[Fencommits] fenserve: start reimplementation of fenserve, currently broken

Benja Fallenstein benja.fallenstein at gmail.com
Thu Apr 5 03:26:45 EEST 2007

Thu Apr  5 03:26:30 EEST 2007  Benja Fallenstein <benja.fallenstein at gmail.com>
  * start reimplementation of fenserve, currently broken
diff -rN -u old-fenserve/FenServe.hs new-fenserve/FenServe.hs
--- old-fenserve/FenServe.hs	2007-04-05 03:26:45.000000000 +0300
+++ new-fenserve/FenServe.hs	2007-04-05 03:26:45.000000000 +0300
@@ -20,11 +20,12 @@
 -- MA  02111-1307  USA
 import Storm
+import StormData
 import Fenfire.RDF
 import Fenfire.Utils
 import qualified Fenfire.Raptor as Raptor
-import HAppS hiding (query, Handler)
+import HAppS hiding (query, Handler, getPath)
 import Control.Monad (liftM, when, forM)
 import Control.Monad.Error (ErrorT, throwError, runErrorT)
@@ -70,19 +71,11 @@
 fs_mimeType        = IRI "http://fenfire.org/2007/fenserve#mimeType"
 fs_language        = IRI "http://fenfire.org/2007/fenserve#language"
+fs_type            = IRI "http://fenfire.org/2007/fenserve#type"
 storm              =     "http://fenfire.org/2007/storm"
 storm_depends      = IRI "http://fenfire.org/2007/storm#depends"
-data Entry = DirEntry { entrySubdir :: Node }
-           | FileEntry { entryRepr :: Node } 
-           | ExecutableEntry { entryCode :: Node } 
-           deriving (Show, Read)
-entryNode (DirEntry n) = n; entryNode (FileEntry n) = n; entryNode (ExecutableEntry n) = n
-data Directory = Dir { dirNode :: Node, dirEntries :: [(String,Entry)] }
-                 deriving (Show, Read)
 type FenServe = StateT Node StormIO
 runFenServe :: FenServe a -> Node -> Maybe FilePath -> IO (a, Node, Pool)
@@ -93,69 +86,29 @@
     getBlock = lift . getBlock
     addBlock = lift . addBlock
-writeEmptyState :: FenServe Node
-writeEmptyState = postData "blk:/" $ Dir (IRI "new:block") []
-type Handler = Request -> FenServe Result
 mkResult :: Int -> String -> ByteString -> Result
 mkResult code mimeType body = Result {
     rsCode=code, rsFlags=nullRsFlags, rsBody=[body], rsHeaders = Headers $
         Map.singleton (toUTF "Content-type") (toUTF mimeType) }
-instance ToRDF Directory where
-    toRDF (Dir node entries) = do
-        l <- toRDFList toRDFEntry entries
-        tellTs [ (node, rdf_type, fs_Directory), (node, fs_entries, l) ]
-        tellTs [ (node, storm_depends, entryNode $ snd e) | e <- entries ]
-        return node
-      where toRDFEntry (name, entry) = do e <- toRDF entry; n <- toRDF name
-                                          tellTs [(e,fs_filename,n)]; return e
-instance FromRDF Directory where
-    readRDF g node = do
-        let l = query' (node, fs_entries, X) g
-        tellTs [ (node, rdf_type, fs_Directory), (node, fs_entries, l) ]
-        entries <- readRDFList readRDFEntry g l
-        return $ Dir node entries 
-      where readRDFEntry g n = do 
-              let nameR = query' (n, fs_filename, X) g
-              name <- readRDF g nameR; entry <- readRDF g n
-              tellTs [ (n, fs_filename, nameR) ]; return (name, entry)
-instance ToRDF Entry where
-    toRDF (FileEntry repr) = do
-        e <- newBNode
-        tellTs [ (e, rdf_type, fs_FileEntry), (e, fs_representation, repr) ]
-        return e
-    toRDF (DirEntry subdir) = do
-        e <- newBNode
-        tellTs [ (e, rdf_type, fs_DirEntry), (e, fs_subdir, subdir) ]
-        return e
-    toRDF (ExecutableEntry code) = do
-        e <- newBNode
-        tellTs [ (e, rdf_type, fs_ExecutableEntry), (e, fs_code, code) ]
