSeqDecl s nvts
+      where -- | Generate a match function for a sequence of regular patterns,
+	    -- flattening any special sub-patterns into normal elements of the list
+	    mkSeqDecl :: SrcLoc -> [MFunMetaInfo] -> Tr MFunMetaInfo
+	    mkSeqDecl s nvts = do
+	    	-- First, as always, we need a name...
+		name <- genMatchName
+	     	let -- We need a generating statement for each sub-pattern.
+	     	    (gs, vals) = unzip $ mkGenExps s 0 nvts		-- (harp_valX, (foo, ...)) <- harp_matchY
+	     	    -- Gather up all variables from all sub-patterns.
+		    vars    = concatMap (\(_,vars,_) -> vars) nvts
+		    -- ... flatten all values to simple lists, and concatenate
+		    -- the lists to a new return value
+		    fldecls = flattenVals s vals			-- harp_valXf = $flatten harp_valX
+		    							-- harp_ret = foldComp [harp_val1f, ...]
+		    -- ... return the value along with all variables
+		    ret     = qualStmt $ metaReturn $			-- return (harp_ret, (foo, .....))
+		    		tuple [var retname, varTuple vars]
+		    -- ... do all these steps in a do expression
+		    rhs	    = doE $ gs ++ 				-- do (harp_valX, (foo, ...)) <- harpMatchY
+				[letStmt fldecls, ret]			--    let harp_valXf = $flatten harp_valX
+									--    return (harp_ret, (foo, .....))
+		-- ... bind it to its name, and add the declaration
+		-- to the store.
+		pushDecl $ nameBind s name rhs 				-- harp_matchZ = do ....
+		-- The return value of a sequence is always a list of elements.
+		return (name, vars, L S)
+	    -- | Flatten values of all sub-patterns into normal elements of the list
+	    flattenVals :: SrcLoc -> [(HsName, MType)] -> [HsDecl]
+	    flattenVals s nts = 
+		let -- Flatten the values of all sub-patterns to 
+		    -- lists of elements
+		    (nns, ds) = unzip $ map (flVal s) nts
+		    -- ... and concatenate their results.
+		    ret       = nameBind s retname $ app
+				  (paren $ app foldCompFun 
+				    (listE $ map var nns)) $ eList
+		 in ds ++ [ret]
+	    flVal :: SrcLoc -> (HsName, MType) -> (HsName, HsDecl)
+	    flVal s (name, mt) =
+		let -- We reuse the old names, we just extend them a bit.
+		    newname = extendVar name "f"	-- harp_valXf
+		    -- Create the appropriate flattening function depending
+		    -- on the type of the value
+		    f       = flatten mt
+		    -- ... apply it to the value and bind it to its new name.
+		 in (newname, nameBind s newname $	-- harp_valXf = $flatten harp_valX
+				app f (var name))
+	    -- | Generate a flattening function for a given type structure.
+	    flatten :: MType -> HsExp
+	    flatten S = consFun				-- (:)
+	    flatten (L mt) = 
+		let f = flatten mt
+		    r = paren $ metaMap f
+		 in paren $ foldCompFun	`metaComp` r	-- (foldComp . (map $flatten))
+	    flatten (E mt1 mt2) = 
+		let f1 = flatten mt1
+		    f2 = flatten mt2
+		 in paren $ metaEither f1 f2		-- (either $flatten $flatten)
+	    flatten (M mt) = 
+		let f = flatten mt
+		 in paren $ metaMaybe idFun f		-- (maybe id $flatten)
+    -- For accumulating as-patterns we should transform the subpattern, and then generate 
+    -- a declaration that supplies the value to be bound to the variable in question.
+    -- The variable should be bound non-linearly.
+    HsRPCAs v rp -> do 
+    	-- Transform the subpattern
+    	nvt@(name, vs, mt) <- trRPat s linear rp
+    	-- ... and create a declaration to bind its value.
+	n <- mkCAsDecl s nvt
+	-- The type of the value is unchanged.
+	return (n, (v:vs), mt)
+      where -- | Generate a declaration for a @: binding.
+	    mkCAsDecl :: SrcLoc -> MFunMetaInfo -> Tr HsName
+	    mkCAsDecl = asDecl $ app consFun	-- should become lists when applied to []
+    -- For ordinary as-patterns we should transform the subpattern, and then generate 
+    -- a declaration that supplies the value to be bound to the variable in question.
