[Fencommits] libvob: fixes and twids.

Matti J. Katila majukati at cc.jyu.fi
Tue Mar 7 02:05:26 EET 2006

Tue Mar  7 01:10:03 EET 2006  Matti J. Katila <majukati at cc.jyu.fi>
  * fixes and twids.

diff -rN -u libvob-old/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/CallGL.java libvob-new/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/CallGL.java
--- libvob-old/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/CallGL.java	2006-03-07 02:05:24.075359415 +0200
+++ libvob-new/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/CallGL.java	2006-03-07 01:34:37.000000000 +0200
@@ -534,10 +534,14 @@
     private static float getTokenf(String f) {
-	return Float.parseFloat(f);
+	try {
+	    return Float.parseFloat(f);
+	} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+	    return getToken(f);
+	}
-    private static int getToken(String token) {
+    public static int getToken(String token) {
 	//System.out.println("token: "+token);
 	Field f = null;
 	Class[] clzz = {
diff -rN -u libvob-old/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/Coorder.java libvob-new/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/Coorder.java
--- libvob-old/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/Coorder.java	2006-03-07 02:05:24.068360473 +0200
+++ libvob-new/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/Coorder.java	2006-03-07 01:34:37.000000000 +0200
@@ -51,8 +51,10 @@
-	Vector2f sq = new Vector2f(1,1);
+	Vector2f sq = new Vector2f();
 	public Vector2f getSqSize() {
+	    sq.x = 1;
+	    sq.y = 1;
 	    return sq;
diff -rN -u libvob-old/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/LWJGLRen.java libvob-new/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/LWJGLRen.java
--- libvob-old/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/LWJGLRen.java	2006-03-07 02:05:24.069360322 +0200
+++ libvob-new/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/LWJGLRen.java	2006-03-07 01:34:37.000000000 +0200
@@ -5,13 +5,21 @@
 import java.awt.Graphics;
 import org.nongnu.libvob.AbstractVob;
+import org.nongnu.libvob.TextStyle;
 import org.nongnu.libvob.Vob;
 import org.nongnu.libvob.VobScene;
-import org.nongnu.libvob.Vob.RenderInfo;
+import org.nongnu.libvob.gl.PaperMill.Paper;
+import org.nongnu.libvob.gl.Ren.PaperQuad;
+import org.nongnu.libvob.gl.Ren.Text1;
+import org.nongnu.libvob.gl.impl.lwjgl.mosaictext.LWJGL_Text;
 import org.nongnu.libvob.gl.impl.lwjgl.vobs.trivial.CallListBoxCoorder;
 import org.nongnu.libvob.gl.impl.lwjgl.vobs.trivial.CallListCoorder;
 import org.nongnu.libvob.gl.impl.lwjgl.vobs.trivial.NonFilledRectangleVob;
+/** A class that implements objects that can render OpenGL with lwjgl. 
+ * 
+ * @author Matti J. Katila
+ */
 public class LWJGLRen {
     static public interface Vob0 {
@@ -64,6 +72,262 @@
 	return new CallListBoxCoorder(s);
+    public static Vob createText(TextStyle style, String text) {
+	return ((LWJGL_Text.TextStyleImpl)style).createVob(text);
+    }
+    // ---- NON-STATIC METHODS --------------------------
+    public PaperQuad createPaperQuad(Paper paper, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float dicefactor) {
+	return new PaperQuadImpl(paper, x0,y0,x1,y1, dicefactor);
+    }
+    public Text1 createText1(TextStyle p0, String p1, float p2, int p3) {
+	return null;
+    }
+    class PaperQuadImpl extends GLVob implements PaperQuad, Vob3 {
+	public PaperQuadImpl(Paper paper, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float dicefactor) {
+	}
+	public void render(Transform cs0, Transform cs1, Transform cs2, int callList) {
+	    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+	}
+	/**
+	# PaperQuad is a bit complicated: there are three coordinate
+	# systems here: the window cs, the object cs and the paper cs.