-        return e
-instance FromRDF Entry where
-    readRDF g node = case query' (node, rdf_type, X) g of
-        x | x == fs_FileEntry -> do
-            let repr = query' (node, fs_representation, X) g
-            tellTs [ (node, fs_representation, repr) ]
-            return $ FileEntry repr
-        x | x == fs_DirEntry -> do
-            let subdir = query' (node, fs_subdir, X) g
-            tellTs [ (node, fs_subdir, subdir) ]
-            return $ DirEntry subdir
-        x | x == fs_ExecutableEntry -> do
-            let code = query' (node, fs_code, X) g
-            tellTs [ (node, fs_subdir, code) ]
-            return $ ExecutableEntry code
+type Handler = Request -> FenServe Result
+data Resource = Resource {
+    readResource :: FromRDF a => FenServe a,
+    modifyResource :: (FromRDF a, ToRDF a) => (a -> FenServe a) -> FenServe (),
+    handleResource :: Handler }
+data Resolver = forall a. (FromRDF a, ToRDF a) =>
+    Resolver (Resolvers -> [String] -> a -> [String] -> FenServe Resource)
+type Resolvers = Map Node Resolver
 instance StartState Node where 
     startStateM =
         runFenServe writeEmptyState e Nothing >>= \(r,_,_) -> return r  where
             e = error "FenServe.(StartState Node): this shouldn't be evaluated"
 instance Serialize Node where
     typeString _  = "FenServe.State"
@@ -164,86 +117,32 @@
 instance ToMessage ByteString where
     toMessageBodyM = return
-bURI :: BlockId -> String
-bURI (BlockId bid) = "blk:/" ++ bid
-bIRI :: BlockId -> Node
-bIRI bid = IRI $ bURI bid
-bID :: Node -> BlockId
-bID (IRI ('b':'l':'k':':':'/':s)) = BlockId $ takeWhile (/= '#') s
-bID node = error $ "Not a block IRI: " ++ show node
-getGraph :: String -> FenServe Graph
-getGraph uri = do bytes <- wget uri
-                  let (ts, nss) = unsafePerformIO $ 
-                          Raptor.bytesToTriples "turtle" bytes uri
-                  return $ raptorToGraph ts nss uri
-showGraph :: Graph -> ByteString
-showGraph g = let (ts,nss) = graphToRaptor g; uri = iriStr $ defaultGraph g
-               in unsafePerformIO $ Raptor.triplesToBytes ts nss uri
-putGraph :: Graph -> FenServe ()
-putGraph g = wput (iriStr $ defaultGraph g) (showGraph g)
-postGraph :: String -> Graph -> FenServe String
-postGraph uri g = wpost uri (showGraph g)
-getData :: FromRDF a => Node -> FenServe a
-getData node = do graph <- getGraph (takeWhile (/= '#') $ iriStr node)
-                  return $ fromRDF graph node
-putData :: ToRDF a => String -> a -> FenServe Node
-putData uri value = do let (node, ts) = runToRDF uri $ toRDF value
-                       putGraph $ toGraph (IRI uri) ts
-                       return node
-postData :: ToRDF a => String -> a -> FenServe Node
-postData uri value = do let (node, ts) = runToRDF "new:block" $ toRDF value
-                        uri' <- postGraph uri $ toGraph (IRI "new:block") ts
-                        return $ changeBaseURI "new:block" uri' node
+resolve :: Resolvers -> [String] -> FenServe Resource
+resolve rs p = do root <- get; resolve' rs [] root p
-updateStormData :: (FromRDF a, ToRDF a) => EndoM FenServe a -> EndoM FenServe Node
-updateStormData f node = getData node >>= f >>= postData "blk:/"
+resolve' :: Resolvers -> [String] -> Node -> [String] -> FenServe Resource
+resolve' rs p0 n p1 = do g <- getGraph n; ty <- mquery (n, fs_type, X) g
+                         Resolver r <- Map.lookup ty rs
+                         r rs p0 (fromRDF g n) p1
+defaultResolvers = Map.fromList [(fs_Directory, Resolver resolveDir)]