+    -- The variable should be bound linearly.
+    HsRPAs v rp 
+	| linear -> 
+	     do -- Transform the subpattern
+		nvt@(name, vs, mt) <- trRPat s linear rp
+		-- ... and create a declaration to bind its value
+		n <- mkAsDecl s nvt
+		-- The type of the value is unchanged.
+		return (n, (v:vs), mt)
+	-- We may not use an @ bind in non-linear context
+	| otherwise -> case v of
+		    	HsIdent n -> fail $ "Attempting to bind variable "++n++
+					  " inside the context of a numerable regular pattern"
+		    	_	      -> fail $ "This should never ever ever happen...\
+						  \ how the #% did you do it??!?"
+      where -- | Generate a declaration for a @ binding.
+	    mkAsDecl :: SrcLoc -> MFunMetaInfo -> Tr HsName
+	    mkAsDecl = asDecl metaConst		-- should be constant when applied to []
+    -- For regular patterns, parentheses have no real meaning
+    -- so at this point we can just skip them.
+    HsRPParen rp -> trRPat s linear rp
+    -- For (possibly non-greedy) optional regular patterns we need to
+    -- transform the subpattern, and the generate a function that can
+    -- choose to match or not to match, that is the question...
+    HsRPOpt rp -> 
+    	do -- Transform the subpattern
+    	   nvt <- trRPat s False rp
+    	   -- ... and create a declaration that can optionally match it.
+	   mkOptDecl s False nvt
+    -- ... similarly for the non-greedy version.
+    HsRPOptG rp -> 
+    	do -- Transform the subpattern
+    	   nvt <- trRPat s False rp
+    	   -- ... and create a declaration that can optionally match it.
+	   mkOptDecl s True nvt
+    -- For union patterns, we should transform both subexpressions,
+    -- and generate a function that chooses between them.
+    HsRPEither rp1 rp2 -> 
+    	do -- Transform the subpatterns
+    	   nvt1 <- trRPat s False rp1
+	   nvt2 <- trRPat s False rp2
+	   -- ... and create a declaration that can choose between them.
+	   mkEitherDecl s nvt1 nvt2
+  	-- | Generate declarations for either patterns, i.e. ( | )
+      where mkEitherDecl :: SrcLoc -> MFunMetaInfo -> MFunMetaInfo -> Tr MFunMetaInfo
+            mkEitherDecl s nvt1@(_, vs1, t1) nvt2@(_, vs2, t2) = do
+                -- Eine namen, bitte!
+  		n <- genMatchName
+  		let -- Generate generators for the subpatterns
+  		    (g1, v1) = mkGenExp s nvt1
+  		    (g2, v2) = mkGenExp s nvt2			-- (harp_valX, (foo, bar, ...)) <- harp_matchY
+  		    -- ... gather all variables from both sides
+  		    allvs = vs1 `union` vs2
+  		    -- ... some may be bound on both sides, so we
+  		    -- need to check which ones are bound on each,
+  		    -- supplying empty value for those that are not
+  		    vals1 = map (varOrId vs1) allvs		
+  		    vals2 = map (varOrId vs2) allvs
+  		    -- ... apply either Left or Right to the returned value
+  		    ret1  = metaReturn $ tuple			-- return (Left harp_val1, (foo, id, ...))
+  		    		[app (var left_name)
+  		    		 (var v1), tuple vals1]
+  		    ret2  = metaReturn $ tuple			-- return (Right harp_val2, (id, bar, ...))
+  		    		[app (var right_name)
+  		    		 (var v2), tuple vals2]
+  		    -- ... and do all these things in do-expressions
+  		    exp1  = doE [g1, qualStmt ret1]
+  		    exp2  = doE [g2, qualStmt ret2]
+  		    -- ... and choose between them using the choice (+++) operator.
+  		    rhs   = (paren exp1) `metaChoice`		-- (do ...) +++ 
+  		    		(paren exp2)			--  (do ...)
+  		-- Finally we create a declaration for this function and
+  		-- add it to the store.
+  		pushDecl $ nameBind s n rhs			-- harp_matchZ = (do ...) ...