+	# cs1 is object => window,
+	# and cs2 is paper => object, unless PAPERQUAD_CS2_TO_SCREEN is set, when it is
+	#				paper => window
+	# Corners give the corners of the quad to render, in object
+	# coordinates.
+	*/
+	class PaperQuad {
+	public:
+	    enum { NTrans = 2 };
+	    ::Vob::Paper::Paper *paper;
+	    float x0,y0,x1,y1;
+	    float scale;
+	    float dicefactor;
+	    int flags;
+	    template<class F> void params(F &f) {
+		f(paper, x0, y0, x1, y1, scale, dicefactor, flags);
+	    }
+	    template<class T> void render(const T &coords1, const T &coords2) const {
+		    const int flags = this->flags;
+		    // object -> paper/window
+		    const Transform &coords2inv = coords2.getInverse();
+		    GLERR;
+		    ZPt paperorigin, paperx, papery;
+		    if(flags & PAPERQUAD_CS2_TO_SCREEN) {
+			const Transform &coords1inv = coords1.getInverse();
+			paperorigin = coords1inv.transform(coords2.transform(ZPt(0, 0, 0)));
+			paperx = coords1inv.transform(coords2.transform(ZPt(1, 0, 0))) 
+					- paperorigin;
+			papery = coords1inv.transform(coords2.transform(ZPt(0, 1, 0))) 
+					- paperorigin;
+		    } else {
+			paperorigin = coords2.transform(ZPt(0, 0, 0));
+			paperx = coords2.transform(ZPt(1, 0, 0)) - paperorigin;
+			papery = coords2.transform(ZPt(0, 1, 0)) - paperorigin;
+		    }
+		    Paper::LightParam lightParam;
+		    // These are now irrelevant
+		    lightParam.orig = paperorigin-ZPt(0,0,0);
+		    lightParam.e0 = paperx * scale;
+		    lightParam.e1 = papery * scale;
+		    lightParam.e2 = ZVec(0,0,paperx.length()) * scale;
+	            lightParam.Light = ZVec(-1,-1,1);
+	            lightParam.Light_w = 0.0;
+		    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "Paperquad: " <<
+		            lightParam.orig << " " <<
+			    lightParam.e0 << " " <<
+			    lightParam.e1 << " " <<
+			    lightParam.e2 << " " <<
+			    "\\nCorners" <<
+			    x0 << " " <<
+			    y0 << " " <<
+			    x1 << " " <<
+			    y1 << " " <<
+			    "\\n"
+			    ;
+		    GLERR;
+		    int dice;
+		    if(flags & PAPERQUAD_NONL_MAXLEN) {
+			Pt p1 = coords1.transform(Pt(x0,y0));
+			Pt p2 = coords1.transform(Pt(x0,y1));
+			Pt p3 = coords1.transform(Pt(x1,y0));
+			Pt p4 = coords1.transform(Pt(x1,y1));
+			float dist[4] = {
+			    (p2-p1).length(),
+			    (p3-p1).length(),
+			    (p4-p2).length(),
+			    (p4-p3).length()
+			};
+			float m = *std::max_element(dist, dist+4);
+			dice = (int)(m / dicefactor) + 2;
+		    } else { // old way
+			ZPt ctr = ZPt(lerp(x0, x1, 0.5), lerp(y0, y1, 0.5), 0);
+			double len = hypot(x1-x0, y1-y0) / 2;
+			double nonl = coords1.nonlinearity(ctr, len);
+			dice = (int)(len * nonl * dicefactor) + 2;
+		    }
+		    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "Dice: " << dice <<"\\n";
+		    // Cap it at a ridiculous value
+		    if( dice > 100) dice = 100;
+		    if(dice < 2 ) dice = 2;
+		    float *vertices = new float[dice * dice * 5];
+	            int *indices = new int[(dice) * (2*dice)];
+	            #define VERTICES3(x, y, z) vertices[((x)*dice + (y))*5 + (z)]
+	            #define VERTICES2(x, y)    vertices[((x)*dice + (y))*5]
+	            #define INDICES2(x, y)     indices[(x)*2*dice + (y)]
+	            #define INDICES1(x)        indices[(x)*2*dice]
+		    int *indps[dice-1];
+		    int counts[dice-1];
+		    for(int ix = 0; ix<dice; ix++) {
+			if(ix < dice-1) {
+			    counts[ix] = 2*dice;
+			    indps[ix] = &INDICES1(ix);
+			}
+			for(int iy = 0; iy<dice; iy++) {
+			    if(ix < dice-1) {
+				INDICES2(ix, 2*iy) = dice * ix + iy;
+				INDICES2(ix, 2*iy+1) = dice * (ix+1) + iy;
+			    }
+			    float x = ix / (dice - 1.0);
+			    float y = iy / (dice - 1.0);
+			    ZPt p(lerp(x0, x1, x), lerp(y0, y1, y), 0);
+			    ZPt v = coords1.transform(p);
+			    VERTICES3(ix, iy, 2) = v.x;
+			    VERTICES3(ix, iy, 3) = v.y;
+			    VERTICES3(ix, iy, 4) = v.z;
+			    ZPt t;
+			    if(flags & PAPERQUAD_CS2_TO_SCREEN) {
+				t = coords2inv.transform(v);
+			    } else {
+				t = coords2inv.transform(p);
+			    }
+			    VERTICES3(ix, iy, 0) = t.x;