 handleRequest :: Request -> FenServe Result
-handleRequest req = case scheme $ rqURI req of
-    "blk:" -> case rqMethod req of
-        GET -> do bytes <- getBlock (bID $ IRI $ render $ rqURI req)
-                  return $ mkResult 200 "application/octet-stream" bytes
-        POST -> do bid <- addBlock (unBody $ rqBody req)
-                   return $ setHeader "Location" (bURI bid) $
-                       mkResult 201 "text/html" (toUTF "Created.\n")
-    s | s `elem` ["local:",""] -> let p = splitPath $ path $ rqURI req in do
-        e <- getEntry p
-        case e of Right (ExecutableEntry code) -> execute code req
-                  _ -> case rqMethod req of GET -> getURI p req
-                                            PUT -> putURI p req
-                                            m -> error ("FenServe.handleRequest: unhandled method: " ++ show m)
-    s -> error ("FenServe.handleRequest: cannot handle scheme: " ++ s)
-wget :: String -> FenServe ByteString
-wget uri = do r <- handleRequest $ wrequest uri GET
-              return $ ByteString.concat $ rsBody r
-wput :: String -> ByteString -> FenServe ()
-wput uri body = do handleRequest $ (wrequest uri PUT) { rqBody=Body body }
-                   return ()
-wpost :: String -> ByteString -> FenServe String
-wpost uri body = do r <- handleRequest $ (wrequest uri POST) {rqBody=Body body}
-                    return $ fromMaybe (error "FenServe.wpost: no Location")
-                                       (getHeader "Location" r)
-wrequest :: String -> Method -> Request
-wrequest uri method = case parseURIReference uri of
-    Nothing -> error $ "FenServe.wrequest: not a legal URI: " ++ uri
-    Just u -> Request { rqURI=SURI u, rqVersion=Version 1 0, 
-                        rqHeaders=Headers Map.empty, rqBody=NoBody,
-                        rqMethod=method, rqPeer=("localhost",-1234) }
+handleRequest req = do let p = splitPath $ path $ rqURI req
+                       r <- resolve defaultResolvers p
+                       handleResource r req
+data Directory = Dir (Map String Node)
+instance FromRDF Directory where fromRDF = error "FenServe: XXX"
+instance ToRDF Directory where toRDF = error "FenServe: XXX"
+resolveDir rs p0 (Dir m) (p:p1) = resolve' rs (p0++[p]) (m Map.! p) p1
 getURI :: [String] -> Request -> FenServe Result
 getURI path req = getEntry path >>= \entry -> case entry of
         Left err -> return $ mkResult 404 "text/html" (toUTF err)
@@ -293,6 +192,7 @@
     f ((n, e)            : es) | n == x = error ("FIXME: not a dir: " ++ n)
     f (e                 : es) = do es' <- f es; return (e:es')
     f []                       = writeEmptyState >>= recurse
 -- Running executable resources
@@ -316,6 +216,7 @@
 getCodeDir :: IO FilePath
 getCodeDir = fmap (++"_code/") getProgName
 realize :: Node -> FilePath -> ErrorT String FenServe FilePath
 realize code codeDir = do
     let err stage msg = throwError (stage ++ " failed:\n" ++ msg)
@@ -383,6 +284,7 @@
     --liftIO $ Plugins.makeCleaner fp
     liftIO $ modifyIORef codeCache (Map.insert (bID code) h)
     return h
diff -rN -u old-fenserve/FenServe.hs.3 new-fenserve/FenServe.hs.3
--- old-fenserve/FenServe.hs.3	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ new-fenserve/FenServe.hs.3	2007-04-05 03:26:45.000000000 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
+module FenServe where
+-- Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Benja Fallenstein, Tuukka Hastrup
+-- This file is part of Fenfire.