+  		-- The type of the returned value is Either the type of the first
+  		-- or the second subpattern.
+  		return (n, allvs, E t1 t2)
+	    varOrId :: [HsName] -> HsName -> HsExp
+	    varOrId vs v = if v `elem` vs 	-- the variable is indeed bound in this branch
+	  			then var v 	-- ... so it should be added to the result
+	  			else idFun	-- ... else it should be empty.
+    -- For (possibly non-greedy) repeating regular patterns we need to transform the subpattern,
+    -- and then generate a function to handle many matches of it.
+    HsRPStar rp	-> 
+    	do -- Transform the subpattern
+    	   nvt <- trRPat s False rp
+    	   -- ... and create a declaration that can match it many times.
+	   mkStarDecl s False nvt
+    -- ... and similarly for the non-greedy version.
+    HsRPStarG rp -> 
+    	do -- Transform the subpattern
+    	   nvt <- trRPat s False rp
+    	   -- ... and create a declaration that can match it many times.
+	   mkStarDecl s True nvt
+    -- For (possibly non-greedy) non-empty repeating patterns we need to transform the subpattern,
+    -- and then generate a function to handle one or more matches of it.
+    HsRPPlus rp	-> 
+	do -- Transform the subpattern
+	   nvt <- trRPat s False rp
+	   -- ... and create a declaration that can match it one or more times.
+	   mkPlusDecl s False nvt
+    -- ... and similarly for the non-greedy version.
+    HsRPPlusG rp -> 
+	do -- Transform the subpattern
+    	   nvt <- trRPat s False rp
+	   -- ... and create a declaration that can match it one or more times.
+	   mkPlusDecl s True nvt
+  where -- These are the functions that must be in scope for more than one case alternative above.
+  	-- | Generate the generators that call sub-matching functions, and
+	-- annotate names with types for future flattening of values.
+	-- Iterate to enable gensym-like behavior.
+	mkGenExps :: SrcLoc -> Int -> [MFunMetaInfo] -> [(HsStmt, (HsName, MType))]
+	mkGenExps _ _ [] = []
+	mkGenExps s k ((name, vars, t):nvs) = 
+		let valname = mkValName k				-- harp_valX
+		    pat     = pTuple [pvar valname, pvarTuple vars]	-- (harp_valX, (foo, bar, ...))
+		    g	    = var name
+		 in (genStmt s pat g, (valname, t)) : 			-- (harp_valX, (foo, ...)) <- harp_matchY
+		 	mkGenExps s (k+1) nvs
+	-- | Create a single generator.
+	mkGenExp :: SrcLoc -> MFunMetaInfo -> (HsStmt, HsName)
+	mkGenExp s nvt = let [(g, (name, _t))] = mkGenExps s 0 [nvt]
+			  in (g, name)
+	-- | Generate a single generator with a call to (ng)manyMatch,
+	-- and an extra variable name to use after unzipping. 
+	mkManyGen :: SrcLoc -> Bool -> HsName -> HsStmt
+	mkManyGen s greedy mname =
+		-- Choose which repeater function to use, determined by greed
+		let mf  = if greedy then gManyMatchFun else manyMatchFun
+		 -- ... and create a generator that applies it to the
+		 -- matching function in question.
+		 in genStmt s (pvar valsvarsname) $ 
+		 	app mf (var mname)
+	-- | Generate declarations for @: and @ bindings.
+	asDecl :: (HsExp -> HsExp) -> SrcLoc -> MFunMetaInfo -> Tr HsName
+	asDecl mf s nvt@(_, vs, _) = do
+		-- A name, if you would
+		n <- genMatchName					 -- harp_matchX
+		let -- Generate a generator for matching the subpattern
+		    (g, val) = mkGenExp s nvt				 -- (harp_valY, (foo, ...)) <- harp_matchZ
+		    -- ... fix the old variables
+		    vars     = map var vs				 -- (apa, bepa, ...)
+		    -- ... and return the generated value, along with the
+		    -- new set of variables which is the old set prepended
+		    -- by the variable currently being bound.
+		    ret = qualStmt $ metaReturn $ tuple			 -- return (harp_valY, ($mf harp_valY, apa, ...))