+			    VERTICES3(ix, iy, 1) = t.y;
+			    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "   vert: " << 
+				    ix << " " <<
+				    iy << " : " <<
+				    VERTICES3(ix, iy, 0) << " " <<
+				    VERTICES3(ix, iy, 1) << " " <<
+				    VERTICES3(ix, iy, 2) << " " <<
+				    VERTICES3(ix, iy, 3) << " " <<
+				    VERTICES3(ix, iy, 4) << " " <<
+				    "\\n";
+			}
+		    }
+			glPushClientAttrib(GL_CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT);
+			glInterleavedArrays(GL_T2F_V3F, 5*sizeof(float), vertices);
+			glLockArraysEXT(0, dice*dice);
+			for(Paper::Paper::iterator it = paper->begin(); it != paper->end(); ++it) {
+	                    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "Pass\\n";
+	                    GLERR;
+	                    (*it).setUp_VP(&lightParam);
+	                    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "Going to multidraw\\n";
+	                    GLERR;
+	                    glMultiDrawElementsEXT(GL_QUAD_STRIP, counts,
+	                       GL_UNSIGNED_INT, (const GLvoid **)indps, dice-1);
+	                    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "Teardown\\n";
+	                    GLERR;
+	                    (*it).tearDown_VP();
+	                    GLERR;
+	                    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "Pass over\\n";
+			}
+			glUnlockArraysEXT();
+			glPopClientAttrib();
+		    } else {
+			for(Paper::Paper::iterator it = paper->begin(); it != paper->end(); ++it) {
+	                    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "Pass\\n";
+	                    GLERR;
+	                    (*it).setUp_explicit(&lightParam);
+	                    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "Going to set texcoords explicit\\n";
+	                    GLERR;
+	                    for(int ix = 0; ix<dice-1; ix++) {
+	                        glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP);
+	                        for(int iy = 0; iy<dice; iy++) {
+	                             float tmp[4] = { VERTICES3(ix, iy, 0), VERTICES3(ix, iy, 1), 0 ,1 };
+				    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "to texcoords\\n";
+	                             (*it).texcoords_explicit( tmp );
+				    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "to vertex\\n";
+	                             glVertex3fv( (&(VERTICES2(ix, iy))+2) );
+	                             float tmp2[4] = { VERTICES3(ix+1, iy, 0), VERTICES3(ix+1, iy, 1), 0 ,1 };
+				    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "to texcoords\\n";
+	                             (*it).texcoords_explicit( tmp2 );
+				    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "to vertex\\n";
+	                             glVertex3fv( ((&VERTICES2(ix+1, iy))+2) );
+	                         }
+				DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "to end\\n";
+	                         glEnd();
+	                    }
+	                    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "Teardown\\n";
+	                    GLERR;
+	                    (*it).tearDown_explicit();
+	                    GLERR;
+	                    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "Pass over\\n";
+	                }
+		    }
+		    DBG(dbg_paperquad) << "Passes over\\n";
+		    GLERR;
+	            delete [] vertices;
+	            delete [] indices;
+	    }
+    }
diff -rN -u libvob-old/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/paper/Paper.java libvob-new/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/paper/Paper.java
--- libvob-old/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/paper/Paper.java	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ libvob-new/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/paper/Paper.java	2006-03-07 01:34:37.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+ *    
+ *    Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Tuomas Lukka
+ *                  2006, Matti J. Katila
+ *
+ *    This file is part of Libvob.