+-- Fenfire is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+-- (at your option) any later version.
+-- Fenfire is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+-- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+-- Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General
+-- Public License along with Fenfire; if not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+-- MA  02111-1307  USA
+import Storm
+import Fenfire.RDF
+import Fenfire.Utils
+import qualified Fenfire.Raptor as Raptor
+import HAppS hiding (query, Handler)
+import Control.Monad (liftM, when, forM)
+import Control.Monad.Error (ErrorT, throwError, runErrorT)
+import Control.Monad.State (State, StateT, runStateT,
+                            get, gets, put, modify, execState)
+import Control.Monad.Trans (lift, liftIO)
+import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import Data.Generics
+import Data.IORef
+import qualified Data.List as List
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, fromJust, isJust)
+import Data.Typeable
+import Language.Haskell.Hsx as Hsx
+import Network.URI (uriToString, parseURIReference)
+import System.Directory (doesFileExist, createDirectoryIfMissing)
+import System.Environment (getEnv, getProgName)
+import System.Eval.Haskell (eval)
+import System.IO
+import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
+import qualified System.Plugins as Plugins
+fs                 =     "http://fenfire.org/2007/fenserve#"
+fs_Directory       = IRI "http://fenfire.org/2007/fenserve#Directory"
+fs_DirEntry        = IRI "http://fenfire.org/2007/fenserve#DirEntry"
+fs_FileEntry       = IRI "http://fenfire.org/2007/fenserve#FileEntry"
+fs_ExecutableEntry = IRI "http://fenfire.org/2007/fenserve#ExecutableEntry"
+fs_FirstVersion    = IRI "http://fenfire.org/2007/fenserve#FirstVersion"
+fs_previousVersion = IRI "http://fenfire.org/2007/fenserve#previousVersion"
+fs_entries         = IRI "http://fenfire.org/2007/fenserve#entries"
+fs_filename        = IRI "http://fenfire.org/2007/fenserve#filename"
+fs_subdir          = IRI "http://fenfire.org/2007/fenserve#subdir"
+fs_representation  = IRI "http://fenfire.org/2007/fenserve#representation"
+fs_code            = IRI "http://fenfire.org/2007/fenserve#code"
+fs_mimeType        = IRI "http://fenfire.org/2007/fenserve#mimeType"
+fs_language        = IRI "http://fenfire.org/2007/fenserve#language"
+storm              =     "http://fenfire.org/2007/storm"
+storm_depends      = IRI "http://fenfire.org/2007/storm#depends"
+data Entry = DirEntry { entrySubdir :: Node }
+           | FileEntry { entryRepr :: Node } 
+           | ExecutableEntry { entryCode :: Node } 
+           deriving (Show, Read)
+entryNode (DirEntry n) = n; entryNode (FileEntry n) = n; entryNode (ExecutableEntry n) = n
+data Directory = Dir { dirNode :: Node, dirEntries :: [(String,Entry)] }
+                 deriving (Show, Read)
+type FenServe = StateT Node StormIO
+runFenServe :: FenServe a -> Node -> Maybe FilePath -> IO (a, Node, Pool)
+runFenServe m node dir = do ((r,n),p) <- runStormIO (runStateT m node) dir
+                            return (r,n,p)
+instance StormMonad FenServe where
+    getBlock = lift . getBlock
+    addBlock = lift . addBlock
+writeEmptyState :: FenServe Node
+writeEmptyState = postData "blk:/" $ Dir (IRI "new:block") []
+type Handler = Request -> FenServe Result
+mkResult :: Int -> String -> ByteString -> Result
+mkResult code mimeType body = Result {
+    rsCode=code, rsFlags=nullRsFlags, rsBody=[body], rsHeaders = Headers $
+        Map.singleton (toUTF "Content-type") (toUTF mimeType) }