+				[var val, tuple $ mf (var val) : vars] 	 -- mf in the line above is what separates
+									 -- @: ((:)) from @ (const)
+		-- Finally we create a declaration for this function and 
+		-- add it to the store.
+		pushDecl $ nameBind s n $ doE [g, ret]			 -- harp_matchX = do ...
+		return n
+  	-- | Generate declarations for optional patterns, ? and #?.
+  	-- (Unfortunally we must place this function here since both variations
+  	-- of transformations of optional patterns should be able to call it...)
+  	mkOptDecl :: SrcLoc -> Bool -> MFunMetaInfo -> Tr MFunMetaInfo
+  	mkOptDecl s greedy nvt@(_, vs, t) = do
+  		-- Un nome, s'il vouz plaît.
+  		n <- genMatchName
+  		let -- Generate a generator for matching the subpattern
+  		    (g, val) = mkGenExp s nvt			-- (harp_valX, (foo, bar, ...)) <- harp_matchY
+  		    -- ... and apply a Just to its value
+  		    ret1 = metaReturn $ tuple 			-- return (Just harp_val1, (foo, bar, ...))
+  				[app (var just_name) 
+  				 (var val), varTuple vs]
+  		    -- ... and do those two steps in a do-expression
+  		    exp1 = doE [g, qualStmt ret1]		-- do ....
+  		    -- For the non-matching branch, all the variables should be empty
+  		    ids  = map (const idFun) vs			-- (id, id, ...)
+  		    -- ... and the value should be Nothing.
+  		    ret2 = metaReturn $ tuple			-- return (Nothing, (id, id, ...))
+  		    		[var nothing_name, tuple ids]	-- i.e. no vars were bound
+  		    -- The order of the arguments to the choice (+++) operator 
+  		    -- is determined by greed...
+  		    mc   = if greedy 
+  		    	    then metaChoice 	   -- standard order
+  		    	    else (flip metaChoice) -- reversed order
+  		    -- ... and then apply it to the branches.
+  		    rhs  = (paren exp1) `mc` 			-- (do ....) +++ 
+  		    		(paren ret2)			--  (return (Nothing, .....))
+  		-- Finally we create a declaration for this function and
+  		-- add it to the store.
+  		pushDecl $ nameBind s n rhs			-- harp_matchZ = (do ....) +++ (return ....)
+  		-- The type of the returned value will be Maybe the type
+  		-- of the value of the subpattern.
+  		return (n, vs, M t)
+  	-- | Generate declarations for star patterns, * and #*
+  	-- (Unfortunally we must place this function here since both variations
+  	-- of transformations of repeating patterns should be able to call it...)
+  	mkStarDecl :: SrcLoc -> Bool -> MFunMetaInfo -> Tr MFunMetaInfo
+  	mkStarDecl s greedy (mname, vs, t) = do
+  		-- Ett namn, tack!
+  		n <- genMatchName
+  		let -- Create a generator that matches the subpattern
+  		    -- many times, either greedily or non-greedily
+  		    g = mkManyGen s greedy mname
+  		    -- ... and unzip the result, choosing the proper unzip
+  		    -- function depending on the number of variables returned.
+  		    metaUnzipK = mkMetaUnzip s (length vs)
+  		    -- ... first unzip values from variables
+  		    dec1    = patBind s (pvarTuple [valname, varsname])
+  		    		(metaUnzip $ var valsvarsname)
+  		    -- ... and then unzip the variables
+  		    dec2    = patBind s (pvarTuple vs)
+  		    		(metaUnzipK $ var varsname)
+  		    -- ... fold all the values for variables
+  		    retExps = map ((app foldCompFun) . var) vs
+  		    -- ... and return value and variables
+  		    ret     = metaReturn $ tuple $
+  		    		[var valname, tuple retExps]
+  		-- Finally we need to generate a function that does all this,
+  		-- using a let-statement for the non-monadic stuff and a
+  		-- do-expression to wrap it all in.
+  		pushDecl $ nameBind s n $
+  		  doE [g, letStmt [dec1, dec2], qualStmt ret]
+  		-- The type of the returned value is a list ([]) of the
+  		-- type of the subpattern.
+  		return (n, vs, L t)
+  	-- | Generate declarations for plus patterns, + and #+
+  	-- (Unfortunally we must place this function here since both variations
+  	-- of transformations of non-empty repeating patterns should be able to call it...)