+ *    
+ *    Libvob is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ *    the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *    (at your option) any later version.
+ *    
+ *    Libvob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ *    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ *    Public License for more details.
+ *    
+ *    You should have received a copy of the GNU General
+ *    Public License along with Libvob; if not, write to the Free
+ *    Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ *    MA  02111-1307  USA
+ *    
+ *
+ */
+ * Written by Tuomas Lukka, ported to Java by Matti J. Katila
+ */
+package org.nongnu.libvob.gl.impl.lwjgl.paper;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import org.lwjgl.util.vector.Matrix4f;
+import org.nongnu.libvob.gl.GL;
+import org.nongnu.libvob.gl.impl.lwjgl.CallGL;
+import org.nongnu.libvob.gl.PaperMill;
+/** The interface to the paper library.
+ * For all array-type things (X), there are the methods setNX, getNX
+ * and also some (possibly different, for using derived 
+ * classes) putX methods.
+ * <p>
+ * For example, the paper contains the Passes array, 
+ * so there are the methods getNPasses() and setNPasses(int i).
+ * The passes are all of the same type so they are automatically
+ * added as empties - getPass gives the Pass object to use 
+ * to place stuff into the pass.
+ */
+public class Paper implements PaperMill.Paper {
+    public static boolean dbg = true;
+    private static void pa(String s) { System.out.println(s); }
+    ArrayList passes = new ArrayList();
+    public void setNPasses(int num) { 
+	passes.ensureCapacity(num); 
+	while (passes.size() < num) 
+	    passes.add(new Pass(passes.size())); 
+    }
+    public Pass getPass(int index) { return (Pass) passes.get(index); }
+    /** The identififier to be passed to C for this object.
+     */
+    private int c_id;
+    /** Put all objects that manage displaylists and textures
+     * used by this paper here to ensure they don't get
+     * GCed before this.
+     */
+    private ArrayList depends;
+    /** Add an object on whose C++ representation this paper
+     * depends. For instance, if one of the setup codes uses
+     * a texture id of a given GL.Texture object, then that
+     * object should be added here.
+     */
+    public void addDepend(Object o) { 
+	if(depends == null) depends = new ArrayList();
+	depends.add(o); 
+    }
+    /** A class representing a single rendering pass
+     * of a paper.
+     * A pass contains the two CallGL codes Setupcode and Teardowncode,
+     * and the following arrays:
+     * IndirectTextureBinds, TexGens, LightSetups.
+     */
+    public class Pass {
+	/** Simple, non-lighting-dependent TexGen.
+	 * Transforms paper coordinates into texture coordinates using
+	 * the given matrix.