+instance ToRDF Directory where
+    toRDF (Dir node entries) = do
+        l <- toRDFList toRDFEntry entries
+        tellTs [ (node, rdf_type, fs_Directory), (node, fs_entries, l) ]
+        tellTs [ (node, storm_depends, entryNode $ snd e) | e <- entries ]
+        return node
+      where toRDFEntry (name, entry) = do e <- toRDF entry; n <- toRDF name
+                                          tellTs [(e,fs_filename,n)]; return e
+instance FromRDF Directory where
+    readRDF g node = do
+        let l = query' (node, fs_entries, X) g
+        tellTs [ (node, rdf_type, fs_Directory), (node, fs_entries, l) ]
+        entries <- readRDFList readRDFEntry g l
+        return $ Dir node entries 
+      where readRDFEntry g n = do 
+              let nameR = query' (n, fs_filename, X) g
+              name <- readRDF g nameR; entry <- readRDF g n
+              tellTs [ (n, fs_filename, nameR) ]; return (name, entry)
+instance ToRDF Entry where
+    toRDF (FileEntry repr) = do
+        e <- newBNode
+        tellTs [ (e, rdf_type, fs_FileEntry), (e, fs_representation, repr) ]
+        return e
+    toRDF (DirEntry subdir) = do
+        e <- newBNode
+        tellTs [ (e, rdf_type, fs_DirEntry), (e, fs_subdir, subdir) ]
+        return e
+    toRDF (ExecutableEntry code) = do
+        e <- newBNode
+        tellTs [ (e, rdf_type, fs_ExecutableEntry), (e, fs_code, code) ]
+        return e
+instance FromRDF Entry where
+    readRDF g node = case query' (node, rdf_type, X) g of
+        x | x == fs_FileEntry -> do
+            let repr = query' (node, fs_representation, X) g
+            tellTs [ (node, fs_representation, repr) ]
+            return $ FileEntry repr
+        x | x == fs_DirEntry -> do
+            let subdir = query' (node, fs_subdir, X) g
+            tellTs [ (node, fs_subdir, subdir) ]
+            return $ DirEntry subdir
+        x | x == fs_ExecutableEntry -> do
+            let code = query' (node, fs_code, X) g
+            tellTs [ (node, fs_subdir, code) ]
+            return $ ExecutableEntry code
+instance StartState Node where 
+    startStateM =
+        runFenServe writeEmptyState e Nothing >>= \(r,_,_) -> return r  where
+            e = error "FenServe.(StartState Node): this shouldn't be evaluated"
+instance Serialize Node where
+    typeString _  = "FenServe.State"
+    decodeStringM = defaultDecodeStringM
+    encodeStringM = defaultEncodeStringM
+instance ToMessage ByteString where
+    toMessageBodyM = return
+bURI :: BlockId -> String
+bURI (BlockId bid) = "blk:/" ++ bid
+bIRI :: BlockId -> Node
+bIRI bid = IRI $ bURI bid
+bID :: Node -> BlockId
+bID (IRI ('b':'l':'k':':':'/':s)) = BlockId $ takeWhile (/= '#') s
+bID node = error $ "Not a block IRI: " ++ show node
+getGraph :: String -> FenServe Graph
+getGraph uri = do bytes <- wget uri
+                  let (ts, nss) = unsafePerformIO $ 
+                          Raptor.bytesToTriples "turtle" bytes uri
+                  return $ raptorToGraph ts nss uri
+showGraph :: Graph -> ByteString
+showGraph g = let (ts,nss) = graphToRaptor g; uri = iriStr $ defaultGraph g
+               in unsafePerformIO $ Raptor.triplesToBytes ts nss uri
+putGraph :: Graph -> FenServe ()
+putGraph g = wput (iriStr $ defaultGraph g) (showGraph g)
+postGraph :: String -> Graph -> FenServe String
+postGraph uri g = wpost uri (showGraph g)
+getData :: FromRDF a => Node -> FenServe a
+getData node = do graph <- getGraph (takeWhile (/= '#') $ iriStr node)
+                  return $ fromRDF graph node
+putData :: ToRDF a => String -> a -> FenServe Node
