[Fencommits] fenserve: ':move oldpath newpath'

Benja Fallenstein benja.fallenstein at gmail.com
Sat Apr 28 17:08:11 EEST 2007

Sat Apr 28 17:08:04 EEST 2007  Benja Fallenstein <benja.fallenstein at gmail.com>
  * ':move oldpath newpath'
diff -rN -u old-fenserve/notetaker/Main.hs new-fenserve/notetaker/Main.hs
--- old-fenserve/notetaker/Main.hs	2007-04-28 17:08:11.000000000 +0300
+++ new-fenserve/notetaker/Main.hs	2007-04-28 17:08:11.000000000 +0300
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 type Path = [Int]
 data Body = Body String | Add Path String 
-          | Edit Path String | DeleteOne Path | Delete Path
+          | Edit Path String | Move Path Path | DeleteOne Path | Delete Path
           | MakeOwnPage Path | Unpage Path
                                       deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable)
 data Line = Line { lineTime :: EpochTime, lineNick :: String, 
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
 readBody :: String -> Body
 readBody s | ":add "     `isPrefixOf` s = readPath' s 5 $ \p l  -> Add p l
            | ":edit "    `isPrefixOf` s = readPath' s 6 $ \p l  -> Edit p l
+           | ":move "    `isPrefixOf` s = readPath' s 6 $ \p l  -> Move p (readPath l)
            | ":del "     `isPrefixOf` s = readPath' s 5 $ \p "" -> DeleteOne p
            | ":deltree " `isPrefixOf` s = readPath' s 9 $ \p "" -> Delete p
            | ":page "    `isPrefixOf` s = readPath' s 6 $ \p "" -> MakeOwnPage p
@@ -80,17 +81,24 @@
 execute (Line _ _ (Body _)) = id
 execute (Line _ _ body) =
-    case body of Add p l       -> on p $ \(Note t o cs) -> [Note t o (cs++[Note l False []])]
-                 Edit p l      -> on p $ \(Note _ o cs) -> [Note l o cs]
-                 DeleteOne p   -> on p $ \(Note _ _ cs) -> cs
-                 Delete p      -> on p $ \(Note _ _ cs) -> []
-                 MakeOwnPage p -> on p $ \(Note t _ cs) -> [Note t True cs]
-                 Unpage p      -> on p $ \(Note t _ cs) -> [Note t False cs]
-    where on is f note = head $ on' is f note
-          on' []     f note        = f note
-          on' (i:is) f (Note t o cs) = 
-              [Note t o (take i cs ++ on' is f (cs !! i) ++ drop (i+1) cs)]
+    case body of 
+        Add p l       -> on p $ \(Note t o cs) -> [Note t o (cs++[Note l False []])]
+        Edit p l      -> on p $ \(Note _ o cs) -> [Note l o cs]
+        Move p q      -> move p q
+        DeleteOne p   -> on p $ \(Note _ _ cs) -> cs
+        Delete p      -> on p $ \(Note _ _ cs) -> []
+        MakeOwnPage p -> on p $ \(Note t _ cs) -> [Note t True cs]
+        Unpage p      -> on p $ \(Note t _ cs) -> [Note t False cs]
+  where
+    on is f note = head $ on' is f note
+    on' []     f note        = f note
+    on' (i:is) f (Note t o cs) = 
+          [Note t o (take i cs ++ on' is f (cs !! i) ++ drop (i+1) cs)]
+    move p q root = (on p $ \(Note _ _ cs) -> [])
+                  $ (on q $ \(Note t o cs) -> [Note t o (cs++[getPath p root])])
+                  $ root
 getNick m = case lookM m "nick" of Nothing -> "(anon)"; Just "" -> "(anon)"
                                    Just x  -> x
@@ -116,6 +124,7 @@
     msg (Add [] l)      = printf "adds:</i> %s" l
     msg (Add p l)       = printf "adds to '%s':</i> %s" (renderPath p) l
     msg (Edit p l)      = printf "edits '%s':</i> %s" (renderPath p) l
+    msg (Move p q)      = printf "moves '%s' to '%s.'</i>" (renderPath p) (renderPath q)
     msg (DeleteOne p)   = printf "deletes '%s.'</i>" (renderPath p)
     msg (Delete p)      = printf "deletes subtree '%s.'</i>" (renderPath p)
     msg (MakeOwnPage p) = printf "made '%s' its own page.</i>" (renderPath p)

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