[Fencommits] libvob: changes

Matti J. Katila majukati at cc.jyu.fi
Tue Mar 7 02:05:10 EET 2006

Wed Feb 15 07:51:56 EET 2006  Matti J. Katila <majukati at cc.jyu.fi>
  * changes

diff -rN -u libvob-old/vob/putil/font.py libvob-new/vob/putil/font.py
--- libvob-old/vob/putil/font.py	2006-03-07 02:05:08.437723823 +0200
+++ libvob-new/vob/putil/font.py	2006-03-07 01:34:37.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,61 +1,113 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
 # (c): Matti J. Katila
 Creates a font image file from truetype fonts with pygame.
-:author: mkatila
+   ./font.py
+   for i in `ls *.bmp`; do convert $i $i.png ; done
-from pygame import font, image, Surface
+from pygame import font, image, Surface, draw
 import sys
+symbols = ' §½!"@#£¤$%&/{([)]=}?\\+`\'^*<>|;,:._-'
+nums    =  '0123456789'
+alphabet= 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzåäö' #ûüêëíì' 
+alphabet += Alphabet
-chars = ' §½!"@#£¤$%&/{([)]=}?\\+`\'^*<>|;,:._-'+ \
-        '0123456789'+ \
-        'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzåäöûüêëíì'+ \
+nums += symbols #+ 'åûüêëíìÅÛÜÊËÍÌ'
 #for fontFile in sys.argv[1:]:
 #    print fontFile
+import math
+#print len(chars), math.sqrt(len(chars))
+COLS = 8
+goals = [64, 128, 256] #, 512, 1024]
+def findGoal(textureWidth, fontFile):
+    """ Returns a font which can render in a given height and width.
+    """
+    retFont = None
+    for sizeH in range(2, 1000):
+        f = font.Font(fontFile, sizeH)
+        maxHeight = f.size(chars)[1]
+        maxWidth = 0
+        for ch in chars:
+            maxWidth = max(f.size(ch)[0], maxWidth)
+        maxWidth *= COLS
+        maxHeight *= COLS
+        if textureWidth < max(maxHeight, maxWidth):
+            retFont = f
+            break
+        retFont = f
+    return retFont
 for fontFileShort in font.get_fonts():
     print fontFileShort
     if not fontFileShort.startswith('free'): continue
-    fontFile = font.match_font(fontFileShort)
-    f = font.Font(fontFile, 12)
-    maxHeight = f.size(chars)[1]
-    print maxHeight
-    width = 0
+    fontFile = font.match_font(fontFileShort)
-    for ch in chars:
-        width += f.size(ch)[0]
-    print width, maxHeight
-    surface = Surface((width, maxHeight))
-    print surface
-    x,y = 0, 0
-    for ch in chars:
-        s = f.render(ch, 1, (255,255,255,255))
-        surface.blit(s, (x,y))
-        x += f.size(ch)[0]
-    image.save(surface, fontFileShort+".bmp")
+    # find a size.....
+    for sqTextSize in goals:
+        f = font.Font(fontFile, sqTextSize/COLS)
+        #f = findGoal(sqTextSize, fontFile)
+        print 'h', f.get_height()
+        #maxHeight = f.size(chars)[1]
+        #maxWidth = 0
+        #for ch in chars:
+        #    maxWidth = max(f.size(ch)[0], maxWidth)
+        #sq = max(maxWidth, maxHeight)
+        info = []
+        LIST = [alphabet, nums]
+        print LIST
+        for listInd in range(len(LIST)):
+            list = LIST[listInd]
+            x,y = 0, f.get_descent()
+            print y
+            surface = Surface((sqTextSize, sqTextSize))
+            #draw.line(surface, (255,0,0), (0,0), (sqTextSize, 0))
+            for ind in range(len(list)):
+                ch = list[ind]
+                s = f.render(ch, 1, (255,255,255,255))
+                surface.blit(s, (x,y))
+                info.append( (ch, x, y-f.get_descent(), f.size(ch)) )
+                x += sqTextSize/COLS
+                if ind % COLS == COLS - 1:
+                    y+= sqTextSize/COLS
+                    x = 0
+            image.save(surface, fontFileShort+'-'+str(listInd)+'-'+str(sqTextSize)+'x'+str(sqTextSize)+".bmp")
+            print info

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