+putData uri value = do let (node, ts) = runToRDF uri $ toRDF value
+                       putGraph $ toGraph (IRI uri) ts
+                       return node
+postData :: ToRDF a => String -> a -> FenServe Node
+postData uri value = do let (node, ts) = runToRDF "new:block" $ toRDF value
+                        uri' <- postGraph uri $ toGraph (IRI "new:block") ts
+                        return $ changeBaseURI "new:block" uri' node
+updateStormData :: (FromRDF a, ToRDF a) => EndoM FenServe a -> EndoM FenServe Node
+updateStormData f node = getData node >>= f >>= postData "blk:/"
+handleRequest :: Request -> FenServe Result
+handleRequest req = case scheme $ rqURI req of
+    "blk:" -> case rqMethod req of
+        GET -> do bytes <- getBlock (bID $ IRI $ render $ rqURI req)
+                  return $ mkResult 200 "application/octet-stream" bytes
+        POST -> do bid <- addBlock (unBody $ rqBody req)
+                   return $ setHeader "Location" (bURI bid) $
+                       mkResult 201 "text/html" (toUTF "Created.\n")
+    s | s `elem` ["local:",""] -> let p = splitPath $ path $ rqURI req in do
+        e <- getEntry p
+        case e of Right (ExecutableEntry code) -> execute code req
+                  _ -> case rqMethod req of GET -> getURI p req
+                                            PUT -> putURI p req
+                                            m -> error ("FenServe.handleRequest: unhandled method: " ++ show m)
+    s -> error ("FenServe.handleRequest: cannot handle scheme: " ++ s)
+wget :: String -> FenServe ByteString
+wget uri = do r <- handleRequest $ wrequest uri GET
+              return $ ByteString.concat $ rsBody r
+wput :: String -> ByteString -> FenServe ()
+wput uri body = do handleRequest $ (wrequest uri PUT) { rqBody=Body body }
+                   return ()
+wpost :: String -> ByteString -> FenServe String
+wpost uri body = do r <- handleRequest $ (wrequest uri POST) {rqBody=Body body}
+                    return $ fromMaybe (error "FenServe.wpost: no Location")
+                                       (getHeader "Location" r)
+wrequest :: String -> Method -> Request
+wrequest uri method = case parseURIReference uri of
+    Nothing -> error $ "FenServe.wrequest: not a legal URI: " ++ uri
+    Just u -> Request { rqURI=SURI u, rqVersion=Version 1 0, 
+                        rqHeaders=Headers Map.empty, rqBody=NoBody,
+                        rqMethod=method, rqPeer=("localhost",-1234) }
+getURI :: [String] -> Request -> FenServe Result
+getURI path req = getEntry path >>= \entry -> case entry of
+        Left err -> return $ mkResult 404 "text/html" (toUTF err)
+        Right (FileEntry r) -> do s <- getBlock (bID r)
+                                  return $ mkResult 200 "text/html" s
+        Right (ExecutableEntry c) -> execute c req
+getEntry :: [String] -> FenServe (Either String Entry)
+getEntry path = do dir <- get; getEntry' path dir where
+  getEntry' [x] dir = getData dir >>= f . dirEntries where
+    f entries = case lookup x entries of
+        Just (DirEntry sub) -> getEntry' [""] sub
+        Just e              -> return $ Right e
+        Nothing             -> return $ Left $ "not found: " ++ x
+  getEntry' (x:xs) dir = getData dir >>= f . dirEntries where
+    f entries = case lookup x entries of
+        Just (DirEntry sub) -> getEntry' xs sub
+        Just e              -> return $ Left $ "is not a dir: " ++ x
+        Nothing             -> return $ Left $ "dir not found: " ++ x
+unBody NoBody = ByteString.empty
+unBody (Body b) = b