+  	mkPlusDecl :: SrcLoc -> Bool -> MFunMetaInfo -> Tr MFunMetaInfo
+  	mkPlusDecl s greedy nvt@(mname, vs, t) = do
+  		-- and now I've run out of languages...
+  		n <- genMatchName
+  		let k = length vs
+  		    -- First we want a generator to match the
+  		    -- subpattern exactly one time
+  		    (g1, val1) = mkGenExp s nvt			-- (harp_valX, (foo, ...)) <- harpMatchY
+  		    -- ... and then one that matches it many times.
+  		    g2         = mkManyGen s greedy mname	-- harp_vvs <- manyMatch harpMatchY
+  		    -- ... we want to unzip the result, using
+  		    -- the proper unzip function
+  		    metaUnzipK = mkMetaUnzip s k
+  		    -- ... first unzip values from variables
+  		    dec1    = patBind s 			-- (harp_vals, harp_vars) = unzip harp_vvs
+  		    		(pvarTuple [valsname, varsname])
+  		    		(metaUnzip $ var valsvarsname)
+  		    -- .. now we need new fresh names for variables
+  		    -- since the ordinary ones are already taken.
+  		    vlvars  = genNames "harp_vl" k
+  		    -- ... and then we can unzip the variables
+  		    dec2    = patBind s (pvarTuple vlvars)	-- (harp_vl1, ...) = unzipK harp_vars
+  		    		(metaUnzipK $ var varsname)
+  		    -- .. and do the unzipping in a let-statement
+		    letSt   = letStmt [dec1, dec2]
+  		    -- ... fold variables from the many-match,
+  		    -- prepending the variables from the single match
+  		    retExps = map mkRetFormat $ zip vs vlvars	-- foo . (foldComp harp_vl1), ...
+  		    -- ... prepend values from the single match to
+  		    -- those of the many-match.
+  		    retVal  = (var val1) `metaCons` 
+  		    		(var valsname)			-- harp_valX : harp_vals
+  		    -- ... return all values and variables
+  		    ret     = metaReturn $ tuple $		-- return (harp_valX:harpVals, 
+  		    		[retVal, tuple retExps]		--   (foo . (...), ...))
+  		    -- ... and wrap all of it in a do-expression.
+		    rhs     = doE [g1, g2, letSt, qualStmt ret]
+  		-- Finally we create a declaration for this function and
+  		-- add it to the store.
+		pushDecl $ nameBind s n rhs
+  		-- The type of the returned value is a list ([]) of the
+  		-- type of the subpattern.
+		return (n, vs, L t)
+	  where mkRetFormat :: (HsName, HsName) -> HsExp
+	  	mkRetFormat (v, vl) =
+	  		-- Prepend variables using function composition.
+	  		(var v) `metaComp`
+	  		  (paren $ (app foldCompFun) $ var vl)
+-- HaRP-specific functions and ids
+-- | Functions and ids from the @Match@ module, 
+-- used in the generated matching functions
+runMatchFun, baseMatchFun, manyMatchFun, gManyMatchFun :: HsExp
+runMatchFun = match_qual runMatch_name
+baseMatchFun = match_qual baseMatch_name
+manyMatchFun = match_qual manyMatch_name
+gManyMatchFun = match_qual gManyMatch_name
+runMatch_name, baseMatch_name, manyMatch_name, gManyMatch_name :: HsName
+runMatch_name = HsIdent "runMatch"
+baseMatch_name = HsIdent "baseMatch"
+manyMatch_name = HsIdent "manyMatch"
+gManyMatch_name = HsIdent "gManyMatch"
+match_mod, match_qual_mod :: Module
+match_mod = Module "Harp.Match"
+match_qual_mod = Module "HaRPMatch"
+functor_qual_mod = Module "FunctorSugar"
+sugarFun = qvar functor_qual_mod $ HsIdent "functorSugar"
+callFun = qvar functor_qual_mod $ HsIdent "functorCall"
+match_qual :: HsName -> HsExp
+match_qual = qvar match_qual_mod
+choiceOp :: HsQOp
+choiceOp = HsQVarOp $ Qual match_qual_mod choice
+appendOp :: HsQOp
+appendOp = HsQVarOp $ UnQual append
+-- foldComp = foldl (.) id, i.e. fold by composing
+foldCompFun :: HsExp
+foldCompFun = match_qual $ HsIdent "foldComp"
+mkMetaUnzip :: SrcLoc -> Int -> HsExp -> HsExp
+mkMetaUnzip s k | k <= 7 = let n = "unzip" ++ show k
+	      		    in (\e -> matchFunction n [e])
+	        | otherwise = 
+		   let vs      = genNames "x" k
+	      	       lvs     = genNames "xs" k
+		       uz      = name $ "unzip" ++ show k
+		       ys      = name "ys"
+		       xs      = name "xs"
+		       alt1    = alt s peList $ tuple $ replicate k eList	-- [] -> ([], [], ...)