+	 */
+	class TexGen {
+	    Matrix4f tex_mat = new Matrix4f();
+	    public void putNormalTexGen(float[] matrix) {
+//		this->tex_mat[0] = tex_mat[0];
+//		this->tex_mat[1] = tex_mat[1];
+//		this->tex_mat[2] = tex_mat[2];
+//		this->tex_mat[3] = tex_mat[3];
+		tex_mat.m00 = matrix[0];
+		tex_mat.m01 = matrix[1];
+		tex_mat.m02 = matrix[2];
+		tex_mat.m03 = matrix[3];
+//		this->tex_mat[4] = tex_mat[4];
+//		this->tex_mat[5] = tex_mat[5];
+//		this->tex_mat[6] = tex_mat[6];
+//		this->tex_mat[7] = tex_mat[7];
+		tex_mat.m10 = matrix[4];
+		tex_mat.m11 = matrix[5];
+		tex_mat.m12 = matrix[6];
+		tex_mat.m13 = matrix[7];
+//		this->tex_mat[8] = tex_mat[8];
+//		this->tex_mat[9] = tex_mat[9];
+//		this->tex_mat[10] = tex_mat[10];
+//		this->tex_mat[11] = tex_mat[11];
+		tex_mat.m20 = matrix[8];
+		tex_mat.m21 = matrix[9];
+		tex_mat.m22 = matrix[10];
+		tex_mat.m23 = matrix[11];
+//		this->tex_mat[12] = 0;
+//		this->tex_mat[13] = 0;
+//		this->tex_mat[14] = 0;
+//		this->tex_mat[15] = 1;
+		tex_mat.m30 = 0;
+		tex_mat.m31 = 0;
+		tex_mat.m32 = 0;
+		tex_mat.m33 = 1f;
+	    }
+	}
+	private int index;
+	private Pass(int index) { this.index = index; }
+//	public void setNIndirectTextureBinds(int n) { impl_Pass_setNIndirectTextureBinds(c_id, index, n); }
+//	public int getNIndirectTextureBinds() { return impl_Pass_getNIndirectTextureBinds(c_id, index); }
+	ArrayList texGens = new ArrayList();
+	public int getNTexGens() { return texGens.size(); }
+	public void setNTexGens(int n) { 
+	    texGens.ensureCapacity(n);
+	    while (texGens.size() < n)
+		texGens.add(new TexGen());
+	}
+//	public int getNLightSetups() { return impl_Pass_getNLightSetups(c_id, index); }
+//	public void setNLightSetups(int n) { impl_Pass_setNLightSetups(c_id, index, n); }
+	String setupCode = null, tearDownCode = null;
+	public void setSetupcode(String code) { 
+	    //CallGL.call(code);
+	    this.setupCode = code;
+	}
+	public String getSetupcode() { return setupCode; }
+	public void setTeardowncode(String code) { 
+	    this.tearDownCode = code;
+	}
+	public String getTeardowncode() { return tearDownCode; }
+	public void putNormalTexGen(int ind, float[] matrix) {
+	    ((TexGen)texGens.get(ind)).putNormalTexGen(matrix);
+	}
+//	public void putEmbossTexGen(int ind, float[] matrix, float eps) {
+//	    if(ind < 0 || ind >= getNTexGens())
+//		throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
+//	    impl_Pass_putEmbossTexGen(c_id, index, ind, matrix, eps);
+//	}
+	/** Put an instruction to bind an indirect texture
+	 * for this pass.
+	 * The GL.IndirectTexture object is automatically
+	 * added to the depends array.
+	 * @param ind The index of the indirect texture bind instruction to put
+	 * @param activeTexture The GL token string (without the GL_ prefix)
+	 * 			for which texture to call glActiveTextureARB
+	 * 			for. E.g. "TEXTURE1_ARB"
+	 * @param textureTarget The GL token string (w.o. GL_) for
+	 * 			which texture target to bind.
+	 * 			E.g. "TEXTURE_3D"
+	 * @param indirectTexture The indirect texture to bind.