+unBody (LargeBody _ _) = error "FenServe.unBody: large body not handled"
+putURI :: [String] -> Request -> FenServe Result
+putURI path rq = do b <- liftM IRI $ wpost "blk:/" (unBody $ rqBody rq)
+                    let (e,path') = if List.last path /= ".code"
+                                    then (FileEntry b, path)
+                                    else (ExecutableEntry b, List.init path)
+                    putEntry path' e
+putEntry :: [String] -> Entry -> FenServe Result
+putEntry path e' = do get >>= putEntry' path >>= put
+                      return $ mkResult 200 "text/html" (toUTF "Ok.\n") where
+  n' = IRI "new:block"
+  putEntry' [x] dir = updateStormData f' dir where
+    f' (Dir n entries) = do entries' <- f entries; return $ Dir n' entries'
+    f ((n, DirEntry sub) : es) | n == x    = do sub' <- putEntry' [""] sub
+                                                return ((n, DirEntry sub'):es)
+    f ((n, e)            : es) | n == x    = return $ (n,e'):es
+                               | otherwise = do es' <- f es; return $ (n,e):es'
+    f []                       = return [(x, e')]
+  putEntry' (x:xs) dir = updateStormData f' dir where
+    recurse sub = do sub' <- putEntry' xs sub; return [(x, DirEntry sub')]
+    f' (Dir n entries) = do es' <- f entries; return (Dir n' es')
+    f ((n, DirEntry sub) : es) | n == x = liftM (++es) (recurse sub)
+    f ((n, e)            : es) | n == x = error ("FIXME: not a dir: " ++ n)
+    f (e                 : es) = do es' <- f es; return (e:es')
+    f []                       = writeEmptyState >>= recurse
+-- Running executable resources
+imports = ["Fenfire.RDF",
+           "Fenfire.Utils ((!?), Endo, maybeDo, BreadthT, scheduleBreadthT, execBreadthT)",
+           "HAppS hiding (Handler, query)",
+           "PagePrelude", "Storm", "FenServe",
+           "Control.Monad", "Control.Monad.State", 
+           "Control.Monad.Writer hiding (Endo,Any)",
+           "Control.Monad.Reader", "Data.Maybe",
+           "qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString",
+           "qualified Data.List as List",
+           "qualified Data.Map as Map",
+           "qualified Data.Set as Set"]
+codeCache :: IORef (Map BlockId Handler)
+codeCache = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef Map.empty
+getCodeDir :: IO FilePath
+getCodeDir = fmap (++"_code/") getProgName
+realize :: Node -> FilePath -> ErrorT String FenServe FilePath
+realize code codeDir = do
+    let err stage msg = throwError (stage ++ " failed:\n" ++ msg)
+        mname = "Block_"++(blockId $ bID code); fp = codeDir++mname++".hs"
+    liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True codeDir
+    dfe <- liftIO $ doesFileExist fp
+    when (not dfe) $ do
+        code2 <- lift $ getBlock (bID code)
+        let (imps, body) = span (List.isPrefixOf "import ") $ lines $fromUTF code2
+        imps' <- forM imps $ \uri -> do
+            icode <- lift $ wget (drop (length "import ") uri)
+            bid <- lift $ addBlock icode
+            realize (bIRI bid) codeDir
+            return ("Block_" ++ blockId bid)
+        let code3 = "module " ++ mname ++ " where\n" ++
+                    concatMap (\i -> "import "++i++"\n") (imps'++imports) ++
+                    "dummyAssignment = 0\n" ++ unlines body
+                    -- the 'dummyAssignment' is to make sure that
+                    -- pages can't import anything -- imports are
+                    -- syntactically disallowed except at the beginning
+        parsed <- case Hsx.parseModuleWithMode (Hsx.ParseMode fp) $ code3 of