+		       pat2    = (pvarTuple vs) `metaPCons` (pvar xs)		-- (x1, x2, ...)
+		       ret2    = tuple $ map appCons $ zip vs lvs		-- (x1:xs1, x2:xs2, ...)
+		       rhs2    = app (var uz) (var xs)				-- unzipK xs
+		       dec2    = patBind s (pvarTuple lvs) rhs2			-- (xs1, xs2, ...) = unzipK xs
+		       exp2    = letE [dec2] ret2
+		       alt2    = alt s pat2 exp2
+		       topexp  = lamE s [pvar ys] $ caseE (var ys) [alt1, alt2]
+		       topbind = nameBind s uz topexp
+		    in app (paren $ letE [topbind] (var uz))
+  where appCons :: (HsName, HsName) -> HsExp
+  	appCons (x, xs) = metaCons (var x) (var xs)
+matchFunction :: String -> [HsExp] -> HsExp
+matchFunction s es = mf s (reverse es)
+  where mf s []     = match_qual $ HsIdent s
+  	mf s (e:es) = app (mf s es) e
+-- | Some 'magic' gensym-like functions, and functions
+-- with related functionality.
+retname :: HsName
+retname = name "harp_ret"
+varsname :: HsName
+varsname = name "harp_vars"
+valname :: HsName
+valname = name "harp_val"
+valsname :: HsName
+valsname = name "harp_vals"
+valsvarsname :: HsName
+valsvarsname = name "harp_vvs"
+mkValName :: Int -> HsName
+mkValName k = name $ "harp_val" ++ show k
+extendVar :: HsName -> String -> HsName
+extendVar (HsIdent n) s = HsIdent $ n ++ s
+extendVar n _ = n
+xNameParts :: HsXName -> (Maybe String, String)
+xNameParts n = case n of
+		HsXName s      -> (Nothing, s)
+		HsXDomName d s -> (Just d, s)
+-- meta-level functions, i.e. functions that represent functions, 
+-- and that take arguments representing arguments... whew!
+metaReturn, metaConst, metaMap, metaUnzip :: HsExp -> HsExp
+metaReturn e = metaFunction "return" [e]
+metaConst e  = metaFunction "const" [e]
+metaMap e    = metaFunction "map" [e]
+metaUnzip e  = metaFunction "unzip" [e]
+metaEither, metaMaybe :: HsExp -> HsExp -> HsExp
+metaEither e1 e2 = metaFunction "either" [e1,e2]
+metaMaybe e1 e2 = metaFunction "maybe" [e1,e2]
+metaConcat :: [HsExp] -> HsExp
+metaConcat es = metaFunction "concat" [listE es]
+metaAppend :: HsExp -> HsExp -> HsExp
+metaAppend l1 l2 = infixApp l1 appendOp l2
+-- the +++ choice operator
+metaChoice :: HsExp -> HsExp -> HsExp
+metaChoice e1 e2 = infixApp e1 choiceOp e2
+metaPCons :: HsPat -> HsPat -> HsPat
+metaPCons p1 p2 = HsPInfixApp p1 cons p2
+metaCons, metaComp :: HsExp -> HsExp -> HsExp
+metaCons e1 e2 = infixApp e1 (HsQConOp cons) e2
+metaComp e1 e2 = infixApp e1 (op fcomp) e2
+metaPJust :: HsPat -> HsPat
+metaPJust p = pApp just_name [p]
+metaPNothing :: HsPat
+metaPNothing = pvar nothing_name
+metaPMkMaybe :: Maybe HsPat -> HsPat
+metaPMkMaybe mp = case mp of
+	Nothing -> metaPNothing
+	Just p  -> pParen $ metaPJust p
+metaJust :: HsExp -> HsExp
+metaJust e = app (var just_name) e
+metaNothing :: HsExp
+metaNothing = var nothing_name
+metaMkMaybe :: Maybe HsExp -> HsExp
+metaMkMaybe me = case me of
+	Nothing -> metaNothing
+	Just e  -> paren $ metaJust e
+-- some other useful functions at abstract level
+consFun, idFun :: HsExp
+consFun = HsCon cons
+idFun = function "id"
+cons :: HsQName
+cons = Special HsCons
+fcomp, choice, append :: HsName
+fcomp = HsSymbol "."