+	 */
+	public void putIndirectTextureBind(int ind, 
+			String activeTexture, String textureTarget,
+			GL.IndirectTexture indirectTexture) {
+//	    if(ind < 0 || ind >= getNIndirectTextureBinds())
+//		throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(ind);
+	    addDepend(indirectTexture);
+//	    impl_Pass_putIndirectTextureBind(c_id, index, ind,
+//			    activeTexture, textureTarget,
+//			    indirectTexture.getIndirectTextureId());
+	}
+	/** Add an object on whose C++ representation this paper
+	 * depends. For instance, if one of the setup codes uses
+	 * a texture id of a given GL.Texture object, then that
+	 * object should be added here.
+	 */
+	public void addDepend(Object o) {
+	    Paper.this.addDepend(o);
+	}
+    }
+//    public int getNPasses() { return impl_getNPasses(c_id); }
+//    public void setNPasses(int i) { impl_setNPasses(c_id, i); }
+//    public Pass getPass(int p) { 
+//	if(p < 0 || p >= getNPasses())
+//	    throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
+//	return new Pass(p); 
+//    }
+    public Object clone() { 
+	Paper p = new Paper(); 
+//	impl_clone(c_id, p.c_id); 
+	if(depends != null) { // Clone also the depending objects
+	    p.depends = new ArrayList();
+	    p.depends.addAll(depends);
+	}
+	return p; 
+    }
+    public Paper() {
+//	c_id = impl_create();
+    }
+    public int getId() { return c_id; }
diff -rN -u libvob-old/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/trans/linear/BoxTransform.java libvob-new/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/trans/linear/BoxTransform.java
--- libvob-old/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/trans/linear/BoxTransform.java	2006-03-07 02:05:24.065360927 +0200
+++ libvob-new/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/trans/linear/BoxTransform.java	2006-03-07 01:34:37.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+// (c): Matti J. Katila
+// bases on code of Tuomas J. Lukka
 package org.nongnu.libvob.gl.impl.lwjgl.trans.linear;
 import java.io.OutputStream;
diff -rN -u libvob-old/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/trans/linear/OrthoBoxTransform.java libvob-new/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/trans/linear/OrthoBoxTransform.java
--- libvob-old/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/trans/linear/OrthoBoxTransform.java	2006-03-07 02:05:24.067360624 +0200
+++ libvob-new/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/trans/linear/OrthoBoxTransform.java	2006-03-07 01:34:37.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+// (c): Matti J. Katila
+// bases on code of Tuomas J. Lukka
 package org.nongnu.libvob.gl.impl.lwjgl.trans.linear;
 import java.io.OutputStream;
diff -rN -u libvob-old/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/trans/linear/ScaleTransform.java libvob-new/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/trans/linear/ScaleTransform.java
--- libvob-old/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/trans/linear/ScaleTransform.java	2006-03-07 02:05:24.067360624 +0200
+++ libvob-new/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/trans/linear/ScaleTransform.java	2006-03-07 01:34:37.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+// (c): Matti J. Katila
+// bases on code of Tuomas J. Lukka
 package org.nongnu.libvob.gl.impl.lwjgl.trans.linear;
 import java.io.OutputStream;
@@ -64,8 +67,9 @@
     public Vector2f getSqSize() {
 	Vector2f ret = parent.getSqSize();
-	ret.x *= xs;
-	ret.y *= ys;
+	// haha..  scale shall not affect to square at all..
+	// ret.x *= xs;
+	// ret.y *= ys;
 	return ret;
diff -rN -u libvob-old/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/trans/linear/TranslateTransform.java libvob-new/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/trans/linear/TranslateTransform.java
--- libvob-old/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/trans/linear/TranslateTransform.java	2006-03-07 02:05:24.066360775 +0200
+++ libvob-new/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/impl/lwjgl/trans/linear/TranslateTransform.java	2006-03-07 01:34:37.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+// (c): Matti J. Katila
+// bases on code of Tuomas J. Lukka
 package org.nongnu.libvob.gl.impl.lwjgl.trans.linear;
 import java.io.OutputStream;

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