+                ParseFailed (SrcLoc file line col) e -> 
+                    err "HSP preprocessing" $ 
+                        "At "++show line++":"++show col++" in "++file++": "++e
+                ParseOk parsed -> return parsed
+        let code4 = Hsx.prettyPrintWithMode 
+                        (Hsx.defaultMode {Hsx.linePragmas=True}) $
+                        Hsx.transform parsed
+        hdl <- liftIO $ openFile fp WriteMode
+        liftIO $ hPutStr hdl code4
+        liftIO $ hClose hdl
+    return fp
+execute :: Node -> Request -> FenServe Result
+execute code req = let f (Left msg) = return $ mkResult 500 "text/plain" $ toUTF $ msg
+                       f (Right h) = h req
+                       f' m = m >>= f
+                    in f' $ runErrorT $ do
+    let err stage msg = throwError (stage ++ " failed:\n" ++ msg)
+    cached <- liftM (Map.lookup $ bID code) $ liftIO $ readIORef codeCache
+    if isJust cached then return (fromJust cached) else do
+    codeDir <- liftIO getCodeDir
+    fp <- realize code codeDir
+    homedir <- liftIO $ getEnv "HOME"
+    makeResult <- liftIO $ Plugins.makeAll fp ["-fglasgow-exts", "-fallow-overlapping-instances","-i","-i"++codeDir]
+    o <- case makeResult of
+        Plugins.MakeFailure e -> err "Make" $ concat (List.intersperse "\n" e)
+        Plugins.MakeSuccess _ o -> return o
+    loadStatus <- liftIO $ Plugins.load o [codeDir] [homedir ++ "/.ghc/i386-linux-6.6/package.conf"] "handler"
+    h <- case loadStatus of
+        Plugins.LoadFailure e -> err "Load" $ concat (List.intersperse "\n" e)
+        Plugins.LoadSuccess _ h -> return h
+    --liftIO $ Plugins.makeCleaner fp
+    liftIO $ modifyIORef codeCache (Map.insert (bID code) h)
+    return h
+-- Copied from HAppS.Protocols.SimpleHTTP2, which is BSD3-licensed
+splitPath         :: String -> [String]
+splitPath ('/':x) = a : splitPath b where (a,b) = break (=='/') x
+splitPath []      = []
+splitPath _       = error "splitPath: malformed path"
diff -rN -u old-fenserve/StormData.hs new-fenserve/StormData.hs
--- old-fenserve/StormData.hs	2007-04-05 03:26:45.000000000 +0300
+++ new-fenserve/StormData.hs	2007-04-05 03:26:45.000000000 +0300
@@ -60,8 +60,11 @@
                         Raptor.bytesToTriples "turtle" bytes (iriStr n)
                 return $ raptorToGraph ts nss (iriStr n)
+getData :: (FromRDF a, StormMonad m) => Node -> m a
+getData n = do g <- getGraph n; return $ fromRDF g n
 readStormRef :: (FromRDF a, ToRDF a, StormMonad m) => StormRef a -> m a
-readStormRef (StormRef n) = do g <- getGraph n; return $ fromRDF g n
+readStormRef (StormRef n) = getData n
 showGraph :: Graph -> ByteString
 showGraph g = let (ts,nss) = graphToRaptor g; uri = iriStr $ defaultGraph g
@@ -70,11 +73,13 @@
 addGraph :: StormMonad m => Graph -> m Node
 addGraph g = liftM bIRI $ addBlock (showGraph g)
+addData :: (ToRDF a, StormMonad m) => a -> m Node
+addData value = do let (node, ts) = runToRDF "new:block" $ toRDF value
+                   node' <- addGraph $ toGraph (IRI "new:block") ts
+                   return $ changeBaseURI "new:block" (iriStr node') node
 newStormRef :: (FromRDF a, ToRDF a, StormMonad m) => a -> m (StormRef a)
-newStormRef value = do 
-    let (node, ts) = runToRDF "new:block" $ toRDF value
-    node' <- addGraph $ toGraph (IRI "new:block") ts
-    return $ StormRef $ changeBaseURI "new:block" (iriStr node') node
+newStormRef = liftM StormRef . addData
 modifyStormRef :: (FromRDF a, ToRDF a, StormMonad m) =>
                   EndoM m a -> EndoM m (StormRef a)

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