+choice = HsSymbol "+++"
+append = HsSymbol "++"
+just_name, nothing_name, left_name, right_name :: HsName
+just_name = HsIdent "Just"
+nothing_name = HsIdent "Nothing"
+left_name = HsIdent "Left"
+right_name = HsIdent "Right"
+-- Help functions for meta programming xml
+hsx_data_mod :: Module
+hsx_data_mod = Module "HSP.Data"
+-- | Create an xml PCDATA value
+metaMkPcdata :: String -> HsExp
+metaMkPcdata s = metaFunction "pcdata" [strE s]
+-- | Create an xml tag, given its domain, name, attributes and
+-- children.
+metaMkTag :: HsXName -> [HsExp] -> Maybe HsExp -> [HsExp] -> HsExp
+metaMkTag name ats mat cs = 
+	let (d,n) = xNameParts name
+	    ne    = tuple [metaMkMaybe $ fmap strE d, strE n]
+	    m = maybe id (\x y -> paren $ y `metaAppend` (metaMap $ metaToAttribute x)) mat
+	    attrs = m $ listE $ map metaToAttribute ats
+	 in metaFunction "genTag" [ne, attrs, listE cs]
+-- | Create an empty xml tag, given its domain, name and attributes.
+metaMkETag :: HsXName -> [HsExp] -> Maybe HsExp -> HsExp
+metaMkETag name ats mat = 
+	let (d,n) = xNameParts name
+	    ne    = tuple [metaMkMaybe $ fmap strE d, strE n]
+	    m = maybe id (\x y -> paren $ y `metaAppend` (metaMap $ metaToAttribute x)) mat
+	    attrs = m $ listE $ map metaToAttribute ats
+	 in metaFunction "genETag" [ne, attrs]
+-- | Create an attribute by applying the overloaded @toAttribute@
+metaToAttribute :: HsExp -> HsExp
+metaToAttribute e = metaFunction "toAttribute" [e]
+-- | Create a property from an attribute and a value.
+metaAssign :: HsExp -> HsExp -> HsExp
+metaAssign e1 e2 = infixApp e1 assignOp e2
+  where assignOp = HsQVarOp $ UnQual $ HsSymbol ":="
+-- | Make xml out of some expression by applying the overloaded function
+-- @toXml at .
+metaToXmls :: HsExp -> HsExp
+metaToXmls e = metaFunction "toXMLs" [paren e]
+-- | Lookup an attribute in the set of attributes.
+metaExtract :: HsXName -> HsName -> HsExp
+metaExtract name attrs = 
+	let (d,n) = xNameParts name
+	    np    = tuple [metaMkMaybe $ fmap strE d, strE n]
+	 in metaFunction "extract" [np, var attrs]
+-- | Generate a pattern under the Tag data constructor.
+metaTag :: (Maybe String) -> String -> HsPat -> HsPat -> HsPat
+metaTag dom name ats cpat =
+	let d = metaPMkMaybe $ fmap strP dom
+	    n = pTuple [d, strP name]
+	 in metaConPat "Tag" [n, ats, cpat]
+-- | Generate a pattern under the PCDATA data constructor.
+metaPcdata :: String -> HsPat
+metaPcdata s = metaConPat "PCDATA" [strP s]
+metaMkName :: HsXName -> HsExp
+metaMkName n = case n of
+	HsXName s      -> strE s
+	HsXDomName d s -> tuple [strE d, strE s]
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx.hs new-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx.hs
--- old-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx.hs	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Hsx.hs	2007-02-12 19:32:17.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+module Preprocessor.Hsx (
+	  module Preprocessor.Hsx.Syntax
+	, module Preprocessor.Hsx.Build
+	, module Preprocessor.Hsx.Parser
+	, module Preprocessor.Hsx.Pretty
+	, module Preprocessor.Hsx.Transform
+	, parseFileContents
+	, parseFileContentsWithMode
+	, parseFile
+	) where
+import Preprocessor.Hsx.Build
+import Preprocessor.Hsx.Syntax
+import Preprocessor.Hsx.Parser
+import Preprocessor.Hsx.Pretty
+import Preprocessor.Hsx.Transform
+parseFile :: FilePath -> IO (ParseResult HsModule)
+parseFile fp = readFile fp >>= (return . parseFileContentsWithMode (ParseMode fp))
+parseFileContents :: String -> ParseResult HsModule
+parseFileContents = parseFileContentsWithMode defaultParseMode
+parseFileContentsWithMode :: ParseMode -> String -> ParseResult HsModule
+parseFileContentsWithMode p rawStr =
+	let cleanStr = unlines [ s | s@(c:_) <- lines rawStr, c /= '#' ]
+	 in parseModuleWithMode p cleanStr
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Main.hs new-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Main.hs
--- old-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Main.hs	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/Preprocessor/Main.hs	2007-02-12 19:32:17.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+module Main where
+import Preprocessor.Hsx
+import System.Environment (getArgs)
+import Data.List (intersperse, isPrefixOf)
+checkParse p = case p of
+		  ParseOk m -> m
+		  ParseFailed loc s -> error $ "Error at " ++ show loc ++ ":\n" ++ s
+transformFile :: String -> String -> String -> IO ()
+transformFile origfile infile outfile = do
+	f <- readFile infile
+	let fm = process origfile f
+	writeFile outfile fm
+testFile :: String -> IO ()
+testFile file = do
+	f <- readFile file
+	putStrLn $ process file f
+testTransform :: String -> IO ()
+testTransform file = do
+	f <- readFile file
+	putStrLn $ show $ transform $ checkParse $ parse file f
+testPretty :: String -> IO ()
+testPretty file = do
+	f <- readFile file
+	putStrLn $ prettyPrint $ checkParse $ parse file f
+testParse :: String -> IO ()
+testParse file = do
+	f <- readFile file
+	putStrLn $ show $ parse file f
+main :: IO ()
+main = do args <- getArgs
+	  case args of
+	   [origfile, infile, outfile] -> transformFile origfile infile outfile
+	   [infile, outfile] -> transformFile infile infile outfile
+	   [infile] -> testFile infile
+	   _ -> putStrLn usageString
+process :: FilePath -> String -> String
+process fp fc = prettyPrintWithMode (defaultMode {linePragmas=True}) $ 
+                 transform $ checkParse $ parse fp fc
+parse fn fc = parseModuleWithMode (ParseMode fn) fcuc
+  where fcuc= unlines $ filter (not . isPrefixOf "#") $ lines fc
+usageString = "Usage: trhsx <infile> [<outfile>]"
diff -rN -u old-fenfire-hs/Setup.hs new-fenfire-hs/Setup.hs
--- old-fenfire-hs/Setup.hs	2007-02-12 19:32:17.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenfire-hs/Setup.hs	2007-02-12 19:32:17.000000000 +0200
@@ -12,11 +12,15 @@
 trhsx :: PPSuffixHandler
 trhsx = ("fhs", f) where
     f buildInfo localBuildInfo inFile outFile verbose = do
+        when (verbose > 3) $
+            putStrLn ("checking that preprocessor is up-to-date")
+        system ("ghc --make Preprocessor/Main.hs -o preprocessor")
         when (verbose > 0) $
             putStrLn ("preprocessing "++inFile++" to "++outFile)
         writeFile outFile ("-- GENERATED file. Edit the ORIGINAL "++inFile++
                            " instead.\n")
-        system ("trhsx "++inFile++" >> "++outFile)
+        system ("./preprocessor "++inFile++" >> "++outFile)
 c2hs :: PPSuffixHandler
 c2hs = ("chs", f) where

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